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Bear's Temptation

Page 16

by Fay Walsh

  “Yeah, Travis just got the property, so we will be converting it into offices under my name. We’ll make sure that the bodies are completely disposed of too,” he said.

  Lisa nodded. “Thanks, Darren. It’s still weird to me that I… I did that,” she said.

  “It happens, Lisa. Everyone has their dark sides, and I know that you would have acted another way, if there was a choice. You were defending yourself, and that’s what really matters,” he said.

  “I know Darren, it’s still just… I don’t know, there is something about this which worries me,” she said.

  “Nothing will happen to you, Lisa. I will be here to protect you. If anything, people will forget, and I can also buy out the company,” he said.

  “I didn’t know you had all that money,” she admitted.

  “I do. I’ve been quiet about my financials for that reason. I am actually one of the sole workers in the Clan. They all depend on my abilities,” he said to her.

  “I know. It makes me feel comfortable that you’re so dependable,” she told him.

  “Good. I want you to be comfy, my dear. I want you to be happy because I’d rather you be happy than upset over everything,” he told her.

  “You’re right, Darren. I feel a lot better about where my life is going now that I have you in my life,” she admitted.

  “Good. I want you to feel good. It’s better to be happy than living a life where it’s not working out for you. I know that it can be hard to understand and make this work, but I know that you’re strong, and I know you’re working towards your goals, your successes, and you’ll make it,” he told her.

  “Thanks, Darren. I owe you, “she admitted.

  “You don’t owe me anything. I’m just here to be with you and to make it right,” he told her.

  She nodded. “Well, it’s helpful, and it’s nice to have someone in life that is here for me. I don’t always have that,” she said.

  “I noticed. It seems like you’ve been doing a lot on your own,” he admitted.

  “I have, Darren. Up until now, I was working only for myself. My parents, when I turned 18, basically left me to figure out my own life. I enrolled in journalism school and paid my way through it, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t hard,” she explained.

  “Well, you’re doing the best you can do and I’m proud of you,” he said.

  “Thanks. I am proud of you too, Darren. You’ve changed for the better. I noticed that you’re less cold towards me, and I guess the others as well,” she said.

  She noticed Darren turn away, and the fact that he got so embarrassed by that was always quite fun to see, and she did enjoy teasing him.

  “Well, I feel good about this for that reason,” he told her.

  “Well, you’re amazing Darren, and I’m happy to have you,” she told him.

  “Good. I’m pretty happy with the way things are going,” he said.

  “I am too. I just… I want to see you happy as well,” she replied.

  The two kissed once again, making love three more times that night. When Lisa laid there awake, happy and satisfied, she realized that it was for the first time. The future seemed bright, with an exciting job next to Darren.

  It would all be okay, or at least that’s what she hoped for.


  The next month passed like a whirlwind. Lisa went to her office to pick up her stuff and she could feel the death in the air. The memory of what had happened there made her shiver. This was the beginning of a different life for her, the beginning of something that would vastly change her forever. She was ready to live all the danger behind her.

  She hurried to grab her stuff. With the corner of her eye she detected the plaque that she used in order to defend herself, and the letter opener knife that she had used to kill Thomas. It was surprising to Lisa that she didn’t feel upset seeing them. She knew what she did was what had kept her and Darren alive. If she had a second chance, she would do it all over again.

  For Lisa, she had a feeling that this would change how others viewed her too. No longer would she be just the average reporter, but instead she would be someone that people could rely on, someone people could trust, and someone that would change the game forever.

  Lisa had a good feeling about the future, and when she grabbed the last of her pieces, she felt a strange wave of excitement in the air.

  For Lisa, she knew that the new beginning would mean the end of an old chapter. She looked at her old journalism books, and when she touched them, she saw her name emblazoned, and when she thought about it, she wanted to cry.

  “No. This is a new beginning. I shouldn’t be crying,” she replied.

  She held the book, feeling a bit upset about the way that everything was going. However, she wanted to focus that this was going to be the beginning of a bright, new future that would make her happier than ever. It was relieving and for Lisa, it was also the beginning of something more.

  She transferred everything to Darren’s office, which wasn’t all that huge, certainly a bit of a struggle to get used to. She first started as a secretary, learning about some of the different transactions that she would need to do with the business, and while it was confusing, she did have the help of Beth.

  “Here, this is a good resource,” she said, giving Lisa the book.

  “Thank you. It’s really helpful,” she said.

  “You’re most welcome, Lisa. I know that the first time you do this it can be a total clusterfuck. Sometimes I’d help with the secretarial work, and I’d want to pull my hair out, it was so frustrating,” Beth said with a laugh.

