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Shipwrecked Page 9

by Ashley Ladd

  She wondered if he was going to shave before he faced his family. Just how much influence did they wield over him? As much as Sam's family had wielded power over him? Even half as much could prove deadly to their relationship.

  Holding his hand over the phone's mouthpiece, Scott shook his head and rasped a whisper, “Be patient. I'll tell you everything in a minute."

  Patience wasn't one of her virtues and she stewed in her anxiety, barely able to keep herself from biting her fingernails or shuffling her feet. She had to remind herself that she was married to a gentleman and as such, she had to learn to act like a lady. Ladies didn't bite their nails or fidget uncontrollably.

  She could learn, but could she learn in the next two hours in time to impress his family? Doubtful.

  "Father, listen to me. Under no circumstances bring Julia here.” Scott exhaled a long, shuddering sigh, his shoulders sagging. “I don't care if she's dying to see me. It's a horrible idea."

  Julia? His ex-fiancée? Terror quaked inside her, wrapping its tentacles around her heart. Ice shot through her veins. This couldn't be happening. Not again. As much as she'd imagined herself in love with Sam, she was a hundred thousand times more in love with her husband. She couldn't lose him now, not after everything they'd been through together.

  Scott shot her a sympathetic gaze and pulled her closer. He reached under her T-shirt and caressed her bare waist. “You're where?” Incredulity rang in the air. “Flying over Tahiti? Almost here?"

  Sagging against him, she buried her face in his chest. What now?

  "Stop in Tahiti. Put Julia on a plane back to Boston. You can't bring her here.” Shaking his head, he craned his neck and gazed at the heavens mouthing, “Why me? Why?"

  The insane, crazy urge to turn the ship around and go back to their island paradise where she'd had her husband all to herself, assailed her. It was such a strong, tempting urge, that she almost barked the orders at the crew. Common sense reasserted itself just in time to prevent her from acting the fool, but boy how she wished she had that kind of power. She'd rather battle pirates any day than in-laws.

  "I'm married."

  Her head shot up at the word married. On red alert, she studied every flicker of expression that crossed his face, strained her ears to catch any nuance in the catch of his voice to tell her what he truly felt about the situation. Was it possible that he regretted marrying her now that they'd been rescued? Now that he could live a normal life again? Now that he could be with Julia again and Julia was on her way here? Maybe she, Katie, was an albatross around his neck, holding him back from the life he dreamed of living.

  Yelling poured forth from the phone as Scott tried to cover it without success. Crimson stole up his neck, into his cheeks. He wiped at the perspiration beading his brow and upper lip.

  Although she couldn't distinguish all the words her father-in-law said, she caught ‘how could you?’ quite succinctly.

  "Katie can hear you, Father.” Strain laced Scott's voice. “You're upsetting her."

  More yelling spewed forth over the telephone wire, assaulting her ears and crushing her hopes and dreams. It reminded her of a nuclear fall-out just far enough distant that it wouldn't immediately annihilate her. Rather, its deadly fallout would kill her slowly and painfully. What had she let herself in for, falling in love with another rich man? Heartache? Strife? Disillusionment? Would she never learn her lesson?

  "I have to go. Tell mother I love her and can't wait to see her. Please send Julia home and I'll break the news to her gently later.” He handed the phone back to Spangler who hung it up.

  Trembling, Katie turned into her husband's warm embrace. “Your father's furious, isn't he?” But that's not what concerned her most. Scott's reaction was the paramount issue here. No, not his reaction, but his intentions and his feelings. She pulled in a painful breath, forcing herself to ask the question burning in her heart. “What do you want to do now?"

  A frown pinned his brow down. “What do you mean? I told you earlier, get the biggest, juiciest steak money can buy with the finest bottle of champagne that Fiji can produce, and then find the biggest bed in the South Pacific and make love to you on a real mattress without any monkeys cheering us on or jumping in the middle of us."

  Hitting him playfully on the shoulder, she tried to bite back the smile his scandalous words summoned. “That's not what I meant and you know it, Mister. What do you want to do about us?"

