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Tortured Minds

Page 5

by Colin Griffiths

  As I stood watching those incredibly sculptured buttocks clenching and unclenching with each thrust and withdrawal, I actually found myself starting to regret the ethereal nature of my being. I was no longer physical and I was unable to participate in any plane of reality anymore, so it seemed, yet I still had my feelings, desires and wants. If it had truly been possible I have no doubt I would have been tempted to join in their little parade. God knows, Jake had suggested it, or something similar, many times before.

  “Hey, if you’re not getting it enough from Molly, you need to find some outlet for that pent up passion man,” he’d encouraged me on more than one occasion.

  I stood there, smiling softly, watching the couple and admiring the carnality and raw animal passion of the scene in front of me. Now, don’t get me wrong, just because I was a spirit didn’t mean I was incapable of acting, on the physical plane. Oh no! I’d been doing quite a bit of experimenting since I realised I was stuck in this half-way house for some time at least. I may not have physical use of my body anymore, but I could still make things happen. Oh yeah! I could definitely make things happen. I chuckled as I turned away from the writhing bodies and went out into Jake’s lounge, where I metaphorically sat myself down on his sofa and started to plot and plan.

  Yes, it was time to change things up a little, time to rattle a few cages, see who squawked and whose feathers went flying. After sitting there for some time contemplating what to do next, I began to formulate a plan that would not only shake these two people out of their nests, it might well give me some answers as to which of them, if either, had wanted me dead. They were about to find out just how much ability this particular spirit really did have in their physical plane... hehe.

  I glanced toward the bedroom and noticed Jake was now fast asleep, all “laid” out, I guess. He looked so sweet there, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. His muscular chest was rising and falling with each breath and his lips were softly fluttering. He was still naked and my eyes couldn’t help but drift up and down his magnificent body. God! He was one hell of a physical specimen. I felt the yearning return, to just climb into bed with him, wrap one arm around his barrel chest and rest my spirit head against it, falling asleep to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. Tearing my eyes away from the sight that beckoned me and raising my thoughts above the waist, I smiled. Well, no better time than the present to show little Jake just what his Danny boy is actually capable of.

  Swivelling my head toward his dining-room door, I gave an almost imperceptible nod and chuckled when the door slammed shut with a resounding bang. Well, that should wake the fucker I thought, with satisfaction. Right, time to visit my darling ex-wife. Mmmm... now that’s a thought. Is she my ex-wife? What is the correct term for her current relationship with me? I’ll have to give that one some thought, but for now, get ready Molly,because Danny’s Back!


  There was Molly, in her bedroom, but she wasn’t asleep. She seemed disturbed about something. She looked deep in thought as she lay there, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. If there was something I came to realise very early on in my relationship with Molly, it was that she was always thinking, always plotting, always planning her next move, her next strategy on the stairway to journalistic stardom. I always knew Molly would make it as a top-flight reporter. She had the drive that I lacked and the balls to go after the big fish that I just didn’t seem to be able to conjure up. She had everything a good journalist needed... and I guess that’s why I resented and disliked her so much.

  Right from that first day I knew exactly what this girl was like. I also knew she’d make it to the top because she had no scruples at all. She didn’t give a shit who she hurt on her way up the ladder, as long as precious Molly climbed one more step. Perhaps I sound a little bitter, but Molly brought to the journalism table all those traits I hated so much about the industry. She was arrogant, she was pushy, she was ruthless, she was utterly fearless and she was prepared to take on anyone, no matter how big they were and no matter the collateral damage along the way.

  You know the old saying, “Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach”? Well, that was it in a nutshell. I didn’t have what it took to be that ruthless, young reporter, so I sought refuge in teaching journalism. Molly represented all the things I had spent years beating myself up for not having. She was what I wished I could have been, but knew I never could be, so yeah, I resented her, I hated her, in fact, I loathed her attitude and her arrogance, but... fuck... I didn’t half admire her... and... I fell madly, passionately, in love with her – go figure!

  My first task when I arrived back at Molly’s was to shake Jake up a bit more. For that, I needed my cell phone. I was pretty sure Molly would still have it lying around the bedroom somewhere, so I began to hunt for it. It wasn’t in the bedroom at all, but I did finally locate it on top of the refrigerator in the kitchen. Time to put my newly discovered powers, in the physical realm, to the test.

  I focused all my energy and thoughts on that cell phone. It actually began to glow and vibrate slightly with the amount of energy I was directing into it. This was fun! I slowly typed out in my mind, the message for Jake. I’d make it fairly simple for now, just a wake-up call that Danny boy was still around and don’t you forget it. I typed: “Good on you buddy!” and giggled at the thought of how that would rock his world. Nodding my head briefly, I knew the message had been sent.

  Right, that’s the first little task out of the way tonight, now for the loveable Molly. Time to shake her out of her wandering thoughts. Gliding back into the bedroom, I realised Molly was no longer lying there. I could hear the water pulsing from the en-suite, so I knew she was having a shower, probably to clear her head, I thought. Good, that will give me plenty of time to get my little “party trick” organised. I knew how much Molly loved her hot showers. She was going to be in there for a good thirty minutes or more.

