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Noreen's Choice

Page 6

by Ann Gimpel

  “What do you think about soap?” Les asked.

  “Too hard to rinse without a proper washtub,” Karl answered.

  “One of many things we’ll need to get,” Les murmured.

  “How have you been bathing?” Noreen felt confused.

  Les snorted. “We’re tough guys. We have a cold water shower hooked up out back.”

  “I’ll say you’re tough.” Noreen turned to give them better access to her backside. “You do that even in the winter?”

  “Not so much.” A corner of Karl’s mouth turned downward. “Hence my comment about taking advantage of your presence to enhance our grooming efforts.”

  “So, what did you do before?” she persisted.

  “In the winter, we spent a lot of time as wolves,” Les said. “If our pelts felt dirty, we’d scratch a hole in an icy stream and wash.”

  Noreen stepped away from the men, bent over the kettle, and sluiced water over her hands and face. She straightened, grabbed a towel, and dried herself before turning to face them. Karl was naked; Les still had his shirt on. She went to him and unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. He was more heavily muscled than Karl, with more golden skin tones. His skin was smooth but for a very few curly hairs around his copper-colored nipples.

  “Good thing you had us take our shoes off before we sat down to eat,” she said. “It would have been awkward getting your trousers over them.”

  “We’ve always done that,” Karl said.

  Les nodded. “Yes, back in the old country, we removed our shoes in the castle mudroom and replaced them with house slippers. Rather, servants did that for us. It helped keep the dirt they had to clean to a manageable level, I suppose.”

  “Aren’t either of you going to at least rinse off?” Noreen placed her hands on her hips and looked meaningfully at the hot water.

  “You heard the lady.” Karl headed for the kettle. He still had the cloth he’d used to wash her, and he dipped it back into the water to wash himself. Les followed suit. It wasn’t the most bang-up cleaning job, Noreen thought, but it would do.

  “Ready to come to bed?” Les tossed his washrag in the kitchen sink and smiled at her.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Noreen held out both hands. Les grasped one and Karl the other. Bodies bumping against each other, they laughingly made their way through a doorway much too narrow to accommodate three.

  “Oh my.” Noreen’s hand flew to her mouth. “It’s lovely.” The men had laid an inviting-looking bed, piled high with colorful comforters and pillows, and set candles to burn in the corners of the room. Scented with mint and jasmine, they made the bedroom smell heavenly.

  “If we’d have had flower petals, we’d have scattered them.” Les smiled softly.

  “And gold and jewels.” Karl grinned too. “You’ll have to give us a few days to treat you like the queen you are—our queen.”

  Noreen’s throat thickened with emotion. “Aw, guys.” She blinked back tears. “Those things aren’t important. We already have what’s most important. Each other.” Letting go of their hands, Noreen covered the few steps to the bed and lay down. In seconds, the men converged, one on either side, and held her between them.

  She snuggled between two wonderfully masculine bodies, reveling in the heady scent they produced that was sex incarnate. Les and Karl drew closer, whispering how much they adored her.

  She sat up between them and laid a hand on each man’s shoulder. “The two of you are wonderfully romantic, but could we please get cracking on divesting me of my virginity and getting some of that shifter magic cooking so I can heat water too? We have the rest of our lives for you to tell me how wonderful I am.”

  “You heard the lady,” Les said.

  “That I did. Fraulein,” Karl pulled her back down between them and kissed her cheek, “your wish is our command.”

  A thrill ran up her spine. Two men, all for her. Life couldn’t possibly get any sweeter than this.

  Chapter 6

  Les ran kisses down Noreen’s neck and settled in the hollow of her collarbones to lick the sweetness from her skin. She tasted incredible. He’d loved how responsive she was to his and Karl’s caresses. It was as if she’d been born to have two lovers. He moved lower and captured a nipple. It was already pebble-hard, but it puckered still more as he tongued it.

