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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

Page 19

by D. Camille

  “Look, I’m not pregnant and Lavender could’ve been talking about any of us.”

  Lena shook her head. “Not really…”

  “I don’t know why I tell you anything,” Lana said walking towards her office and Lena followed.

  “Because I’m your sister and you love me,” Lena answered.

  Lana turned back to her and smiled. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  Lena looped her arm around Lana’s and they continued to walk. “I hope you are pregnant. We need a little kid around here.”

  “I’m not pregnant Lena.”

  “Well get pregnant then. You’re already practicing.”

  Lana opened her door. “Go away.”

  Instead of leaving, Lena followed her inside. “Wouldn’t you like to have a baby?” Lena asked taking a seat in Lana’s office.

  “I’m not thinking about babies, Lena.” Lana turned on her computer. “The Inn is my baby.”

  Lena rolled her eyes. “This Inn is not your baby, and you need to stop thinking that way.”

  Lana turned her attention to her sister. “Okay, Lena, clearly you want to discuss something with me.”

  “You’re right,” Lena sat up and stared at Lana.

  Lana put up her hands. “I’m listening.”

  “This Inn isn’t going anywhere. It’s been here for over seventy years.” Lena began. “If you didn’t notice, Granddaddy got married and had children, then Daddy got married and had kids. This isn’t your whole life.”

  “But they stayed on the land,” Lana pointed out.

  “It was their choice,” Lena rebutted.

  Lana shrugged. “It’s my choice too.”

  “Lana, you left one guy because you didn’t want to leave here, which happened to turn out to be the right decision after what just happened, but do you want to take that chance again?” Lena questioned.

  “Why do you care Lena?” Lana questioned.

  “How can I not care?” Lena answered. “A gorgeous, successful man clearly wants to see if he can make a life with you, don’t put up inconsequential barriers.”

  “Why does everyone think my wants are inconsequential?” Lana questioned. “I’m supposed to simply put my needs aside for a man because he has a career somewhere else?”

  Lena sighed. “Everybody has to compromise, Lana.”

  Lana looked down at her desk. “If Derek is worth it, I’ll consider compromise.”

  “How will you know if he is, if you don’t make the effort?” Lena asked.

  “Let me handle my business,” Lana said turning back to her computer.

  Lena heard the tone in her sister’s voice and knew this conversation was over. When her sister was done talking, it was a wrap. She got to her feet and looked at Lana.

  “Bring me back a souvenir from the White House,” Lena threw out her last words.

  “Get out,”

  Lena laughed. “You’ll be missing that man soon enough.”

  Lana looked up and smiled. “I already do.”


  Derek walked into his office and was greeted immediately by the staff.

  “Good morning, Mr. Wells.”

  He nodded and smiled as he continued down the hall.

  “Welcome back Mr. Wells.”

  “Thank you,”

  Derek walked to where Gina’s desk sat outside his office.

  “Well look who the cat dragged in?” Gina said with a sly smile.

  Derek picked up his mail from her desk. “I stopped by last night, but everybody was gone for the day.”

  “You managed to pull yourself away from your lady love?”

  Derek turned and headed towards his office. “Tell Brian I’m here and I need to see him asap.”

  Gina stood and watched him go. “At least tell me what happened with ex-boyfriend?”

  “Thanks for the information,” Derek said over his shoulder and walked into his office. Sitting in his chair, he stared curiously at a small box on his desk.

  Pressing a button on the phone, he waited until Gina answered.

  “There’s a package on your desk,” she said flatly.

  “I can see that,” Derek responded. “Where did it come from?”

  “If you would’ve given me the opportunity, I would have told you.” Gina informed him. “It came this morning and I put it on your desk.”

  “Again, where did it come from?” Derek questioned.

  “Grayling, Michigan.”

  Derek lifted a brow and pulled the box closer as Gina continued, “Which is why I didn’t open it and put it in your office.”

