Book Read Free

Unexpected Temptation

Page 12

by Samantha Hunter

  “Okay. I can understand why you wanted to do this, and I should have listened better, but do you understand what you’ve done? We can’t go back to Mari’s—we have to separate ourselves from her completely—this could lead danger back to her door, and I won’t do that.”

  He paced briefly in the shade of the awning, thinking.

  “I’m sorry, Luke. I didn’t consider that. That was careless of me. I guess I was only thinking of my own goals, too.”

  Luke paused and studied Vanessa. She still loved her sister. He could respect that and even admire it—if it didn’t get her killed. Whatever childhood memories she had of Julie, they were long gone in the woman Luke had known. Vanessa would find that out, eventually.

  She was right, however; he was very likely as biased by his own experiences as she was by hers. He also knew the depth of the pain and the gnawing need he had experienced to find Nicky—or rather, Julie—again, and his had only been with him for a few years. Vanessa had been living with that same need since she was a child. She deserved to finally close that circle.

  Still, Luke couldn’t allow her to get herself hurt, and he knew that if he brought her back to the boat, she’d make good on her threat. She would find a way to get out on her own, and that could end up getting her killed.

  That thought chilled him to the bone.

  He didn’t like what she’d done or how she’d done it, but that was partly his fault, too, for shutting her out and not listening to what she needed. He’d pushed her into taking unnecessary risks—unless there was no risk. He paced on the sidewalk as his mind raced through all of the possible angles.

  What if she was in contact with her sister? What if he’d been played all along? No. He’d know. Vanessa wasn’t Nicky. For one thing, Nicky would never stick her neck out for anyone.

  Luke took a deep breath, thinking it all through. He knew how to make this work. It was incredibly simple, actually, if very dangerous.

  “It’s okay. We’re going to have to play it your way, now, out in the open. Way out in the open, in fact,” he said, sliding his arm around her and walking her back toward a car-rental place he’d seen a few blocks away.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, knowing you’re here is bound to make someone nervous, but we don’t know for sure that it will draw Julie out. But I think I know what will.”


  “If they know you’re here with me. If they believe we’re working together and that we want to interfere with their sale of the software.”

  “How would we do that?”

  “By being very public about the fact that we have the real deal, the real software. We can suggest that theirs is an incomplete copy, and I’m selling the right stuff. I’m the creator of the program, and that should be enough to stir interest or at least make prospective buyers nervous about what they’re offering. We become their competition. That will force them to make a move.”

  He watched her silently put the pieces together. Now it wasn’t only about her sister, but about threatening this entire operation. That upped the danger level, but Luke couldn’t think of any other way to play it.

  “We’ll go back to the hotel and cancel the reservations I made in your name and make them in mine, instead. I want people to know I’m here. We’ll start going out, throwing around some money, hitting the clubs, the high-visibility spots—and making it very clear we’re together.”

  “So now you’re the bait?”

  “We both are. They’ll think we’re undermining their operation, seeking revenge. They know we both have enough reason, and they’ll assume we paired up to take them down. I’ll get some names from Jake. Whoever is on the island is here for the software auction.”

  “Jake? That was your Homeland Security friend from the boat?”

  “Yes. If I can get him to give up some names, I’ll try to make contact. That could be harder, but if we even find one person willing to listen to our pitch, it will be enough to threaten Julie and her partners.”

  Luke’s mind was buzzing, recalibrating details of the new plan as they walked into the car rental office. He hoped he was making the right decision. This was a considerably more aggressive move, but the idea excited him, as well. He’d always preferred to face things head-on.

  “We’ll get a snazzy car, book an expensive room and then we’re going to have to do a lot more shopping.”


  “We want to look like we’ve got plenty of money and want to make more. We’re playing in the big leagues and need to make it clear we’re serious. That means drawing as much attention as we can, as quickly as possible.”

  Luke’s heart rate sped up as he anticipated what would happen. He liked the idea of getting in their heads—in Nicky’s head—and beating her at her own game.

  “You have to play the part, too, Vanessa. Out for payback, looking to score big, willing to risk everything to do it—can you do that?”

  She bit her lip, and then nodded. “If it means it will draw Julie out faster, then I can do whatever you need me to.”


  He reached over, took her hand and squeezed it. This was going to work, as long as they both stayed alive in the end.

  * * *

  VANESSA FELT as if she were in a movie. Right now she was getting henna highlights added to her plain brown hair, and even braving scissors as a stylist trimmed her ends and produced some feathery bangs that softened her eyes. She had a glass of untouched champagne on the silver tray to her left—Luke wasn’t kidding when he said they were going all out for their new plan.

  They’d been shopping all afternoon, and he’d left her at the salon to get “everything” done while he took their things back to the room he needed to secure.

  Vanessa understood the strategy, in her head—her heart was having a harder time. Luke, however, had fallen into his part very quickly and very well. During their shopping trip, he’d touched her at every opportunity, asking her to model each outfit, every dress, choosing some that were very revealing.