  “Which one of us first?” Karl’s voice sounded in his mind. Les sent a prayer to Gaia for the gift she’d given shifters. There were no jealousies in their family packs. Everyone gave a hundred ten percent and no one ever kept score. Les lifted his mouth from Noreen’s breast; Karl still lay next to her, mouth glued to hers as they kissed deeply. He felt the other man’s arousal as acutely as his own. Despite his earlier climax, his cock was so hard it ached. Les knew it was the mate bond driving them. The urge to couple was so strong, it made shifters physically ill if they tried to deny it.

  “You can take her, but let me get her ready so it doesn’t hurt so much.”

  “Hurry. I’m afraid I’ll come before I even get inside.”

  Les returned to sucking Noreen’s nipples, moving from one to the other while he slid a hand between her legs. He smiled to himself. She was more than aroused. Her passion-slick nub thrummed beneath his questing fingers. If he did things right, he wanted to get her so hot she was ready to climax. Extreme arousal would help her push through the pain of being deflowered. Or maybe he could take care of that part with his fingers.

  Les trailed kisses down her stomach and settled between her legs. She came so easily, he’d have to be careful to keep her just on the edge. He licked her clit, first one side, then the other, and then in a lazy circular motion. Les moved a hand to the entrance of her core. One finger slid partway inside easily; she squirmed around him, pussy muscles clenching tightly. He added a second finger; it was a snug fit, and he upped the attention to her clit. Her body thrashed beneath him; she wrapped her legs around the sides of his head. He pushed and felt her barrier break. His fingers sank deep into her. Vibrating tension in the clit in his mouth and the muscles surrounding his fingers told him it was time to cede his position.

  “Now, brother.” Les withdrew and ducked from beneath her legs.

  “Don’t stop, damn it,” she moaned, hips bucking. “I’m almost there.” In the candlelight, her eyes were glazed with lust.

  “We know.” Karl’s voice was rough with desire. “We’re not stopping, just trading places.” He knelt between her legs and positioned his swollen cockhead at her entrance. “I’ll take this slow, liebchen.”

  “I don’t want it slow.” She made a grab for his hips and pulled hard.

  Les grinned. His groin ached and his cock felt like it was about to explode, but joy filled him as Karl sank his penis partway into their mate. He felt the other man’s excitement, and it fed his own. The sound of their breathing was loud in the candlelit room.

  Noreen’s legs went around Karl’s slender hips. He drew almost all the way out. Les saw her fluids gleaming on his shaft before Karl sank inside her body again, farther this time. Noreen squirmed and cried out. Les felt her surprise at how big Karl’s cock was, and then a flash of fear she wouldn’t be able to contain him.

  He moved close and fingered her clit. Karl understood and moved faster, driving himself home again and again. Her nubbin quivered beneath Les’ fingers. He urged her with fingers and his mouth on hers to come; once she did, the cock inside her would feel heavenly. Noreen opened her mouth beneath his. Her clit grew even harder as he rubbed it, and then she dragged her mouth from his and shrieked as she orgasmed. Karl’s cry came atop hers as he spasmed into her, juddering hard. Les’ balls snugged against his body. His cock, sandwiched against Noreen’s hip, was so close to release he could have thought himself to a climax, but he held back.

  Noreen panted and moaned. Les gathered her close, noticing her legs were still wrapped firmly around Karl and she hadn’t let go of his hips. “You were wonderful.”

  “Awesome, stup
endous,” Karl gasped.

  “I-I almost panicked there for a minute,” Noreen’s voice was muffled against his shoulder. “Karl’s penis is so big. I had no idea I could stretch so far.” She wrapped her arms around Les. “You haven’t had a turn yet. Your cock feels like an iron bar pressed against me.”

  Karl pulled away from her body and lay on Noreen’s other side. He strung kisses down her hair and her forehead and cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured. “That was the most wonderful, the most incredible…”

  “Stop! This will go to my head.” She laughed and wriggled between them. Her joy was contagious, but her movements reminded Les of the fire in his groin.

  “If you’re sore,” he started, “I can take care of myself right now, and we can wait until you’ve rested a little before we complete the mate bond.” Les bit his lip. Making that offer was hard, but he loved Noreen and taking care of their new mate was more important than his pleasure.

