Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga

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Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga Page 42

by Macias, P. T.

  Okay, I’ll be back later to check up on her, he thought, leaning in, giving her un beso on the temple.

  Jessy feels someone, anxiously wakes up with terror. Then realizes it is just Chris. She smiles with tears in her hermoso golden brown ojos. “Sorry. Gracias por todo,” said Jessy, giving Chris a hug. “Chris, I want to talk to Jose Enrique. Please help me call him.”

  “Si, Jessy, I will arrange the call. Calm down. You’re safe now,” he said, rubbing her back. “You are okay? You’re not injured?”

  “Si, Chris, I am okay. I’m just a little tense and get a little scared. I know that we are out of danger, but I still feel a little stressed out,” she said with a small smile.

  “It is understandable Jessy. The experience has been very traumatic for you. It will take a little while for you to adjust,” he said, looking into her ojos, seeing her apprehension and fear. Hmmm … I will need to talk to Jose Enrique to make sure that she is always with someone so she can feel protected and safe.

  “Si, Chris, I know. I want to be close to Jose Enrique. I’m just feliz that they didn’t rape us,” said Jessy, shaking with the thought of what could have occurred.

  “Jessy, si, you are extremely lucky that they didn’t rape all three of you,” said Chris. “Now we will get you a casa, and everything will be okay.”

  “Okay, Chris, and please try to get me a phone to call Jose Enrique y mis padres,” requests Jessy, imploring with her huge golden ojos. Yeah, mi primo could not resist those ojos. Jessy is bella, thought Chris with a smile.

  “Si, Jessy, as soon as I can,” responds Chris, squeezing her mano to leave. “I will be back in a few. Bella and Paty are doing well.”

  “Oh gracias a Dios,” said Jessy, smiling as she watch Chris leave el cuarto. Si, Chris is a wonderful primo.

  Chris went to check in on Gabriel. He needs to be well because Erica will be very upset. He walks into the cuarto, sees that Gabriel is still out. Well, at least he is alive. I was so scared for a few moments, he thought, looking at his monitors. Si, he is doing great. I will come back later to check up on all of them.

  He walks out of the cuarto to go to his cuarto to get his cell phone. I need to call mi Mona, mis padres, Érica, Carlos, Jose Enrique, y Greg. Damn, these might take a little while, he thought. I bet that they are all waiting for some news.

  Chris walks into the cuarto where his SOTO Officer Ford and the SEALs were assigned. He went to get his cell phone.

  Chris went to his SOTO Officer Ford with his cell phone in his mano. “Sir, I’m going to call my family and advise them that my sister, cousins, and Corona are doing well,” said Chris, not expecting the call to be a problem.

  “De La Cruz, that will be okay,” said SOTO Officer Ford with empathy. Yeah, I would want to call and inform my family that everything is okay, thought Ford.

  “Thank you, sir,” said Chris, walking out of the cuarto to go somewhere where he can call his familia. I need to call mi Cielo first, he thought with a grin, calling her.

  “Baby, are you okay?” asks Mona with anxiety, wanting to hear that Chris is doing well.

  “Mi cielo, I’m good. Bella, Paty, y Jessy have been extracted from the evil hombres,” said Chris, not wanting to scare her.

  “Dios mio, gracias,” said Mona. “The entire familia is worried, baby. Do you want me to tell them?”

  “You can mi cielo. I’m going to call mis padres and Jose Enrique,” said Chris. “Tell Erica that Gabriel is okay.”

  “Si, baby, I love you,” said Mona. “I miss you, and I want you here with me.”

  “I do too. I will be there soon,” said Chris. “I’ll call you back later after I make all the calls. I love you con todo mi alma.”

  “I love you, baby, con todo mi alma. You need to be careful,” said Mona with some anxiety that she always feels when Chris is on duty “Adios, baby.”

  “Si, mi cielo,” said Chris as he ends the call. I can’t wait to hold mi cielo in mis brazos again, he thought with a huge smile.

  Chris calls his padres. “Hola, mi hijo,” said his papa Jose Arturo with mucho gusto.

  “Papa, you y mi madre are doing well?” asks Chris with worry in his voice.

  “Si, mi hijo, we are here en casa de tu tio Francisco waiting to hear from you or someone,” said Papa Jose Arturo, looking at the group that is gathering around him.

