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In My Arms Tonight

Page 18

by Bailey Bradford

  He backed off quickly, James murmuring, “I’m sorry, shit, I didn’t—”

  Glenn didn’t want the man to be sorry for anything. He sucked hard on the crown while twisting his fist around and up and down. James stopped talking and started panting.

  He framed Glenn’s face with his hands, holding him securely. Glenn looked up at him, lust and love tangling together to dance down his spine.

  “Let me?” James asked. “I didn’t mean to—Ahh!”

  Apparently growling with someone’s cock in one’s mouth—or at least, with James’

  cock in Glenn’s mouth—shorted out the recipient’s ability to for coherent words. Which worked for Glenn as he was determined to make sure James knew he had nothing to apologise for. James gasped then, still holding Glenn in place, began slowly pushing his dick into Glenn’s mouth. Glenn loosened his jaw and closed his eyes, revelling in giving himself to James.

  James kept going until his crown nudged Glenn’s throat, then he pushed in deeper.

  “Ahhh, fuck!” he yelped when Glenn swallowed. James went stock still, his body tensed, then he withdrew and before Glenn knew what was what, James was manoeuvring him until his chest was flat on the coffee table.

  Glenn peered over one shoulder as best he could, just in time to catch the devilish look James shot him, then Glenn braced his hands on the far ends of the table because James was spreading Glenn’s cheeks and if Glenn didn’t hang onto something he might just float away.

  The first swipe of James’ tongue down his crack almost burned, Glenn was so eager for it.

  James sucked Glenn’s entire sac in his mouth and Glenn’s cry was torn from his gut. James laved Glenn’s balls thoroughly while teasing his hole with a finger, rubbing around the tight ring in slow circles, teasing, never penetrating.

  “Please,” Glenn gasped and was rewarded with a slight pressure then a pleasant sting as James slid a fingertip into him. “More, James, I need—you.”

  “You have me,” James rasped. Glenn’s reply died when James used his tongue to spear into Glenn’s ass. Glenn couldn’t do more than gasp and squirm as he tried to get James


  Bailey Bradford


  to fuck him with that slick muscle. James seemed happy to oblige, licking and thrusting, nibbling and sucking until Glenn was close to sobbing as need caused his body to ache.

  Then James’ tongue and fingers were gone and the crinkly hair on James’ thighs rubbed up against the back of Glenn’s legs. “Not this way,” James all but growled. He hooked an arm around Glenn’s waist and helped him to stand on shaky legs. James nipped the back of Glenn’s neck then unerringly found the spot he’d marked before, sucking the tender skin, rubbing his hands over Glenn’s stomach, lightly scraping his skin until Glenn cried out and slumped against his lover.

  Glenn was a quivering mass of need as James laid him out on the couch. He let James position him, raising his right leg to drape it over the back of the couch. His other leg was pushed up to his chest, then finally, finally James lined up his cock and began pressing into Glenn’s ass.

  “Yes,” Glenn hissed as his ring burned and stretched. James pushed Glenn’s knee aside and dropped down over him, braced on his elbows as he filled Glenn up.

  “You feel so fucking good,” James groaned, his lashes fluttering as he panted. “Never did this before, just you. Always, just you, Glenn.” James punctuated that promise with a thrust that seated him to the hilt, his balls slapping against Glenn’s butt.

  Glenn gulped at the sudden intense feeling of being stuffed full. He clasped James’

  shoulders then slid his hands down to the man’s straining biceps. James dipped his head and kissed Glenn, while at the same time swivelling his hips. His cock brushed over Glenn’s gland and Glenn whimpered as his back arched, pleasure shooting up from that spongy mass inside him.

  James’ tongue speared deep as he began to move, short strokes, gentle at first. Glenn whined and writhed, his need too great for the gentle fucking. He held onto James, tightening his fingers, his ass, and James lifted his head, his long beautiful neck arching.

  “Fuck yes!”

  Glenn’s curses joined James’ as the man began pumping his hips, withdrawing his cock fully then burying in so deep Glenn could swear the tip nudged his heart.

  “Take me,” James muttered, “You feel so damn good!”