  Noreen moved so she could meet Les’ gaze. Her face was splotchy with sated passion. Long, blonde hair eddied around her. He’d never seen a woman look more beautiful and opened his mouth to tell her so, when she said, “I don’t think I’ll be any sorer. Besides, it wouldn’t feel fair even if I brought you off with my hand or mouth.” She pushed herself up on her elbows. “I thought about this earlier, but then I guess I got swept away. We should have used a condom.” Noreen grinned sheepishly. “I figure it’s unlikely, but are there any here?”

  “Not needed,” Karl said. “We control when we impregnate, and we’re immune to human diseases. You will be, too, for the most part, once the shifter magic takes hold.”

  “Oh, but that’s wonderful.” She rolled toward Les and wrapped her arms around him. “What are we waiting for? I actually think I can come again.”

  “Go for it,” Karl urged. “She’s incredible. Hot and tight. I came harder than I ever have before.”

  Les stopped thinking. He felt Noreen’s arousal in her open-mouthed kiss. Her breasts pressed against his chest, the nipples like stones. He held her close and put all his love and longing into their kiss. He felt Karl in his mind and welcomed him. Sharing this way made the sex even better. Noreen moaned softly into his mouth; her hips writhed against his erection, driving him mad.

  Reluctantly, he broke their kiss. “Let’s try it this way,” he said. “I’m going to sit with my back against the wall. I want you to straddle me. Karl will be behind you. He’s going to tickle your back door with his fingers. If you like the sensation, we can do more of it.” Les settled his back against a pillow and opened his arms for her.

  Noreen’s arousal filled the air with a musky perfume reminiscent of spring wildflowers. She came to him and spread her legs, kneeling over him. He placed his hands on her hips and helped lower her onto his shaft. The feeling of her slick heat around him was almost unbearable. Les knew he wouldn’t last long. She angled her head and licked one of his nipples. Liquid fire tracked right to his core and nearly blew the top of his head off.

  “Ooh.” She wriggled, muscles milking his shaft. “I like what Karl’s doing. It’s…interesting.”

  “Perfect,” Karl sent. “I’ll just diddle her entrance where all the nerves are. Jesus! You’re so hot, I don’t understand why you haven’t come.”

  Les didn’t understand it, either. His balls ached with denial. He moved Noreen’s hips and set a rhythm. She slid up and down his shaft, making little mewling noises. His breath came so fast, Les thought he might pass out, but he was damned if he wouldn’t make her come before he did. He slid a hand between them and rubbed her clit. The combined stimulation of clit, ass, and pussy did it. Noreen’s muscles clenched hard; her teeth closed on his shoulder before she raised her head and shrieked her delight.

  Les let himself go. He pumped into her once, twice, and then semen juddered out of him, hot and burning. He just kept coming, so shattered by the spasms his vision blurred.

  Noreen collapsed against him. Karl put his arms around them both. The deed was done. They were mated. Les wanted to jump up, shout his joy to the heavens, and dance around the room. The impossible had finally happened. He and Karl had a mate again. And what a mate she was. Gorgeous, strong-minded, a perfect complement to their family. In his deepest places, he vowed to make up for the family she’d been cheated out of as a youngster.

  Les drew back and gazed tenderly at her. “I love you.”

  “As do I,” Karl murmured. Ich liebe dich.

  “Ja, we will love and protect you forever,” Les whispered.

  “I love both of you too.” Noreen was surprised at how right the words felt on her tongue. Even though they hadn’t known one another for long, the mate bond must have worked its magic because she felt as if they’d been together since the beginning of time.

  Karl got to his feet and padded toward the door. “Where are you going?” Les asked.

  “To wash my hands and get another bottle of wine. I’d say this calls for a round or two of toasts!”

  * * * *

  Noreen awoke to sunlight streaming through the uncurtained bedroom window. Les had an arm curved protectively over her, and Karl snugged up against her other side. She grinned and swallowed spontaneous laughter. The men were still asleep, and she didn’t want to wake them. She thought she should pinch herself to make certain she hadn’t just dreamed everything that had happened since Alice, Jed, and the boys’ car rolled to a stop in front of her the previous afternoon.

