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The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection

Page 20

by G. K. DeRosa

  Penetrating eyes locked onto hers, and the air crackled with intensity. Was I the only one feeling this?

  “Of course. Anything for you, Sam.”

  Declan stiffened next to me. I so was not the only one with no poker face.

  Sammarah dug the ancient tome out of her bag and placed it on the coffee table. Azazel’s mouth curved into a capital O as his eyes ran over the old book.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Declan glared at his uncle. “Can you translate it or not?”

  He held his hands up, the cigar dangling from his lips. “Whoa. What’s going on Dec? What’s with all the hostility?” His eyes darted back and forth from Sammarah to his nephew.

  Declan huffed and sat back on the sofa. “Why didn’t you tell me Mom was alive?” He raked his hand through his disheveled locks. “All this time you let me believe she was dead. Why?”

  Geez, Declan wasn’t wasting any time.

  Azazel squirmed, and the cigar slid right out of his open mouth.

  I wished I were anywhere but here right now. How did I keep getting caught up in the middle of his family drama?

  Straightening after picking the cigar off the floor, he fixed his gaze on his nephew. “It was for your mother’s safety. And yours.”

  “Whatever.” Declan shook his head. “The only person you’ve ever cared about is yourself. You just didn’t want Nathanael discovering you snitched.”

  “Declan that’s enough.” Sammarah’s quiet voice broke the standoff. “We came to ask your uncle a favor, and this is certainly no way to start.”

  “You’re right. Maybe you should deal with him.” He stood and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

  Chapter 6

  A part of me wanted to go after Declan, but the other part was too shocked by his outburst to move. Plus I really wanted to find out what his uncle knew about the book. I glanced up, and Azazel’s mismatched eyes were on me.

  “Such a pretty little human. You don’t see many of them around these days.” His hand reached out to me, but then it dropped to his side as if he thought better of it.

  A boulder-sized pit of unease brewed in my stomach. Maybe I should’ve gone after Declan.

  Sammarah scooted closer to Azazel, and he averted his gaze to her. “Can you help us?” She picked up the book and laid it across her lap.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Can I? Yes.” He paused. “Should I? Most definitely not.”

  “What does that mean?” I couldn’t just sit there any longer.

  “Inquisitive little human, isn’t she?”

  “She’s special, Azazel.” Sammarah placed her hand on his knee, and he returned a knowing glance.

  What the heck did that mean?

  He lifted the immense book from her lap and flipped through a few pages. “I was starting to believe this thing was only a myth.” He blew out a long breath as his eyes scanned the yellowing pages.

  After a few long moments, he closed the book and turned to Sammarah. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I’m positive. I can’t help but feel responsible somehow.” Her expression darkened, and she glanced down at her clasped hands.

  Azazel reached over, entangling his fingers through hers. “You did everything you could.”

  Now I was the one lowering my gaze. Again, I felt like an intruder on a private moment.

  “Liv,” Sammarah’s voice broke the heavy silence. “Would you mind giving us a minute?”

  I jumped up so fast, I startled Duke. “Of course. I’ll go see where Declan went.” I darted out the door with Duke fast on my heels. When I reached the pitch-black corridor and there was no sign of Declan, I second-guessed my hasty decision to come out here alone. A thick darkness settled over me, engulfing my senses. I should’ve just stayed in the extra room I’d seen down the hall at Azazel’s.

  Who knew where Declan had gone? He could’ve gone out for a quick fly around the city for all I knew, and now I was stuck out here alone.

  As I fumbled around the dark hallway, I cursed myself for not bringing my backpack. A flashlight would’ve certainly come in handy right now. Making my way toward what I was pretty sure was the staircase, I ran my hand along the wall as I crept forward.

  The sound of Duke’s panting blasted through the dense silence. A trickle of sweat dripped down my spine, and I hoped to God I’d reach the door soon. The inky darkness was doing things to my mind.