  “Yes,” Glenn grunted out as James slammed home. Yes what, he didn’t know, but anything James wanted, Glenn would give it to him. Glenn shifted his leg and hooked it over


  Bailey Bradford


  James’ hips, their slick skin making it impossible for Glenn to get a tight lock around the man. James huffed then nudged Glenn’s head aside with his own before catching the lobe of Glenn’s ear between his teeth.

  Glenn’s whimper turned into a shout as James bit, while at the same time managing to get a grip on Glenn’s cock. The hard strokes of hand and dick were too much, too great a mix of pleasures for Glenn to withstand. His cock throbbed as he clenched his inner muscles around James’ thick length, then blinding ecstasy scorched up from his groin and burst behind Glenn’s closed eyelids. He cried out at the intensity, feeling as if he was shattering into a million pieces.

  “Glenn!” James’ shout snapped those pieces back together as Glenn’s dick pumped spunk onto his stomach. James slammed in hard enough to knock a grunt from Glenn, then heat spilled inside Glenn’s ass as James shuddered and rocked above him. Sweat dripped down, splattering on Glenn’s chest as James’ cock spurted inside him again. Just knowing that he was filled with James’ cum was enough to make Glenn’s dick twitch. He liked the knowledge that he’d be carrying a little bit of James with him, at least for a short while.

  “Jesus, Glenn,” James panted, shakily lowering himself to lie on top of Glenn. “Jesus. I don’t think I can move.”

  Glenn’s rough chuckle caused them both to bounce as his chest rose and fell. He smoothed his hands down James’ back, stopping before he reached the man’s cute butt. He wasn’t so out of it that he would do anything James wasn’t comfortable with.

  Thumbing the dimples on James’ lower back, Glenn turned his head enough to sort of kiss James’ lips. Sort of, because at the angle that angle he ended up catching part of James’

  chin. “You don’t have to move. Just let me hold you.” As far as he was concerned, they could stay there together for eternity.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Once his heartbeat had settled to a slower cadence, James rolled off Glenn and helped him get up. They stumbled to the bedroom and James nudged Glenn onto the bed. He laid down beside Glenn, loving the way the fit so well together. Those pale grey eyes looking at him through the thick, dark fringe of lashes made James tingle all over. The trust he saw there also gave him the strength to say what he’d been mulling over in his mind for some time now.

  “I think it’s time for me to have a talk with my parents.” He swallowed—gulped, really, then forged on. “They aren’t going to back off, and they aren’t monsters—” Glenn grumbled something that James figured he was better off not hearing. “They do love me, it’s just that they’ve always tried to protect me. I don’t think they realise that their way of doing so is screwed up.”

  “Keeping you so doped up you didn’t know your ass from a hole in the ground was more than screwed up,” Glenn growled as he lifted his head to peer more intently into James’

  eyes. “That kind of controlling behaviour is dangerous, not to mention sick.”

  James bit back the automatic defence of his parents that tried to claw its way out. “I know, but I also put up with it all of my life. I let them dictate everything from my friends—

  with the exception of Chase�
�to my profession. I never even wanted to be a lawyer.” He looked at Glenn expectantly, waiting. The man didn’t make him wait long.

  “What did you want to be?” he asked as he heaved himself up, bracing his elbow to support his weight before propping his head on his hand.

  James grinned. “Well, first I wanted to be a cowboy, then it was a cop or a fireman.

  Now…” He took in Glenn’s long, muscled form before returning his gaze to Glenn’s. “Now I just want to be happy, you know? I don’t care if I’m a lawyer or a waiter. I just want to be happy.” James hooked a hand around Glenn’s neck and pulled his face so close their noses almost touched. It seemed like a monumental task, a pipe-dream, but with Glenn here beside him, James thought he had a chance of making that particular wish come true. Glenn’s lips


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  parted and James leaned up enough to kiss away the words forming, moaning at the slight rumbling vibration as Glenn’s voice flowed into him.

