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Shipwrecked Page 10

by Ashley Ladd

  Surprise flickered across Julia's silvery eyes. A dainty hand fluttered to her throat. “You can't mean that, Scottie. You love me. You wouldn't have kissed me like that just now if you didn't love me."

  Unbearable pain pummelled Katie. Julia's words, painful as they were, held truth.

  Moving back from her, he said with a dark scowl, “You kissed me. I didn't kiss you. I love Katie. I'm sorry this happened Julie, but it did and I won't change it.” He lifted his head, his eyes seeking the crowd, presumably for her.

  Katie stood behind a tall man in a pilot's uniform, watching the scene, a small amount of hope blossoming in her heart. Scott had stood up to Julia, but could he stand up to his parents? Memory niggled at the back of her brain, smashing her hope. Sam had stood up to Jenny at first, too, but in the end Jenny had won. The war was far from finished. Was it a war she should wage? Did she have a prayer of winning?

  "Katie!” Annoyance laced Scott's voice. “Where are you? Come meet my family."

  Heaving a deep sigh, she started to push through the crowd. Escape wasn't an option after all.

  "You're Mrs. William Scott Vanderhorne?” A reporter blindsided her, blocking her way, holding a microphone to her face. “What's your name, sweetheart?"

  "Mrs. Vanderhorne,” she said dryly. Duh hung in the air.

  "I mean your first name and your maiden name.” His duh was larger than hers. “You're quite the cutie, aren't you? But you're not Vanderhorne's normal type."

  "I beg your pardon?” Anger flash flooded her and she put her hands on her hips to anchor them. Her nails dug into her soft palms, drawing blood.

  The man reached out and touched her two-toned hair at the hard line where the blonde dye stopped and her natural colour had taken over. Then his hand dropped down and traced the swell of her breast where her rose tattoo peaked out despite her efforts to hide it. “You're not his normal uptown date. If he decided to go slumming, you must be really hot in the sack."

  Fury exploded inside her, throwing caution away. “Get your filthy hands off me.” Before she realised it, she'd grabbed the man's wrist and flipped him onto his back. A hush fell over the crowd for a split second before chaos erupted and she panicked.

  Ohmigod! What had she done? She'd sworn she'd never overreact again, and here she'd done it with cameras and reporters just waiting for her to give them a show. Worse, she'd done it in front of her brand new in-laws. Backing away, she covered her mouth with her hands. Seeking her husband's gaze, she mouthed, “I'm so sorry."

  Deafening silence ensconced the crowd and then bedlam broke loose. The hapless reporter who had accosted Katie screamed, “She tried to kill me! Arrest her! Somebody get me an ambulance,” as he writhed on the deck, moaning loudly.

  News crews rushed the ship, several boarding without permission. Cameras clicked. Microphones were shoved into her face and a million questions bombarded her.

  "Why did you attack the reporter?"

  "How did you trap Scott Vanderhorne?"

  "Have you ever been in jail for assaulting anyone else?"

  "Are you always so aggressive?"

  "What do the senior Vanderhornes think of their new wild daughter-in-law?"

  "How did you steal Scott Vanderhorne from Julia Beaudreaux?"

  The press surrounded Katie, pushing in on her, suffocating her.

  Still in shock, she just stood there, silent. Her in-laws would most definitely despise her after this. How could they not?

  "Let me see my wife.” Scott's words were barely more than a growl as he parted the crowds forcefully. Storm clouds brewed in the eyes that sought her out. When he reached her, he put a protective arm around her shoulder and guided her to the captain's office where Spangler, Scott's parents, and Julia awaited them.

  Shouts of “I'm going to sue you for thirty million dollars. I'm going to press charges!” followed them.

  Spangler shut the door firmly behind them, guarding it, his expression studiously blank. He leaned against it, his hands behind his back.

  "What happened, Katie?” Scott's stern gaze bored into her, but it was her new in-laws dismayed expressions that concerned her most. His arms folded across his chest.

  "He-he made improper advances. And he said I wasn't good enough for you."

  "So you flipped him?” Shocked amazement stole into Scott's expression as he rubbed his chin.

  "You should register her as a dangerous weapon,” Julia drawled as she twisted a diamond ring around her finger.