  “Thanks Gina,”

  “You’re going to appreciate me one day,” she warned.

  He smiled. “You know I do. You’re just too nosey sometimes.”

  “Brian will be in shortly, and you need to sign some paperwork in your tray,” Gina told him.


  Derek disconnected and reached for the box. Opening it slowly, he pulled out a small package of Godiva chocolates. There was a card attached and he read it with a smile.

  “Here’s some chocolate to hold you over…Lana.”

  He laughed and placed the items to the side before he reached for the paperwork that needed signing. “Nothing compares to you, though, Lana Sable.”

  Brian appeared a little later and the two men sat in Derek’s office discussing the recent events in Washington.

  “We need to be on our A-game for next year, which means planting the seeds now,” Brian told him.

  “What’s the game plan?” Derek asked.

  “Getting money up for campaigns is the objective right now. There are thousand-dollar-a-plate fundraisers happening all over town. Incumbents are trying to stay in, and challengers are wanting to claim those seats.”

  Derek nodded. “Who’s contacted us?”

  “Who hasn’t would be an easier question to answer,” Brian told him.

  “Any good candidates?”

  Brian shrugged. “What’s your definition of good?”

  Derek turned to the window. “I’m not just trying to fill seats to replace old worms with new ones,” he commented.

  “I hear you,”

  Rubbing his beard, Derek asked, “How many black candidates?”


  He turned to Brian. “Out of how many?”

  “A lot.”

  Derek sighed. “They have money or connections?” he questioned.

  Brian shook his head. “Some, but it will definitely be an uphill battle.”

  “Where are the two located?” Derek needed to know.

  “California and Georgia.”

  Derek frowned. “Damn, that’s a long way from Michigan.”

  “What’s happening in Michigan?” Brian asked confused.

  “Gina hasn’t told you?”

  Brian shook his head. “She doesn’t tell me anything. I didn’t even know you were back until this morning.”

  Derek smiled. “She didn’t know either, I came through the office last night after hours.”

  “So what’s up with you?” Brian probed.

  Sitting back in his chair, Derek answered, “I met a woman and I’ve fallen in love with her. She lives in Michigan and has vowed never to leave there.”

  “Man, you were gone three weeks!”

  “I know man, but when it happens, it just happens.”

  Brian brushed his shoulder. “Well keep that shit over there because I don’t want it to happen to me.”

  Derek laughed. “I wasn’t looking for it at all.”

  “So you’re trying to move to Michigan?” Brian questioned.

  “Nah, I can’t do that on a permanent basis. I’ve worked too hard to build my business and my reputation here in D.C.” Derek said standing. “But I’m not just going to give her up.”

  “Sounds like a no-win situation to me,” Brian told him honestly.

  Derek glanced at the box of chocolates on his desk. “Nah, it’s not a no-win. I’m a problem sol
ver and this is the most important problem in my life.”

  Brian sighed. “Okay, so what do you want me to do about the candidates?”

  “Hold off, let me look over everything and determine the next steps.”

  “Okay, there’s a fundraiser a week from Friday that we’ve been invited to by one of the Congressmen. Should I RSVP?”

  “Who?” Derek questioned.

  “The representative from New York,”

  Derek frowned. “Not really.”

  “Look, I know he’s an ass, but he’s looking for re-election and his coffers are full.”

  “His agendas are whack and he stands for nothing,” Derek told him firmly.

  “It’s just dinner.”

  Derek sat back down. “I’m not contributing to his campaign.”

  Brian smiled. “He comped our dinners.”

  “I bet he did.” Derek shook his head. “Go ahead and confirm. I’ve got nothing else on my calendar.”

  “At least we’ll hear what he’s proposing.”

  Derek smirked. “A lot of nothing, like his last campaign.”

  Ending his meeting with Brian, Derek stared out of his window at the Washington monuments within his view. He loved this town, even with all the dirt and bullshit that occurred, it was where he thrived. His love of politics and government is what had propelled him to the level he’d attained.

