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Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)

Page 24

by G. P. Hudson

  Jon chuckled. “That would be a change, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are all ships still synced to our jump drive?”

  “All ships are reporting that they remain synced, Sir,” said Kevin.

  “Helm, initiate the second jump. Let’s see what’s waiting for us at the jump gate.”

  The ships jumped and landed at the location of the jump gate.

  “Contacts!” said Petrovic. “Reading ten warships dead ahead.”

  “The Kemmar?” said Jon.

  “Yes, Sir. All ships have Kemmar signatures except one.” Petrovic looked up at Jon. “Sir, I’m reading a Space Force signature.”

  “What? Where?”

  “It’s a battleship, Sir. Definitely Space Force.”

  Jon tapped his console and Steeg’s face appeared. “Colonel, is that the Space Force battleship you engaged when attacking Sol?”

  “Yes, Admiral. That is the jump battleship.”

  “Sir, the ships are moving to intercept,” said Petrovic. “Even the battleship.”

  “Sound General Quarters,” said Jon. “Launch fighters. Advise them to adopt a defensive posture. Engage point defense systems. And hail that damn battleship.”

  “Sir, the battleship is ignoring our hails.”

  “Tell them it is Captain Pike, from the Hermes.”

  “They’re acknowledging our hail now, Sir.”

  “Feed it through to my console.”

  A man in a Space Force Captain’s uniform appeared on Jon’s screen. He had graying blond hair, and pale blue eyes. He had a no nonsense look about him that gave the impression of strength. “This is Captain Pierce, of the Space Force Battleship Vanguard. Who am I speaking to?”

  “I’m Captain Pike, of the Hermes.”

  Pierce frowned. “That is no Space Force uniform, and your ship is not the Hermes. Moreover, you are traveling with Juttari warships. The same ones that attacked the Sol System.” Pierce leaned in, the hatred now clearly visible in his eyes. “If you think I will fall prey to Juttari deception, you are sadly mistaken, Chaanisar.”

  “What? I am not Chaanisar. Look at my ship. It is not Juttari design. I assure you I am Jon Pike. I found the colonies. This ship is from the colonies.”

  “Where is the Hermes?” barked Pierce.

  “It was destroyed. By the Kemmar.”

  “More lies. The Kemmar are our allies. Why would they destroy a Space Force ship? And how do you explain your Chaanisar companions?”

  “These Chaanisar have revolted against the Juttari. They have slaughtered their Juttari Masters, and are free of their mind control. They fight for us now.”

  “And who is ‘us’? Your uniform is not Space Force, nor is it Juttari.”

  “It is from the colonies. Half my crew is from the colonies. They’re real, Pierce. The colonies exist. I found them, and the Kemmar are threatening to invade them.”

  “Clever lies, Chaanisar.”

  “Goddamnit, I am not Chaanisar. What do I need to do to prove it to you?”

  “Stand down and let us board your ships?”

  “Surrender to the Kemmar? That’s not going to happen.”

  “Because you know we will discover that you are Chaanisar?”

  “No. Because the Kemmar will slaughter us, or turn us into slaves, like they tried to do to my Marines.”

  “I have read Captain Pike’s file. If you are Captain Pike, then you’ll be able to answer some questions.”

  “Of course.”

  “What happened to your wife and children?”

  Jon took a step back, as if he had been struck by a heavy blow. “My wife and children were killed,” he answered in a quiet voice.


  Jon’s chest tightened as he recalled the memory. The grief returned, as if it had all happened yesterday. His beautiful wife, and his sweet daughters. Gone. Forever. He looked back at Pierce, wanting to reach through the screen and throttle him. He held back his feelings, and calmly recounted the tragedy. “A Chaanisar hit squad. They came to kill me, but I was away on a mission. They killed my family instead.”

  Pierce nodded. “And you expect me to believe that a man who experienced this is now on the same side as the Chaanisar?”

  “I told you, they are no longer Chaanisar. The Chaanisar are Juttari slaves. They were forced to do what they did. As free men, the first thing they did was kill their Juttari oppressors. These are not the same men who committed those atrocities.”