  Glenn pressed closer, making it possible for James to rest his head on the pillow and escape the kink that was pinching at his neck. He linked his fingers together behind Glenn’s neck and wished he hadn’t just come a few minutes ago. His cock was trying valiantly to rise as Glenn settled on top of him, keeping a good portion of his weight off James, with arms braced at James’ side.

  They kissed for minutes or hours, James didn’t try to keep track. His lips were swollen, tender, and probably as red as Glenn’s by the time the man lifted his head and sighed. “I could do that all day,” Glenn murmured, then he nuzzled the side of James’ neck.

  James shivered and coasted his hands down Glenn’s back to the dip of his waist. “God,”

  Glenn panted softly, rocking his hips. His hard cock brushed against James’ and sent waves of need rolling through him.

  James grunted as he thrust up, then he locked his arms around Glenn and rolled.

  Glenn tipped his head back and James couldn’t resist nibbling on the stubbled skin beneath his chin. Glenn whimpered and clutched at James’ arms. James caught one of Glenn’s hands and dragged it down to their cocks. They wound their hands around the dripping lengths, tangling fingers in their urgency. James growled and Glenn moaned as they began stroking.

  “God, just like that, baby,” James rasped. A hunger began to build in him, one he’d not felt in so long he almost didn’t recognise it. But when he did, it caused James to falter, his hand stilling as heat swirled through his core.

  “James? What’s wrong? Did I—”

  “Nothing, and no, you didn’t,” James said, wanting the doubts gone from Glenn’s eyes. He rolled Glenn onto his back and crawled on top of him, quivering inside with a mix of excitement and fear. Holding himself up on wide-spread knees and one hand, and keeping his eyes locked with Glenn’s, James took Glenn’s hand and slowly drew it down the length of his torso. “Just—touch me,” he asked in a voice so bare it left his throat feeling raw.

  Glenn stopped breathing, stopped blinking and wiggling and stroking. His hand trembled beneath James’ and doubt clouded his eyes.

  James brushed his lips over Glenn’s, resisting the urge to close his eyes and hide.

  “Please,” he murmured, his heart galloping in his chest as he squeezed Glenn’s hand. “Just—


  Bailey Bradford


  ” Just what? James didn’t know what sort of touch he could tolerate, if he could tolerate any at all, he just knew he ached to feel Glenn’s hand cupping him, holding him. He’d been aware of the careful way Glenn handled him, had been both touched and embarrassed by the accuracy of Glenn’s deductions. That kind of consideration had led to this moment though, when he knew he could and did trust Glenn.

  Glenn exhaled, a long shaky breath that rippled through the curls framing James’ face.

  Glenn nodded, a tiny, almost imperceptible movement. His body, which had tensed, relaxed beneath James and his fingers curled, then opened. James sighed then licked his lips, wetting the chapped skin. His tongue touched Glenn’s lips, and James dipped his head for another kiss while releasing Glenn’s hand.

  Slowly, with a feather-light touch, Glenn caressed James’ side, up and down, then in small circles that sent shivers down James’ back. He groaned as he slanted his mouth for a better angle, then he nudged his hips, urging Glenn to resume that maddening grip. The feel of that big, rough hand holding their cocks together sent jolts of pleasure racing down James’s thighs and up to his belly. Anticipation, all good and warm and welcome, flooded James as he tore his mouth away and buried his face against Glenn’s neck. He found Glenn’s throbbing pulse with his tongue then gasped and sucked as Glenn pumped his hand faster.

  James sucked on the sweet spot he’d found as he fumbled a hand between them. He managed to grip their cocks, his hand bumping Glenn’s, then they found a rhythm that promised to leave them both dazed and limp. James twisted his wrist and rubbed the heel of his hand over the top of their dicks, and Glenn bucked, his other hand clenching against James’ hip. Glenn cried out hoarsely. He opened his hand and palmed James’ butt cheek, and James would have wept with relief if his body hadn’t been screaming to come.

  He sucked harder, thrust faster, tightened his grip on their dicks, everything he could do to make Glenn come apart beneath him. But when Glenn’s hand closed around his cheek, squeezed and kneaded that quivering flesh, it was James who burst into climax, James who shouted and arched, his head flung back as he shot all over their hands and stomachs and cocks.

