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Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga

Page 8

by Macias, P. T.

He then turns around y walks toward his carro. Before entering his carro he waves at her. She is stilling standing at the front door.


  “BUENOS DIAS, HERMANO. HOW DID you y Jessy get along?” asks Paty. “I can see that you really like her.”

  “Buenos dias, hermana. Si, I really like Jessy. She is bella, smart, and muy sexy. Just like you said, and I will be meeting her for lunch. We will be going to get her ring,” said Jose Enrique, smiling at Paty’s surprised cara.

  “Hermano, you’re serious about the marriage? I hope you really are. I do not want you playing with her. I know she is great. I don’t want you to take advantage of her. I know that she cares for you,” said Paty, looking at Jose Enrique really close.

  “Paty we are both adults. I don’t intend to play with her. I really do like her. I want to get to know her better y maybe fall in love with her. She has everything I ever wanted. I don’t see a problema, do you?” asks Jose Enrique. He takes a drink of his coffee.

  “Well, I see your point. Are you hoping to make it a real engagement by the time we have the twenty-fifth anniversary party? Are you really going to ask for her mano?” asks Paty all confused. “I know she is perfect for you. Like I said, don’t hurt her.”

  “Paty, I will not intentionally hurt her. I do plan to get to know her, and if everything works out for us I will marry her,” said Jose Enrique. “I met her padre’s ayer, and they are really nice gente. They have the same traditional Mexican values y customs as our familia. I really like that. Jessica has been brought up with the same values,” said Jose Enrique.

  “Where did you two go last night after dinner? I hope you took her somewhere nice where you can talk?” asks Paty and takes a drink of her coffee.

  “I took her to have some coffee. We talked about her interior decorating, her padres, and the fact that I never noticed her before,” said Jose Enrique. “Hmmm, I wonder why I didn’t notice her when she came over to visit you. Was I that busy, or did she still looked like una niña?”

  “Hermano don’t worry about it. I remember that you were always real busy at school y helping out at the familia’s company,” said Paty nodding her cabeza. “Dios knows what he’s doing. If you had known Jessy back when we were fourteen you will not be attracted to her now. She will be like another prima to you. I think that it is meant to be like this.”

  “Paty, you might be right. Right now I’m going to enjoy getting to know her,” said Jose Enrique. “Do you know where I should take her to get her ring? I want a real nice one for Jessy,” asks Jose Enrique turning to look at Paty.

  “Si hermano, take Jessy to our client’s jewelry store. Our client Mr. Smith, we built their new building. Remember Smith’s and Son’s Jewelry store? I heard that he carries really nice unique jewelry. Jessy will like that. How soon do you want to marry? Do we need to start planning the boda?” asks Paty muy excited. “You know mama will be so excited. She will be counting the weeks until you marry and give her nietos.”

  “Si, I think you should get Jessy to start planning our boda. I will like to set a date. I will like to be able to tell her padres the date of our wedding,” said Jose Enrique. “She will probably not start working here until Monday. Paty, do you think that will be a problema? I know that she works on her own. I just want her to wrap up her jobs before she starts.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. We then have time to get her office ready, the paperwork, and so forth,” said Paty. “Do you want her office to be close to yours, or do you want her to have the one down the hall across from Tony’s? I think she should be across from Tony because they will be working closely on projects,” said Paty.

  “Si, you’re right. Prepare the office across from Tony,” said Jose Enrique. “I need to call her to tell her where to meet me.”

  “Okay. Later,” said Paty as she walks out of his office closing the door behind her.

  Jose Enrique anxiously makes the call. I hope she is okay. What if I hurt her? Just thinking of her all morning has made me hard as steel. I want her.

  “Hola mi vida, buenos dias,” said Jessy in a husky voz that only increased his need. “Where do you want to meet for lunch?”

  “Meet me at the Italian restaurant at one, okay?” said Jose Enrique. “I need you.”

  “Si, I need you, and I just can’t stop thinking about how you loved me,” said Jessy in a low sexy voz. “I cannot wait to see you.”

  “Don’t say that. You make me loco with need,” said Jose Enrique moaning, adjusting himself. “How are you feeling? Are you tender? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. I have a little ache, but that’s all. I really want you to make love to me again,” whispers Jessy. “I need you.”