  Pierce shook his head. “I don’t know what’s worse. You being a Chaanisar, or you being Captain Pike and having turned into an apologist for the Juttari.”

  Jon glared back at Pierce, barely able to control his temper. “Watch your words, Pierce. Do not provoke me.”

  “Or what? You will open fire on my ship and prove you are Chaanisar? If you are Jon Pike, then tell me what happened on the other side of this gate. Why did you attack the Kemmar?”

  “I was protecting a human colony. These Kemmar, who you call allies, are an Empire of slavers. I could not stand by and allow humans to be enslaved by aliens.”

  Pierce turned his head to speak to someone. Jon saw him nod to whatever was said to him, and turn back to the screen. “There were Diakans on board the Hermes. What was the name of their leader?”


  “I would like to speak to him.”

  “He is not on board. He is back on the colonies.”

  “How convenient. Why wouldn’t you bring him with you?”

  “Tallos and I disagree on how things should be done. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  Pierce turned his head again. Someone was feeding him questions. “What do you have inside you?”

  Jon smiled. “A Diakan symbiont. I thought I was answering your questions, Pierce?”

  “You are.”

  “No, I’m not. These are Diakan questions. Why don’t you let me speak to the Diakan?”

  “There is no-” Pierce turned his head again and nodded. He gave Jon an angry look, and moved aside. Pierce’s face was replaced by a Diakan’s.

  “I am Major Ilthos,” said the Diakan.

  “I am Jon Pike,” said Jon.

  “Perhaps. We still need to confirm that information.”

  “I don’t know what else you want me to do?”

  “A genetic sample,” said Ilthos.


  “The Diakan symbiont inside Jon Pike will have altered his DNA. It is not something that can be faked.”

  “Fine. I will give you your sample, but first you call off your attack.”

  “Agreed. Stand by while we send word to the Kemmar.”

  Jon waited, wondering how it must look. Four Juttari warships, and two unidentified warships. How would he have responded?

  “Sir, the Kemmar are firing on the Vanguard,” Petrovic said urgently.

  “Damn it. Ilthos!”

  The Diakan returned to the screen. “It does not appear that the Kemmar want to listen to our request.”

  “We are coming to your aid. We can debate my identity later. Do not fire on us!”

  “Understood,” said Ilthos.

  Jon turned to Kevin. “Advise our ships that we are protecting the Vanguard. They can unsync their jump systems from the Freedom’s, and use tactical jumps to fight the enemy.”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Kevin.

  Jon tapped his screen and Commander Konos’s face appeared. “Commander, are your bombers armed?”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Konos. “Bombers are ready to engage.”

  “Good, you are free to engage the Kemmar. Let’s see some of those jump tactics you’ve been working on.”

  “With pleasure, Sir,” said Konos with a smile, as his face blinked off Pike’s screen.

  Jon watched on the tactical display as the bombers disappeared from their position near the Freedom, and reappeared in multiple locations, each bomber near a different Kemmar warship. They remained long enough to launch
torpedoes, and reappeared alongside the Freedom.

  Nine bombers, and nine warships, thought Jon. What are the chances it’ll be that simple?

  “Multiple direct hits on all enemy contacts,” announced Petrovic. “Reading hull breaches on all ships.”

  “That’s a start,” said Jon. He hailed Captain Pierce who’s face appeared on screen.

  “What is it?” said Pierce.

  “Jump to a safe distance. We can handle the Kemmar from here.”

  “I do not let Chaanisar fight my battles for me,” said Pierce, cutting the communication.

  “You’re trying to piss him off, aren’t you?” said Kevin.

  “A little,” said Jon, with a wry smile.

  Kevin shook his head. “I thought you wanted him to believe you?”

  “They will once they get their DNA sample. I can have a little fun with him in the meantime.”

  A flash of white light filled the viewscreen as one of the Kemmar warships blew apart. On the tactical screen Jon saw that the Chaanisar battleship was using its jump system to single out the Kemmar ships. It jumped alongside and pulverized them broadside with its heavy guns. The three heavy cruisers and the Reiver were using their jump systems to tag team the enemy ships, jumping in and surrounding them one by one. Jon’s fighters blinked on and off like fireflies, jumping in and out, firing on the Kemmar ships’ gun batteries, and jumping away before they could be targeted. The Freedom positioned itself within range of the enemy and relentlessly fired its guns and missiles in support.

