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Crimson Dahlia (Book #3 of the Svatura Series)

Page 14

by Abigail Owen

  "He's just not… there for me anymore. He’s just not there. Period. He’s never around." Adelaide finished. She looked at Lila. "Do you know what I mean?"

  "I think I'm getting an idea. Like he wasn't around when the telepathy hit you," Lila said.

  "You noticed?" Adelaide asked.

  Lila tipped her head to the side. "Only because Nate is usually somewhere close by you. And that's when nothing big is going on."

  "Yeah. Well… I was pretty upset about that. But then Nate came to my room later and apologized."

  "And that made you feel better, until…" Lila trailed off.

  Adelaide bit her lip. “Until he kept asking about where you were.”

  Lila frowned. "I don't get it… Why is that a bad thing?"

  Adelaide shrugged. "I don't know," she mumbled. Her eyes glittered with unshed tears. "The first time he asked, there was just something about the way he asked it. I told him I didn't know where you were, and he let it go. But since then… he's asked a few more times. And it's not a, ‘I'm so concerned about what happens to Lila’ kind of asking. It's more like there is something weird behind it."

  "But you tell each other everything."

  "Not anymore." Adelaide looked up at Lila. "Do you think…" She gulped and cast her gaze downward. "Do you think I'm just being jealous?"

  Lila shook her head. "No way. You're not the type. There's not a jealous bone in your body. Especially when it comes to Nate."

  Adelaide sighed. "I thought so too. Only I don't know what to think about what's been going on with him lately."

  "I hate to ask this, but—" Lila hesitated.

  "Have I checked our relationship lately?" Adelaide finished. "I'm ashamed to say I have. We are still te’sorthene.”

  "You don't need to be ashamed about that. I'm sure you tried to talk to him first. And I'm sure you're relieved to know that bond is still there. But you're still worried, aren’t you?"

  "Something's wrong. Something’s… off with him. And I don't know what to do."

  Lila took Adelaide’s hand in hers. "Trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong, then something is wrong."

  Adelaide took a deep breath. "You think so?"

  "I know so."

  "So what do I do now?" Adelaide asked.

  Lila considered the options. "Has Mom said she feels anything bad coming?"

  Adelaide shook her head. "No…but with everything going on lately, her radar has been going a little bit crazy. She gets all sorts of feelings on a daily basis. She says it's hard to filter."

  "I have a few ideas, but I think we also need a man's opinion. Would you mind if we brought Ramsey in on this?"

  Adelaide looked surprised but nodded her agreement. Lila stood and ran up the stairs. She knocked on Ramsey's door and waited for him to open it.

  “Hi,” he said in his deep voice. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and she knew he was happy to see her.

  She took a deep breath. "Adelaide and I need your help."

  He raised his eyebrows and moved to follow her downstairs without question, but Lila placed her hand on his chest. “Just a sec, first I want to run something by you.” She quickly filled him in on everything Adelaide had told her, and then she told him her idea.

  “She won’t like it,” Ramsey said.

  “I know. But it won’t be on her conscience. And I think that’ll be more important.”

  “I don’t like it.” He crossed his arms. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “We’ll take every precaution you feel is necessary,” she assured him.

  Ramsey’s jaw clenched. “You’re determined to do this, aren’t you?”

  Lila shrugged, but nodded. “She’s my sister.”

  “Okay. Then I’m with you.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured. She had the strongest urge to throw her arms around his neck and give him a kiss.

  “I’ve filled Ramsey in,” Lila told Adelaide as she and Ramsey entered the room.

  Adelaide looked at him. “So what do you think?”

  “I think you should tell him where Lila is,” he replied.

  Adelaide frowned, confused. “So you’re telling me to trust him?”

  “It’s not him we’re worried about really, and we’re telling you to trust us,” Lila said. She sat back down next to Adelaide. “Can you do that?”

  Adelaide looked back and forth between Ramsey and Lila, a myriad of questions in her eyes. Lila could tell that Adelaide sort of suspected what they were up to. But if she could save her sister even a smidgeon of the guilt she might feel, Lila intended to do that. So she said nothing.

  After a moment, Adelaide took a deep breath. “Yes. I trust you. So I’ll just go home and tell Nate about this house?”

  “Yup. And try to forget about your worries, okay?” Lila said. “We’ll know eventually, either way. And until then, hold onto your faith in the relationship you can still see.”

  Adelaide bit her lip, tears brimming again. But she sucked in another breath and steadied herself. “Okay.”

  Adelaide used her cell phone to call Charlotte to come get her. Then the sisters embraced. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered,” Lila said.

  “I love you,” Adelaide whispered.

  “Ma petite chou,” Lila quipped. A little joke from their childhood in France.

  Charlotte appeared, and after another quick round of hugs, they were gone.

  Ramsey looked over at Lila. She was staring at the spot where her sister had just been standing, worry shadowing her eyes.

  “We’d better move fast,” he said. “Because if your suspicions are right, they’re all in terrible danger. And now, so are we.”

  Chapter 28

  “How long do you think you will be gone?” Xavier asked Selene as she stood before the High Council.

  “A few days at most,” she assured them.

