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Bear's Temptation

Page 2

by Fay Walsh

  “I see. Was he at least interesting?”

  “Kind of. As interesting as an iceberg could be. It wasn’t the best interview, but it certainly was a new experience for me,” she admitted.

  “That’s all that matters then. Good job, I can’t wait to read your piece in the future,” he said.

  He closed the door, leaving Lisa to just sit there holding her notes. The interview was a total bust, and she wondered if Darren would contact her boss about the way it went.

  He might, and if her boss chose to fire her, she would be totally screwed. She didn’t want to move back to her hometown. She didn’t know what to do at this point. While Alana did tell her this place was good for writing, she wondered if she would still have a job by the end of the week.

  The only way to know would be to wait and see.

  She skimmed her notes quickly and started writing. As she wrote, she bit her lip as anger spread throughout her body. She would make this a piece based on not only the anger that she felt but also based on the whole spectrum of emotions she experienced when she dealt with this man. These feelings drove her crazy, pushing her to the limits, and in turn, made her want nothing more than to disclose everything.

  She hoped it would work.

  Chapter 2

  As the little journalist left, Darren clenched his fingers.

  “That woman. I swear,” Darren said under his breath.

  He normally hated interviews, and this was due to the fact that most of the time they involved some sort of deep questioning. Moreover, he found the journalists that interviewed him to be quite annoying.

  Lisa was no exception to this. He didn’t like that woman. In fact, he didn’t like dealing with women for the most part either. However, what it bothered him even more about Lisa was that her stubbornness reminded him of someone from his past he would rather forget.

  After he finished up his work, he closed his laptop and headed for the exit. He looked at his receptionist as he passed by the entrance and she smiled at him.

  “I take it that the interview went well?” she required.

  “Swimmingly,” he muttered.

  “Yeah, I know that you weren’t super interested in dealing with it,” she added.

  He scoffed and then sighed.

  “I just don’t like wasting my time with affairs such as this. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he said while hurried out the door.

  “Very well. See you tomorrow then,” she said.

  “Thanks, Beth. You’re one of the few women I can tolerate, that’s for sure,” he said.

  The drive home was quick, and soon he was back at the familiar abode. He saw Billy outside, practising at throwing axes at one of the targets. Darren sighed.

  “Ahh, to be that young and naive once again,” he exclaimed. However, Billy didn’t seem to notice him.

  He walked in and headed towards his office. On his way, he found Travis who motioned him to the living room. Darren simply nodded and let Travis lead the way. Alana was already seated in the sofa with a book in her hands.

  “Something has you upset,” he said.

  “It’s nothing,” Darren muttered.

  “Come on, you can’t it’s nothing the Alpha. I can tell you’re upset,” he said.

  “Do you want to talk about it? It could help for once,” Alana asked.

  “Not with you, that’s for sure,” Darren snapped.

  “Be nice. We can talk over some beers over at your place if that works,” Travis replied.

  Darren didn’t really want to talk about this. There wasn’t much to say anyway, but he felt that he didn’t really have much of a choice. Travis was always pestering him every time he sensed that he was angry over something. He was sure, that the Alpha was worried about doing something that would put the Clan in danger.

  Upon looking at the two of them again, he felt slightly bad for snapping at Alana. She wouldn’t understand. How could she?

  “Sorry about that,” he said with sincerity.

  “It’s okay. I’m not going to pry. Just wanted to help,” she replied.

  “Thanks. Anyway, let’s go at my place,” he said to Travis.

  The two grabbed a six-pack and made their way to Darren’s small home that was on the land. Each shifter had his own place on their land, so that they could have privacy with their mates. In Darren’s case, there was no need for that as he didn’t really have the desire to find his mate. They sat on the porch, each of them cracking open a beer before Travis spoke.

  “So tell me, what has you in such a bad mood?” he asked.

  “It’s a woman. A nosey little journalist,” Darren said.

  “No shit. I’ve never seen you so frustrated before though. I figured that you were getting used to been interviewed. What happened?”

  “She just got under my skin. I normally don’t take the interviews for obvious reasons, but I took this one since I was offered money. I thought it would be fine, as I can manage. I guess not though. Turns out, they sent this woman who turned out to be some green little reporter, who doesn’t know her head from her ass. She was quite annoying.”

  “I see. And why did it upset you like that? I know your reaction to women, but…”

  “It’s not that I’m gay, it’s just that... I don’t have time for trite bullshit like that,” Darren interrupted Travis. He couldn’t bring himself to reveal more. Not just yet.