  The Vanguard held its ground at first, seemingly unsure of its next move. But as the fight progressed, the Vanguard made use of its own jump system, adopting the same strategy as Colonel Steeg. The powerful battleship jumped in close, singling out an enemy warship, and ripped it apart with the devastating force of its coil guns. Jon couldn’t help but be impressed. Very few ships were outfitted with big coil guns like the Vanguard. Jon knew they were capable of firing projectiles at an unbelievable velocity. Few ships could withstand more than a few rounds, and its Kemmar victims were no exception. One by one, the Kemmar ships blew apart, until only Jon’s fleet, and the Vanguard were left. The Freedom and the Vanguard faced each other across the void, like two heavyweight contenders waiting for the bell to ring.

  Jon tapped his display and Captain Pierce appeared. “Your Kemmar friends didn’t turn out as friendly as you thought, did they?”

  “I’ll admit, their betrayal was unexpected,” said Pierce.

  “So you believe me now?”

  “I’ll wait until after we do a DNA test.”

  Jon rolled his eyes. “Captain Pierce, you are outnumbered six to one. If we were your enemy, we would not be having this conversation.”

  “None of that proves who you are. I’ll admit, your behavior is odd for a Chaanisar, but after what happened in Sol, you’ll understand if I’m not very trusting.”

  “Okay, how would you like to proceed?”

  “You come aboard the Vanguard so we can test you.”

  “No. Sorry. It’s not that I don’t trust you… well, actually it is that I don’t trust you. I have a better idea. Send your Diakan here to conduct the test.”

  Pierce looked to the side, presumably at Ilthos, then looked back with a surprised expression. “Major Ilthos agrees.”

  “Excellent,” said Jon. “I await his arrival.”

  Chapter 62

  A shuttle flew Major Ilthos from the Vanguard to the Freedom. Once he arrived, he was led from the hangar to sick bay by Security Chief Henderson and a Marine escort. Jon was already waiting with Doctor Ellerbeck when Ilthos walked through the sick bay doors.

  “Major Ilthos,” said Jon. “I am Admiral Pike, formerly Captain Pike of Space Force, and this is Doctor Ellerbeck.”

  “Ah, the great Doctor Ellerbeck. You are well known on Diakus Doctor.”

  “Thank you, Major. I had the privilege of studying Diakan medicine there.”

  “So I’ve read. And last I heard you were Captain Pike,” Ilthos said to Jon. “When did you become an Admiral.”

  “It is not a Space Force rank. We are a new, independent military force now.”

  “You’ve become a mercenary?”

  “No. We are an independent force. We do not fight for money.”

  “What do you fight for?”

  “We have agreed to protect the planet New Byzantium.”

  “I don’t know that name.”

  “It is a planet in the colonies.”

  “Ah yes, the colonies. You say you’ve found them?”

  “That is correct. Shall we get this DNA test over with first?”

  “Yes, of course. Let’s dispense with that formality,” said Tallos, producing a handheld device.

  Formality? At least I’ve convinced the Diakan, thought Jon.

  “I’ll need to have a look at that,” said Henderson. Ilthos handed the device to Henderson without protest. Henderson looked it over, searching for any sign that it could be a weapon. Satisfied he handed it to Doctor Ellerbeck who verified that it indeed was what Ilthos said it was. She verified its authenticity and handed it back to Ilthos.

  “I’ll just need a strand of hair, Admiral,” said Ilthos.

  Ellerbeck reached over and plucked a single strand of hair from Jon’s head, handing it to Ilthos.

  “Thank you, Doctor,” said Ilthos, placing the strand into the device. The response was immediate. Reading the results, Ilthos said, “Thank you for your cooperation, Admiral Pike. The test confirms that you are Jon Pike. We have much to discuss. Of course, we’ll need to update Captain Pierce.”

  “In that case, why don’t we move to our briefing room.”

  “As you wish, Admiral.”

