The Age of Voltaire

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The Age of Voltaire Page 136

by Will Durant

  Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683–1764), composer, 266, 295–98, 516, 659;

  collaboration with Voltaire, 296, 297, 363, 383, 384, 385

  Rameau, Marie Mangot, 492

  Ramsay, Sir William (1852–1916), 531

  Ranelagh, 77–78, 78–79

  Ranelagh Gardens, London, 62

  Rape of the Lock, The (Pope), 166–67

  Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio; 1483–1520), 222, 314, 399, 410, 434

  Ratibor, principality of, 451

  Ravaillac, François (1578–1610), 617, 747, 765

  Ravensberg, Westphalia, 437

  Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3d Baron (1842–1919), 531

  Raynal, Guillaume (1713–96), 248, 359, 637, 693–95, 696, 740, 778

  Raynham Park, Norfolk, 216

  Reade, Charles (1814–84), 183

  Réaumur, René Antoine Ferchault de (1683–1757), 550, 572, 577–78, 589, 625, 628, 761

  Recherches physiques sur le feu (Marat), 535

  Recherches sur … des plantes (Bonnet), 578

  Recherches sur la précession des équinoxes (d’Alembert), 544

  Recherches sur les modifications de l’atmosphère (Deluc), 551–52

  Recollect friars, 258

  Redi, Francesco (1626–98), 576

  Reflections, Critical and Satirical (Dennis), 166

  Réflexions sur la cause générale des vents (d’Alembert), 516, 551

  Réflexions sur la peinture (Caylus), 310–11

  Reformation, 59, 107, 402, 412, 609, 610, 783;

  and the Enlightenment, 607;

  Voltaire on, 731, 746–47

  Reformed (Gregorian) calendar, 540–41

  Réfutation de l’ouvrage d’Helvétius (Diderot), 690

  Réfutation du Système de la nature (Frederick the Great), 711

  Regency, French (1715–23), 3–39, 303, 325;

  arts of, 24–28, 33;

  corruption under, 10, 13, 18, 33, 342;

  financial boom and crash, 11–16, 33;

  free thought and speech under, 17, 323, 342, 344;

  literature under, 17, 28–31, 33–39, 341, 342;

  its moral license, 6–8, 16, 19–23, 27, 28, 31–33, 254, 313, 331, 336;

  satirized by Montesquieu, 342–44;

  skeptics of, 3–5, 20, 33, 38–39, 356

  (see also Orléans, Duc d’, Regent)

  Regency style, 24

  Regensburg, 208, 405

  Reggio Emilia, Italy, 181

  regicide, 710, 765, 767, 770

  Regicide, The (Smollett tragedy), 200, 201

  Reid, Thomas (1710–96), 107

  Reimarus, Hermann (1694–1768), 502

  Reims, France, 142, 288, 308, 310, 320, 326

  Reims, University of, 618

  Reinken, Jan or Johann Adam (1623–1722), 413

  Reland, de (fl. 1721), Orientalist, 502

  Relation de la maladie … du jésuite Berthier (Voltaire), 759

  Religieuse, La—The Nun (Diderot), 650–51, 657–58, 674, 678–79

  Religion chrétienne prouvée par les faits, La (Houteville), 755

  Religion des Mahométans, La (Reland), 502

  Religion vengée, La (periodical), 756

  Religion vengée de l’incrédulité, La (Pompignan), 763

  Remarques sur les Pensées de Pascal (Voltaire), 370

  Rembrandt Harmensj van Rijn (1606–69), 48, 311

  Rémond de Saint-Mard, Toussaint (fl. 1720), 210

  remonstrance, right of (France), 9, 18, 268

  Renaissance, 500, 607, 609, 636

  Renaissance style, 308

  Renan, Ernest (1823–92), 347

  Rennes, France, 254

  Rennes, Parlement of, 769–70

  Rennes, University of, 757

  Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841–1919), 28

  Reprisal, The (Smollett), 202

  Resolution, 559

  respiration and combustion, 533–34, 589

  Restoration, Bourbon (France, 1814/15–1830), 514, 677

  Restoration, Stuart (England, 1660–85), 21, 75, 133, 157, 177, 183, 214, 224

  Restout, Jean (1692–1768), 322

  Rêve d’Alembert, Le (Diderot), 599, 600, 652–55, 678–79

  Revocation of Edict of Nantes, see under Nantes, Edict of

  Rêveries (Saxe), 278

  Revolutionary Tribunal, 536

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), 217, 223–24, 316, 588, 666

  Rheinsberg, Prussia, 411, 442, 450

  Rhode Island, 124

  Rhone River, 472

  Ricci, Lorenzo (1703–75), 769

  Rich, John (1682?–1761), 187, 236

  Richard I Coeur de Lion, King of England (r. 1189–99), 233

  Richardson, Jonathan (1665–1745), painter, 170

  Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), novelist, 64, 188–94, 205, 213;