  “I know, I know,” Travis said.

  “Besides, I’m always going about how I don’t know what I’m going to do if I ever need a mate. It’s just… I personally don’t feel comfortable with anyone. And, to be honest, it’s better this way. So stop worrying unnecessarily about me,” Darren explained.

  “I know, we talked about this before. But, you are definitely fired up about her. More than you would be for any other woman,” Travis teased.

  Darren rolled his eyes at those words.

  “I don’t like her like that, Travis. You should know that I don’t take kindly to journalists. I’m trying to build my business, and the last thing I need is someone being nosey in my life. Not now, not ever,” he said.

  “I know, Darren. It’s better for the Clan as well. But, maybe you should consider this feeling. I mean, when I met Alana again, I couldn’t control what I was feeling. Maybe, if you give her a chance, she might surprise you. I’m not saying that she’s your mate, but you can at least have some fun with her,” he said.

  Darren nodded. He knew that Travis meant well. Ever since he got with Alana, he was always trying to encourage the guys to find mates. Darren didn’t understand this fixation. They were fine just as they were living at the moment.

  “Yeah, I don’t understand you, Travis. I’m fine right now, I have everything figured out. People just need to mind their own business,” he snapped.

  “Hey, I’m just telling you that you should consider acknowledging that maybe there is something here. Why would some random woman get under your skin? I’m not telling you to jump into this right away, I’m just saying, you know, sometimes love plays a strange part in our hearts, and you should be a little more accepting of it,” Travis said.

  Darren scoffed. “You basically took the words that I gave to you back then and you’re using them on me. There’s just a basic difference between us. You wanted to have these feelings, I don’t need them,” he snapped.

  “I might have been, but honestly, had it not been for you guys, I wouldn’t be with her. And, Alana has changed me for the better. You never know, my friend. You’re my Beta and I now that right now you have everything in order, but sometimes you should listen to the Alpha,” Travis teased him, while opening a second can of beer.

  Darren ignored those words, getting out of his chair in response. He scoffed. The nerve of this shifter was bothering him. Maybe, he should fight him. That would get his blood pumping. But no, these days he tried to fight his temper.

  “I can’t believe you are trying to get me to listen to you about this nonsense,” he said under his b

  Travis stood up smiling at him.

  “I heard that. And I am. You need to let loose. You’re being awfully cold for someone who is talking non-stop about some girl. You honestly remind me of an elementary school kid,” he teased.

  With these words Travis walked off. Darren went inside and looked himself in the mirror.

  “She’s just another money-hungry journalist. I shouldn’t waste my time on her. I don’t believe it will change anything,” he reassured himself.

  But, Darren kept thinking about what Travis had uttered. While he struggled to avoid any kind of feelings, he knew for a fact that something kept him fired up. Especially since that morning. When he thought about her, his blood was pumping with excitement.

  He needed to let these thoughts go, so he joined Billy in his axe throwing practice. But with every throw, Lisa’s image became clearer in his mind.

  Chapter 3

  About a week passed since Lisa had put together the piece on Darren. She had fervently worked on it that night, as she didn’t want to sit around and wait on this. She just wanted to get it quickly done, so that she could face the consequences and get on with her life.

  That Monday though she came in to find a giant gift basket and a $200 check on the table. The card said that it was from her boss and Lisa kept looking at it with confusion.

  “What is this?” she asked in amazement.

  “Thanks,” was the only word that her boss said.

  She looked at him, and wondered at the big grin on his face. He had a cigar in his hands, a trademark feature, and his potbelly was barely being held in by the belt. Of course, it must have something to do with one of the articles that she had uploaded during the weekend.

  “Seriously, but for what? I didn’t write anything substantial to warrant this kind of cash,” she questioned.

  “Oh, but you did. You spoke to Mr. Roberson, and that piece that you wrote was successful. People are reading it, commenting on it, sharing it, asking questions, and honey, the audience is looking for more. We got to grasp this opportunity,” he said.

  “More?” she replied.

  “Yes, more. They want you to write more about him, and this time we can do this in a way where it showcases his secret life. They want to know more about the man behind it all, the guy who is the driving force behind that business. They want that my dear, and you’re going to give it to him!” he said.

  Lisa hesitated. She was unsure about this. The first time was a disaster, why would this be different?

  “Are you… sure? I mean, I don’t want to be the person who is intruding on anything,” she said.

  “You will not be intruding, my dear. People want to know about Darren. They want the real, hard truth, and you’re going to give it to them!” he said.

  However, his words couldn’t wash away Lisa’s hesitation.