  She’d almost forgotten it was all make-believe. His constant touching made her want to drag him into the changing room and have her way with him, but he didn’t appear at all worked up. Cool and collected, as usual.

  The brands of makeup on the vanity in front of her cost even more than Vanessa expected, but Luke had insisted she go all out.

  “This mocha tone is subtle but will deepen your eyes, without looking like you are wearing a lot of cosmetics,” a cosmetician said, joining them. “Let’s try it.”

  Vanessa held still as the woman applied the makeup. When she backed away, Vanessa stared in amazement at the difference in her eyes. Suddenly, she looked exotic and sexy, with her new bangs and deeply colored eyes.

  “Wow. That’s incredible,” she said, accepting the lipstick that was handed to her. A little lip color and some light face powder had Vanessa feeling as if she were looking into the mirror at a different woman.

  “Your husband left a car for you. He said he would meet you for drinks when you were done. He also left this,” the cosmetician said, handing her a bag.

  “What is it?”

  “A gift.” The young woman smiled. “I peeked. It’s gorgeous. Does he have a brother, by any chance?”

  Vanessa smiled weakly. “Unfortunately, no. He’s not my husband, though. Just a friend.”

  “Lucky girl. I think Iris is done with you now. Your hair looks fantastic. I’ll pack up your things while you change. The room is back there.”

  Change? Vanessa took the bag and went to the dressing room the cosmetician had indicated, closing the door.

  She opened the bag and found two boxes. They looked expensive even before she opened them, each wrapped in a red ribbon. In one, she found a dress. It was a slip of red satin, edge
d in black lace. There wasn’t much to it, but what there was, was beautiful. Underneath that was a black lace shawl that matched the dress.

  The other box contained a pair of sexy stockings, garters and black heels. Her size.

  The scrap of satin was clearly what Luke wanted her to wear to meet him for drinks.

  He wasn’t kidding when he’d said they were going public in a big way, but at least he got to keep most of his clothes on in the process.

  Vanessa wasn’t sure she could wear this out in public.

  Still, she wanted to feel it on her skin, and paused, considering.

  It wasn’t something she would have chosen for herself, but there was no harm in trying it on. She could always put her current clothes back on if she didn’t feel comfortable.

  Giving in, she took off her clothes, including the white bra that wouldn’t work at all with the red satin. Slipping the dress over her head, she immediately loved how the soft weight of the material fell over her form, stopping midthigh.

  Smiling, she ran her hands over it. It was very glamorous. Moving to the mirror, she checked the fit from every angle. The material clung in all the right places, but also moved as she did. She liked how the black lace on the edges brushed her skin and at the bodice, hinting at what was underneath without displaying everything. Sexy, but still classy. It actually was quite lovely and brought out the red highlights in her hair.

  Her heart beat a bit faster as she thought about walking out of the salon in this dress while wearing next-to-nothing underneath. What would Luke’s response be? For a moment, she was going to ask one of the girls in the salon to find her a red or black satin bra, but she had to admit, this dress made the best of everything she had. She also loved how the sensual material teased her along her skin.

  Unable to resist, she pulled on the garters and stockings and slipped into the heels. She’d always coveted the sexy shoes at the stores, but had no use for them in her daily life—they were not the shoes of choice when herding twenty-six third graders around every day.

  But for an evening out with a sexy man...they were perfect.

  Vanessa felt more feminine than she had in a long time. Perhaps, she thought, she needed to invest in more luxuries in her life. Maybe that would help her meet more interesting men, or make life more enjoyable in general.

  Was this how her sister lived all the time? Wearing glamorous clothes and spending her time with wealthy, powerful men? But what had it cost her?

  Vanessa took a deep breath, eyeing her regular clothes on the bench, and then her reflection in the mirror. If she was ever going to find out the answers to her questions, she had to have the courage to see this through. Luke had a plan, and he was including her, which is what she wanted.

  Her decision made, she packed her jeans and top into the bag, and steadied her nerves before she left the dressing room. Clasping the lacy shawl over her shoulders made her feel a bit less conspicuous.

  She bumped into the stylist who’d done her hair as she walked out. The older woman stopped and took her in, placing her hand on her chest.

  “You will make every man who sees you stop in his tracks. That dress is gorgeous on you.”

  Vanessa blushed, but felt bolstered by the compliment.

  “Thank you. I’m not used to wearing things that are”



  “Don’t worry. It is revealing, but exquisite. Have fun tonight,” she said with a wink.

  Vanessa laughed. “I will. Thank you for doing such a lovely job on my hair. Do I pay at the main desk?”

  “It’s all been taken care of. You go have a wonderful night on the island.”

  Vanessa smiled. Of course. Luke would have taken care of everything. She felt like a kept woman, somewhat, and it wasn’t so bad, she thought with a grin. Especially because it was all pretend. Like being in a play. In reality, she would never let a man make all of her decisions for her and buy her such expensive things, but for now, this was how it needed to be. She might as well enjoy it.