  Diderot’s enthusiasm for, 192–93, 334, 658, 669, 674;

  and Marivaux, 189, 331;

  his influence on Rousseau, 192, 193, 331, 334

  Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis de, Cardinal (1585–1642), 8, 32, 97, 253, 291, 352

  Richelieu, Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de (1696–1788), 273, 291, 299, 385, 493;

  and Mme. du Châtelet, 365, 391;

  friend of Voltaire, 291, 382–83, 471;

  has Fréron imprisoned, 761;

  his indebtedness to Voltaire, 383;

  and La Pucelle, 361, 483;

  at Mahón, 289, 294;

  marriage of, 367;

  Voltaire correspondence with, 461, 463, 713, 730

  Richelieu, Marie Elisabeth Sophie de Guise, Duchesse de (d. 1740), 371, 372

  Richman, G. W. (d. 1753), scientist, 522

  Richmond Palace, 169, 215

  Ridinger, Johan Elias (1695?–1767), 404

  Riemenschneider, Johann (fl. 1730), 234

  Rieux, Président de (fl. 1741), 320

  Rights of Woman, The (Wollstonecraft), 691

  Rinaldo (Handel), 226, 230, 231

  Riom, France, 330

  Rion, Captain (fl. 1719), 21

  Rivet de la Grange, Dom Antoine (1683–1749), 501

  Rivinus, Augustus Quirinus (August Bachmann; 1652–1723), 563

  roads, 13, 18, 50, 54, 271, 438;

  Lavoisier’s plan for maintenance of, 535

  Robecq, Princesse de (d. 1760), 762, 764

  Robertson, William (1721–93), 107, 159, 486, 488, 556, 693, 784

  Robespierre, Maximilien de (1758–94), 695, 713

  Robinet, Jean Baptiste (1735–1820), 578–79, 621

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 188, 558

  Rob Roy (Robert Macgregor; 1671–1734), 70

  Rochette, Pastor (d. 1761), 727

  Rocky Mts., 560

  rococo style, 303–7;

  architecture, 24, 307, 308, 398, 433;

  interior decoration, 214, 282, 308, 309, 406, 407, 505;

  music, 295;

  painting, 314

  Roderick Random (Smollett), 67, 199, 200–201

  Rodrigo (Handel), 228

  Roettier family, medalists, 306

  Rohan, Louis René Édouard, Prince Cardinal de (1734–1803), Archbishop of Strasbourg, 254, 782

  Rohan-Chabot, Chevalier de (fl. 1726), 40, 246

  Rohr, Bavaria, 405

  Roland, Mme. Jeanne Manon Phlipon (1754–93), 690

  Rolland, Romain (1866–1944), 411

  Rolle, Switzerland, 735

  Rollin, Charles (1661–1741), 287

  Roman Empire, 340, 343*, 346–47, 357;

  Voltaire on Christians in, 485–86

  Roman Republic, 346–47, 360, 361, 474

  Romansh language, 474

  Romanticism: and the Bach revival, 430;

  Diderot and, 671;

  in German literature, 477;

  Manon and, 335;

  and the poets of feeling, 78, 178, 180;

  its reaction to reason, 145;

  Richardson and, 193;
/>   Rousseau and, 193, 575

  Rome, 60, 93, 181, 228–29, 237, 314, 434;

  Livy’s history of refuted, 500

  Rome, University of, 592

  Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757–1818), 696

  Rosamond (Clayton), 226

  Rossbach, battle of (1757), 400, 768

  Rostock, University of, 583

  Roth, Cecil, 541*

  Rothschild Collection, 318

  rotten boroughs, 68, 113, 135

  Roubillac, Louis François (1695–1762), 170, 214–15, 237

  Rouelle, Guillaume François (1703–70), 531, 532, 625

  Rouen, 262, 362–63, 366;

  arts in, 305, 306, 308

  Rouen, Academy of, 498

  Rouen, Archbishop of, 254

  Rouen, Parlement of, 737, 770

  Rouen, University of, 757

  Rousseau, Jean Baptiste (1671–1741), 38, 365, 378

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), 283, 322, 323–24, 345, 370, 531, 597, 598, 605, 638, 648, 675, 689, 713, 786;

  answers d’Alembert’s article on Geneva, 482, 642;

  and Buffon, 572–73, 575;

  breast feeding advocated by, 589, 601;

  on cosmopolitanism, 779–80;

  and Condillac, 582, 583;

  his Confessions, 575, 679, 694;

  his Dijon Academy essay against civilization, 378, 498, 569, 633, 664;

  and education, 583, 766, 775;

  and Mme. d’Épinay, 266, 674;

