Run Little Bear (The Forest Pack Series Book 2)

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Run Little Bear (The Forest Pack Series Book 2) Page 9

by G. Bailey

  “Impressive,” I gasp as rips my knickers off too as he still kisses me. He pulls away for a second, smirking.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he teases me and slowly starts undoing his uniform with the zipper. I bite my lip when I see he has nothing on under the uniform, leaving everything hard and toned on show for me. “If you plan to run, tell me now and I will walk away. I might be an asshole most the time, but I know I won’t be able to lose you once you are mine.”

  “No running. Not ever and I will always be sorry I ran in the first place,” I admit, and he pulls my hips to the edge of the bonnet.

  “Perfect,” he says and slowly inches himself of me, easily going in with how wet I already am.

  “Gold,” he groans as he thrusts into me and leans over my body, sucking on a nipple as he keeps fucking me. I moan when he bites down on the side of my breast, choosing to mark me there. The bite sends me over the edge, and I cry out as he finishes with me. I lean up, wrapping my legs around Chases legs as I hold onto him. He smirks, showing me his neck and I bite down, feeling the bond slam into my body, completing me. Chase’s emotions are harder to read than the others. There is happiness and love, but dark swirling feelings of guilt still in his mind that I can feel.

  “Do you have to get back?” Chase asks me as I release him.

  “Nope,” I say, leaning up to nip at his lip. “How about we look at the inside of the car? Maybe with me on my knees?”

  “Good plan, mate,” Chase says and carries me to the car as he kisses any more words from my lips.

  “I’ve got to go and help mum with something. I will be back home in about an hour, alright?” Chase says as we get to the house, and we pause outside.

  “Okay. Rogue is watching television for the first time in a while. I think I am just going to watch it with him,” I reply, leaning up and kissing him gently before walking back into the house. I look down at Chase’s shirt I’m wearing because my clothes have a bad case of being ripped around this pack. Not that I am complaining.

  “Rogue?” I shout when I walk in. The television is still on as I walk over, but no sign of Rogue anywhere. I pause when I see the dark, red, folded piece of paper on the sofa seat next to a small, clear bottle of something. I pick the note up, feeling sick when I see the black royal symbol pressed in wax on the other side. I rip it open, and read the words written in white ink.

  We have one of your pack’s children and your mate. Come to the castle, bring both the Shifter stone from your pack and the Forest Pack. Two stones, for two lives. If you tell anyone, do anything we don’t like…we will kill them. Take the drink on the table so your mates cannot find you. You are being watched.

  I almost drop the note in shock, looking around the room and swallowing the fear in my throat. I know straight away that I do not have a single chance of winning this without losing the stones or Rogue and the child. I don’t even need to think on it before I am running out the house as I drink the bottle of clear liquid and getting in Chase’s car. I leave the note on the seat as I start his car, thankful he left the keys in it and drive around the house, going to the road where the old house is. I pull up outside it and run inside, pressing the button on the fireplace and going down the stairs. I don’t bother closing the doors above me as I know I only need to get the stone. I look around the room, seeing a blanket on a desk on the other side of the room and run to it. I rip the blanket up, getting a small bit to wrap the crystal in. I pick up the heavy book off the desktop and turn, throwing it at the glass. It smashes into pieces, the crystal slamming onto the wood floor. I run over, picking it up with the cloth and feeling how warm it is. I run back out the room, knowing I might not have long before one of my mates pick up on my emotions or find out the crystal is missing. I try to pick up on Rogues feelings, or where he is, but there is nothing but a little feeling he is north. Where the castle is. I run back to the car, putting the crystal on the side seat and thinking for a moment. I need to get out of here, and hopefully without anyone suspecting anything. I figure the best way is to drive out of the front doors and tell them a story. No one would suspect I was running away with a priceless crystal if I just drive out the front gate. I turn the car around and drive back towards the house, slowly driving past and taking a deep breath when no one follows me. I drive down the main part of the pack and around the water fountain, hating how empty and quiet it is here.