  Glenn thrashed and panted. A low groan was rent from him as more wet heat spilled between them. James massaged their cocks until the last spurt of cum was spilt and Glenn


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  shuddered. Then he wiped his hand on the sheet and touched Glenn’s face, brushing a bead of sweat from his brow. “Glenn.”

  Grey eyes clouded with satiation peered out between heavy lids. Glenn’s hand still rested on James’ butt, his fingers unmoving against the edge of James’ crease. Feeling lighter than he had in ages, happier in a way he’d thought was beyond him, James wiggled his butt just a little. Glenn’s eyes widened and he whipped his hand back as if he’d been burned.

  James’ playful mood didn’t crash so much as it melted into a puddle of warm feelings he hadn’t the words to describe. He managed to catch Glenn’s wrist and twined his fingers with Glenn’s. “It’s okay,” he reassured Glenn. “I trust you.” Glenn wouldn’t go any further than James was comfortable with. In fact, James suspected he would be the one having to encourage Glenn. “We’ll be okay—better than okay.”

  The hesitation left Glenn’s expression as a sweet smile lit up his eyes, and James, unable to resist the sheer joy he saw in the man, brought his lips to Glenn’s. The gentle kiss ended and James sighed softly then drifted off to sleep.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  A soft knock on the bedroom door dragged Glenn out of a light doze. He cracked an eye open and wondered if he’d dreamt the sound, because he knew James’ apartment was locked up.

  “Freakin’ Chase,” James muttered, flopping onto his back. “What?” he hollered as Glenn scurried to pull the sheet up over their exposed lower halves.

  “I used the key this time,” Chase called out. “We brought breakfast over, if you two can crawl out of bed and join us.”

  James groaned and Glenn felt like doing the same thing. “They have keys?” Well of course they did. “Shit.” He’d kind of been looking forward to another kind of wake up call.

  “We better get dressed, or Chase is likely to pick this lock,” James muttered. “Can’t keep the damned man out.”

  Glenn could he
ar Chase and Xavier now, their voices muffled by the walls between them. He grabbed James’ hand and they got out of bed then padded to the bathroom. Glenn started the shower and James laughed. “Yeah, we kind of have to get the spunk off us, don’t we?”

  They took a quick shower, not daring to mess around when they both knew Chase could and would come looking for them if they took too long. Ten minutes later they were standing in the kitchen. Glenn tried not to squirm as Chase and Xavier looked him over. He pulled out a chair at the table and sat down, James joining him a heartbeat later.

  “So, you two look all cute together,” Chase teased. Glenn shot the man a look that promised payback while James reached across the table and popped Chase on the arm.

  “Be nice,” James told Chase. “No messing with my boyfriend.”

  Chase sighed as if his world were coming to an end. “Fine, fine, don’t let me have any fun.” Xavier set a platter of French toast on the table, adding it to the other platters filled with sausage and steaming hot hash browns. He added a container of syrup.

  “Who wants milk and who wants juice?” After Xavier had the drinks handled, he sat down and looked at Glenn. “It’s good to see you here.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Glenn didn’t know what to say to that other than “Thank you.” He felt strangely embarrassed by the warmth he felt coming from Chase and Xavier to him, but it was a good kind of warmth, an acceptance of a different kind. Glenn had become friends with the men over the months, but now it felt like they were more—almost like they were family.

  They ate in fits and starts, everyone talking and teasing each other. An exception wasn’t made for Glenn, and he gave as good as he got. It reminded him of his family, the way his siblings teased each other. That realisation made him miss his family and acknowledge that he needed to call his parents, then each of his siblings and tell them…everything. While his family was close, they didn’t hound each other or get together all the time. That wasn’t possible with his sibs, considering their jobs. It was very rare for all of them to be in the same country at any given time, much less the same state. Still, they always had each other’s backs, his parents included. Glenn had touched base with them a few times over the past months, but he hadn’t really filled them in on what was happening in his life. When they’d asked why he retired and moved to Texas, he’d told his parents he needed a change and that there were things about himself he needed to examine and accept.


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