  Realisation slapped Katie in the face. That was Julia's engagement ring that she had the gall to still wear. Worse, she was deliberately flashing its brilliance at Katie as a jeer.

  "Julia!” Scott snapped, lightning flashing in his eyes.

  "Do you flip people often, Dear?” Scott's mother, Dorothea, asked in a genteel tone. “Was that karate you used?"

  Nodding slowly, she ignored Julia's catty remark and addressed her mother-in-law. “I'm a karate instructor. And no, I don't go around flipping people. It's for self-defence only.” Visions of Sam's girlfriend going into the canal haunted her. She'd lost control that time which was unforgivable.

  "Thank God she knew karate or the pirates would've killed us for sure.” Scott perched on the edge of the captain's desk, one leg swinging aimlessly.

  "Pirates” Scott's father's glance volleyed from Scott to Katie and back. “What pirates?” A man couldn't get much more refined than Vanderhorne Senior. Although it was midday, in the middle of the South Pacific, he wore a leisure suit and a cravat. Cocktail rings adorned all his fingers except his thumbs. His Rolex was platinum and his loafers, Italian leather. He looked like an older, clean-cut version of Scott, grey liberally peppering his hair. Suave and debonair, he intimidated her. Her cigar smoking, football fanatic father would probably call him a dandy. She wasn't so sure he wasn't herself.

  "They tied me up and planned to ransom us. I think they would've killed us first. But they didn't reckon with Katie.” Scott favoured her with a grateful smile. “She fed three of them poison fruit and overpowered the other one."

  "How positively ladylike.” Julia stifled a yawn with her hand. “Sounds like you'd best never get on her bad side or you'll get manhandled."

  Katie wished she could tell the woman to stuff her comments, but of course she could do no such thing. What had Scott seen in her?

  Respect flickered across Bill Vanderhorne's eyes. “We're forever indebted to you for saving our son, my dear. Now tell me,” he paused as he extracted a cheroot from a gold filigree case in his pocket and lit it, “about your marriage. Is it official?” His glance raked over Katie's slim form. “Is Kathryn with child?"

  Katie bit back a gasp. Pregnant? It was a possibility but not a foregone conclusion. Did Scott's father think that his son only married her because she carried Scott's baby?

  "Official?” Scott rose and squared his shoulders. “We married ourselves. No one else was on the island with us."

  "No cannibal witch doctors?” Julia's smile glittered with hatred.

  Katie longed to wipe the smirk off the other woman's face.

  Dorothea fanned herself and slunk against the wall. “My, my. No priest? No licence? That won't do at all. Whatever will the press make of this?"

  "Scandal?” Julia supplied sweetly, fluttering her long eyelashes.

  "What will all our friends and business associates think? Muffy Hyatt will never let me live this down. Oh, my, my.” Scott's mother rooted around in her purse, pulled out a bottle of Prozac, popped the lid and palmed three tablets. “Water please."

  "You'll overdose on that many, Dottie. Put them back.” Bill held out his hand until she turned over the prescription bottle.

  Shaking his head, Scott said, “We'll have a ceremony with a priest officiating. I already promised Katie's father."

  He snaked his arms around Katie's waist and pulled her against him and then he nuzzled her neck, embarrassing her. “There could be a baby. We don't know for sure. We're hoping you'll be
as happy for us as we are."

  Julia turned a sick shade of green and averted her eyes.

  Banging jiggled the door. Spangler whom she had forgotten was there, peeked out and then opened it wide.

  Two policemen entered, their expressions grim, their gazes lighting upon Katie. They swaggered over to her and stopped in front of her. One flipped open a miniature spiral notebook and asked, “Are you Kathryn Vanderhorne?"

  "Guil...” She stopped herself short. “Yes. That's me.” She stood taller, extricating herself from her husband's arms. Flames skipped along her nerve endings.

  "We need to ask you a few questions. Did you assault Jack Amsterdam approximately half an hour ago on this vessel?"

  She swallowed the insinuation of the word assault. Taking a deep breath, she said, “I defended myself from a reporter who put his hands all over my...” Spreading her hands wide, her fingers curled, she bounced them in front of her breasts, unable to vocalize the words and finally substituted “chest, uninvited. He assaulted me."