  “Will I get paid more for this?”

  “Yes. You will. If the reaction is as good as with this piece, you should expect at least the double,” he said.

  Well, the fact that he was offering $400 just for another piece on Darren made her tempted to accept it. This money would be a great help.

  “What do I have to do next?” she asked.

  “Well, I would like for you to see him again at his office. Ask him questions about who he is as a person, I mean as a real person. Really get into it. Bring back your findings and create another piece on him,” he said.

  Lisa looked at her boss. At her mind she was already imagining another meeting with Darren. She figures that it wouldn’t go that differently than the first one.

  “The last thing I want to do is to deal with him again, but I guess if I must, I must,” she said trying to sound confident.

  “That’s the spirit of journalism! He may not like your prying, but you will write amazing content that the readers will love. Besides, this time around you might change his opinion of you,” he said.

  “Doubt it, but thanks for the support. Anyway, when should I begin? I still have this other assignment to wrap up.”

  “The sooner the better, my dear. I can take you off the lifestyle pieces if that works,” he said.

  Lisa rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to stop working on something that she was actually interested in writing. She felt slightly annoyed that this project was being thrown into her lap, but she also did have her own personal qualms regarding Darren. All of the previous days she couldn’t put him out of her mind and she didn’t know if a new meeting with him would be a good idea.

  “There is something about him which bothers me. I think it would be a good thing to investigate him further,” she admitted.

  “Good. Then it’s settled. You’ll do the project as soon as possible, and I want you to come back with a piece that will shake the readers. If you want to, you can even go to his place. Catch him unprepared,” Thomas suggested.

  “His place?”

  “Yes. There is some speculation among the people in town that he’s up to something. You might get a hint of what is really going on. I personally think he’s been hiding a few things, so I encourage you to be as prying as you can,” he said.

  Lisa paused and finally nodded in agreement. Maybe she finally had a chance for something bigger.

  “Very well. I’m not doing this for you or the company, nor for my own personal curiosity. I’m doing it for the sake of my career.”

  “Whatever drives you. I just want a good piece on him,” her boss said.

  Lisa tried to figure out where to begin. She decided that it was possibly better to go to his office and see if she could talk to him. However, she had a nagging feeling it wouldn’t go the way that she had planned.

  “It’s better to take a chance now than to let it go,” she mumbled and picked up her stuff.

  She went to her car and drove over to his office building. It was early afternoon, so Darren might still be at lunch. At that moment though, she saw him coming out. She moved out of the car, in order to meet him. When she got closer to him, he immediately grimaced.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to ask you some questions. My boss really liked the piece, and he wanted more,” she said.

  “I’m not interested.”

  “Well, I’m not really keen to talk to you either, but that doesn’t mean I’m just giving up,” she said.

  “You should go. If you want to know more about me, you’re not going to get it,” he said.

  She looked at him, clenching her fists as she looked at him with disdain.

  “You know, you’d be way more attractive if you weren’t this way. Seriously, I don’t get your problem. You act all cold and evasive, but I know that you are hiding something. By being this way you just turn people off, but I will find out what it is,” she declared.

  “You… you wouldn’t understand,” he admitted.

  It was clear to Lisa that she had caught him off guard.

  “Bull-fucking-shit. I’m trying to understand. I don’t know why in the world you would act like this. You are a serious investor, don’t you want people to like you? Seriously, what’s your problem?” she pressured him.

  Darren looked at her, and for the first time, Lisa noticed something.


  Lisa paused, looking at him with a spark of victory in her eyes.

  “What is your problem? You obviously are struggling with being honest with yourself. I can see that it’s tearing you apart, so I want to know why. In this one, I’m not just trying to be a reporter to get a story out of you. I really want to know,” she pressed a little more.

  Darren kept looking at her without saying a single word. Lisa wondered if he would even respond. But eventually, he spoke.

  “You wouldn’t understand. It’s… it’s a lot,” he admitted in defeat.

  “Well, if you keep acting all cold and shit, people won’t understand you. They won’t be interested in helping you out,” she said in a matter of fact manner.

�Then stop trying to bother me. It’s better if you just shut your goddamn mouth, and you leave me be,” he said.


  He went back inside, closing the door, and Lisa just stood there with her anger building.

  “Okay, what the hell? Way to be nothing more than some cold-hearted, cocky guy. He’s too overbearing,” she wanted to yell.

  Lisa couldn’t believe this. She tried so hard, and for what? To be shut down by this rude man. She wondered if there was anything else she could do there.


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