  “You can do this, Gold. You have to fight for them,” I keep telling myself the same thing as I get to the gates of the pack and one of the beta’s walks over to me. I throw the stone inside the glove compartment before he gets to me and I smile at him.

  “Hey, it’s George, right?” I ask.

  “Yes, alpha female. Can I help you? Do you want me to call the alphas?” he asks, and I shake my head.

  “Nope. See I need to go to town really quick to get my Rogue a birthday present for tomorrow. Only I don’t want him knowing so the alphas are distracting him as I go,” I explain, and he frowns.

  “I have orders no one leaves the pack. If I just call them to check-“

  “-I am your alpha female, your orders come from me too. I will be back soon, please don’t ruin this for me, George,” I say, flashing him a sad smile.

  “I guess we know you can handle yourself when you hunted that wolf down. Still be careful out there,” he warns me, and I smile tightly.

  “I will be. Thanks, George,” I smile at him before he raises a hand and the gates are opened. I feel guilty for using George but I’m sure he will understand when I explain this to everyone later and return with the child. I drive out the pack, straight towards the Forest Pack and knowing Nikoli is not going to be happy when I get there.

  “Gold?” Nikoli says as he steps out the house after I pull up at his. He looks like I just woke him up, and five betas step out with him, looking for danger. I flash my eyes at the betas, letting Nikoli know I can’t talk while they are here. Nikoli waves them away and they go back inside the house without question.

  “I need the Shifter stone. I can’t tell you why, but in all the years I’ve known you…I have never asked for anything. I am begging you now,” I say, my voice catching. Nikoli comes to me, pulling me into a hug and whispering.

  “You are being watched I guess,” he says and all I do is nod, not wanting to say anything else and risk the child, and my Rogue. Nikoli pulls away as his phone rings in his pocket and he pulls it out, answering it.

  “Cain?” he answers the phone saying, and I place my hand on my mouth, shaking my head at Nikoli as tears stream down my cheeks. “I haven’t seen Gold. I will keep my eye out. Good luck finding her, did you check downtown?” Nikoli puts the phone down and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small red box as I try not to think of my mates searching the local town for me and not finding me. He opens it slowly, revealing a glowing green gemstone inside. Its smaller than our purple one, but equally as stunning.

  “I trust you with my life. I always have, Gold. Here,” Nikoli closes the box and hands it to me. I nod, wiping my tears and getting back into my car. I undo the window and look back over at Nikoli.

  “I love you like a brother, like a father almost. Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years. I would have been lost and never found happiness without your guidance,” I tell him because if this goes wrong I won’t ever be able to tell him that. I close the window as he watches me drive out his pack. I open the glove compartment and shove the box inside next to the other stone. I steel my back and make myself stop crying. I have to be strong to win this. My pack and my mate need me.

  My hands shake as I pull up to the massive gates of the royal castle. Every gate on the way in here has let me in without blinking, but this one right before the castle doesn’t open and I know this is where they want to do the trade. I eye the four royal guards, holding long spears as they stand very still in front of the gate. I open the glove compartment, pulling out the stones and taking a deep breath before getting out of
the car. The wind blows Chase’s long blue shirt around my legs, and I wish I had a chance to change at some point, but I know there are far worse things to worry about. I move in front of the car and fold my arms, just waiting silently as I keep my ears open for anyone sneaking around. A branch cracks to my right and I turn my gaze there, not seeing anyone and just knowing it must have been an animal. I quickly look back as the gates open and the guards step to the side. The queen walks into view, just behind her is a young boy in chains next to my Rogue who is also tied up. He sees me, and panic feels his eyes, even when I can’t feel his emotions through the bond.

  “Run Gold! GO!” Rogue screams and the queen stops, nodding her head at one of the two guards behind Rogue. The guard punches Rogue hard in the face, and he collapses to the ground.

  “Stop!” I shout at them and the queen turns slowly to me. The queen is just as beautiful as I have heard she is, but clearly this beauty hides an evil in plain sight. Her black hair is up high in a tight bun, a silver crown sparkles on her head and matches the long silver gown she wears.