  “You’re killing me. Stop,” said Jose Enrique standing up to pace.

  “Okay, mi vida. I will see you soon. Lots of besitos,” whispers Jessy. “Adios.”

  Jose Enrique hangs up the office phone pulling out her panties from his pants pocket. He rubs his cara with them. They smell just like her, causing him to grow desperate with need, making him wild. I can still taste her sweetness, her silky flesh. She is so delicious. Trembling he puts her panties away. I need her he groans.

  I need to get to work, he thought picking up the new building plans. I need to also think of where we’re going to live after our boda.

  Tony knocks on his door and walks in. “Well, where is mi new partner. I thought she was supposed to meet with me to review her interior designs?” asks Tony. He takes a seat across from the desk looking at Jose Enrique.

  “Jessy, Paty, and I thought it will be better if she starts next Monday. That will give Jessy a few days to complete her current job projects,” said Jose Enrique, looking at the paperwork.

  “Okay,” said Tony. “Primo tu novia is really bella y estoy muy contento for you.”

  “Si es bella y it’s great that you finally met her. Estoy loco about her,” said Jose Enrique, trying to pay attention to the contracts.

  “Do you truly intend to marry her?” asks Tony with curiosity.

  “Si, I am meeting her today for lunch. We will go after lunch to acquire her ring,” said Jose Enrique. “I will not return to the office, I intend to spend this afternoon with her. I will take Jessy to the movies or something. Now that you have met her, I will be spending more time with her.”

  “Okay, no problema. I can see why you want to spend as much time as you can with her. Obviously you’re hot for her. Not only were you late last night for dinner, but also it was real obvious that you were devouring her. Her lips were swollen. She looked like she had been thoroughly kissed,” said Tony grinning wickedly.

  “Just remember primo, that she’ll be mi esposa, y I will expect la familia to like y respect her,” said Jose Enrique in a firm voz. “I can kiss her all I want. Jessy es mi novia, mi mujer, and we will marry soon.”

  “Okay, when are you going to ask for her mano?” asks Tony. “Have you told mis tios yet? I know that the entire familia are anxious y curious about tu novia. Now that some of us have met her, the remainder of la familia also wants to meet her. Do you plan on bringing her to la familia’s Sunday dinner?” asks Tony. “I think you should bring her this Sunday. I think you should ask for her mano on Saturday y set the wedding date.”

  “Maybe I will. I will ask Jessy what she desires to do,” said Jose Enrique. “So when are you going to select tu novia? I seriously believe it will be nice to have mis primos marry y to start una familia. I will like our bebes to grow up together, like we did. Blood is thicker than water, you know.”

  “I will think about it, okay? Don’t push me. Maybe I will meet someone special soon,” said Tony. “I have to go.” Tony almost ran out of Jose Enrique’s office, anxious to get away.

  I better start heading out to meet Jessy, thought Jose Enrique. He starts to put on his suit coat, the panties fell out of his pocket. He picks them up y smells them. Smiling, he puts them back into his pocket.

  Jose Enriq
ue is seated at a corner booth that is very private y secluded, waiting for Jessy to arrive. I cannot wait to see Jessy. I need to give her unos besos y touch her. I am going crazy with need, groans Jose Enrique.

  I can see that this can turn into a problema. I was not able to concentrate at work today. All I can think about is her y su sweet secrets. I am constantly ready, and it is starting to be painful. Maybe I should have left her panties en casa. I just didn’t want mi mama to find them en mi cuarto. Jose Enrique takes a drink of his cerveza.

  “Hola, me vida,” said Jessy sliding into the booth right next to him giving him a hot passionate beso that makes him moan. Oh, I like that sound. He is really burning up with need.

  I am already weak with need, y now she gives me a hot passionate beso. The beso takes mi passion to a higher level, thought Jose Enrique with pain.

  Jessy pulls back gazing into his hermosos green ojos, confirming that he is burning up with passion, she bit her lower lip, then smiles. “Can I do anything to help?” she asks in a very innocent voz licking her lips.