  “And will your te’sorthene be joining you?” one of the other elders asked.

  Selene’s expression remained coolly collected. Not a twitch of a muscle belied her irritation, but the entire room felt her displeasure nonetheless. After a brief pause she said, “Griffin… and Ellie both will be joining me. As will Ellie’s te’sorthene, Alex Jenner.”

  “Do you feel it wise to remove four of our strongest fighters from the castle at this time?” Xavier asked.

  He was always the loudest dissenter among her Council, but at least his heart was in the right place when it came to the Vyusher. Selene ignored the fact that her friends were conveniently labeled “our fighters” when it came down to self-preservation, and yet were still seen as outsiders in so many other ways. Not the least of which was the refusal of her people to accept Griffin.

  "I do, My Lord. The potential benefit that could be gained by these few days of absence is well worth the risk. There are still many Vyusher strong enough to defend this castle, you included."

  "I must insist that you update us daily, if not more often," Xavier said.

  "I apologize, but the success of this endeavor depends on its secrecy. I will check in when I feel it is safe to do so. But I cannot guarantee any regular communication," Selene replied.

  She paused for more questions, but none came. She knew that if she waited long enough, every once in a while something would eventually come up. And if she didn't wait, whatever they’d stayed silent about would inevitably come back to haunt her later.

  After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, she said, "I thank you for your time, Council members. I will be in touch as I can. Otherwise, I will see you upon my return."

  As Selene made her way back to her chambers where Griffin waited for her, she was detained by a Vyusher named Jessica.

  "I hope you don't take this the wrong way," Jessica said to her, "but I saw that Griffin guy go into your room."

  Selene remained silent, although she wondered what the girl’s point was.

  "I hope you're not sleeping with him,” Jessica continued.

  Selene raised her
eyebrows in surprise. "Forgive me, but that's really none of your business…I hardly even know you."

  "Forgive me. But it absolutely is my business. You are my Queen, and as such your life is open to my scrutiny."

  "Fair enough," Selene said with a slight bow of her head. "May I ask what it is that you object to?"

  A pair of serious brown eyes regarded her for a moment. "I know you think that I will say that it's his not being a wolf. And that’s partly true. You know our pack mind, and he needs to be able to experience that to know us through and through. How can he rule at your side if he doesn't know us intimately?”

  Selene tipped her head to the side. "But that's not your main objection?"

  "My main objection is that you are unmarried. You have not declared yourselves to be in a permanent relationship in front of this pack. What kind of example does it set for our young wolves, me included? As our Queen, you need to set a higher standard by your own actions."

  Selene stared at the young girl for a moment. "Thank you for being so honest with me, Jessica. I assure you I will very much take in consideration what you have said today."

  They parted ways, and Selene continued on to her room. As she entered, Griffin met her at the door.

  "Did you hear?" she asked him.

  "Which part? With the High Council, or just now?"


  Griffin nodded. "You did well with the Council members, as always. They certainly never would've let you get away with this a year ago. Which proves that their trust in you is growing and your power growing with it."

  Selene felt her shoulders drop as just a small amount of tension left her body. "I'm glad you said that. It backs up what I've been thinking for a little while now. And your thoughts on my hallway conversation?"

  Griffin considered his words for a moment. "I have to say that I agree with her. I hadn't thought about perceptions, and those are equally important, if not more so, given the lack of acceptance we’re also dealing with."

  Selene sighed. "I thought you might say that. Darn it." She grinned and took his hand. "Thank you for understanding."

  "I also thought what she said about my not being a wolf was relevant," Griffin continued.

  Selene made a face. "But there's nothing we can do about that. And I am not walking away from my te’sorthene.”

  "And I will never leave you," he said.

  Selene let out a deep breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Leaving her for the sake of her people was something Griffin just might do. Especially if he thought it was best for her.

  "But that doesn't make her statement any less true," he added.

  Selene looked at him, sadness in her eyes. "I know," she said softly.

  “And if I need to remain permanently in your background…”

  Selene’s lips thinned. “What? Just good friends? Uh-uh. No way.”

  "Come' ere," Griffin said. He pulled her into his body and wrapped his strong arms around her. “I can't take the weight of her crown off her, but I hope I at least help,” his voice sounded in Selene’s mind.

  "You do help. More than you know," she said.

  Griffin pulled back from her, a frown on his face. "Why did you just say that?"

  "Well… you just let me hear your thoughts."

  Griffin shook his head. "No, I didn't."

  "Are you projecting your thoughts into my mind?"

  "Nope." Griffin grinned. “Can you hear this?”

  Now Selene chuckled. “Hear it. Understand it. Am able to respond to it.”

  “Well, I guess you got telepathy from Ellie.” Griffin picked up Selene and spun her around the room. "Now we can talk to each other anytime we want,” he said, and gently set her back down.

  "We already do that, you nut," Selene reminded him.

  "But only when I deliberately put my thoughts in your mind or am actively listening to you. Now if you need me, you’ll be able to reach me or hear me anytime.”

  "And that makes you happy?" she asked.

  "Absolutely. Plus, it'll be really… nice… once we do get around to sharing a bed.” Griffin cocked an eyebrow.

