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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

Page 7

by D. Camille

  Lana matched his motion and touched her glass to his. “And to mine.”

  They both took a sip before turning to their meals. “So, why were you working so hard today?” she inquired.

  “My sister called me with some information,” he explained. “Some turmoil in D.C.”

  Lana nodded. “Your sister is also into politics?”

  “She’s a Constitutional Law Professor.”

  “Your mother had some really smart kids,”

  He smiled. “We’re almost as smart as the Sable sisters are beautiful.”

  Lana smiled softly and went back to her dinner. “So I assume you’ll be leaving soon?” she threw out.

  “I have unfinished business here,”

  He waited until she lifted her gaze to his. “It’s still early…no one is in too deep,” Lana whispered.

  Derek lifted a brow. “Are you sure?”

  Picking up her glass, she answered, “It’s only been two days.”

  “I asked to spend time with you,” Derek said taking her hand. “And that’s what I’m going to do, every chance I get, but I may need you to work with me.”

  Lana looked at their intertwined hands. “How?”

  “Trust that I’m a man of integrity, and my word means everything,” he said earnestly.

  She smiled. “That’s why you’d make a lousy politician.”

  Derek laughed softly. “That’s true.”

  “So what do I need to trust you on?” Lana asked.

  He held her gaze. “That whenever I leave here, I’m doing everything in my power to get back to you as soon as possible.”

  “You don’t have to do that Derek,” she protested.

  He squeezed her hand gently. “Yes, I do…because Lana Sable doesn’t trust easily and she doesn’t handle goodbyes well, so I need her to know that she can trust me and I have no intentions of saying goodbye.”

  Lana returned his gentle squeeze. “I may need you to work with me too,” she said quietly.

  Derek nodded. “Okay,”

  “If I begin to push, it may only be a reflex…”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “I’m not very good at this,” she finished.

  “I don’t know about that,” Derek told her. “You took me on a picnic lunch and now you’re here with me for dinner. I think you’re doing okay.”

  Lana smiled. “Just keep moving in that direction?”

  He nodded. “It works for me.”

  Laughing, she removed her hand and went to work on her dinner. She sniffed and turned her attention to the bed. “Why does your room smell so good?”

  “Is it supposed to stink?” he asked.

  She ignored him and stood to her feet. “It smells like flowers.”

  Lana began to look around then moved to the bathroom. Peeking inside she saw the bouquets resting on the sink. Turning back to where he sat at the table, she looked confused.

  “Why do you have so many flowers in your bathroom?”

  “I was going to surprise a woman tonight at the pool with them, but now that I know that she’s nosey as hell, I’ll do better,” he explained.

  Lana froze. “Those are for me?”

  Derek stood to his feet and walked over to her. “Who else would they be for, Lana?”

  She looked back at the bunches of fragrant flowers. “They’re really beautiful.”

  He slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Jamal knows his flowers.”

  “He’s really good and we’re all proud of him,” Lana said wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I was trying to wait until dinner was done, but now that I have you in my arms…my thoughts have changed,” Derek said kissing her neck.

  “I like these new thoughts,” Lana breathed tilting her head to give him better access.

  “You want to hear some more?” he asked against her skin.

  “Mmmmm…I’m listening.”

  Derek lifted his head and looked down at her. “Let’s finish dinner, then kick back and relax before we go down to the pool.”

  “I can get with that.” Lana agreed.

  He kissed her gently while enfolding her tightly in his embrace and Lana responded in kind. When they finally broke apart, he placed tiny kisses on her moist lips.

  “You have the softest lips,” he whispered against her mouth. “The prettiest eyes and the sweetest voice.”

  When he kissed her again, Lana simply held on to his broad shoulders. His large hands held her in place as he pleasured her lips and tongue.


  “Don’t say my name like that,” she warned.

  Derek looked into her eyes. “Lana…” he repeated.

  She closed her eyes to the sensual onslaught overtaking her body. “I told you that I’m not very good at this.”

  Lana felt his lips on her cheek. “On the contrary, I think you’re going to be very good at this, Lana.”

  She turned her mouth to his and initiated the next round of kisses that had her warm and breathing hard.

  “Mrs. Langston will take a switch to both of us if we waste her food,” Lana said still kissing him.

  “You’re the one who interrupted the meal,”

  They continued to connect their moistened lips. “Because you got me more flowers.”

  “I’ll get you flowers every day. If necessary, I’ll become a silent partner in Jamal’s business.”

  Lana laughed. “He’d probably like that.”

  “Come and eat, pretty brown girl.” Derek led her back to the table and held out her chair again.

  He sat across from her again and they slowly ate the prepared meal over light conversation about his work. When they were done, Lana looked at him.

  “So what do you need to do now, Derek?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve spent the afternoon getting updated on what the current situation is. The new developments are more than I ever expected to see.”

  “What is really going on?” Lana questioned.

  Standing, he held out his hand and she took it before he led her over to the bed and picked up his computer. “Let me show you.”