  “Si, tu sabes what I want,” said Jose Enrique pulling her into his brazos, kissing her deeply, greedily. Hmmm, he thought kissing her deeply, nibbling her lips. His manos slowly move down her back to cup her sweet firm rear end.

  “Mi vida, you know you need to wait,” whispers Jessy in his ear as he moves across her jaw down her neck.

  “I just want a small taste, please,” said Jose Enrique nibbling her ear. “I need you. Why do you think I requested this booth in the corner?”

  Jessy shivers. He’s so hot, y he’s burning up. His passion is dragging me with him. Jessy feels his mano go under her skirt y feels him stop with surprise. Jessy starts to grin. I know he didn’t expect me not to have panties on. I truly couldn’t resist teasing him, y he makes me feel so sexy.

  Jose Enrique pulls back groaning as he realizes that she didn’t have any panties on. He gazes into her ojos as his mano continues up and in between her silky thighs. I can feel how hot, how moist she is for me. He continues to softly, gently part her silky hot flesh, and slowly touches her hot essence. He sees her close her ojos, moans into his ear.

  He feels her instant hot reaction to his touch, loving her. She tightly clutches him driving him loco. He is barely able to control his desire. He closes his ojos, gently pulls his mano out bringing it up to his lips. Jose Enrique then opens his ojos, gazes into Jessy’s ojos, and slowly consumes her essence. Jessy whimpers with need.

  “Are you hungry, mi amor? Do you want to eat?” asks Jose Enrique as he slowly moves his mano down under her skirt again. He goes to the center of her, touching her hot essence once again. He brings his mano to his lips to taste her.

  I’m going crazy. How can I survive being with her without loving her? The more I taste her, the more I want her. “Do you want to eat lunch now mi amor?” asks Jose Enrique again as he gazes into her passionate ojos.

  Jessy decides to torment him. “Mi vida you know what I desire,” said Jessy laying her mano on his hot hard shaft. Jessy squeezes him through his pants making him shift to a more comfortable position.

  “Where do you want to go?” asks Jose Enrique in a raspy whisper. He starts to nibble her neck. “We need to go somewhere where I can taste you again and again until I have mi fill of you. All this passion that I feel for you is killing me. First we need to get tu ring. Will you go to a hotel with me, mi amor? I really don’t want to take you to a hotel but where else can we go?”

  “Mi vida, I want to get mi ring. We then can go into the next city to a hotel. We can order room service. We can stay there all day and into the evening. What do you think?” asks Jessy kissing him everywhere.

  “I think that we need to hurry to the jeweler to get tu ring. We need to get to the hotel as quickly as possible. I am going to burn up with this need. I need you,” said Jose Enrique in a husky voz.

  “Okay, get the check. What about mi carro?” asks Jessy “Where do you want me to leave it?”

  “I can follow you back to your casa. We can drop it off and leave. Okay?” asks Jose Enrique. Jose Enrique asks the waiter for the tab. Jose Enrique places the money on the table with the tip. He holds onto Jessy’s mano as they walk out. “I want to drop off tu carro, and then we can go to the jewelers, okay?” asks Jose Enrique.

  “Okay, let’s go,” said Jessy in a breathless voz. Good thing I don’t live far. They were at her casa in ten minutes. Jessy drops off her carro y jumps into Jose Enrique’s carro before anyone sees her.

  “Mi amor, do you have an idea on what style ring you want? You can select anything that you want,” said Jose Enrique driving away.

  Jessy turns around looking at him. He’s todo mio, finally todo mio. “I know what style I like y hopefully the store has one,” said Jessy. I just love looking at him.

  They arrive at the store. Jose Enrique parks his carro, quickly getting out of his carro to assist Jessy. He holds her close to his right side. They stride into the store.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. De La Cruz. We have been expecting you. Ms. De La Cruz called to advise us that you are looking for an engagement ring. I am John Smith at your service. I am happy to assist you in selecting a ring for this joyous occasion. We have taken the liberty of pulling out our entire exclusive inventory for you, so you can make your selection,” said the store owner.

  “Mr. Smith it is a pleasure to meet you. I will like to introduce you to my fiancée, Ms. Jessica Maria Cortez. I will like you to show her every ring that you have available. I want her to select the ring that she loves,” said Jose Enrique as he pulls Jessy into his side wrapping his brazo around her small waist as he looks at Mr. Smith.