  Émile (and “Savoyard Vicar”) condemned, 755, 756;

  and the Encyclopédie, 297–98, 642;

  in England, 78, 159, 248;

  on French music, 297;

  Diderot, his friendship with, 625, 631, 632–33, 674, 679;

  and Grimm, 632–33, 671;

  and d’Holbach, 680, 695, 697, 709, 710;

  and Linnaeus, 564;

  on the Lisbon earthquake, 723;

  philosophes, his break with, 697, 764, 784;

  and Rameau, 297–98;

  and the Revolution, 279, 498, 710, 713;

  as novelist, influences on, 192, 193, 331, 334, 335, 674;

  operas of, 295, 322;

  satirized by antiphilosophes, 761, 762;

  and Swiss scenery, 475, 476, 477;

  his views and those of contemporaries: on conscience, 146;

  on feeling and sentiment, 145, 292, 607, 625, 658, 668, 674;

  on nature and the “natural man,” 199, 339, 378, 476, 477, 664, 674, 686, 718, 775;

  on social contract, 154, 709, 710

  Rousseau, Mme., foster mother of d’Alembert, 515, 516

  Rowlandson, Thomas (1756–1827), 600

  Roxana (Defoe), 188

  Royal Academy of Arts, London, 223

  Royal Academy of Music, London, 231, 232, 234

  Royal College of Surgeons, London, 588, 599

  Royal Exchange, 119

  Royal Fireworks Music (Handel), 242–43

  Royal Society of Arts, London, 217

  Royal Society of Edinburgh, 557

  Royal Society of London, 448, 518, 531, 551, 556, 559*, 565, 594, 600;

  Bradley and, 539, 540;

  Copley Medal awarded, 522, 542;

  and Diderot, 629*;

  and Franklin, 521, 522;

  and Halley, 511;

  Montesquieu elected to, 344;

  and Newton-Leibniz controversy, 508–9;

  Philosophical Transactions, 537;

  Priestley and, 526, 530;

  Voltaire and, 246

  Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 25, 26, 218, 313

  Rudbeck, Olof (1660–1740), 562

  Rugby School, 62

  Rugendas, Georg Philippe (1666–1742), 404

  Ruins of Baalbek, The and Ruins of Palmyra, The (Wood), 215

  “Rule, Britannia!” (Thomson), 102, 179

  Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753–1814), 517

  Rupelmonde, Comtesse Marie de, 38

  Rush, Benjamin (1745?–1813), 596

  Ruspoli, Francesco Capizucchi, Marchese di(fl. 1710), 228

  Russell, Richard (fl. 1753), English physician, 80

  Russia, 59, 308, 451, 538;

  army of, 438;

  and Austria, 271, 435, 436;

  Bering explorations, entry into Alaska, 557–58;

  France and, 271, 453;

  invades Brandenburg, 510;

  religious uniformity required in, 495;

  in War of Polish Succession, 271;

  in war on Sweden, 438, 453

  Rutherford, Daniel (1749–1819), 531

  Sabrn, Comtesse de (b. c.1695), 20

  St. Andrews, University of, 108

  St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, 40, 488, 605, 608, 731, 755, 783

  Saint-Chamond, Baronne de, 290

  St. Clair, James, British general, 147

  St.-Claude, canons regular of, 254

  St. Clement Dane, Church of, London, 216

  St.-Cloud, 19, 696

  St.-Denis, Abbey of, 21, 494

  Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–69), 29, 87–88, 269, 335, 555*, 671, 692

  Saint-Florentin, Louis de (1705–77), 730

  St.-Gallen, 474, 475

  Saint-Germain, Comte de (c.1700-c.1784), adventurer, 493

  St.-Germain-en-Laye, 248, 361

  St. James’s Palace, London, 90, 206;

  Chapel Royal, 117, 225, 241

  Saint-Lambert, Marquis Jean François de (1716–1803), 180, 366, 389–91, 695, 777–78

  Saint-Laurent, chamberlain to “Monsieur,” 6

  St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Church of, London, 216

  St.-Mary-le-Strand, Church of, London, 216

  St.-Maur, Abbey of, 254, 501

  St.-Michel, order of, 308

  St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 217

  St. Petersburg, 477, 509, 510, 522

  St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of, 402, 498, 509, 516, 545, 557, 697

  St. Petersburg Observatory, 545

  Saint-Pierre, Abbé de (Charles Irénée Castel; 1658–1743), 294, 335–36, 458, 753, 778

  Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, see Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, J. H.