  Derek sat next to her and began to go over the breaking stories about the corruption taking place in the current administration.

  “Did you know anything about this?” Lana asked at one point.

  He shook his head. “I’d heard rumors but never believed that anyone in our government would go to these measures, or be allowed to. My phone is filled with messages from candidates all over the country gearing up for upcoming congressional seats. The minority party is desperate to gain the majority.”

  “How many candidates can you help at one time?” she questioned.

  “There may be some special elections, but during the general election…only one.”

  Lana looked at him. “How do you choose?”

  “I try to find the one who I believe can make the most difference,” he informed her.

  “Does who can pay the most play a factor?”

  Derek nodded. “Yes, a candidate needs funds. Politics is money and money does all the talking.”

  “Do they buy votes?”

  “Votes are bought and sold every day in the government. Laws are created, change and abolished whenever they so choose. That’s why representation is so important. We need our people in positions of power.”

  Lana nodded. “I agree, and although I’m not sold on this party system that we have, I know that our people need a louder voice in the laws that are made to control and punish us.”

  Their conversation continued until they both were sitting against the pillows on the bed sharing opinions and observations. A knock on his door had them both looking up.

  “They probably want the tray,” Lana told him.

  Derek nodded and got to his feet. “I’ll get it.”

  Grabbing the tray, Derek went to the door and opened it to find a man standing on the other side.

  “Are you here for the tray?” Derek asked. />
  “Actually, I’m looking for my daughter…”

  Chapter 6

  “Your daughter?” Derek asked as Lana quickly moved to his side.

  “Daddy? What are you doing here? We weren’t expecting you until next week.”

  Lloyd Sable looked from Derek to his oldest daughter. “Lavender had a feeling that I was going to be needed here, so I came back early. The night manager told me you brought a tray up to a guest and hadn’t been seen since, so I became worried.”

  Lloyd looked back at Derek. “I’m assuming that you aren’t holding my daughter against her will in her own establishment?”

  “No, sir.” Derek cleared his throat as he sat the tray on the floor. “Lana was kind enough to have dinner with me this evening.”

  He then held out his hand. “I’m Derek Wells.”

  Lloyd glanced at Lana before shaking the offered hand. “Lloyd Sable, Lana’s father.”

  Derek nodded. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I must tell you that you and your daughters run a fine establishment and your daughters are absolutely beautiful.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with my beautiful daughter right now,” Lloyd told him.

  Lana spoke up, “Of course, Daddy. Let me get my shoes.”

  As Lana scrambled over to the bed to retrieve her shoes, the two men looked over one another. Lloyd reached for the tray and held it as Lana made her way to the door.

  Looking up at Derek, she said softly, “I’ll see you later.”

  He nodded and turned to her father. “It was nice meeting you Mr. Sable.”

  “Oh, we will see each other again very soon, Mr. Wells.” Lloyd told him before walking away with the tray.

  Derek halted Lana from following her father with a hand on her waist. “I will see you later?”

  Lana smiled. “I promise.”

  Quickly she moved to the stairs, hurrying to catch up with her father. Downstairs, Lloyd sat the tray on the counter, then headed to his office knowing that his daughter would be right behind him. He waited at the door until she arrived.

  Lana hugged her father warmly and kissed his cheek. “Hi Daddy, I’m glad you’re home.”

  Lloyd returned her hug and kiss. “I’m glad to be home and apparently, I need to be here.”

  She looked up into his eyes, and said, “Let’s talk.”

  Lloyd walked around his desk and took his seat as Lana sat across from him. He waited while she looked him over.

  “You look good, Daddy. Did you have a good time?” she asked.

  “Lana Sable…”

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then began, “So I’m sure you want to know why I was in a guest’s room?”

  “That is where we can start.”

  She looked at him. “I met Derek yesterday. He checked in for a month’s stay….”

  Lloyd nodded and waited for her to continue.

  Lana shrugged. “I don’t know. We hit it off, I guess…”

  He lifted a brow.

  “Okay, more than hit it off. The attraction is very strong and I’d decided to grant his request to spend time together and get to know one another. Tonight we had dinner in his room after all the other guests had retired,” she explained.

  Lloyd sat back in his seat and studied his eldest. Lana had been his rock in both raising the girls and running the business. Of all his daughters, she was the most cautious, so if someone had gotten her to agree to spend time with him at the Inn, this was definitely someone he had to check out.

  “So tell me about Derek Wells,” Lloyd said quietly, knowing all of his daughters had checked the man out thoroughly.

  Lana nodded. “He’s a very successful campaign manager. His primary residence is in D.C. but he travels all over the country. He’s single, no children, seems close to his family and extremely charming.”

  “He must be, if my daughter is lounging in bed with him at the Inn.”

  “We were discussing politics,” Lana explained.

  “I never knew you were so interested,” her father commented.

  Lana smiled. “I really wasn’t, but Derek makes it very interesting.”

  Lloyd put his hands on the desk. “Mr. Wells has my daughter quite smitten.”

  “I have to admit that he does.”

  “And is he as smitten with my daughter?”