  “God yeah, I don’t blame you. But, I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me. It’s quite… liberating, in a sense,” she said.

  “I know, Lisa. And you’ve helped me out so much that I wouldn’t have it any other way. Trust me, you’ve saved my ass a lot already, I can focus more on growing the business through potential clients, and the fact that you’re finding investments is definitely a nice change of pace,” she said.

  “I know. I’m really trying. I mean, up until recently I was a journalist, so it’s a bit different for me.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve changed your attitude. I don’t feel like rolling my eyes whenever I see you,” she said with a laugh.

  Lisa giggled. “I guess I was that much annoying, wasn’t I?”

  “I mean, I wasn’t going to lie, I did find you a little annoying, but after spending some time with you, I can tell that you’re a big part of Darren’s life, and you mean the world to him, so I can respect that,” she said.

  Lisa nodded. “Thanks. It’s nice to be appreciated,” she said.

  “I mean, I know how it can be. It’s definitely not easy for people like us. I used to be into journalism too, but the way that it can eat your soul, tear you apart, it’s not worth it,” she said.

  “You have a point. You’re pretty cool, Beth.”

  “I try to be,” she replied.

  The two hit it off, and Lisa could see from the look on Darren’s face when they worked together that she was doing something right, even though at times she felt that she wasn’t. But, Lisa could see that Darren was less stressed, happier, and in general, more open towards both of them.

  About a month later, Beth approached her after her work day, smiling.

  “I guess I should thank you. Darren hasn’t been this happy before. Like ever. You’ve changed him, sweetie,” she said.

  “I don't feel like I’ve done anything,” Lisa replied.

  “Oh, but you have. It’s the first time that he’s actually fun to work with, and I don’t feel like I’m going to accidentally piss him off or anything,” she teased.

  “I try to be at least kind of helpful,” Lisa said.

  “Well, you have, so thanks for making life easier. You’ve changed him my dear, and that’s worth mentioning,” she said.

  Lisa nodded, and when Beth went away, she heard the sound of footsteps. She looked, and there was Darren. H
e seemed slightly embarrassed, with a red blush decorating his cheeks.

  “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

  “Well, I wanted to ask if you were free tonight, or if you’re busy,” he asked.

  “I’m free tonight. I mean, you should know that I’m free most nights, and I only do my side job of writing articles for online websites when I feel like I want to. It’s not even for money, it’s just to hone my journalism skills,” she said.

  “Right. Sorry. I ask because… I wanted to take you to see the guys,” he said.

  She looked at him, at the blush on his face, and the fact that he was turning away was kind of cute.

  “You don’t have to be so embarrassed about it, Darren. You’re acting like I’m about to meet your parents or something,” she said.

  “It’s kind of like meeting the parents. I want to introduce you to everyone. As, well... as my mate,” he said.

  She immediately looked at him with widened eyes.

  “Are you… sure? I mean, being a mate is a big responsibility for a shifter, right? And I know for a fact that it can be quite huge for someone like you to take on. And I don’t want to-”

  “Don’t worry about it, Lisa. I want you to be a part of my life, and that includes meeting the guys. Trust me on this,” he said.

  The insistent tone of voice immediately shut her up, making her realize that she was indeed listening to the real Darren, the one that mattered to her more than anything else.

  “Alright. If you’re serious about this, then I’ll do it. I just don’t want to pry,” she stated.

  “You’re doing anything but that,” he told her.

  She smiled, feeling reassured by the way he spoke to her. There was something about this which made her feel good. She then took his hand, standing up and giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, she smiled at him.

  “Alright, let’s go see your clan. They’re your family, and if you find me worthy of meeting the gang, then I think I want to do this right away. I’m a little nervous, but I feel like… I feel like this is the beginning of a new future, a new life, and I’m happy about this,” she said.

  “I’m glad Lisa. Really fucking glad,” he said.

  The smile in his eyes made her feel happier than ever before. Her heart was racing but in a good way. She had no idea what would happen next but she felt that, once everything was sorted out, and the two of them realized the feelings that they had for one another, everything would be okay.

  She believed in Darren, and she knew that he wouldn’t just do this with anyone. He found her worth it, and special enough, and there was something about that which made her heart race, and it made her feel better than ever.

  Chapter 26

  To say that Darren was nervous was an understatement. He felt like his heart was racing at the speed of light, and he couldn’t help but wonder just what might transpire from this. He felt that Lisa would be a good fit for the Clan since they seemed accepting, and he did feel like it was time to do that.