  I took another step and smacked into something hard. A scream tore out of my mouth as strong arms encircled me. My heart leapt into my throat, and a loud chuckle filled the air.

  “Jerk!” I shrieked, squirming out of Declan’s arms.

  He laughed again, and I could picture his maroon eyes sparkling at my expense.

  “How could you do that?”

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  “You’re a total idiot.” I jabbed him in the gut, but he caught my arm as I retreated and pulled me into him.

  My hands rested on his chest, and his arm snaked around my waist trapping me against his body. My skin tingled, every nerve ending alive and on edge. The dense black blanketed us, heightening the heated moment.

  “Liv, I…”

  Warm breath tickled my nose, his fresh woodsy scent swirling around me. I couldn’t see beyond the tip of my nose, but somehow I knew he was leaning in. My heart rate skyrocketed, and I bit down on my lip to keep myself in check.

  He’d never even acknowledged our last kiss. Our first real kiss.

  I dropped my hands and pushed out of his embrace, sucking in a much-needed breath.

  “What’s wrong?” Declan’s rough voice made my stomach somersault.

  Did I really want to be that whiny girl wanting a label on what we were?


  “You can’t just keep trying to kiss me.” I was suddenly relieved we were in the dark so he couldn’t see my face go fifty shades of red.

  “Keep trying?”

  A warm glow filled the darkness as Declan’s angel light sparked to life. He held his hand palm up, and his confused face took shape. “The last time I kissed you, we were on the highway in D.C. and I was trying to stop you from doing something stupid. And you kissed me back if I remember correctly.”

  “That wasn’t the last time—”

  The perplexed look on his face stopped me from embarrassing myself any further.

  “What are you talking about?” He arched a brow.

  Damn him for making it look so seductive.

  “Nothing. Forget it.” I turned back toward Azazel’s apartment, but his hand wrapped around my arm pulling me back.

  “I don’t want to forget it. If we kissed, I’m pretty sure I’d remember it. I’ve been wanting to for awhile.” His lips twisted into a smirk, revealing that sexy dimple. “But I’m not surprised you did.”

  I grunted. Conceited much? “Let’s get back to more important stuff like saving the world.”

  “No.” He tightened his grip on my arm. “When did I kiss you again?”

  I released a breath and spat it out. “When you saved Duke and almost died. Or at least I thought you were dying. You were burning up; I guess you were feverish or whatever.” I shrugged. “You just kissed me.”

  Heat rose up my neck staining my cheeks as his smoldering gaze moved from my eyes to my lips.

  “And you kissed me back?” He lifted a brow.

  “Like I said, I thought you were dying.” My voice went up a notch. I crossed my arms against my chest, and Declan was forced to release his hold.

  “I see. Well, I’m sorry I don’t remember it. That doesn’t really seem fair.” His fiery maroon irises locked on mine, and my knees turned to mush.

  He stepped nearer, erasing the distance between us. I wanted to look away, but my traitorous body leaned into him. My lips parted, exhaling softly and a low growl reverberated in Declan’s throat.

  His lips brushed mine, achingly slowly. He lifted his hand to c
radle my neck, deepening the kiss. My breath hitched as his tongue teased, darting in and out of my mouth. Much too soon, he backed away, leaving me hot, bothered and wanting so much more.

  He grazed my cheek with his thumb and lifted my chin. “Yeah, I definitely should’ve remembered that.”

  The door down the hall whipped open, and we leapt apart.

  “What are you kids doing in the dark?” Sammarah’s voice filtered down the hall.

  “Just hanging out, Mom.”

  Again I sent up a silent prayer of thanks that she couldn’t see my flushed cheeks.

  “Come back inside. We need to talk to you.”

  Declan took my hand and led me back to his uncle’s, Duke trailing behind us. We crossed the threshold into the light, and I squinted until my eyes readjusted. Once Azazel’s features came into focus, I caught his heavy gaze on our interlocked hands.

  I squirmed to break free of his hold, but Declan’s grip only tightened. Okay, I was definitely red now.