  He wasn’t prepared to give up his life to settle down in a small little town that only had a City Manager and Jamal’s Daddy was the sheriff. He closed his eyes from the view and pictured Lana. Derek’s heart jumped as he envisioned her face and then her sexy, brown body. His palms opened and closed as he remembered touching her hair and skin.

  “Damn girl, what are we going to do?” he asked aloud.

  Moving to his desk, he checked his watch then picked up his phone. Sitting back, he waited in anticipation for his ‘problem’ to come onto the screen.

  “Hi Derek,” she answered with a smile.

  “There’s my pretty country girl. Are you running barefoot through the Inn?” he teased her.

  Lana laughed. “You’re going to stop that.”

  He shook his head. “Nope, I’m going to tell our kids that I met a barefoot girl and chased her until I caught her.”

  Lana blinked. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me,”

  “So we’re talking about kids?” Lana asked.

  “We might as well lay it all out on the table.”

  She looked at him. “Have you been drinking today?”

  He laughed. “No, I haven’t been drinking, baby. I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you too, Derek.”

  “Thank you for the chocolate,” he told her softly.

  “It’s not like flowers every day, but I wanted to do something to make sure you don’t forget about me,” she explained.

  “What’s your name again? It’s starts with an ‘L’ right?” He snapped his fingers. “Something like Linda?”

  Lana stared at him. “So you’re a comedian too?”

  “You know I’m a man of many tendencies,”

  “And you know my name,” she told him firmly. “Because I distinctly recall you saying it in my ear…over and over.”

  Derek pinned her with a dark look. “Lana…”

  Feeling the familiar warmth, from his name on her lips, Lana sat back in her chair. “What did I tell you about that?”

  “When I was saying it in your ear, you told me a lot of things…you want me to repeat them?” he asked in a sexy tone.

  Lana closed her eyes in remembrance. “No, I remember,” she whispered.

  “The chocolate you sent isn’t going to hold me for long…”

  Opening her eyes, she stared into his. “I know…I don’t expect it to. You know, in a romance book, the hero would say that he’d wait forever for his heroine and he’d give up everything to make her happy.”

  “So, yeah…this isn’t a romance book. This is real life where real shit happens,” he told her.

  “I keep trying to tell everybody that,”

  “I’m giving you time baby, but I won’t wait forever and neither of us are going to give up everything to be together. There’s a solution to every problem.” Derek told her. “Sometimes, it just takes a minute for the solution to materialize.”

  Lana smiled at his words. “You’re also a philosopher.”

  “Your man got it all,” he told her.

  “He does have it going on, I must say…” she agreed.

  Derek chuckled as he checked the watch on his arm. “I’ve gotta cut this short, because I have some meetings scheduled for later, but I wanted to see you and hear your voice.”

  “Have a good day,” Lana told him. “And I’d like to see you and hear your voice later tonight?”

  “We’ll make that happen.”

  They stared at each other until, Derek broke the silence. “I love you, Lana Sable.”

  “I love you too, Derek.”

  “I’ll talk to you tonight,” Lana finished and he nodded before ending the call.

  Placing the phone on her desk, Lana turned to the window looking out on her land. Derek had made it very clear that he wouldn’t wait forever and in so many words, she’d better get her shit together, or at least on track.

  Lana had never wanted to fall in love with a man who had dreams and aspirations that would take her away from her home. Robbie had taught her that lesson, but her heart had no protection against the handsome, bowtie wearing man who made her melt with a whisper of her name.

  In truth, Lana had never particularly liked her name. It fit with her sisters and father, but there had never been anything special about it in her mind. Yet, whenever Derek said her name, which was often, her whole being reacted and was set on fire.

  She turned at a knock on her door and was surprised when Lavender peeked her head through the door.

  “Am I interrupting?” she asked with a smile.