  "Us?” His arms tightened around her waist, pinning her hips to his. His groin tightened, pushing against her unmercifully, lighting a reciprocal fire in her.

  She tried to tamp down the flames licking her veins without much success. Gazing deeply into his soulful eyes, she asked, “Do you want to stay married to me? We're not really married, you know."

  "Not by a priest nor sanctioned by the church.” Her dry lips ached with the effort to speak words that almost killed her.

  "I'll understand if you want to pretend this never happened so you can go back to Judith."


  Pain deeper, sharper than she'd ever experienced sliced into her, straight through her heart. Hanging her head, she whispered, “Right. Julia.” Sliding her wedding band off her finger, she held it up to him and with a tremulous smile punctuated by a single, fat tear that wouldn't stay put where it belonged, she said, “Be happy, Tarzan. I hope she knows what a lucky woman she is."

  Scott yanked her against him. “Stop this!” Taking the ring, he slid it back on her finger. “I love you, Kate. I don't want to hear any more nonsense or doubts. Don't pay any attention to my old man. He likes to bluster and throw his weight around, but he'll love you when he gets to know you. As long as you make me happy, he'll be happy."

  "That sounds like a mighty big order.” Grimacing, she took inventory of herself and came up short. “How can a poor, motorcycle-riding karate instructor keep a refined man like you happy? I won't fit into your crowd. Your family and friends will have nothing in common with me."

  "You have everything in common with me. Didn't we get along better than fine on the island? It's a wonder we didn't blow that volcano with our heat."

  "You're talking about sex. That's not the same as everyday life."

  "We'll dock in Fiji shortly,” Spangler said. “Be prepared for a lot of hoopla from the press. They've been radioing the ship, badgering us with questions about you and the Mrs. and asking permission to come on board."

  The man looked uncomfortable, massaging the back of his neck. “I won't let them aboard. That gives you a little time to get yourselves together. I just thought you should know.” The man with the leathery complexion from too much sun rolled a toothpick around his mouth with his tongue.

  "Thanks.” A grim line of determination settled across Scott's mouth. Deep lines etched his face, aging him ten years. “It's to be expected.” Turning to Katie who was sure fear filled her eyes, he lifted her chin with his forefinger so that their gazes met and held.

  "You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I can handle this."

  Inhaling deeply, she cast him the bravest smile she could muster. “Let's see how it goes. Hopefully they'll limit their questions to being marooned and our rescue.” She let it hang in the air that she feared they'd be more interested in her marriage to one of the world's most eligible bachelors and her lack of qualifications to fill the position of his wife.

  Hugging her close, he rubbed her back in hypnotic, soothing motions. Warm lips nuzzled her earlobe, his warm breath tickling her inner ear. “There's nothing to worry about. I won't let anyone hurt you."

  Scott's chest felt warm and solid. Her palm splayed against his strong, steady heart beat, lending her comfort and solace. But hadn't Sam made similar promises and then reneged? The video of Sam's betrayal replayed in her mind, torturing her.

  "I'm not like your ex-fiancé, if that's what you're thinking.” The man must be a sorcerer, divining her thoughts. Or were they just that much in synch?

  "I wasn't thinking an
y such thing.” She let her long lashes flutter over her eyes to cover the truth most assuredly hiding there. She'd always been a good liar, but for some reason, she couldn't lie to her own husband. He could see right through her.

  "Sweet little liar,” he whispered against her ear. “I told you that I'm not like that jerk. I have never, will never, let you down. I won't desert you."

  Sniffing back an errant tear, she smiled up at him, hoping against hope that he wouldn't change his mind when he saw Julia again or when his parents freaked out when they discovered that he married someone without one drop of blue blood, someone as undesirable as herself. For some reason, her tattoos, her nose ring, and her motorcycle seemed to make even ordinary mothers faint. She could lose the nose jewellery and even her beloved motorcycle for Scott, but the tattoo was more difficult to get rid of. She could cover it up with modest dress but there didn't seem to be spare clothes on the ship in her size that she could change into. “Do you think one of the men would let me borrow a shirt so that I'm a little more decent when we meet your parents and battle the press?"