  But, there was that part of him that was worried about what might come from this. Would the guys accept him for who he was? Would he finally get the help and support that he wanted? Or would he get tossed to the side? He didn’t think that the latter would happen, but he did fear showing off his future partner to the guys, mostly because he didn’t know if Travis would approve.

  Then again, Travis seemed to be pretty right in the head, so he had a good choice in people, and he was a big part of Darren’s life.

  When he drove over to the place, he could feel his heart racing, and he didn’t know what to make of any of this. But then, he felt a hand in his own, and when he looked up, he saw Lisa’s happy face.

  “It’s okay. Trust me on this,” she said.

  He did trust her and he was curious to learn what the other guys thought about this. He wondered what Sven would say since he was the type who tended to keep his thoughts to himself. But, when he pulled up, and Lisa stepped out, she looked around, and Darren could see the bright smile on her face.

  “Wow, this is definitely something!” she said.

  She looked about, seeing the way the silo was towering over them, and she looked to her right after hearing the sound of the cows mooing.

  “Wait, you have cows?” she asked.

  “Well, Travis takes care of the farm. I take care of the investments. Billy is one of the helpers on the farm, but he also does some smithing in town. And Ben, well… he’s trying. He helps Travis out while still learning to be a shifter,” he explained.

  “Woah, so they really are all shifters,” she said.

  “Correct. We try to keep it a secret from people, but you are correct,” he said.

  “That’s kind of fucking cool Darren,” she said.

  “I’m glad you find it cool,” he said, blushing red as he heard her praise his lifestyle.

  When they got to the door, Darren opened it, awkwardly shuffling in. when she got in, she saw a whole group of people, and Darren then coughed.

  “Everyone, this is the girl I was telling you about. The surprise that I had,” he said.

  “Woah, you’re real,” Billy said.

  “Can it!” Darren admonished Billy.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Travis,” a man said, extending his hand to Lisa.

  “I’m Lisa. It’s nice to finally meet everyone,” she said.

  “So you know about… who we are then,” Benjamin said with a blush, trying his best to avert his eyes.

  “I do. And I accept you all for what you are, and who you are. In fact, if it weren’t for Darren, I would’ve died,” she said.

  “If anything, you’re strong too. You’re a part of our team,” Darren said. She smiled, and Darren felt a strange wave of happiness when he held her hand. The guys all seemed to be happy about this, and when Darren noticed Benjamin come over, he was turned away, blushing.

  “Don’t act like a fool, Ben, this is just my mate,” he said.

  “Hi. I’m Ben. It’s just so amazing to see all the guys in our group finding people that love them. It’s kind of nice, and it gives me hope,” he said.

  “Well, I’m glad that you don’t hate me,” Lisa said.

  “I don’t think I could hate someone as sweet as you. Plus you have to be something if Darren is acting so nice,” Benjamin said.

  Darren glared at the younger shifter, but then everyone started to laugh, except for Sven.

  “Hello. I’m Sven. I probably am just one of the shifters to you. People normally don’t talk about me for a good reason,” he said.

  “Well, I hadn’t heard about anyone here until now, except for Travis, but a pleasure to meet you,” Lisa said, extending her hand with a smile.

  To Darren’s surprise, he saw Sven taken aback as he took it, shaking it.

  “Well, thank you. I’m pretty bad with shifter and human emotions. I’m not from around here, but I feel happy being here with you,” he said.

  “I’m happy to be here too,” she said.

  The final shifter to come up and say “hi” was, of course, Billy, and after Darren heard a crash, he saw Billy come out in a ridiculous pink apron, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Sorry, I’m a klutz. My name is Billy. Nice to meet you,” he said.

  “Lisa. And good to meet you as well,” she said.

  “Well, that’s everyone but my mate,” Travis said.

  “Wait, did I just hear that Lisa was here?” a voice from the kitchen stated as Lisa watched a familiar face emerge. When Darren saw Alana, he immediately noticed that Lisa was grinning.

  “Wait, is Alana your mate? We just met up the past month to catch up! How have you been Alana?” Lisa said.

  “Good! Yeah, I needed to keep the identity of my mate a secret. It’s a shifter/mate thing. Like, if people ask, he’s my boyfriend, but I try not to go out of the way to tell them everything about him,” Alana said.

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lisa stated with a smile on her

  “Pssh you know me. But, I’m glad that you’re doing better. I heard about how that journalist decided to screw you over,” she said.

  “By screwing me over, you mean try to kill me twice?” Lisa said.

  “Well, that too. I’m definitely shocked by that. I mean, I knew that guy was a bit strange, but I just thought that it was because he seemed to be a few crayons short of a box when it came to reading his pieces. He had some terrible pieces on home and garden work,” Alana said.


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