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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

Page 10

by D. Camille

  She couldn’t contain her smile. “I forgot to thank you for the flowers today. Jamal told me that you’ve order them to be delivered every day for the next month.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  Lana sighed. “Derek that is crazy.”

  “Then Lana Sable has made me that way.”

  “You’ve never been crazy before?” she inquired.

  He laughed. “I’m at an Inn, in the middle of nowhere for a month, spending a fortune on flowers and putting my entire career on hold to be with you.”

  “Hell no, I’ve never been this crazy before.” He told her.

  “I guess you kind of like me, huh?” she teased.

  “Lana, I want to like the hell out of you, repeatedly…”

  She gasped then recovered, feeling a warmth go through her body. “So, uh…yeah, this is some of what I like…”

  Derek took detailed mental notes of her every word.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning Derek slept in, exhausted from the last few days at the Sable Inn. He awakened after the lunch hour with his stomach growling. Heading to the bathroom, he showered and dressed before sitting on the side of his bed and quickly dialed his phone.

  “Hello?” the voice came through the line and he smiled.

  “Hey Momma,”

  “You’re late,” she told him and he laughed.

  “I know, I just woke up and got myself together. I haven’t even eaten yet.”

  “Why are you waking up so late? Are you sick?” his mother asked worried.

  Derek shook his head. “No, I’m fine. I was fishing and playing poker yesterday…”


  “I’m in Michigan staying at an Inn.”


  He laughed. “Yes, Momma in Michigan.”

  “What are you doing there? Do you have another candidate?”

  “Not yet, I’m going to get back to business soon. I came here to relax, and in the process, I’ve also met a very interesting woman,” Derek told her.

  “Is she in politics too?”

  “No, she runs the Inn with her family.”

  There was a pause. “She runs an Inn…” his mother repeated slowly.

  “In Grayling, Michigan,” Derek added.

  “Oh lawd, is she white?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “No, Momma…she’s a beautiful chocolate sister with two more beautiful chocolate sisters.”

  His mother let out a breath. “Now, I know they say you can’t help who you love, but ain’t nothing wrong with loving what you know.”

  “I’ve been raised by incredibly strong black women and I’m not ashamed to love one and make a strong black family,” Derek told her.

  “Now, that’s my baby.” She said proudly. “Now what you are going to do about all this mess in Washington?”

  He sighed. “I’m watching it closely and Dina is breathing down my neck.”

  His mother chuckled. “You and her are two peas in a pod.”

  “She always protected me from everything and everybody,” Derek admitted. “My big sister was my bodyguard…still is.”

  “She will tear up some stuff over you. When I talked to her yesterday, she said that she was keeping tabs on you,” his mother admitted.

  He laughed. “She always does.”

  “So tell me about this chocolate sister that has my baby holed up in Michigan.”

  “Her name is Lana Sable.”

  “Is she single? Got any kids?”

  Derek shook his head. “Yes ma’am, she’s single. She doesn’t have any kids, and is the Director of Hospitality at her family’s establishment.”

  “Is she nice?”

  He scrunched his face. “Most of the time.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “At first, she was trying to keep me at an arm’s length, but she’s come around,” he explained.

  “You mean, she wasn’t just wowed by your handsome face?”

  Derek rubbed his chin. “Nah, it took a little more than that.”

  “Did she know who you were and your reputation?”

  “No, but she knows now and I don’t think it made a difference,” Derek said honestly.

  “She’s making you work?”

  He smiled. “Yes! Like I’ve never had to before.”

  “Good, she knows her worth.” His mother commented. “Now, I know my baby’s a catch but a woman should know that she is too.”

  “Oh, trust me, Lana knows. Her father is like the King out here and she’s the Princess. I have to stay on my P’s and Q’s.”

  She laughed. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “You’re sure that I’m going to catch her?” he teased.

  “Hell yeah, you’re Derek Wells…anything that you go after, you make it happen.”

  Derek rubbed his head. “Thank you Momma. That’s why I love you.”

  “I love you too. Now you bring that pretty brown girl home with you,” she directed.

  “I will do my best. She doesn’t like to leave Grayling,” he said slowly.

  “Then you have to show her that you’re worth leaving it for...”

  He nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  There was a knock at his door and he moved to answer it. Opening it, he saw dark eyes and silky dark hair. Glancing down, he saw food on a tray.

  “You missed lunch,” Lana whispered with a smile.

  He returned her smile and said into the phone. “Hey Momma, Lana is here with my lunch, so I’ll…”

  “Let me speak to her.”

  Derek frowned. “Huh?”

  “Boy, ain’t nothing wrong with your hearing.”

  Clutching the phone to his ear with his shoulder, Derek reached out and took the tray from Lana.

  “Hey, thank you. I was starving.”

  Lana followed him inside and closed the door as he sat the tray on the table. “I figured,” she told him.

  “Derek!” his mother called his name and he winced.

  Looking at Lana, he removed the phone from his ear. “So, uh…my mother just wants to say hi.”

  Lana smiled taking the phone. “Hello Mrs. Wells!”

