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Nero (Made Men #1)

Page 22

by Sarah Brianne

  When she had successfully passed him, somehow with just mere centimeters apart, Chloe started walking as fast as she could, trying not to run back to the house.

  Lucca’s voice carried across the yard. “You can’t run from the truth forever, darlin’.”

  Chloe picked her feet up faster.

  Yes, I can. I’ve been doing it for years.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The Sound of Defeat

  Nero waited until his crew had walked out the front door before he pulled his sister to the side, asking her to take Elle to her closet to pick out something to wear to school tomorrow. He lucked out right after when Chloe told her to go on, and that she was going to leave now, too.

  He watched Elle run out of the living room with his sister, loving the way she looked wearing his shirt. Nero had managed to win her back, panting and moaning underneath him. I love the sound of defeat.

  However, he still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that he hadn’t fucked her right there. She was hot and ready, yet still he had denied his body to claim her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  He didn’t know if fucking her too early would taint her and make her think she was like all the other girls he’d fucked, or if fucking her before she learned the truth bothered him. Regardless, Nero had been given a little taste of her, and he was ready for the whole damn strawberry cake.

  I really need to fucking thank Lucca. Then he remembered her lying there helpless, and he changed his mind. He understood why Lucca had done those things. Lucca had tested the water with the college kid in the diner to see if he rattled Nero. Then he broke them up, because clearly Lucca had been following them and knew he couldn’t get close to her with Nero constantly around her, which all brought them to her being snatched. It was a test because Nero shouldn’t have cared what happened to her. Elle turning up dead would be the best thing for his family, but instead, Nero had fought for her life, showing his cards to Lucca—his brother and his underboss. That could have turned out very badly for Elle and him. It still could if Lucca tells Dad.

  Nero didn’t think his brother would. He wanted something to gain from the whole thing, and Nero needed to figure out exactly what that was.

  Nero watched Chloe put her coat on and then walked up to her. “Could I talk to you? I need to show you something.”

  “Um, yeah,” Chloe said nervously.

  Before he’d even asked, he knew she wasn’t going to be comfortable with what they were going to talk about.

  Nero grabbed a jacket that hung beside Chloe’s. “Here, walk with me.”

  Nero walked towards his backdoor that she had gone out earlier. He opened the door for her and saw her nerves had kicked in.

  “Please, it’s about Elle.”

  Chloe hesitantly walked out the door with him, and then he pulled the door to a close.

  Nero started walking once he was greeted with the winter wonderland. “My mom spent months landscaping this backyard. When she was finally finished, she spent practically the whole day out here.” Nero stopped to smile. “I still remember her crying when it turned cold and all her flowers would die.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Chloe whispered.

  Nero kept walking through the huge yard, going toward the gazebo. “It is. My mom used to stare at the backdoor, dying to escape.”

  Chloe looked up at him. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

  Nero laughed. “It’s okay. I’m glad someone could enjoy it again.”

  “I wish I could have seen it in the spring,” Chloe confessed.

  As Nero walked up the step and took a seat on the chair, he watched Chloe take a seat on the middle of the bench. He saw her stare out into the backyard and could see the glint in her eyes.

  “Sadly, it doesn’t look the same anymore. Now that she’s passed away, it’s not kept up the same and most of the flowers don’t return.”

  Chloe looked back at him, the glint now gone. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Nero nodded, thanking her. It was time to move on to why he needed to talk to her, though.

  “You know I like Elle, right?”

  Chloe nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then you know I need to know everyone that has ever touched her.”

  Chloe started wringing her hands. “W-why can’t you ask Elle?”

  Nero shook his head. She won’t fucking tell me. “She won’t tell me.”

  “I-I don’t want to tell you, either.”

  Nero took a deep breath. “I thought you would say that.”

  Nero raised his hand and they heard the back door to the house open. He watched Chloe see them appear. He could tell she contemplated running away. A moment later, however, Amo and Vincent joined them in the gazebo.