  As she was directed to the car that waited for her, she did indeed notice men stopping to take her in, and a few less well-heeled ones also murmuring what she imagined were inappropriate comments in their native tongue. A driver helped her into the back of a luxurious sedan Luke had sent, and then put her bags in the trunk.

  The ride to the club was short, and there was a long line outside when she emerged from the car. Vanessa stood, unsure what she was supposed to do, but then she felt a touch on her elbow.

  “I just have to say, wow,” Luke whispered in her ear, trailing his lips from there to hers for a quick kiss.

  She kissed him back and smiled as his eyes traveled over her. The lust in his gaze made her nipples perk through the satin, and she swallowed hard as he slid a hand along the small of her back.

  Vanessa took him in, and her heart beat harder as she did so. The mini-bead-stripe suit was striking, and the plain-front trousers he wore fit him perfectly, making him even sleeker than usual. With his sharp, white shirt and thin tie, he looked hip, slick and handsome all at the same time. Vanessa reached out without thinking, stroking a hand down the length of his tie. He smiled, capturing her hand with his.

  “Let’s go in,” he said, his voice a bit rough. Was he as affected as she was, or was he pretending, still?

  “Don’t we have to wait?”

  He grinned, hugging her in closer. “We go to the front of the line, baby, especially with you looking like that.”

  Vanessa enjoyed the thrill that ran through her. This was exciting. Luke was playing his part to perfection, and she was going to do her best to join in, smiling at the men at the door while still fiddling with Luke’s tie as they gained entry to the building.

  Sex sold, apparently, and it also got you into clubs faster.

  Once inside, the driving rhythm of the music pulsed underneath them, and Vanessa felt it through her body. Linking her arms around Luke’s neck, she pushed up on tiptoe and kissed him.

  “Thanks for the dress and the shoes.”

  She dragged the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip and he smiled against her mouth.

  “You keep doing that, we’ll have to leave—these pants don’t hide much.”

  “I know,” she said naughtily, smiling as she backed down and took her place at his side. “So, what next?”

  “I got some intel that Julie’s been seen at this club. So, we get some drinks, get some food, dance, see and let ourselves be seen,” he said, taking her hand in his and kissing it. “Hopefully, word will get back to her. But one thing, first.”


  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin box, putting it in her hand.

  “What is this?”

  “Open it.”

  She did, and took a step back in surprise, nearly bumping into another guest until Luke pulled her out of the path of the collision.

  “Luke, seriously! Are you crazy? I can’t wear this,” she said, her sexy persona falling to the side in her shock.

  “You can. And you should. It suits that dress.”


  “No buts, Vanessa. You don’t have to keep it if you don’t want to, but you should wear it. Remember, we’re trying to draw attention.”

  She gave in and picked up the gold chain in her fingers. The delicate filigree sparkled in the lights of the club, especially the constellation of rubies that highlighted the piece.

  “Will you put it on me?”

  He smiled in assent, and she turned around. His fingers on the bare skin of her neck made her shiver as he closed the clasp and pressed soft kisses to the back of her neck.

  “Let me see,” he said.

  She turned, her hand going self-consciously to the necklace at he
r throat.

  “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, his tone and his eyes completely serious.

  Vanessa couldn’t look away. “Thank you.”

  They stayed like that for another moment or two, and then he grinned, his eyes sparking again, the mask in place.

  “Let’s go have some fun,” he said as he drew her into the crowd, heading to the bar.

  For the next few hours, the world spun around Vanessa in a mélange of colorful drinks, music and dancing. Luke was a fantastic dancer, and she followed his lead—several of the colorful drinks loosening her up and making it easier than she thought. Several times they were at the center of the dance floor, and she actually enjoyed herself.

  Now she and Luke were pressed up against each other, moving in a sort of hypnotic rhythm amid the throng of dancing bodies around them. Vanessa had abandoned her shawl hours before, and let her head drop back as Luke’s hands smoothed over her shoulders, his thumbs tracing the edges of her collarbone.

  She’d had enough alcohol to be warm and loose, though not drunk, and she gave herself up to the beat and his touch, taking it all in.

  When she tipped her head back up and looked into his eyes, she found Luke staring at her with undisguised wanting.

  “You’re making it very hard to resist you,” he said, his hands drifting lower as he tugged her more tightly against him. He was hard. Very.

  Vanessa curled a hand around his neck. So what if it was pretend, only temporary? She wanted this.

  “Then don’t,” she said, looking directly into his eyes so that he knew she wasn’t teasing.

  The next thing she knew he was leading her along through the sea of dancers.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere private.”


  LUKE THOUGHT he could hold out. He needed to keep a clear head. It was necessary to keep them both alive. It was also impossible to do that when he was anywhere close to Vanessa.

  He must have been a total fool. To get her involved in this and to imagine that he could keep his hands off her.


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