  “Well, hello, Miss Lana.”

  “Derek has told me about you and I must say it’s a pleasure to speak with you,” Lana replied.

  Derek stood and listened to the conversation.

  “He’s told me about you too and I can’t wait to meet you.”

  Lana’s eyes flew to Derek’s. “Meet me?”

  “Yes, honey…I’ve told Derek to bring you home.”

  “To Virginia?”

  “That’s where home is.”

  Lana floundered. “Uh, I’ll be sure to speak with him about it.”

  Derek reached for the phone. “Hey Momma, I’ll check in next week. You know how to reach me if you need anything.”

  “I wasn’t done,” she complained.

  He looked at Lana. “Yeah, so I love you and I’ll keep you updated.”

  “Bring that girl home,” she repeated.

  “That’s my plan,” he told her and ended the call.

  Lana stood watching as he sat the phone on the table, then came to stand in front of her.

  “Thanks for thinking about me,” Derek said, staring down into her face.

  “I can’t let you starve,” she replied. “That’s a poor reflection on the Inn.

  He smiled at her reply. “I missed you yesterday.”

  Lana bit her lip. “I missed you too.”

  Derek placed a hand on her waist and pulled her close. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, another good hair day,” she said with a smile. “You’re my twistout good luck charm.”

  He laughed softly. “I think it’s a safe bet that you’re beautiful all the time, Lana Sable.”

  She placed a hand on his chest. “And you’re very charming.”

  “My mother thinks so,” he whispered. “She believes that I can catch you.”

  Lana held his gaze. “Do you want to catch me?”

  “I’m chasing like hell,” he commented.

  “I think I’m slowing down,” Lana whispered and lifted her face to his.

  Derek lowered his mouth to hers and they engaged in a sweet, welcoming kiss. Lana linked her arms around his neck while he enfolded her in his embrace. For the next few minutes, they explored each other’s mouths until Derek’s stomach rumbled.

  Lana pulled back and looked at him. “You should eat something.”

  “I’d rather do this,” he said kissing her lips again.

  She moved her hand to his tight abdomen. “I think your stomach disagrees, plus I need to get back to work.”

  Reluctantly, Derek moved back but kept her within the confines of his arms. “I’ll see you later.”

  She nodded. “You’re coming down to my office, right?”

  “I’m going to eat first, then check a few things and I’ll be there,” he confirmed.

  Lana smiled. “Okay,”

  “Your mother was very nice, until you snatched the phone from me,” she said frowning.

  Derek touched her face. “I could tell she was about to go into a direction that you’re not ready for.”

  “Are you ready for me to meet your mother?” Lana asked.

  “I’ve told her about you.”

  She watched him. “What did you say?”

  “I confirmed that you’re black and that you’re not after me for my money or status,” he informed her.

  Lana blinked. “Is that usually your M.O.?”

  “Not at all,” he said firmly. “I think Grayling, Michigan threw her off.”

  She nodded. “What else?”

  “I told her that you’re beautiful and I’m working hard for you.”

  Lana pursed her lips. “Are you really working that hard?”

  He pulled her closer again. “Harder than I’ve ever had to…if you weren’t who you are, I’d have already had you in bed by now.”

  Lana placed both hands on his chest. “You think so?”


  She looked up at him. “You said, if I wasn’t who I am…so who am I?”

  “Someone I’ve decided, is worth waiting for,” he answered softly.

  Lana lifted a brow. “For how long?”

  Derek leaned down and touched his lips to hers. “It won’t be long.”

  When his stomach growled again, Lana smiled. “Go eat your lunch, before it’s cold.”

  This time he released her completely and followed her to the door. Before, she could open it, he placed a flat hand against it and stared down into her face.

  “Do you want to meet my Momma?” he questioned.

  Lana paused for a moment, then lifted her gaze to his. “Of course, I would love to one day meet the woman who raised this incredible man, standing in front of me.”

  Derek smiled. “Good, because that’s my plan.”

  Lana remembered those words while he was on the phone. “That’s what you told her.”

  He nodded. “And I don’t lie to Momma…or you.”

  “Then I guess we’ll see how we can work that out,” Lana said touching his face.


  Derek finished his lunch and headed downstairs with the tray in hand. He knew that Lana would chastise him for bringing it, but he was going to do it anyway. At the bottom of the stairs, he ran into Lloyd.

  “Mr. Sable, good afternoon.”

  Lloyd reached for the tray. “Hello Derek, you can leave this by the door and someone will pick it up.”

  Derek smiled. “I know, your family has told me that but I don’t see what sense it makes to leave it there when I’m already coming down here.”

  Lloyd nodded. “Well, thank you.”

  “Thanks for yesterday,” Derek told him. “I really enjoyed myself, although if I’d known how good you were at poker, I might’ve turned down your invitation.”

  Lloyd laughed. “I think that by everybody else being so bad at it, it just makes me look good.”

  “No sir, I’ve played some poker and you’re pretty good.”

  “Thanks, is there anything I could help you with today?” Lloyd asked.