  Amo and Vincent sat on either side of her while Chloe held her hands tightly and tried to become as small as possible. Both made sure an inch of room separated their bodies from hers.

  Vincent handed Chloe a book. Chloe swallowed as she took it, flipping to the first page.

  Nero watched her flip through the pages. She had clearly never seen it before, not knowing that Elle had made it. He studied her face carefully as new pictures unfolded.

  When she was on the last page and there were no more to be turned, he spoke. “Now, walk me through the pictures and tell me how she got every mark.”

  Chloe’s eyes danced between the boys. “I-I can’t. You all are n-not going to hurt me.”

  Nero pushed his hair back, uncertain of what to do. He’d thought it would spill out of her when she was surrounded by them. She was calling his bluff, though. And I don’t want to have to—

  “I think she needs some persuading, brother.” He heard Lucca’s voice from behind the gazebo and watched him walk up to join them.

  Nero looked back at Chloe and saw her grip the photo album in her hands. As Lucca walked up, towering over her, Chloe slowly looked up at him and swallowed. Then Lucca gently placed his hands on the open book and started pulling. Chloe released it, letting it slide right out of her hands.

  “Thanks, darlin’.” Lucca placed the book on the black, small iron table meant for iced tea and beer. Then he picked up the table and dropped it down right in front of her, making her jump from the noise.

  Nero watched his brother push his chair close to the table. Nero stood up, as well, pushing his in closer. He had a feeling the two had already met. When was that?

  He looked over at Amo, who was squeezing his fists, clearly not happy with Lucca’s appearance. Nero pushed his thoughts aside; he wasn’t here for that. He looked down at the book before them that was still on the last page.

  Lucca pulled out a cigarette. “We’ll go backwards.” He lit the end. “Tell him everything you know.” Then he flipped the lighter closed.

  Chloe watched the smoke envelope her face and then looked down at the book. “I-I-I—”

  Nero jumped in. “Let’s start slow. What did she tell her parents when she came home with bruises, scratches, and broken bones?”

  Chloe tried to start. “A-at f-first—”

  Lucca flicked his lighter on, weaving it through his fingers.

  Chloe took a deep breath, staring into the flame. “At first, she tried her best to hide them by wearing lots of clothes. She told me she would slowly reveal a different mark each day to pretend it happened that day.” Chloe squeezed her hands tightly together. “Then, when they got worse, she lied and told them she’d joined soccer. She got away with it because they hardly left the house since her dad was still recovering. That made it easy for her. They didn’t get caught up in the details, worrying over his accident. Eventually, I think they got used to her getting hurt since she pretended to be so clumsy, so she was able to stop telling her parents she played soccer, and they just believed she was accident-prone.”

  Nero squeezed the bridge of his nose. That was only the beginning.

  He watched her turn numb, staring blankly into the fire Lucca held in his hands. She went through the
pictures, explaining what had happened and who had done it. His body turned numb with hers, his mind taking in all the information, careful not to miss a detail. He had been taken through the first half of senior year, junior year, and sophomore year. When she got to freshman year, she told him about how Sebastian had taken a fucking book to her face and her arm.

  Chloe turned the page, coming to the first picture of her and Chloe together. There weren’t any visible marks; however, that was when Elle’s hair was the shortest and Chloe’s scars the freshest. Chloe didn’t say anything about the picture.

  Nero watched Chloe’s face turn from nothing into sadness. There was something she wasn’t saying.

  He went into his pocket and pulled out a picture from his billfold. “I found this behind that picture.”

  Chloe watched Nero toss a picture of Elle on top of the other one. She started shaking her head. “I d-don’t want—”

  Nero leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “Tell me.”

  “I c-can’t do it. You’ll hate me.” Chloe couldn’t stop fidgeting with her hands.

  “Maybe she’s had enough,” Amo told him.

  Lucca flipped his lighter shut with a hard snap. “She’s fine.”