  “You have something to tell us?” The fun, joking Declan from two seconds ago was gone. His voice took on a harsh tone I barely recognized.

  “Come inside and sit.”

  Declan rolled his eyes and dragged me to the couch. I was getting some major déjà vu.

  “Your uncle is going to help us.” Sammarah smiled proudly like she’d had something to do with it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had.

  “So you believe in all this?” Declan eyed him skeptically.

  “There’s nothing to believe or not believe. The existence of the sakra lampiada is a fact—a fact known to only a select few.”

  My jaw dropped to the ground. Was Azazel as crazy as Sammarah was?

  His uncle pointed to the book resting on the table. “The Book of Salvation has been lost for centuries. The fact that you were able to find it means that it wanted to be found and that Sammarah truly is a descendant of the sacred bloodline. I had my doubts at first when your mother came to me with this a few years ago, but this proves it.”

  I gulped. This couldn’t be real.

  “So now what? Will this book tell us how to find the shield?” Declan shifted uncomfortably.

  “It’ll lead you on the right path.” He flipped through a few pages. “It’s going to take me at least a day to get through it. My duta vani is a bit rusty.”

  “Duta vani?” I was really going to lose my mind soon.

  “It’s a primitive angel language known only to the very ancient ones. It’s a derivative of Sanskrit and Tamil.”

  “How old are you?” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  Azazel let out a hoarse chuckle. “Now I see why you like her, Dec.” He turned to me, his multi-toned irises boring into mine. “I’m older than time itself. I’d explain it, but it’s a concept that a human wouldn’t understand.”

  Well, excuse me!

  “I’m the eldest of the three brothers if that helps at all.”

  It didn’t. “Wait.” I turned to Declan. “Your dad has another brother?”

  Azazel’s eyes darkened. “We lost our younger sibling, Zekiel some time ago.”

  How was that possible? I didn’t think full-blooded angels could die. I made a mental note to ask Declan more about that later.

  Azazel rose and motioned for us to follow. “It’s getting late. Why don’t you all get some rest so I can work on the translations.” It seemed more of a command than a request.

  Declan and I stood, grabbing our duffel bags with Duke in tow, but Sammarah remained planted on the couch. “I’m going to stay and see if I can be of any help.”

  Umhmm… I wondered when she’d come clean about her relationship or whatever it was with Azazel to Declan. I hated keeping it from him, but I certainly wasn’t going to be the one to let that scandalous cat out of the bag.

  “Don’t stay up too late, Mom. You need your rest.”

  She gave Declan a smile, and we followed Azazel down the hallway to the extra bedroom. Two queen sized beds and a large armoire filled the decent-sized room. It wasn’t at all what I expected for a fallen angel’s bachelor pad.

  Before leaving, Azazel turned to Declan. He placed his hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I am sorry, son. I only meant to protect you and your mother. I hope that you will see that someday.”

  Declan nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line.

  Azazel threw me a twisted grin. “Goodnight, human. Sleep tight and may winged angels grace your dreams.”

  Yup, Uncle Crazypants definitely belonged with Sammarah. From what I’d heard about Declan’s father so far, these two seemed like a much better fit.

  “Sorry. I told you he was unique.” Declan quirked a brow and stretched out on the bed. He stifled a yawn as he watched me.

  I shrugged and then rifled through my bag for a change of clothes. “I guess all families have that crazy uncle.” Finding a clean shirt and comfy shorts, I turned back to Declan. “Close your eyes.”

  A sexy chuckle vibrated in his chest.

  “Have your uncle’s eyes always been that color?”

  “No. They used to be blue like my dad’s. The black one is a mark of the fallen.”

  I quickly finished changing and tried to hide the surprise from my voice. “Oh.” Sitting down on the floor, I fiddled with my discarded clothes, not knowing what else to say. “You can open your eyes now,” I finally muttered.

  He lifted his head, propping it on his hand and his gaze turned pensive. “Are you okay with all of this? I know it isn’t exactly what you signed up for.”