  “Si, Papa, I’m calling to let you y la familia know that Bella, Paty, y Jessy are on board the Navy ship and will be en casa soon. They are all okay, y gracias a dios los animals didn’t hurt them,” said Chris. “Tell Erica that Gabriel is also doing well.”

  “Oh, mi hijo, that is excellent nuevas. I will tell Jose Enrique, Carlos, y Greg,” said Papa Jose Arturo, looking at the muchachos start to yell in felicidad.

  “Si, Padre,” said Chris. “I want to talk to Jose Enrique.”

  “Okay, mi hijo,” said Papa Jose Arturo, turning to Jose Enrique, handing the phone to him. “Chris wants to talk to you.”


  JOSE ENRIQUE QUICKLY TAKES THE phone, anxiously asks Chris how Jessy is doing. “Primo, is Jessy okay?” demands Jose Enrique with dolor in his corazon.

  “Primo, Jessy is doing well. She was not hurt. She is in shock, and it looks like she is traumatized. She will need to have someone near her all the time to make her feel safe and protected. She is emotionally traumatized,” said Chris. “She wants to talk to you and wants you to hold her.”

  “Si, primo, I want her here. When will they arrive?” asks Jose Enrique, looking at Greg and Carlos requesting to talk to Chris. Jose Enrique nods. “Primo, Carlos y Greg need to talk to you.”

  “Si, I want to talk to them,” said Chris, waiting for the phone to be transfer.

  “Chris, how is mi Bella?” asks Greg with emotions in his throat, causing his voz to come out in a croak. “Please tell me,” he implores, wiping tears away from his ojos, looking out the window.

  “Greg, calm down. Bella is doing well. She is sleeping now. She only has a small cut on her lip and a black eye,” said Chris. “She is doing well.”

  “What in hell happen?” asks Greg with rage, thinking of the bastardo that had the nerve to touch his Bella. I need to kill him! Damn, I need to have her close to me.

  “Greg, Bella, Paty, y Jessy were not raped. They were locked up in a cuarto with their clothes intact. They were okay when we extracted them,” said Chris. “On the way to the boat, she must have been hit. I’m positive that she was completely untouched when I turned her over to mi officer. I went back to kill the bastardos.”

  “Oh dios mio,” said Greg. “When will they be back en casa?”

  “Greg, we are on our way back. We should be back in a few hours,” said Chris. “Okay, hermano, calm down. Let me talk to Carlos.”

  “Si, and tell mi Bella that I love her,” croaks out Greg, handing the phone to Carlos.

  Damn, mi Bella is okay. Those bastardos didn’t rape her. Mi bebe should be okay. Oh dios mio, muchas gracias for taking care of mi familia. I now know how important mi Bella y bebe are in mi vida.

  We need to get to the Navy base to get our mujers taking the phone from Greg, thought Carlos. “Si, Chris, how is Paty? When can we get our mujers? Where do we need to go?”

  “Carlos, Paty is doing okay. She is resting right now. Paty has two gunshot wounds on her right thigh. She lost a little blood and had to get some blood. The wounds are stitched and are going to heal fine,” said Chris, hearing how his familia is taking the news.

  “How in the hell did that happen?” asks Carlos with rage. “Did those bastardos hurt mi Paty?”

  “Carlos, calm down. I was told that on the way to the boat their group encountered some drug soldiers that caused some injuries to Paty y Bella,” said Chris. “All three are doing well and are resting.”

  “Si, okay, when will your ship arrive and where do we go to get them?” demands Carlos with frustration and anxiety. I need to get mi Paty en mis brazos to make sure she is okay. Th
is has been a fucking nightmare.

  “I will call you in a few to inform you. I need to get the information,” said Chris.

  “You do that. Gracias, primo,” said Carlos, ending the call turning to Greg y Jose Enrique.

  “Bella has a split lip and black eye,” said Greg, turning around to talk to Carlos y Jose Enrique.

  “Si, mi Paty was hurt. She got a couple of gunshots in her thigh. The wounds have been stitched up,” said Carlos with clenched teeth, trying to control his emotions.

  This has been real hard to endure. I don’t ever want to go through this ever again. I will change jobs. I need to be always close to mi familia, thought Carlos.

  “I will always give gracias a Dios that all three are alive and did not get abused by those animals. Jessy is in shock. I pray that she will overcome this nightmare,” said Jose Enrique, running his manos through his pelo.