  “Yes, Mr. De La Cruz,” said Mr. Smith as he starts to show Jessy the rings.

  Jose Enrique simply stands close y beholds Jessy. I cannot believe that I’m seriously thinking of getting married. Of course Jessy is a bella, sexy, y una incredibly passionate mujer. She matches mi passion. I love how she is so greedy and passionate. I know it is just a matter of time before I’m in love with her. She makes me hot. Of course I took her innocence y la familia will expect me to marry her. All in all, I truly believe this will work out. I know that I’m starting to care for her. She has loved me since she was in her teens. She even saved herself for me.

  She’s getting all excited about the rings, and she cannot decide on what she wants. Maybe I should assist her. He pulls Jessy close whispering “select any ring that you like. If you want mi help I will give you mi two cents. However, whatever you want is okay, mi amor.”

  Jessy smiling looks at Jose Enrique. “I know exactly which ring I want, mi vida. I want this ring that has the green emerald with diamonds. The emerald matches tus ojos.”

  “Mi amor are you certain? You don’t desire a diamond ring? I can get you both. I want you to select an engagement ring. I will also get you the emerald ring as a wedding present. Okay?” asks Jose Enrique as he gives her un beso.

  Jessy cannot believe it. He is so incredible. The more time I spend with him the more I love him. “Okay, mi vida. I want this diamond ring to be mi engagement ring,” said Jessy as she tries on a princess cut diamond with smaller diamonds of the same cut on each side of the main stone. “Mi amor, what about our wedding rings? Can we can get matching wedding bands?”

  “Mi amor I want you to select what you desire. Go ahead y select our wedding bands since we are already here,” said Jose Enrique as he continues to observe how excited Jessy is. “Mi amor, Paty wants to help you plan our boda. I‘m positive that mi mama, tias, y primas will want to put in their two cents.”

  “I don’t mind at all. The more help I have with the wedding plans, then it will allow me to have more time to spend with you,” said Jessy as she turns around to give him un beso.

  Jose Enrique returns the beso but tries hard to control himself. I don’t want to cause Jessy any embarrassment. He pulls away smiling.

  Jessy turns around to look at the wedding bands. “Do you like this style
for our wedding bands? I really like the diamonds in tu band. Mi band will fit perfectly with the engagement ring making them appear like a set,” said Jessy.

  “Mi vida, if you like them, I see no problema. We will get them, okay?” said Jose Enrique as he turns around to tell the store manager that they will take the green emerald with diamonds ring, the diamond engagement ring, and the matching wedding bands. “Please have the emerald ring and wedding bands delivered to my office.”

  “Yes, Mr. De La Cruz,” said Mr. Smith taking the rings to wrap up.

  “Oh, this is such a beautiful ring, mi amor. Thank you,” said Jessy as she gives him a hug y a passionate beso.

  Jose Enrique purchases the rings. He takes the engagement ring sliding the ring onto Jessy’s finger with a smile. He pulls her into his brazos for a beso, pulling back to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go. I need you now!”

  “Okay,” said Jessy striding next to him to his carro.

  Jose Enrique opens the door for her, assists her into the carro. He quickly goes around the carro to get into his seat turning on the carro. Jose Enrique pulls out onto the street heading toward the freeway. I think that we should go a few cities down. I really will not like to have Jessy seen at the hotel with me, knowing how our padres and the people around us will react. I don’t want her to get hurt.

  They arrive at a nice hotel a few cities away y Jose Enrique parks the carro to register. He swiftly returns with the key to a cuarto. He opens the door for Jessy, assisting her out. He hugs her close to his side

  “Mi amor, we need to order some food because I am starving,” said Jose Enrique as he opens the hotel door. “Not bad. The room is clean and it looks comfortable,” he walks to the phone to order some room service. “Yes, room 1020. Please bring some wine, strawberries with chocolate, two tri-tip steaks, baked potato, and salads. Thanks.”

  He walks toward Jessy, taking her into his brazos, holding her tight, swaying with her. “Do you want to go into the Jacuzzi? Do you want to get into la cama after we eat? Can we start making love?” groans Jose Enrique, trying to control himself.


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