  "Why? You look fine and exactly what anyone who just escaped pirates on a deserted island should look like."

  A grimace cracked her face as she fingered the rose tattoo on the swell of her breast. “In other words, a complete mess.” Now who was lying?

  "Never. You're so beautiful every man will wish he'd been shipwrecked with you. They'll hate me that I was the lucky bastard who got you."

  "What about Julia?” Her voice lowered on the name Julia so that it was barely a whisper.

  He leaned his forehead against hers as he expelled a raspy sigh. “I won't lie and say this isn't a difficult or embarrassing situation. I don't enjoy breaking hearts or hurting people. I didn't plan for this to happen. Julia's a nice girl and I hope I've not broken her heart. I hope she can forgive me."

  "What if you have?” Would he go back to her? Her teeth clenched as she struggled not to show outward signs of her agitation.

  "There's not much I can do except tell her I'm sorry and I'll be her friend. I don't want the press to make this into a circus. Not for her sake or ours."

  Spangler tapped Scott's shoulder as he cleared his throat. “Looks like they've rolled out the red carpet for you over there. It's swarming with people and I bet most of ‘em's reporters."

  Her heart sank. She'd known they couldn't avoid this, but she'd hoped someone would have had the sense to keep this under control. Looking up into her husband's eyes, she asked, “Does this happen to you often?"

  "Only when I've been shipwrecked and foiled a band of pirates.” A chuckle played hide and seek in his voice. She wasn't sure if he was laughing at her or not.

  Punching his shoulder, she muttered, “Men!” Turning to Spangler, she pleaded, “Do you have a more dignified outfit I can wear?” To Scott, she asked, “Do you think your parents are already there?"

  Moving his hands to her shoulders, he squeezed gently. “Take a deep breath. Everything will be fine. You don't have to say a word. I'll do all the talking to the press. Okay?"

  "Okay.” Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her lips to his. “Just don't leave me alone, whatever you do."

  "Not a chance.” He captured her hand in his and laced his fingers through hers. “I can't wait to tell them how you overcame four of the meanest, biggest, baddest, ugliest pirates in the South Pacific all by yourself. They'll probably make a movie of the week about you. Maybe pin you with a medal."

  Aghast, her eyes widened. “You wouldn't dare!"

  "It's the truth, baby. Why shouldn't the world know what a hero you are?” Swaying with her in his arms, he feathered a kiss over the top of her head. “I'm proud of you, Katydids."

  "I'll be mortified if you say one word about that...” Heat fused from her chest to her cheeks and fanned out to the rest of her body. Any moment she'd go into meltdown. The anticipation of reaching land and everything that awaited them there, made it difficult to breathe.

  "Do you expect me to lie? They won't believe it if I tell them the pirates just handed us their boat and stayed behind and tied themselves up. What should I tell them?"

  Chewing on her lower lip, she gazed at him, thinking hard. “Just downplay it as much as possible. The last thing I need are for jerks to see if they can overpower me when I'm not expecting it."

  "You think that would happen?” A frown replaced his proud smirk.

  "I know it. Where I come from, you'd be throwing out a challenge. You might as well hand them a gun and put a sign on my chest that says shoot me."

  "If you don't mind, I think we'll move into my place then.” The lines etched deeper in his face. “We hadn't really discussed living arrangements if we were ever rescued. Do you mind?"

  "I've not even seen your place. How would I know?” She was sure it was beautiful and elite, but if it included his family, it wouldn't do. She wanted a place that was theirs, not only his.

  Shouts from shore greeted them. “They're here.” People crowded past local policemen holding out microphones and clicking cameras.

  Deja vu assailed her as she remembered that horrible canal incident with Sam and his other girlfriend. Only this was much worse in so many ways. This crowd registered a hundred on the reporter Richter scale, while that crowd had been a mere five. No comparison.

  Spangler rushed a navy blue button-down-the-front uniform shirt to her that was about three sizes too large for her small frame, and held it out to her.