  “I need to call her padres,” said Jose Enrique, pulling out his cell to call.

  “Hola,” answers Señor Cortez. “Que paso?” he asks with concern and fear in his voz.

  “Señor Cortez, I’m calling to advise you that Jessy, Paty, y Bella have been rescued. They are on the Navy ship. We will be able to get them as soon as the ship comes in,” said Jose Enrique, looking out the window toward the sea.

  “How is mi hija?” demands Señor Cortez with anxiety, waiting for Jose Enrique to tell him.

  “Señor Cortez, Jessy is in shock. It has been a traumatic experience. She was not abused by the animals,” said Jose Enrique with relief.

  “Oh gracias a Dios,” said Señor Cortez. “Thank you for calling me and letting me know.”

  “Si, señor,” said Jose Enrique. “I will let you know when I go and pick her up. How is Señora Cortez doing?”

  “Jose Enrique, she is doing much better. Her blood sugar was high. It is now under control,” said Señor Cortez. “Please call me when you have more information.”

  “Si, señor,” responds Jose Enrique. “Adiós.” And he ends the call, turning to call his padres.

  “Hola, mi hijo, do you have any buena nuevas?” asks his padre with some faith.

  “Si, Papa, Chris y su team of SEALs managed to rescue Paty, Bella, and Jessy. We are waiting for the ship to come in so we can pick them up,” said Jose Enrique with joy.

  Si, finally it has sunk in mi mente y corazon that mi vida, Paty, y Bella are safe and soon will be en casa. Si, mi corazon is ready to explode from felicidad.

  “Mi hijo, this is excellent nuevas, y gracias a Dios that mis niñas are safe,” said his papa. “Make sure to tell them that we love them and that we will see them soon. Tu mama is doing well and will be even better now that las niñas will soon be en casa.”

  “Si, Padre, and we also learned that Claudia has also been rescued. The Delta Force has her with them and are waiting for pickup,” said Jose Enrique, smiling at Greg y Carlos.

  “That is great, y now toda la familia will be together,” said his papa with felicidad. “Call me when you have mis niñas en casa.”

  “Si, Papa, adios,” said Jose Enrique with felicidad. Now we just wait for the ship to come in, he thought, looking at Greg y Carlos. “Our mujers are doing well, and I think that we should go to the Navy base to wait for the ship to dock.”

  “Si, it sounds like an excellent idea,” said Carlos, looking at Greg. “Let’s go.”

  “Si, I want to be there to get mi Bella a casa as soon as possible,” said Greg grinning. “I need to have her en mis brazos safe.”

  Jose Enrique went over to the FBI and CIA to advise them that they are leaving. “We are heading out to the base to wait for the ship to dock. Our wives are safe,” he said, looking at them.

  “That is good to hear,” said CIA Officer Jackson, looking at his agents’ faces. Yeah, they are in love. I know that they will resign after this mission is done.

  FBI agent McDonald is standing next to the CIA Officer Jackson and hears the news. Damn, the SEALs are awesome. This has turned out good. “Mr. De La Cruz, we will be leaving now. We will keep you updated on FBI agent De La Cruz status. She should be back in the United States soon. We have reason to believe that she is okay.”

  “That is good to know. We will be waiting for your update,” said Jose Enrique, looking at them with controlled rage, watching them leave his casa.

  Jose Enrique, Greg, y Carlos are pacing back and forth on the dock, waiting impatiently for the ship to come in. They have been waiting for about an hour.

  “They should be here soon,” said Carlos, looking out to the sea seeing the sunrise start over the horizon. It looks like it’s going to be a bello dia. I’m spending all day with mi baby and will take care of her. I have to make sure that me bebe is okay. I will take her to the doctor.

  Damn, this has been a damn nightmare, and now I know what all those poor familia suffer. I don’t want to work this job anymore. I want something more stress free. Yeah, I’m going to get another job and be with mi Bella y mi bebe, thought Greg with relief, starting to relax. Now I have a plan.

  I need to make sure that mi Jessy is always with someone. I don’t want her to stay all traumatized. I want her to enjoy our vida together. Our bebe is okay, and we will be married soon, thought Jose Enrique, looking out to the sea.

  Finally after another hour, they are able to see the ship in the horizon, slowly edging their way. The hombres are so feliz that they yell out in relief.