  “Do not speak to me that way. You are nothing other than a problem that I want to get rid of. Don’t test me by speaking out,” the queen warns with a sweet, sickly voice. Her silver gown blows in the wind as her eyes go to the gemstones in my hands.

  “I want my mate and the child set free first,” I tell her, and she laughs.

  “Who says any of you are going free? Why would I let you go when you can tell everyone my secret?”

  “That you’re a monster. Don’t worry, everyone is learning that as we speak. I bet many people already know. Now let them go, or you do not get what you want,” I warn her, and she chuckles.

  “Fine. Fine. It doesn’t matter who knows once I get those gemstones in my hands,” she muses and looks to the guards behind her.

  “Free them, and then drag the prisoners over to her,” she commands, and they bow their heads almost robotically. I watch the queen the whole time they undo the chains from the boy and Rogue, who starts to wake up. He looks up at me and I shake my head, hoping he will stay calm until he gets to me at least. Rogue lets the guard lead him over to me, and he wraps an arm around the child, keeping him close. The boy looks scared, and I don’t trust the happy smile on the queens red lips as she watches us.

  “Put him in the car, Rogue,” I say when the guards let them go. Rogue nods, listening to me and. rushing the boy to the car as I throw the box and the cloth covered gem onto the floor in front of me.

  “They are yours, and we are leaving,” I say, stepping away as a guard rushes over and collects the stones. I feel rogues hand on my waist as he steps next to me. The queen doesn’t watch us as she snatches the stones off the guard.

  “Kill them. The castle is on lock-down. No one leaves or comes in. I finally have the last two stones,” she says, whispering the end part more to herself. She walks through the gate, as it closes behind her. The seven guards stay on this side of the gate.

  “You fucking bitch!” I shout, needing to call her it and she only laughs as he guards start getting closer.

  “Get in the car and go. I will hold them off,” Rogue tells me.

  “Hell no. We fight together or not at all,” I say.

  “Lucky you have more than one mate then, isn’t it?” I hear Cain say as he steps out of the shadows of the trees with Callum and Chase at his side.

  “Lucky she has a family of wolves too,” I hear Nikoli shout from the left of Cain as he steps forward, with his five betas at his side. I smile in relief as we all look back at the guards who now look a little nervous. I shift and run towards them, feeling my mates and family following me. The first guard I get slams his spear at me, and it sinks into the ground. I imagine my human form as I stop behind him. When my human hands come back, I stand up and snap his neck from behind before shifting into my wolf once again. We make quick work of killing all the guards, and not one of us looks hurt. I shift back and go towards the gate, pressing my hand against it. A white light blasts out from my hand, travelling like a wave around what I think is a shield.

  “A ward. The castle has one for emergencies. We can’t get in,” Nikoli tells me as he steps to my side.

  “Erik is still in there!” I exclaim, feeling the panic rising and a gasp from my left. I turn to see Snow run at the ward, banging her hands against it.

  “No. NO!” she shouts, and I run to her, grabbing her hands.

  “This isn’t the way. Erik is smart, and the prince loves him like a brother. The prince will hide him and keep him alive,” I tell her because I know it is true.

  “I have to get in there,” she wails.

  “No, Snow. Arisa needs you,” Nikoli reminds her and she bursts into tears as I pull her to me. We might have won this battle, but without Erik, it feels like we haven’t won anything at all.

  Thank you so much for reading Run Little Bear!! If you have a little time to leave a review, that would be amazing and I love to read them! There is two more books in this series and Snow’s story is coming next! Run Little Prince!

  A big shout out to Meagan, Michelle, Taylor, Amanda, the girls from RBP, my awesome readers group, and everyone that supported me!!

  Also a big thank you to my husband and kids who kept the daily destroying of the house to a minimum while I wrote.

  Don’t forget to join my readers group for giveaways and exclusive teasers!


  Here are all my links (I love to be stalked so if you have some free time...)-


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