  Moving over to our dressing table, I lifted my cape, like a concert pianist and sat in front of her mirror, flexing my fingers. Now, what little message did I want to leave her first? When it finally came to me, the irony felt almost delicious. It was a paraphrased line from an old teen movie that the three of us had watched a few month’s earlier. It was perfect. I focused on the lipstick container sitting on the dresser and slowly caused it to unwind and float in the air. With my lips peeled back into a malevolent grin, it started to write on the mirror.


  I chuckled. If that didn’t give her the screaming shits and have her straight on the phone to Jake, I didn’t know what would. I decided to personalise it just a touch, so I add an extra line, this time from another of our favourite movies.


  Oh, this really is so much fun, I thought, but why stop there? Why not see if we can get Jake all fermented and frothing at the mouth also. I almost skipped down the stairs to the kitchen to send little Jake another message on my phone. This message took a little more thought, but I decided to continue the movie theme. They couldn’t help but realise the messages were coming from me, but using movie quotes just seemed to make it that little bit more fun and why shouldn’t I have some fun? After all, I am dead now and one or both of those two probably played a big part in killing me.

  I just wanted to know who and why? Surely that would appeal to Molly and Jake. After all, the who and the why are two of the most important factors in any news story. I’m almost certain Molly will have picked that up at journalism college.

  I typed the message and sent it. It was short but to the point:


  My job’s done for the night, time to sit back and wait for all hell to break loose!


  Chapter 10 – Molly

  I didn’t know what to do with myself. I wanted to go back to work, I felt like I needed to, but my husband had only just been cremated. No, I need to take this time off, to grieve and to remember�
� but was I really grieving? I wondered. I was bored. Tired of this house with its many memories, I wanted to get out, but I had nowhere to go. I was lonely too. My Daniel and my Jake, I had lost them both on that day. Oh sure, Jake was still alive, but neither of us had spoken.

  There had been that one text from Jake, I remembered. I hadn’t responded. I wanted to, but I just couldn’t. Now it felt like the time had passed and it was too late. I had pent up energy building inside of me and I needed to release this frustration, but the only two people in the world who could help me were not here. What would I do now?

  I had always had a plan. Yet, for the first time in my life, I was aimless. I needed to regain my life back, I needed to go back to work! Without hesitating, I picked up the phone to my boss. I knew they would say it was too early, but what did they expect? Should I just sit here forever, alone?

  “Molly, how are you, honey?” The sound of Mr. Reynold’s old, gruff voice had a gentler tone for the first time.

  “I’m fine, Mr. Reynolds,” I said confidently. “I would like to arrange to return to work.”

  “Molly, are you sure?” He actually sounded concerned. This freak accident, the sudden loss of a husband, really did change how people treated you.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I need to come back, I can’t sit here any longer.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure, let’s agree you return on Monday, yes? Just take the rest of the week off. Get yourself to a health spa or something like that.” I knew Mr. Reynolds had no idea about health spas, but he was trying. It made me smile to hear this softer side of him. Perhaps he wasn’t such an ogre after all.

  “Yes, that’s a good idea, thank you,” I acknowledged gratefully. “I’ll see you Monday.” That’s when it suddenly occurred to me and although I felt a little foolish asking, I did. “Oh, Mr. Reynolds, before you go, one question if you don’t mind?”

  “Yes, Molly?”

  “Jake… is he back at work yet?” I gulped, feeling my palms sweating. We would have to run into each other, eventually. I hadn’t really thought of that.

  “He’s called in sick for the rest of this week. I know it’s been hard for you Molly, but Dan was a good friend of Jake’s as well.”

  “Yes, I know,” I whispered. Too good! I thought. “Thank you, Mr. Reynolds.”

  With that, I ended the call and just sat there holding my phone. They had been very close, I thought. I never knew for sure if there was anything more than friendship between Jake and Daniel, but I knew that there had been a connection between them both, something I could never truly understand or interfere with. Did it make me jealous? Of course! I hated whatever it was they shared, but I also loved them both and I knew that they loved me. As I reflected on our strange threesome, I smiled. To an outsider, I knew it would seem complex and perhaps at times distorted. We had a good thing going, but all good things must come to an end, I thought whimsically.

  * * *

  That night I lay in bed, awake again. I still couldn’t sleep the night through. This time, however, I lay awake remembering how I had finally snagged Daniel. As always, I’d had a plan, and I remember the point where I had decided that he would marry me.

  I had been sitting in one of his lectures, after the incident with the Dean. As I listened to his lecture, I felt a little entranced by the way he spoke of the subject. He got lost in his own words, forgetting that he had a hall full of students, many not paying attention, instead checking their phones and updating their social media status. But I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He came across as a stuffy professor , but with the Dean, he had confidently come to my rescue. I knew he was one of the most junior professors in the College, so his standing with the Dean would not be strong. Yet, he had defended me and possibly saved me from being expelled. I wondered...