  Derek shook his head. “No, I’m meeting with Lana in her office.”

  “In her office?” Lloyd asked confused.

  “Yes, I’m going to find out about what she does here at the Inn and her ideas,” Derek explained.

  Lloyd lifted a brow. “Okay…have a good afternoon.”

  “You too,” Derek offered.

  “Do you know where her office is?” Lloyd asked

  Derek nodded. “Yes, I remember.”

  Lloyd took the tray and headed towards the kitchen then Derek went to seek out Lana in her office. He knocked gently on the door and was greeted by her warm smile.


  “Hey, are you ready for me?”

  Lana looked him over. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for you, Derek.”

  He stepped inside, causing her to back up a little. “Yes, you will.”

  She moved away to the other side of her desk and took a seat. “Come over here so I can show you what I do.” Lana patted the chair she’d placed next to hers.

  Derek closed the door, then went to take the seat she’d indicated. She smiled at him then turned to her computer. For the next hour, Lana went over her role at the Sable Inn as well as the part her sisters played in the business.

  Derek listened intently and was impressed with Lana’s command of her industry’s trends as well as her desire to improve the Sable Inn.

  “So, you’ve been here a few days, tell me your impression of the Sable Inn?” Lana turned to him.

  Derek sat back. “It’s a beautiful place both inside and out. All of the staff is warm and friendly and I feel that you all go overboard to make every visit a pleasant experience.”

  Lana nodded. “What else?”

  “I think the pool and spa are a great addition. Maybe you could offer some private time for couples out there? That way they would be romantic without worrying about another guest walking in.”

  She smiled. “I can see that.”

  He glanced at the bouquet on her desk. “Jamal is great with the floral arrangements.”

  Lana also looked at the flowers. “Yes, he is. Thank you for giving him so much business.”

  “I get to help a young brother out and my pretty country girl gets a different bouquet every day, so it’s a win/win.”

  “Did you really request a different arrangement each day?” Lana questioned.

  “I’m not going to send you the same thing every day.” Derek frowned.

  Lana shook her head then looked at him. “Thank you, I can’t remember when anyone has done something that sweet for me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Tearing her gaze away, Lana looked back at her computer. “As you can see, we do pretty well in repeat customers, but I’m lagging in new reservations.”

  “People need to know about you,” Derek told her. “Not just locally.”

  Lana turned back to him. “So when you want to get your candidates known to the public, what is your strategy?”

  Derek thought about it for a moment. “Well, I take them into the community and encourage them to interact with their possible constituents. Media is a big tool…articles, ads, commercials, etc.”

  Lana pursed her lips. “We haven’t hardly used any media outside of a few ads in the papers of big cities nearby.”

  “Detroit is only three hours away and Grand Rapids is a little over two. That’s not too far of a drive for a nice getaway in a place as beautiful as this,” Derek supplied. “Maybe take a trip to those cities and meet with the Visitor’s Bureau or local Travel Agents.”

  She nodded. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

  “Where’s your brochure?” Derek asked and Lana produced one from her drawer.

  Taking it from her, he looked it over. “This is nice.�

  “Lena just had those redone for marketing.”

  Derek looked at the professional pictures of the river and surrounding land. “I think it’s missing one thing,” he told her.

  “What’s that?”

  “The thing that makes this place special…,” Derek said quietly. “It’s not just an Inn. It’s like home.”

  He continued. “When I go up to my room at night, it’s not like returning to a hotel room. Everything about this place screams comfort, serenity, warmth and…love. That’s what sets it apart and will draw people in.”

  Lana smiled softly. “You’ve described it to a tee…at least that’s how I see it.”

  Derek touched her jaw. “It also describes you.”

  Lana leaned in to press her lips to his. “I’d like to invite you to my house,” she whispered.


  “Tonight…for a late dinner?” she suggested. “We need to stay away from the pool.”

  Derek pulled back. “Why?”

  “Let’s just say, nothing’s a secret at the Sable Inn.”

  “Okay, I’m just going to take your word on that.” Leaning back in his chair, he studied her. “So, we’re moving to your house?”

  Lana nodded. “Is that a problem?”

  “Not at all, I’d love to see where you live.”

  “I have to finish up the dinner hour at the Inn, then I’ll meet you in the lobby and we can walk over together?” she offered.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  She smiled. “I just have a few more questions for you about the Inn.”

  “I have nowhere else to be,” Derek said settling in.


  Lana thought the hours couldn’t past fast enough until she could meet Derek and take him back to her house. Everything that could go wrong, did…and everything that was unexpected, happened. Checking her watch, she saw that she was already late and now was in the process of cleaning up the broken bottle of wine she’d dropped trying to hurry.

  Careful of the shards, she rushed to get a mop and a broom from the back pantry. When she returned, Derek was standing in the empty kitchen.

  “I came to look for you when you didn’t show up,” he explained.

  “I’m sorry, it’s been a crazy day.” She looked at the floor. “And now this.”

  Derek moved to her side. “Let me help you.”

  “Be careful of the glass!” Lana warned.

  “I see it. You should step back.”


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