  Bill intervened. “We're pressing rape charges against the young man if he persists in his quest to sue and press assault charges.” His smile turned from serene to predatory.

  Katie gulped and stared wide-eyed at Scott's father. He didn't mess around.

  "Go tell him and see if he persists. I'll pay any medical bills and I'll guarantee that Kathryn won't leave this cabin until you return."

  The officers nodded and one pivoted on his heel and left the cabin. The second stood at parade rest.

  "May I talk to my daughter-in-law in private? I'm an attorney and I'll be her legal counsel."

  "Father?” Scott's heat seeped into her. Heavy hands clamped down on her shoulders. “I'd like to stay."

  A frown marred Bill's handsome features. “I need to speak to her alone. It'll only take a few moments. I promise."

  Scott squeezed Katie's hand and his fingers trailed over her palm as he separated from her. Leaning forward, he brushed his lips against hers. “No worries. Dad's the best. That scum reporter had better start worrying if I catch up to him.” His fists clenched and he scowled.

  Bill's brows drew down in a frown. “Stay away from him. Don't touch him. Don't speak to him. One pending lawsuit's too many. Not to mention the bad publicity."

  Scott slammed out the door, muttering under his breath.

  Bill sauntered over to her and faced her, his hands dug deep into his twill pants pockets. “How much will it take for you to release all holds on my son and my family?"

  "Excuse me?” Blinking, she did a double take, dread filling her. Her worst fears were coming to light, but she hadn't expected anything so fast. Rich folk didn't waste time.

  Bill took out his cheque-book and poised a gold pen over a blank check. “Name your price. How much will it take to get you to leave my son alone forever?"

  Anger, fast and furious, shot through her. Batting the offensive cheque-book away, she lifted her chin with pride. “I love Scott. I don't want your blood money. Why do you hate me so much? You don't even know me."

  "I don't hate you, my dear. I'm deeply grateful that you saved my son and brought him home. If I hated you, as you so ineloquently put it, I wouldn't defend you against this trumped up charge. I'd only offer you a million dollars and be done with you."

  "Then why?” None of this made sense. She rubbed the throbbing pulse in her forehead that threatened to make her head explode.

  "Isn't it obvious? You have nothing in common with my son. While you like to spend your Saturday nights at the bars, he's socializing at the country club or on the Riviera."

  "How can you possibly know how I like to spend my Saturday nights, or anything else about me?” Bristling, she girded up for battle. The nerve of him summing her up, even if he was right. Defiantly, she caught his gaze and held it.

  "The sloppy way you carry yourself. Your manner of speech. You have a tattoo on your chest and another on your ankle. Your nose is pierced. That tacky bleach in your hair. They're all dead give-aways.” He took a long drag on his cheroot then exhaled slowly. “My son needs a woman like Julia. One who comes from his world. One who understands him. One who can advance his career and stand proudly by his side. You'd only hold him back and make him miserable which in turn would make you miserable. I'm trying to save both of you years of heartache."

  Could he have a lower opinion of her? She didn't think so. Thoroughly embarrassed, raw with hurt, she couldn't wait to escape this man or his haughty family. How he could have sired someone as wonderful and loving as Scott, she didn't know. It seemed inconceivable.

  "You'll never fit into our world if you persist in marrying my son, Miss McLaughlin.” Scribbling an absurd number on the check, Bill tore it off and shoved it at her. “Take it. Cut your losses and live well for the rest of your life."

  "What if I tell Scott what you're doing?” Her husband wouldn't stand for this, would he? Or would he? Had Sam stood up to his father? Initially, but not for long. Gnawing the inside of her bottom lip, she prayed he'd have more fortitude than her ex-fiancé had.

  Bill's eyebrows rose. “Are you sure you don't want it? Even if you marry my son, you'll never truly be part of our family. And there's something else."

  Morbid curiosity prompted her to ask, “What?” What else could go wrong? Was he going to disown his son if he didn't cooperate and follow every edict laid out for him? She didn't care if Scott had money or not. Wealth and power had never motivated her, nor even attracted her. But how important was it to Scott?

  Bill's smile turned predatory with a curl of his lip. “Julia's expecting Scott's baby. Do you really want to separate their family?"