  Nero looked at Amo, unable to hide the way he felt about pushing Chloe too far. He wondered if he should let her stop and just be satisfied with everything she had given him already.

  No. “Tell me.” This time, he spoke a little harsher.

  Lucca started back with the flicker of light. He moved it through his hands, starting and stopping the flame with a different finger from each trick he did.

  Chloe moved the picture to uncover the one beneath it again. She returned to her numbness. “Cassandra started talking to me right when school started. She was popular, and I just wanted to fit in. She started saying mean things to people, and I would just sit there and listen to her. I felt bad and wanted to say something, but I didn’t because I was afraid she would start picking on me.”

  Chloe took a deep breath. “One day, we were in the locker room and she gave me a pair of scissors. She said something to Elle about her father, and for the first time, I heard someone talk back to her. Elle started to walk away when Cassandra, Stacy, and Stephanie pinned her to the ground, hitting her head. When Cassandra asked me to hand her the scissors, I didn’t want to, but Cassandra asked me if I wanted to end up like her, so I gave them to her. She was jealous of Elle’s hair, so she cut it all off. That was the first time Elle and I ever met.”

  Nero took a breath. He was disappointed in Chloe, but he understood the pressure of high school. He had known there was a reason why Elle had short hair after so many years of not cutting it, but that didn’t explain the picture of Elle clearly beaten to a pulp.

  “What happened to her, Chloe?”

  “C-Cassandra, Stacy, and Stephanie wanted to smoke behind the school with Sebastian during lunch. W-we met Elle on our way, and Cassandra told him she had talked back to her in the locker room. Sebastian dragged her outside and they all started kicking her and beating her.” Chloe started digging her nails in her hands.

  Nero started to get sick. He noticed Amo and Vincent were having a hard time, as well. He knew that wasn’t all of it, though. There was something she didn’t want to tell.

  “Finish the story.”

  Chloe dug in a little more. “I-I was scared and just stood there. When they were done, they started to walk away, but Sebastian noticed I hadn’t joined in. He t-t-told me…He told me I better kick her.” Chloe removed her eyes from the flame and looked at the photo. “They had taken a picture of her and gave it to her later as a reminder. When I walked up to her and saw her like that, I couldn’t do it. Elle saw that I wasn’t going to, so she mouthed for me to kick her, and I heard her say it didn’t hurt anymore.” Chloe looked up at Nero. “I kicked her hard enough to make Sebastian happy so they would leave. When I looked at her eyes, she begged me to go with them, so I did. I don’t know why she cared about what they would do to me if I didn’t because I didn’t care about her enough to stand up for her.”

  Nero took a long, deep breath, unable to look at Chloe any longer. He hated what she had done to Elle, but he knew Chloe had already clearly suffered. He figured her suffering was what had brought them together, yet that was a story Chloe wouldn’t be able to tell.

  Nero watched Lucca pick the book up and flip through the pages himself.

  Lucca looked up at Chloe. “How come you were never hurt?”

  “W-what?” Chloe looked back at him.

  Lucca slammed the book closed. “Why did they only ever hurt Elle?”

  Chloe bit her lip. “She wouldn’t ever let them touch me. If-if they tried, Elle would do something to make them hit her instead.”

  “That’s enough. You can go.” Nero stood and turned his back to her, walking to the rail of the gazebo to hold him up. She works so she can go to school and get the shit beat out of her just so Chloe doesn’t get hurt.

  While Chloe solemnly stood and left the gazebo, Nero was on the verge of losing his mind. He’d found out everything he had wanted to know. Sebastian had done the most gruesome things to her over the years. He’s going to fucking die. Cassandra and everyone else who had witnessed or done something to her were all going to get what they deserved, as well, but right now, Sebastian was his main priority. It’s taking everything in me not to fucking go out and get even right now.

  When Chloe had gone through the back door to leave, Nero turned around and saw the same battle in Amo and Vincent’s eyes.