  St.-Quentin, France, 320, 322

  St.-Roch, Church of, Paris, 307, 309

  Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de (1675–1755), 14, 20, 22, 30–31, 260, 267;

  his advice to Regent, 8, 9;

  on Dubois, 6–7, 31, 32;

  on Law, 13;

  on Regent, 7, 17, 19, 20;

  snobbishness of, 18, 30;

  on Voltaire, 33–34

  Saint-Simon, Duchesse de, nee de Lorges, 22

  St. Stephen’s Church, London. 98

  St. Sulpice, Church of, 25, 307

  Saisons, Les (Saint-Lambert), 180

  Sakhalin, 560

  Sale, George (1697–1736), 502

  Salem, Massachusetts, 694

  Salem, North Carolina, 403

  Salerno medical school, 600

  Salmasius, Claudius (Claude de Saumaise; 1588–1653), 500

  Salon (Paris art exhibition), see under Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts

  Salons (Diderot), 640, 656–57, 666–68

  salons (social gatherings), 23–24, 93, 298–302, 324, 325, 600, 606, 672, 781, 784

  Salpêtrière, Hôpital de la, Paris, 598

  Salzburg, 432

  Salzburg, Archbishop of, see Firmian, Count von

  Samoa, 558

  Samson (Handel), 239, 240, 244

  Samson (Voltaire-Rameau), 296, 363

  Samson Agonistes (Milton), 239

  Sandwich, 1st Earl of, see Montagu, Edward (1625–72)

  Sandys, Samuel, M. P., 103

  sanitation, 59, 61, 76–77, 108, 253, 263, 590

  Sanssouci Palace, Potsdam, 406–7, 460, 461, 463, 465, 468;

  painting, sculpture at, 309, 311, 405, 407

  Santa Cruz Islands, 560

  Sapientia sinica, 503

  Sardinia, 435, 436, 452, 455, 457

ia, King of (1730–63), see Charles Emmanuel I

  Sardou, Victorien (1831–99), 330

  Sartine, Gabriel de (1729–1801), 641–42

  Saturn, 542, 545, 547

  Saul (Handel), 238

  Saunderson, Nicholas (1682–1739), 508–9, 628, 629, 630

  Saussure, Horace Bénédict de (1740–99), 481, 551, 561, 568

  Saussure, Nicolas de (1709–90), 76–77

  Saussure, Nicolas Théodore de (1767–1845), 568

  Sauveboeuf, Marquise de, 290

  Savage, Richard (1697?–1743), 164, 171

  Savannah, Georgia, 130, 131

  Savery, Thomas (1650–1715), 49

  Savonneries, Paris, 305

  Savoy, 435

  Saxe, Maréchal Comte Hermann Maurice de (1696–1750), 267, 277–78, 322, 327–28, 362;

  military exploits, 109, 110, 276, 277–78, 456–57

  Saxe-Gotha, Duke and Duchess of (fl. 1753), 469

  Saxe-Weimar, duchy of, 412

  Saxe-Weissenfels, duchy of, 227

  Saxony, 397, 402;

  art in, 281, 282, 306, 404–7

  passim; court of, 403, 420, 426;

  in Great Northern War, 438;

  challenges Pragmatic Sanction, 436;

  Prussian speculation in state bonds of, 462, 463;

  in Seven Years’ War, 404, 410;

  in War of Austrian Succession, 453–54, 455, 456, 457

  Scaliger, Julius Caesar (1484–1558), and Joseph Justus (1540–1609), 500

  Scandinavia, 49, 436, 476

  Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, 80

  Scarlatti, Alessandro (1659–1725), 228, 229, 237, 410

  Scarlatti, Domenico (1685–1757), 227, 228, 229, 231, 420

  Scarpa, Antonio (1747–1832), 587

  Scarron, Paul (1610–60), 170, 620

  Sceaux, 305

  Sceaux, Château de, the Duchesse du Maine’s court, 6, 9, 18, 23, 25, 301;

  “soirées de,” 325;

  Voltaire at, 6, 34, 386, 388

  Schaemaekers, Peter (1690–1771), 214

  Schaffhausen, 473

  Scheele, Karl Wilhelm (1742–86), 524–25, 526, 527

  Scheibe, Johann Adolf (1708–76), 427

  Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759–1805), 401, 477, 659, 668, 679, 779

  Schlüter, Andreas (1664–1714), 406

  Schmidlin, Jacob (d. 1747), 476

  Schmidt, Georg Friedrich (1712–75), 404

  Schmuzer, Josef (fl. 1752), 406

  Scholasticism, 287, 486, 548, 637, 652, 775;

  Encyclopédie article on, 645

  schools, see education and schools

  Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), 607

  Schulenburg, Melusina von der, see Kendal, Duchess of

  Schumann, Robert (1810–56), 423, 430

  Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672), 237

  Schwann, Theodore (1810–82), 576

  Schweitzer, Albert (1875– ), 419, 502

  Schwerin, Count Kurt Christoph von (1684–1757), 452


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