  Katie's world crashed about her feet and her veins throbbed erratically in her throat. Frowning, she remembered the other woman's lithe, svelte figure.

  "She doesn't look pregnant. We've been marooned for three months. How could she be?"

  "Not all women show so early. She's probably telling Scott now.” His gaze pinpointed the swell of her breast where the rose tattoo peeked out of the V of her shirt. “Julia's the perfect wife for Scott and the perfect mother for his children. She'll make the perfect hostess."

  Bile rose in Katie's throat and she'd vomit if she heard one more perfect fall from the man's lips.

  Bill waved the check in her face. “Take it. You deserve compensation for saving my son's life and for your losses. I'm not a totally heartless bastard."

  Grabbing the paper, she ripped it to shreds, and watched it flutter around his feet. “Yes you are. I don't want your money. I don't need your help. I need proof that Julia's pregnant before I'll desert my husband."

  Disgust lined Bill's face. Bending over, he picked up the pieces of torn check and put them in his shirt pocket. “You'll get it.” Striding to the door, he yanked it open. “You can come back in."

  Weariness settled over Scott's pale, pinched face. His step lacked vibrancy. His lips were barely visible they were drawn so tightly.

  Julia, looking triumphant and shining with jubilance, clung to Scott's side.

  She sought Bill's gaze and nodded, grinning secretively.

  "Well, son, did Julia deliver her news?” Bill reached out and squeezed Julia's hand in support. “What do you think? What are you going to do about this?"

  "I need time to think. I need proof.” Anger laced Scott's voice. Holding his hands behind his back, he paced the room. Shooting a killer glare at his father, he asked in a sharp, clipped voice, “Did you tell Katie?"

  "She knows.” Bill joined his wife and Julia across the room, presenting a united front. “Katie knows that if she persists in holding you, she'll be ripping apart your real family and destroying your life."

  Scott swore under his breath and punched his fist into the palm of his other hand. “I can't believe this is happening."

  "Deja vu,” Katie muttered under her breath as she struggled to keep her composure. Hot tears attacking the backs of her eyes made it nearly impossible to hide her warring emotions. Gl
aring at Julia, she asked point blank, “Are you really expecting Scott's child? Isn't the timing awfully convenient?” Letting her gaze travel down to the woman's flat stomach, she continued. “You don't look pregnant."

  "Katie!” Scott reprimanded her sharply. “Mind your manners."

  Fury surged through her. Jumping to her feet, she put her fists on her hips and faced off against him. “Sue me. I don't believe her. Daddy dearest just tried to buy me off and send me crawling back to my slums."

  Scott's eyes narrowed, and if possible, his lips pinched tighter than they were already drawn. “Did you take his bribe?"

  Gasping, she couldn't believe her ears. “You think I'd be tempted by money? Do you honestly believe that I'd exchange you for anything else?” Her ears strained for his answer as it was very, very important to her. If he thought her so mercenary, so disloyal to him, he wasn't the man she thought him to be and she didn't want him.

  Raking unsteady fingers through his hair, he muttered, “I'm so confused right now, I don't know what to think. I never dreamed something like this might happen.” Turning to Julia, he asked in a raw and ragged voice, “Are you sure that you're pregnant?"

  Patting her tummy, Julia gave him a watery smile that wavered ever so slightly. Even her voice shook when she spoke. “I'm sure. The doctor double checked. My stomach's getting thicker and I'm wearing loose clothing. I won't be able to hide it any more soon.” A fat tear shimmered down her cheek and she blinked rapidly as if to hold back more of the same. “I didn't know how I'd raise a baby on my own. I was scared to death. Then I heard you'd been found and I was so happy until ... until...” Hanging her head, her silvery blonde hair curtained her cheeks.

  Dorothea gathered the weeping woman in her arms. “Shush, darling. My Scott will make the right decision. Give him credit. He won't leave you to face this alone. He won't abandon you or his child."

  What about her baby? Katie wondered.

  "What do you want to do, Scott? What do you want me to do?” She had no intention of standing by, waiting to be jilted, making a fool of herself while her heart broke fresh daily, again. She held her breath as he weighed his options and his words.


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