  "Thanks,” she murmured as Scott helped her slip into it. Hurriedly, she buttoned it, sliding buttons into the wrong holes in her haste. Eying the hoard of reporters that reminded her more of a school of piranha, she asked, “Do we have to leave the ship here? Can't it just take us back to America?"

  Licking her parched lips, she thought of another solution. “If we turn the ship back out to sea, you can order a helicopter to pick us up and take us home or to some private location so we can avoid this mess."

  "Speaking from experience, you can't hide from the press forever. You'll just agitate them and make them more persistent if you don't let them have their story now. Pose for a few pictures, smile pretty, and be cordial. I'll get us out of here as fast as I can."

  "This isn't how I planned to have my wedding photos taken,” she said between clenched teeth, her lips pasted into a smile for the reporters benefit. The last thing she needed was to have pictures splashed around the world of her scowling at everyone. She was a Vanderhorne now, and she had to act the part.

  Spangler and his men docked the ship. Scott and Katie lingered aboard as long as they could. Reporters and cameramen looked as if they were about to jump aboard to get their stories if necessary. A small group of well-dressed, refined people were led to the ship by police escort.

  "This must be your family?” Katie's gaze raked over a particularly beautiful young woman she presumed must be Julia. Inclining her head at the woman, she said in sugary sweet tones, “That wouldn't be your sister or cousin by any chance, would it?"

  "Darling! I thought I'd lost you forever. You can't know how many prayers have been answered by your rescue.” The young woman flung herself into Scott's arms, kissing him soundly, oblivious to Katie's presence. Cameras clicked away, all aimed at the clenched pair. By tonight, the whole world would see Julia kissing Katie's husband.

  The image burned itself into Katie's mind. Red hot jealousy surged through her, but she froze, unlike the night she'd followed Sam into the Florida restaurant where she'd let her anger get the best of her resulting in a woman tumbling into the murky canal. Angry as she was, painful as this was, she'd learned her lesson. She wouldn't do anything to cause another scene. Her husband was doing a grand job on his own.

  Wrapping her arms around herself tightly, she looked away, struggling to dam the unwelcome tears that threatened to spill. Why wasn't her husband stopping that woman? Why was he kissing her back? Pain unlike she'd never known sliced through her, almost bringing her to her knees. Obviously, now that he s
aw Julia, he realised that he loved her after all, and not Katie. She couldn't hold him to promises he'd made when he thought they'd live the rest of their lives on the deserted island.

  Quietly, Katie tried to slip away unnoticed, hoping she could get lost in the crowd. Whereas everyone knew who William Scott Vanderhorne IV was, nobody had a clue who Katie McLaughlin was. Without him, she was anonymous. No one knew she was here. She doubted anyone had thought to ask the name of the woman with the famous billionaire. Even if they knew her name, they didn't know what she looked like.

  Backing away slowly, she tried to fade into the ranks of crewmen behind her. Once she penetrated their line, she could disappear. Since she and Scott weren't legally married, she'd never have to darken his door again and there'd be no further complications.

  Extricating himself from Julia's smothering embrace, Scott held her at a distance. “There's something I have to tell you. Something Father should have told you before you arrived...” Tongue-tied, his words tripped over his lips.

  "That you got married on that quaint little island to another castaway?” She waved her manicured hand in the air and chuckled lightly. “I forgive you, darling. I know you thought you'd never leave that horrid little stretch of beach. However did you survive with all those wild animals in that oppressive heat?” Sidling up to him, she rubbed against him, purring.

  Trailing a long fingernail down his bare arm, she asked, “You didn't have a priest with you, did you? So you can't be really, honestly married, can you?” She stroked his beard and pulled a long face. “All that hair has definitely got to go. It makes you look like a redneck."

  What a witch! Katie disliked her instantly. Until now, she'd harboured sympathy for the woman, having once been in a similar position. But she'd had the decency to stop trying to win Sam when it was apparent he was marrying someone else and she would never dream of going after a married man.

  "In our eyes, and I'm sure in God's eyes, we're married.” Scott's eyes narrowed. “But to appease our families, we'll go through another ceremony with a priest just as soon as it can be arranged."


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