  Jon led Ilthos out of sick bay toward the Freedom’s briefing room. “Tallos told me about the prophecy.”

  If Ilthos was surprised, he didn’t show it. “General Tallos violated protocol in doing so. How did that happen?”

  “I gave him some encouragement.”

  “I see. Is that why he is not here now?”

  “He’s fine. I left him on New Byzantium.”

  “Diakus will have to arrange his retrieval.”

  “Yeah. Do you believe this prophecy?”

  “I am a Diakan. It is not my place to question the visions of the Great See’er.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, Admiral. I believe the prophecy. And I am here to tell you that you have Diakus’s full support.”

  Jon stopped, stunned by what he just heard. “I’m sorry, say that again?”

  “The Great See’er has told of humanity’s rise in the galaxy with you as their leader. Diakus supports this prophecy, and therefore supports you, Jon Pike.”

  Jon couldn’t believe his ears. “I only have six ships. Why would Diakus support me?”

  “As I said, we do not question the will of the Great See’er. Diakus is what it is today because of our belief.”

  “Something doesn’t add up here. Tallos told me that Diakus was trying to delay my supposed rise, which is why I was given the mission on the Hermes.”

  “Yes, that is correct. The Great See’er has seen more clearly since then, however.”

  “I’ll never figure you Diakans out.”

  “Understandable,” said Ilthos.

  They continued to the briefing room. Once inside they contacted Captain Pierce, whose face appeared on the wall screen.

  “Well, is it true?” said Pierce.

  “It is,” said Ilthos. “This is Captain Jon Pike of the Hermes, although he is an Admiral now.”


  “I’m not a Space Force Admiral. I was given the title on the colonies,” said Jon.

  “What about the Chaanisar?” said Pierce.

  “I told you. They are no longer Chaanisar. They’ve been freed. They fight for me now.”

  “Okay, I guess I’ll have to take your word on that, but I don’t like it,” said Pierce.

d feel the same way if I was in your shoes. Believe me, it took me a while to accept it.”

  “So, what happens now?” said Pierce.

  “We’re going to Sol to find out what happened. Are you coming with us?”

  “Hell yes I’m coming.”

  Chapter 63

  “Ensign Richards, ping the jump gate,” said Jon, eager to get to the Sol System as quickly as possible. Things had become quite bizarre recently. Was this just a taste of things to come? Not only did he have four Chaanisar ships under his command, but he now had a Diakan telling him that Diakus supported him. After what had happened on the Hermes, he was certain that Diakus would be screaming for his head. Instead, they promised to back him up. A galactic superpower backing him up. He became dizzy trying to grasp it all.

  There was also Captain Pierce and the Vanguard. His appearance reminded Jon of Space Force. While in the colonies, Sol and Space Force seemed very far away. He had honestly thought that it would be years before he saw a Space Force ship again. But speaking to Captain Pierce reminded him that he was a Space Force officer first. He’d promised to defend New Byzantium, but he had vowed to defend the Sol System long before that. After killing those Diakans on the Hermes, he had been convinced that Sol would consider him a fugitive. He didn’t think he could ever return. It was why he accepted Prime Minister Sallas’s offer of political asylum. With Diakan support, however, everything changed.

  On the viewscreen the jump gate appeared. What forgotten empire had built the jump gate system? They must have been the largest empire the galaxy had ever known. How long did they rule? How many millennia? Where were they now? They’d fallen, as all great empires do. As the Juttari would. He didn’t know what this Diakan prophecy meant, but he knew this. He would make sure the Juttari were finished for good this time, or he would die trying.

  “Launch drone,” said Jon. “Let’s see if anyone’s waiting for us on the other side.

  “Drone away,” said Petrovic.

  The tiny drone raced toward the jump gate, and crossed through. Jon glanced around the bridge at his crew. Most of them had served on the Hermes. As they readied to cross the gate, he could sense their combined anxiety. They had all been on a great adventure, and through all the hardship they persevered. Each one of them had become a battle hardened veteran. But now their thoughts turned to Earth, and their loved ones. Had the Juttari managed to conquer Sol? No one knew, but they needed to find out.


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