  Vincent stood. “How in the fuck is she still sane or alive? Please tell me we start tonight.”

  Nero’s hands wanted retribution, but his mind hesitated. “Go home. I’ll call you if I decide to do anything.”

  Vincent nodded before he disappeared.

  Nero watched Amo stand. He clearly wanted to say something as he stared Lucca down until he finally walked away.

  “What are you going to do, brother?”

  Nero looked over at Lucca. He had never been able to figure out what went through his mind. His brother was never much for words, nor did he really care about anything in his life. But tonight, he had seen something different.

  Nero sat back down in the chair. “What do you think?”

  Lucca flicked his lighter and stared into the flame. “I think killing is way too fucking easy.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  A Lot of Makeup Caking

  Elle sat on Nero’s bed wondering what had happened. Everything seemed fine, the night had been great, and then Nero had told her to go upstairs with Maria.

  Elle and Maria had really had a good time. She’d tried on whatever Maria had told her to and ended up with Maria giving her a couple of things. Well, the ones that weren’t too girly.

  Maria liked flowers and pink too much for Elle’s taste, but Maria had a few things she had bought when she went through a phase. Elle hadn’t wanted to take them, but Maria had insisted, saying she was going to give them away anyway. After looking at Maria’s huge, walk-in closet that was filled to capacity, Elle hadn’t felt too badly.

  Then, when Nero had come into Maria’s bedroom, his face had been scarier than she had ever seen it. All he said to Elle was, ‘My room, now.’

  Elle could feel his fury radiating from his body as she had sat on his bed and Nero had gone into his bathroom.

  Now, here Elle was, confused and worried, sitting on his bed, listening to the shower run. After a bit, she decided to use the time to call her boss and tell him why she didn’t make it to work tonight, hoping to sidetrack her mind. When the call ended, she had thought he must have fallen in by how long it was taking him to take a shower, but then she heard the water turn off.

  Elle was biting her nails, waiting for the door to open, and when it finally did, her heart stopped. Nero came out of the bathroom, still dripping wet. She had never seen him in anything other than dress clothes, and now he was wearing a towel low around his

  She watched his perfectly-toned body move toward his dresser. I mean, perfect. You could see every muscle under Nero’s skin. They weren’t bulky; his body was lean and cut. Everything is defined; his arms, his chest, and his abs…Elle followed a drop of water going down his abdomen, drifting down his dark skin until his towel captured it right above his…

  Elle turned her head with a snap. “Don’t change in here!” She had seen the towel start to drop.

  “Turn your head, then.”

  “I am,” Elle mocked him. She crossed her arms and kept her head turned; however, her gaze slowly drifted to see out of the corner of her eye. When she saw his ass, she quickly snapped them back in place, licking her lips and trying not to think of how glorious his ass had looked.

  Elle felt a breeze under the covers, so she turned her head and saw Nero getting under the sheets, wearing dark boxer briefs. She tried to get up to get off the bed. Clearly, Nero is ready for bed.

  Nero grabbed her hand. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Um, I thought I could sleep with Maria tonight.”

  Nero pulled her down beside him, pinning her upper body under his. “No, you’re not.”

  How does he always do that? Elle had no idea how Nero always managed to mold her body like putty to the way he saw fit.

  Elle tried to push off his unclothed chest. “Nero, I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “Yes, you are,” Nero’s voice commanded her.

  Elle’s body betrayed her again, giving in to Nero’s demand, even though she had never slept beside a boy before. She figured he had just given her her first orgasm, therefore sleeping beside each other was a step down. Right?

  “Then could you please change?”

  “I usually sleep naked; would you prefer that?” Nero mocked her.

  Elle quickly responded, “No.”

  She tried to ease into Nero and the bed. His anger had lessened, yet she could still tell he was mad, making her unable to relax. Minutes had passed of them lying in the silence before Elle began to really worry.


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