  I hadn’t signed up for any of this. Not for losing my parents, my best friend or living in this hellish world. I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. If there was even the slightest chance to set everything right again, I had to try.

  “I’m in,” I said finally. “What else would I be doing right now?”

  A small smile tugged at his lips, and he motioned to the empty spot on the bed beside him. “I’ve got an idea or two.” He winked, and a horde of butterflies took off in my belly.

  I chucked my shoe at his head, but his lightning-fast angel reflexes caught it before it could do any damage.

  His expression turned serious as he regarded me. An uncharacteristic vulnerability darkened his irises. “So are we doing this?” He pointed to himself then me.

  Embarrassment burned my cheeks. Was he trying to have the talk right now?

  “I don’t know. I guess.” There was no denying the feelings I had for Declan, but did I really trust him? Could I get over the fact that he was half angel and his father was responsible for raining hell down on humanity?

  He reached his hand out for me, and I took it. Pulling me onto the bed, he spooned me into his side. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you,” he whispered into my ear, igniting a wave of goose bumps. I shuddered, but in a good way. He nuzzled my neck, drawing me close and I relaxed into him. “Get some rest, Liv. If all goes well, we’re going on a treasure hunt tomorrow.”

  With his strong arms wrapped around me, cocooning me from all the craziness surrounding us, my eyelids drooped. I quickly drifted to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  A chill raced over my arms, dragging me out of a peaceful slumber. My eyes fluttered open and landed on the empty side of the bed. No wonder I was cold; where did my personal body heater go?

  I slid off the mattress, careful not to wake Sammarah who was asleep in the bed across from me. I cringed at the thought of her having seen Declan and me in the same bed together. Too late now.

  Bypassing a snoring Duke, I crept out of the room. Hushed voices filtered down the corridor. One of them made my heart skip a beat. This was bad; I was falling way too hard too quickly. Harmless flirting had always been a part of our relationship, but this was becoming more.

  I reached the corner and paused. I knew I shouldn’t be eavesdropping on their conversation, but I couldn’t help myself. Declan had been so set on hating his uncle. What had made him suddenly
change his mind?

  I held my breath and focused on their quiet conversation.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you, Dec.” Azazel’s voice took on a compassionate quality I didn’t think the man possessed.

  “Do you believe Mom’s lineage was the reason my powers weren’t affected?” asked Declan.

  What did that mean?

  Azazel grunted. “It’s possible. No one knows much about the divine bloodline.”

  “So in theory I could wield the shield too?”

  “No. Not with your angelic side and especially not now with the demo—” His uncle’s words cut off.

  Crap. I was totally busted.

  “Liv, is that you?” Declan’s anxious voice sent a pang through my chest.

  I turned the corner, running a hand through my hair and yawned. “Sorry. I was just looking for the bathroom.”

  Declan lifted his brow, and I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know he suspected I was lying.

  “It’s back that way.” Azazel pointed down the corridor I’d come from.

  “Oh, right.” I spun around wanting to escape their intimidating gazes as fast as possible. What had they been talking about? Why was Declan always keeping secrets? My mind reeled trying to decipher the puzzling phrases.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, I headed back to the guestroom. There was no way I’d fall asleep now, but I had to try.

  Declan appeared around the bend, and I froze. His hard expression softened when his eyes landed on me. “You okay?”

  I tensed, crossing my arms against my chest. “Yeah, fine.”

  His brows dipped as he regarded me, his nerve-racking gaze running over every inch of me.

  My mouth went dry, and heat unfurled in my core. Damn him for having that effect on me.

  He backed me against the wall, and I was trapped. My heart jackhammered against my ribs, his musky scent enveloping me. The entire length of his body pressed against mine.

  “Want to go back to bed?”

  My brain said no. Absolutely not. Not when he was still keeping secrets from me. But my stupid raging hormones took the reins, and a breathy yes slipped from my mouth.


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