  Lana flushed. “He says that he is…”

  Lloyd stood and walked around the desk before leaning back against it. “You know that I don’t interfere in your lives but also, I would not ever let anyone, hurt any of you.”

  “I know that,” Lana replied.

  “The Inn has always been your priority, but I want you to know that it’s okay for you to have a life Lana…even if that life takes you away from Grayling,” Lloyd pointed out.

  “I’m never leaving the Inn,” she vowed vehemently. “You and Granddaddy worked your whole lives to make this a success.”

  Lloyd took her hand. “That was our dream.”

  “It’s mine too.”

  He lifted her face with a hand on her chin. “You’re a smart, beautiful woman, Lana…and you deserve whatever you desire in life. Don’t ever settle…for anyone or anything.”

  She smiled up at him. “You’ve always told us that.”

  “Because it’s true.”

  “I’m so glad you’ve found Lavender,” Lana told her. “She has you so balanced.”

  Lloyd smiled. “Lavender is an incredible woman and I enjoy every moment I can spend with her.”

  Lana looked confused. “Isn’t it hard when you have to leave her in California?”

  “I’d love to be with Lavender every day, but right now her family needs her and my daughters need me. The time apart actually makes our coming together even more special,” Lloyd explained.

  “I don’t know if I can handle that,” Lana confessed. “With someone that I loved.”

  “Didn’t you say that Derek travels a lot?” he asked.

  Lana nodded. “I’ve already told him that I’m not good with goodbyes.”

  “Yet, you’ve decided to start something with him…”

  She paused. “I didn’t want to…but I couldn’t say no.”

  “Life doesn’t always conform to our neat little package, sometimes we have to choose happiness in the way it appears,” Lloyd told her. “I’d planned to spend my entire life with your mother, and when she was taken away from me, I’d planned to spend the rest of my life alone.”

  “But I was given the opportunity to love two incredible women in my life,” he finished.

  Lana sighed. “I know I just met Derek yesterday, but there’s something there…something I can’t yet explain. He’s handsome and he’s smart, but there’s more.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you finding out what that is, maybe it’s what you’ve been waiting for,” Lloyd said quietly.

  “I have everything right here,” Lana told him firmly.

  Lloyd smiled. “That doesn’t mean there’s not more for you.”

  “My priority is the Inn and I promise you that I won’t do anything to compromise our reputation,” Lana vowed.

  “I’m not worried about that Lana. You know your business and I trust you.” Lloyd replied. “Although, I will be having a ‘man to man’ with your campaign manager.”

  “I thought Lavender had balanced you,” Lana complained.

  “I’m still your father,”

  Lana stood and hugged him. “And I love you so much. You’re the best Daddy ever.”

  “And you are my Princess along with your sisters.”

  She smiled. “Derek has a tough act to follow.”

  “I set the bar high because I know the value of my beautiful girls.”

  “Or you’re just biased.”

  Lloyd laughed. “That too.”

  “Now tell me what else has been going on around here while I was gone,” he finished.


  Lana returned to her home late that nigh
t after speaking extensively with her father. In her bedroom, she picked up the phone and dialed the main line, then waited to be transferred to the Blue Room.


  “Did I wake you?” she asked.

  Derek laid back. “No, I was up wondering when I would hear from you.”

  “I talked with my Daddy for a while and lost track of time,” Lana explained.

  “I was expecting him to be knocking on my door.”

  She smiled. “No, Daddy isn’t like that. He might corner you over breakfast though.”

  “That’s cool. I’m up front with mine.”

  “Yes, I think you are.” Lana agreed. “I like that about you.”

  He placed an arm over his head. “So what’s next Miss Sable?”

  “A handsome guy is supposed to be meeting me at the pool so I was on my way over there,” she hinted.

  “I’ve been waiting for two hours to swim with a pretty country girl,” he replied.

  “Then I’ll see you soon.”

  When Lana arrived, the bouquets from Derek’s room were arranged around the pool and gave off a fragrant scent. She smiled as she joined him on the edge. He looked her over in another swimsuit and her customary swim cap.

  “Hi,” Lana said softly. “The flowers are beautiful.”

  “Hello Lana, so are you.”

  She held his gaze. “Sorry I was so late.”

  “I was willing to wait.” Derek told her. “I know your father just arrived home.”

  “He inquired about you.”

  Derek smiled. “I’m sure he did, since you were in my room.”

  She laughed. “Daddy has always let us make our own decisions unless it’s something he feels very strongly about, like making us all leave for college. Other than that, he believes that we’re smart enough to make our own choices.”

  “But he will let us know that he’s still Daddy,” she told him.

  Derek nodded. “I can respect that.”

  “I think he’ll like you a lot.” Lana commented. “You two have similar views.”

  “Similar views on how lovely his daughter is?” Derek took her hand and helped her into the water.

  “Or how smart she is?” He continued. “How any man would be blessed to be in her presence?”

  Lana smiled. “Yeah, something like that.”

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “In that case, we should get along just fine.”


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