  I looked down at my blouse, which was a button-through, and I slid undone the next two buttons, giving me enough exposure to my purple-laced bra. I didn’t have particularly ample breasts, but I knew they were firm and round enough to get the attention I needed. I pulled the hair tie from my ponytail, and let my long, thick, auburn hair fall down my shoulders. I then put a little gloss on my lips, just enough to make them look wet. I smiled. I quickly checked my pocket mirror and decided that would do. When class was over I deliberately took my time placing my notebooks back into my carry bag. As the class dispersed quickly out of the exit, I sauntered down towards Daniel. He had taken a seat at the small desk to the side of the podium and I could see he was knee deep in term papers. Hmmm, I thought, this could actually serve two purposes . I knew my term paper was in there and I could do with a good grade.

  “Professor?” I walked around to stand next to him, seated at his desk. He looked up quickly, a little unnerved by my closeness.

  “Errr, yes Molly?” He glanced up at me, before breaking off eye contact. I was towering over his seated position and his eyes fastened onto my exposed midriff, just below where my blouse was meant to touch my jeans. Deliberately, I straightened my posture to give him a good view of my flat, tanned stomach. I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder, gently.

  “I wanted to thank you for the other day,” I smiled sweetly, “with the Dean,” I added when he looked a little baffled. I could see a small bead of sweat forming on his forehead. “You didn’t have to do that, but I am grateful.” I let my thumb circle his shoulder a little, as I squeezed it to show my gratitude.

  I could tell Daniel felt uncomfortable with the height distance, as he tried to stand. It was awkward with me right beside him, so that on standing he was forced to move even closer to me, his chest brushing up against mine. His eyes moved down to the gap in my blouse and I triumphantly watched as he caught sight of the purple lace. I did not move back to give him space, instead, I just looked up at him innocently.

  “I think the Dean may have expelled me if you hadn’t spoken up for me,” I continued, cocking my head to the side.

  I watched as his eyes darted around, clearly seeking a way to remove the obvious proximity. I put my hands on his shoulders and stretched onto my tiptoes, his eyes widening as I moved in slowly. He didn’t move as I placed my lips on his and slowly gave him a soft, open-mouthed kiss. I lingered long enough to feel his lips move slightly in response and deliberately pressed my body hard against his. I could feel his desire growing.

  Then, faster than I’d moved in, I stepped back and smiled at him broadly. “Anyway, I just wanted, to say thanks!” I said cheerfully, as I turned around and walked out of the lecture hall.

  The door had been wide open and I knew Professor Daniel would be reeling from the shock of that kiss, the fact that anyone could have walked in and even more so, he would be thinking about me.

  I continued to flirt with Daniel over the coming weeks and I could tell he was succumbing. In our lectures he did all he could to avoid looking at me, but I watched gleefully, as during each class he flicked quick glances in my direction. I delighted in keeping my gaze fixed on him and would merely raise an eyebrow each time our eyes met. However, I knew I had to increase my flirtation if I wanted to snag this ultra-conservative professor.

  After class one evening, I waited patiently by the car park for Daniel to leave the building. It was past eight o’clock and whilst the car park wasn’t empty, it was quiet. I knew his car, an old Ford, which had seen better days. I had seen that he always parked as far from the more elite vehicles as he could, as though he felt he was unworthy to park alongside them. At around fifteen minutes past eight, I watched as he hurried towards his car, as if he was in a rush to get home. Home to what? I wondered. I had never really thought about it, but perhaps he had a girlfriend or even a boyfriend. He wasn’t married, there was no ring. I had already clocked that. I started walking towards his car, deliberately timing it so we would coincidently run into each other.

  “Professor?” I smiled. “You’re working late.”

  “Err... Molly.” I had startled him, broken him out of a train of thought perhaps, as he was cle
arly in a rush. “Yes, err... long day.”

  He smiled awkwardly and I watched as he looked me up and down. My skirt was extra short and I wasn’t wearing any underwear. My top fitted well, with a low enough scoop neck to give him an ample view of my cleavage. He was clearly discomforted by my presence, by being alone with me and he wasn’t watching where he was going, stumbling and dropping his papers. This couldn’t be more perfect, I thought as I bent down alongside him to help pick up the papers. As we knelt down, picking up the array of papers, I deliberately brushed my arm against his and I felt him shiver.

  “Thank you, I can manage,” he said rather stiffly.

  “It’s no problem, Professor,” I said sweetly, as I gathered the papers, deliberately leaning forward to give him a peek as the neckline of my top fell open.

  “Please call me Daniel. I’m not much older than you, Molly.” That was progress, I thought. We both stood, with a messy bundle of papers in our hands and I passed my pile over to him. He sighed, “This is going to take some sorting out.”

  “I wish I could help…” I suggested. Daniel just smiled gratefully, before opening the rear door of his car and placing the papers inside. As he turned around to close the door, I cornered him against the car.


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