  “No, of course not.” Lana said, coming around her desk. “Come in.”

  When Lavender was settled into a seat, Lana asked, “Can I get you something?”

  Lavender smiled. “Lloyd has you girls trained so well. Thank you very much, but I’m fine. I came to visit with you.”

  Lana took her seat and studied the woman before her. Lavender could be Erykah Badu’s grandmother. Everything about her was woosah and light. “Well, I feel special that the beautiful Lavender Masters came to see me.”

  “You certainly are your father’s daughter,” Lavender told her. “Lloyd Sable is an incredibly kind and loving man and you also have those traits.”

  “Thank you Lavender,” Lana smiled. “I think my Daddy’s the best, too.”

  Lana swiveled in her chair. “How’s your family?” she asked Lavender.

  Lavender beamed. “My daughters are fine and my grandchildren are amazing. I can’t wait for Lloyd to experience that feeling.”

  Lana stopped her chair. “So Lavender, were you talking about me or my sisters?”

  “Eventually all of you will have little ones around here, but yours will be the first,” Lavender told her.


  Lavender nodded.

  “With Derek?”

  She nodded again and Lana put a hand to her mouth. “Oh my god!” Staring at Lavender, she whispered, “Really?”

  For the third time, Lavender simply nodded and watched Lana’s reaction.

  “He is your kindred soul,” Lavender informed her.

  Lana shook her head. “I mean, I know I fell for him, in like an instant, but a baby?”

  “Oh, there’ll be more than one.”

  Jumping from her chair, Lana turned to the window and placed her hands on her head. “This is too much!”

  She turned back to Lavender. “I’m still trying to determine if I’m going to visit him in D.C. and you’re saying he’s going to be my baby’s daddy!”

  Lavender laughed. �
��He’s going to be your husband, dear, and the father of your children.”

  Anxiously, Lana asked, “Are we going to live in Grayling?”

  “Now that, I have no vision of…” Lavender informed.

  Lana threw her hands up. “Come on Lavender! You can’t just leave me hanging like this!”

  “I can only tell you what I’ve been privy to,” Lavender consoled her.

  “Daddy said that your daughter, Lotus, also has the gift. Can you call and ask her?” Lana pleaded.

  Lavender stood and walked over to Lana, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Sweetheart, sometimes the best things in life are the things that you didn’t know from the start.”

  Lana sighed. “Well at least I know that if my kids are going to be running around the Sable Inn, it’ll still belong to us.”

  “No one’s going to take your Inn. Your warrior is going to make sure of that.” Lavender told her.

  Lana eyes widened. “What is Derek going to do?”

  Lavender shook her head. “Did you just hear what I told you about some of the best things in life?”

  “I don’t want him to get into any mess over Robbie and his nonsense,” Lana explained.

  Smiling, Lavender said, “He’ll be fine. He doesn’t have those urban tendencies for nothing. Both my son-in-law’s handle business, too.”

  Lana smiled. “I do like those urban tendencies a lot.”

  “Every woman does, honey.”

  “You too?” Lana asked surprised. Lavender was so earthly and zen, Lana couldn’t imagine her appreciating the darker side.

  “You do know that your father is Lloyd Sable?” Lavender questioned.

  Lana thought about it. “I guess that’s why I like it so much,” she agreed.

  Lavender moved back to her seat. “Now tell me about this Derek.”

  Lana slowly took her own chair and looked at Lavender.

  “Uh, he’s…everything,” Lana said softly.

  “He’s waiting for you,” Lavender told her.

  Lana bit her lip. “I know.”

  “How long are you going to make him wait?”

  Lana looked at the flowers on her desk and smiled. “Not long at all…”

  Chapter 16

  More than a week later, Derek sat in his office frustrated as hell. First, with the politicians in charge and secondly with the woman in his life. Neither were doing anything that made any damn sense and he was ready to pop.


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