  Selene laughed and gave him a little slap on his arm. It was either that or melt in a puddle at his feet.

  "But really, it's a bit of a relief,” Griffin continued, more seriously. “I have this incredible urge to protect you from anything that may ever try to harm you."

  Selene looked at him, her adoration shining clearly from her gray eyes. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

  "Only every day," he replied in a low, intimate voice. He reached out and wrapped a strong arm around her tiny waist, pulling her closer.

  Chapter 29

  Ramsey and Lila took a big bowl of popcorn into the living room and started up another movie. Truly, Ellie’s collection at this house was excellent. They decided on John Wayne this time. As they went to sit down, Lila sat in the far corner of the couch as she had the previous night.

  "Hey, what’re you doing way over there?" Ramsey took her hand and gave it a little tug to pull her closer.

  Lila tugged away. "I'd rather not."

  Ramsey gave her an exasperated look. "Okay, Lila, talk to me."

  She tried not to squirm. "Now is probably not the best time.”

  "Now is the best time. We don't know what's about to happen... So talk to me," he insisted.

  She glanced toward the corner of the room and then gave him a meaningful look. “Not now.”

  “Yes, now. I made mistakes through the years that have cost us too much time. I’m not wasting any more. No matter what is going on or who may or may not hear. Talk.”

  Lila fiddled with the blanket fringe and tossed another glance toward that corner of the room. She sighed. "I don't know what your feelings are toward me—" Ramsey opened his mouth to say something, but Lila held up her hand. "Let me finish."

  She took a deep breath, her heart hammering. "I've been in love with you what feels like my whole life. The day we met, when Mom brought you home, there was this immediate connection. I felt drawn to you in a way I’d never felt with another person before or since. And despite the fact that you were a firestarter…and that you wanted to leave us…and you wanted me to stay away from you…despite all that, the connection, the feeling, only grew stronger every day."

  Ramsey couldn't believe what he was hearing. She’d been so closed off until this afternoon in the hail. He opened his mouth again to say something, only to be stopped once more by Lila’s hand.

  "Not finished yet," she said.

  Ramsey nodded for her to continue.

  "No matter how often – or how harshly – you pushed me away, that connection wouldn’t stop growing. And then you went and fell in love with Selene.”

  "No, I did n—!”

  "Don't deny it. I could see the emotions radiating from you anytime you were around her. I knew what you were feeling. And… it broke my heart." Lila stopped and took a deep breath. The pain inside her was as raw as the day she'd realized what was happening.

  "…So I left. I needed to become my own person. Figure out who I was without you. And I like that girl. She's strong, and independent. She doesn't need a man to be happy."

  Lila looked up at Ramsey. Her vulnerability touched him, but it was her strength that shook him to his core. He waited, knowing she wasn't done talking.

  "…So when you said you wanted me—,” she glanced around the room again but still continued, “—as much as I want that too, I would want it for all time. But I know for you it would just be the heat of the moment."

  Lila looked down and played with the rings on her fingers, bracing herself for Ramsey's response. After what felt like an eon of silence, his hand reached out and stilled her nervous fidgeting.

  "Look at me," he prompted gently. She met his gaze, unable to tell what he was thinking. "I am not – and never have been – in love with Selene," he said.

  Lila opened her mouth to protest, but Ramsey placed a single finger
against her lips. "My turn to talk now."

  Lila nodded, wide-eyed.

  "My feelings for Selene are very simple. She's like a big sister to me. Now I don’t doubt that you believe what you saw. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say that you were projecting feelings onto me that you feared I had. Because, for a while, I did feel this odd link with her. It wasn't love. I don't know what it was. But it stopped the day you left for Louisiana with Marcus."

  Ramsey was silent for a moment, giving Lila a chance to absorb his words. A frown puckered her brow. Could he be right? Was I forcing those feelings on him? It was entirely possible, that was for sure.

  "Have you checked my emotions lately?" Ramsey asked her.

  Lila shook her head. "I didn't want to know.”

  "Chicken." He grinned. "Try it now."

  Lila took a deep breath. She reached down inside herself for that glow that she kept dimmed as much as possible until she needed it.

  But then something happened that she was not expecting. Instead of seeing the aura of emotion, Lila's perspective of the world suddenly shifted and so did her body. Now she was looking up at Ramsey, and he was larger than she was. And in sharper focus. And his eyes were wide with shock.

  "Oh shit," he muttered.

  Lila tried to ask him what was happening, but instead of words coming out of her mouth, the sound of a high-pitched cry pierced the air. She looked down at her body, and instead of seeing arms and fingers, she saw wings and talons.

  Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm a freakin’ falcon! A more rational part of her mind said, I must be getting some of Ellie’s abilities now. Ellie was a metamorph. She had the power to shift into several forms, her most natural were those of a falcon, a wolf, a jaguar, and her most frightening morph, a dragon.

  Lila squawked and looked at Ramsey. She could see her fright reflected in his shocked face. But he pulled it together quickly.

  “I can still feel you, Lila,” he said in a soothing voice. “And I know you’re scared. I can’t call Ellie or Griffin right now, but you can fix this on your own.”


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