  The mujers are the first ones that were slowly rolled out on wheelchairs. Each hombre went immediately to take their amor into their strong brazos, weeping with joy.

  “Si, mi amor, I will never let you out of mi vista,” said Jose Enrique, picking up Jessy from the wheelchair and giving her lots of passionate besos.

  “Baby, I love you, and I will never let you out of my eyesight,” said Carlos, picking Paty up into his strong brazos.

  “Mi hermosa Bella, I love you with all mi alma, corazon, y mente,” said Greg, picking her up, kissing her with todo su amor, and walking toward the carro. Si, we are going to la casa, and I’m taking care of her.


  FINALLY I HAVE JESSY EN mis brazos, thought Jose Enrique, heading to his carro. “Mi amor, I’m taking you to mi casa,” said Jose Enrique, putting Jessy in the carro.

  “Mi vida, I will love that, but mis padres will get real pissed,” said Jessy, looking at him with her huge golden brown ojos.

  “Mi amor, tus padres are at the hospital right now, and I don’t want to leave you by yourself en tu casa. Tu mama fainted and is doing well now. I don’t know when they will be back en tu casa,” said Jose Enrique, driving to his casa as quick as possible.

  “Okay,” said Jessy with relief that he is taking her to his casa. I don’t want to be alone ever again.

  Jose Enrique arrives at his casa at the same time that Carlos y Paty did. Carlos is taking Paty out of the carro real carefully, trying not to hurt her injuries. Jose Enrique opens the door for Carlos to walk into la casa.

  “See ya later,” said Carlos, walking toward Paty and his cuarto in a hurry.

  “Si, later,” said Jose Enrique, taking Jessy to his cuarto and laying her on his cama. “Mi amor, do you want to take a shower, or do you just want to go to sleep for a while?”

  Jessy is looking at Jose Enrique, wanting to stay close to him. Todo su emotions reflecting in her hermoso ojos, si, I need a shower. I want him to shower with me. I need mi vida to hold me. “Mi vida, I want to shower with you, and then I want to sleep in tus brazos naked. I want to feel you next to me. I want to feel your skin, your scent, y tu fuerzas,” said Jessy in a low whisper.

  “Si, mi amor,” said Jose Enrique, picking her up, taking her to the shower. He slowly undresses, and then slowly undresses Jessy with lots of tenderness y amor.

  “Mi vida, love me, please love me,” said Jessy in a low voz, pulling him close for un beso. Si, I need to feel his amor, she thought desperately.

  “Si, mi amor,” said Jose Enrique, giving her
lots of soft, tender besos that slowly built up into an urgent fury passion.

  Jose Enrique makes love to Jessy with all of his amor, slowly taking her out of the darkness into their hermoso cielo. Slowly Jessy is drawn out of hell and brought into their heaven. Jessy holds onto Jose Enrique with all of her strength. Jessy falls into a peaceful sleep in Jose Enrique’s brazos after their lovemaking.

  Si, finally mi amor is sleeping. I was so afraid that she would not return to me. I felt her far away. Her alma was in a dark frightening place. Si, she is near me again, close to mi alma. I will make sure she is always near me. I will never leave her alone, ever.


  THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FOR the De La Cruz Inc. is a huge success. All the media, amigos, familia, y clients are in attendance. The entire familia is enjoying the celebration. The night is warm, and todas las mujers look hermosas in their formal evening dresses. Each one is wearing their gown with style and grace. The outside observers and media are enthralled with the De La Cruz mujers’ beauty y su guapos esposos.

  The news media is busy taking pictures and attempting to catch a De La Cruz for an interview. The media wants more than anything to be able to speak to one of the four De La Cruz mujers that was kidnapped by the Mexican Cartel.

  The kidnapping has had the entire media in a frenzy to get the news. The media is also astonished that the entire familia eloped to Vegas within the last few weeks. What’s up with that?

  Jose Enrique made sure that there are plenty of guards at the doors and the property. Nobody is allowed to enter without an invitation. The entire familia has guards stationed around them 24/7. The media is only able to take photos of the De La Cruz’s as they exited their carros and approach to enter the celebrations.

  Si, it has been great to have Greg in charge of our investment department y Carlos in charge of the human resource department. Everything has worked out terrific. The entire familia compania has a member of la familia monitoring every area. Now I can relax a little and enjoy mi mujer y familia, thought Jose Enrique with a huge smile.


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