Monster Lake: A Thriller
Page 10
"Do you have any drums, by any chance?" Steve asked.
"Just one, I'm afraid. It's a great piece of antique craftsmanship, but the leather has gone all limp. Doe skin, I guess."
"Yeah. Well, it all looks great, Hetty. All I can say is, stick with Mr. Cross, and you're bound to come up on top – especially if the stuff is on commission."
* * *
The Solitaire City Council met for lunch in the back parlor of the Florentine Palace again. They were only able to get the room because a Japanese tour group had cancelled at the last moment.
"The first thing we've got to do is protect our investment," Janey Reitz said, with her panatela at an aggressive angle in the corner of her mouth.
"Meaning?" Paul asked
"Meaning we need to make it a crime to catch Tlaklot, of course! If someone just gaffs the thing and has their picture taken with it on the dock, where will we be? Right back where we started, that's what!"
"I think she's got a point," Carlson agreed. "Aren't there signs around Loch Ness, saying it's illegal to bother Nessie?"
Paul nodded. "It's good for the tourist trade. People have their pictures taken standing next to the signs."
"Tourists can have their pictures taken standing next to our signs!" Carlson said, reaching up one hand to smooth back his blond hair. "Where do you want to put them?"
"Next to the drugstore," Steve said idly. "That's where they'll go to buy their film. But I don't think we need to worry. As near as I could gather from what Orloff said, there are probably dozens of those things in the lake."
"Making little ones?" Janey asked.
Steve shrugged. "Damned if I know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
After a little more debate, the City Council passed an ordinance making it illegal to "harass, molest, or otherwise interfere with" the lake monster, and voted to buy signs and poles to post around town.
"With great big letters!" George said, bouncing in his chair. "And not too tall, so someone can stand next to it and they'll both still be in the picture."
"While we're sort of on the subject," Janey said, switching her panatela to the other side of her mouth, "I think we ought to vote the Mayor a special commendation."
Carlson raised his eyebrows. "Steve? Why?"
"For improving the local economy and pulling Solitaire out of the blahs!" she said aggressively.
"Hey, we all worked on it!" George protested.
"Yeah," Paul added. "It was a group effort, you know!"
"That's right," Carlson said comfortably. "I love Steve like a brother, but if you go back through the minutes, I think you'll find that we came to a joint decision on the matter."
Sancy opened her mouth, but Steve shook his head at her and grinned.
As the City Council walked out of the back parlor, Eugenie Briolette, gilt hair shimmering and Chanel No. 5 wafting around her like fog, sidled up to George Regent.
"I haven't seen you in so long," she cooed.
"Ah, well, I've been busy with my bait," he said nervously.
"I'm sure you have," she said, batting her long black eyelashes at him. "You know, now that Hubert Pigott is gone, I don't have a single soul to advise me about business matters."
"That's... that's too bad," he said trying to escape sideways.
"I've been thinking of redecorating the restaurant, maybe with more of an outdoor theme," she said, moving over to outflank him. "There were two ladies lunching in here last month and I heard one of them say that you have a fabulous collection of sports trophies."
"Fish!" he said. "Just... just fish!"
She reached up to adjust his tie. "You might not think it to look at me, dressed up the way that I am, but I just adore fishing. My whole family used to go fishing when I was small. My father caught the champion small mouth bass at Lake Wapachuga in 1955."
"Really?" George stared at her with glassy blue eyes. He looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
She nodded seriously, closing in like a paranha for the kill.
* * *
Sancy and Steve strolled down to the lake together, where they paused to watch the tourists scanning the water with their binoculars, and to listen to the street vendors hawking Tlaklot t-shirts, hats, and tote bags. From somewhere across the lake, the gentle song of the last freshwater whales of Mendocino County floated on the breeze.
"How did the job opportunity in Santa Rosa work out?" Steve asked.
"I went down to talk to them yesterday, and they said I could have it if I wanted it. I haven't given them an answer yet, though."
She rested her arms on the top of the guard rail and looked out across the peaceful surface of the lake. "I don't know anyone down there, and I really would hate to leave Solitaire."
"Yeah, it's a nice little town," Steve said. "So?"
Sancy stretched. "Oh, I don't know. Mama says she's tired of keeping records for the real estate office and she wants to look for something else. I guess we might start some kind of business together." She turned to look at him. "What about you?"
"I'm giving up the bookstore," he said, flicking a pebble into the water and watching the ripples spread.
"Yeah. Mom and Hank Cross are going to take it over. He wants to marry her."
"I suppose that will be nice," Sancy said, a bit dubiously. "Does he know about her channeling, and all that?"
Steve laughed softly. "The last time I saw them together he was listening to her rendition of Sister Aimee Semple McPherson. It's my guess that he'll have her being Pocahontas in two weeks, tops."
Sancy giggled. "I'm sure they'll be very happy together!"
He leaned back against the guard rail and squinted up at the sky. "I'm thinking of buying Doctor Orloff's place and turning it back into a B&B. The court let Orloff off with a warning, but he wants to move to the Midwest with Tina and go to work for Monsanto. Mrs. Kimberley is willing to stay on as cook."
Steve scuffed a shoe in the loose dust at the base of the guard rail. "I'd want some help though. Maybe a book keeper and someone to act as hostess. I could use a kid around to cut the grass, too. That sort of thing." He paused. "The house has a nice basement. Maybe I could put a bar and lounge down there."
Sancy slipped her arm through his. "What are we going to call it? Tlaklot Towers?"
"Lakeview Lodge," Steve said, bending to kiss her. "At least that's something I can pronounce!"
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