  Oh my God. Alice and Jed. Noreen stared at the window and tried to figure out what time it was. Certainly past mid-morning by the angle of the light. Alice’s words came back to her. Sweetie, I’m betting you’ll be sorry when you hear us pull into the drive tomorrow because it’ll mean you have to get out of bed.

  She wriggled out from between the men, driven by a full bladder and the need to know what time it was. Les made a grab for her. “Up already?” He opened one sleepy eye and winked lasciviously.

  “Not only up but leaving? You can’t leave yet, sweetheart,” Karl said.

  “No,” Les agreed. “We’re nowhere near done with one another.”

  Noreen rolled her eyes. “From the looks of things, we won’t be done with one another for about fifty years. I’ve got to pee. Do either of you know the time? Jed and Alice and the guys will be back here fairly soon.”

  “Come to think of it,” Les rolled to his feet, “pissing’s a great idea.”

  Noreen just stared at him. She hadn’t truly gotten a good look at his body the previous night in the lantern and candlelit cabin. “My God, you’re incredible.” She gazed at the graceful muscles lining arms and chest, his flat stomach, and the jut of hip bones. His cock was hard; her gaze lingered there. She couldn’t help it.

  “Guess it’s time for me to stand too.” Karl moved off the bed and sashayed to Les’ side. He raised his hands above his head and turned in a parody of a stripper. “What about me, love? Aren’t I incredible too?”

  Her throat got dry. It didn’t seem possible, but his body was even more perfect than Les’. His skin was a dusky bronze, where Les’ was more golden and his form leaner. “You’re both pretty unbelievable.” She shifted from foot to foot. “And I still have to pee.”

  “Privy’s out back,” Les said. “You probably saw it yesterday, but you can’t go out there barefoot.”

  Karl scooped a pair of knitted sock slippers with worn leather soles out of a corner and brushed the dust bunnies off them. He handed them to her. “Lean on me.”

  She slid her feet into the slippers. They were a little large, but they’d stay on. Noreen blew kisses at the men and hurried outside, realizing instantly it was far too cold to be out of doors naked. She ducked into the privy, did what she needed to, and hustled back inside the cabin, but not before taking a moment to gawk at a day that looked more beautiful to her than any ever had before.

  Guess it’s because I’m really and truly in love for the very first time…

  Karl had stirred the ashes of last night�
�s fire and gotten a blaze going in the woodstove that also served as their only heat source. Les was busy at the sink with last night’s dishes.

  “Did either of you figure out what time it is?” she asked.

  “Around ten-thirty.” Les glanced over a shoulder and smiled.

  “Jed and them won’t show up much before noon.” Karl secured the firebox door and straightened. Les turned away from the dishes; both men gazed expectantly at her.

  Noreen was acutely aware she wasn’t wearing a thing except slippers. Worse, despite all her orgasms from yesterday, a familiar heat warmed her loins. “Is it always going to be like this?” She looked from one man to the other. “Where all we want to do is fuck?”

  “Hot damn!” Les clapped his hands together. “I love it when she talks dirty.”

  “Yes.” She flicked a hand toward his cock, jutting in front of him. “I can see that.”

  “We both love it, liebchen.” Karl pointed at his erection just to make certain she hadn’t missed it. As if she could have. It was aimed right at her, just like one of Cupid’s arrows.

  Noreen blew out a breath. “Okay, but only one round this time. I want to get the cabin looking better before Jed and Alice and the guys show up. Gosh, they’ll think all we did was romp around in bed.”

  Les brayed laughter. Karl joined in. When they could talk again, Les said, “No matter what you do, sweetheart, they’ll know we spent hours in bed because that’s what newly mated shifters do.”

  “Plus they’ll smell it,” Karl said. “No matter if you sluiced the cabin down with bleach or lime, they’d still smell all the pheromones from our mating heat.”

  Despite their abandon from the previous night, she felt suddenly shy as she sidled past the men and through the bedroom door. She’d loved the multiple points of stimulation where Les had been inside her with Karl tickling her anus. Maybe, if they only did one thing, they could repeat that…But both men needed release. An idea blossomed. Noreen opened her mouth but couldn’t get the words out. Talking about sex and asking for an act she’d always been taught was forbidden felt impossible.


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