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Before the End (Beyond Series Ultimate Glom Edition)

Page 4

by Kit Rocha

  True, and Jasper had seen him flat-out ignore people a lot more pathetic than Miss Cunningham. Whatever was driving him to tolerate Noelle probably had more to do with Lex than his compassion. "Yes, sir."

  Dallas strode away, stopping to say something to Rachel and Noelle. Noelle looked at the stage and transferred her tray to Rachel's more competent hands.

  Then she turned and wove a path through the tables, heading directly for Jasper.

  He pulled out a chair and nodded to it. "Taking a break?"

  She slipped into the seat, and for a moment he thought the halter was going to lose its grip on her breasts. "Dallas told me I should watch the show with you."

  "I'm sure he did."

  Her cheeks colored. "You don't want me to?"

  "He's testing you," Jasper explained. Testing them both was more like it, but she didn't need to know that. "He wants to see if watching makes you run and hide."

  "It might make me squirm and blush," she admitted, eyeing the stage. "But if I was prone to running and hiding from sex, I wouldn't be here."

  "If all sexual encounters were equally shocking, you'd be set," he murmured. "But there's shit that goes on up there that I never saw before I joined up."

  "Really?" Her eyes widened, their blue faded to smoky gray in the dim lights. "Like what?"

  "Depends on the night. This? It's just a little dancing, some making out for show." He stretched his arm across the back of her chair and motioned to the curtain behind the front half of the stage. "There's a raised section back there they use for the real action. Most nights, it's two or three of the girls getting it on."

  "Oh." Still wide-eyed, but she didn't look appalled. She leaned back, and her curly, unbound hair tickled across his arm. "It's kind of hot," she whispered, watching the current dancer swivel her hips. "That's what I used to dream about. Being that free. Not having to hide."

  Or maybe her fantasies were simply that. "If you want to see what that freedom's like, you'll have the perfect chance tonight. Dallas is having a party after hours."

  She tore her gaze from the dancer and studied him. "The parties are like that?"

  He'd have to lay it out for her. "Some people are paired off, but they're not hard to spot. They have the collars, you know, or ink. Everyone else just wants to get off. You can join in or you can watch, but that's pretty much all it is. Wall-to-wall fucking."

  Her top was so slinky he saw her nipples stiffen under the fabric. "That's the sort of party we were trying to have when I got arrested. None of us were very good at it. People who are good at it don't last long in Eden."

  "Yeah? Well, remember--it's optional."

  She slid her hand onto his thigh, awkward instead of smooth. Her fingers dug in, and her expression was more earnest than sultry. "Are you going to be there?"

  "I'd planned on it." But that wasn't what she was really asking--and it wasn't what he wanted to say, either. "You want to go with me, Noelle?"

  Shivering, she swayed toward him. "Do you think I'm a harlot?"

  She could not be serious. "No. I think maybe you're a lady who likes to fuck."

  Noelle's lips twitched. A laugh bubbled up, and she jerked her hand from his leg to cover her mouth. "You say it so easily, like it's not the same thing at all."

  "Because it's not. No one here is going to think you're a bad person." Seeing her mouth covered was a travesty, so he pried her fingers away and rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. "I'll show you tonight, and you'll see."

  She wet her lower lip, her tongue flicking over the tip of his thumb. "I've only done it once," she admitted in a husky whisper. "They caught us the other night before I made it to the actual fornicating."

  Practically the virgin everyone would assume she was, and the big guy was right. The other men would be fighting to get balls-deep in her by the end of the night. "Tonight, you can watch," he said evenly, a fucking miracle when she was already licking him.

  "With you?"

  Her chest heaved with every breath, and Jasper flicked the material aside just enough to catch a hint of one pink nipple. "Yeah, with me."

  She gasped, and this time she licked his thumb on purpose. "But no sex?"

  "No sex." If he could manage it.

  A tiny frown tugged at her lips. "Why not?"

  "Because first I've got to figure out how to give it to you."

  She shivered again and looked down. Her hair spilled forward to hide her face, but not before he saw her blush. "Maybe I'll get some ideas tonight."

  Or she'd run screaming, thinking a simple life in the communes might not be a bad idea, after all. "We'll see, sweetheart. We'll see."

  Chapter Four

  No one here's going to think you're a bad person.

  Noelle smoothed her fingertips over the white lace clinging to her curves. Lex's dress drew tight across her breasts, which were shamelessly on display above the plunging neckline. She was taller than Lex, too--or maybe the dress was supposed to brush her legs at mid-thigh and flash her ruffled panties if she bent forward too far.

  How could anyone claim she wasn't at least a little bit of a bad person?

  By being a gang member, of course. Bad was probably relative in the slums, where men killed without consequence. No laws but the ones Dallas made, that was what Lex had told her, so she wasn't breaking any rules by dressing in scandalous lace and waiting for Jas to bring her to a party full of fornicat--

  "Sex," she whispered. Out loud, because hearing the word made it more real. Fornication was a sin, a law, a meaningless concept in a place without either.

  She was going to a party full of sex. Real sex. Dirty, experienced sex, not the fumblings of sheltered virgins drunk on smuggled moonshine, taking their cues from descrambled vintage pornography.

  "Ready?" Jasper's voice rumbled through the darkened hallway, and he slowed as he approached. "You look nice."

  Dirty and experienced. That was what he looked like in his dark clothing and shining silver chains. He filled the hallway, shoulders so broad she felt small and curiously vulnerable. Curious because it wasn't frightening, because she liked imagining herself tucked against his chest, utterly at his mercy.

  He'd said something, and here she was, staring at him, concocting fantasies when a reality she couldn't imagine already awaited her. "Thank you," she said as her cheeks warmed. "Lex let me borrow something to wear."

  "Yeah." He smiled and gestured to the ruffled hem. "It looks better on you."

  It had been one of the few things in the closet Noelle could imagine wearing in front of people without dying of embarrassment. "So it's okay for the party?"

  He took her hand and nodded toward the other end of the hall, where a door led through to the stairs. "Most people's clothes end up in a pile pretty fast. We sort 'em out later."

  Could he feel her tremble? "And this sort of thing happens all the time?"

  "Once a week." He urged her ahead of him with a hand at the small of her back. "Sometimes more if everyone needs to blow off steam."

  His fingers burned. She could feel each one pressing against her through the thin fabric, each so far apart that it emphasized the massive size of his hand. She wobbled on her borrowed heels as she climbed the steps.

  Sounds of the party reached her before they got to the top of the stairs. She turned to the right and saw another hallway leading to an open doorway, and through that--

  Skin. The lighting was dim, but she could still make out a naked woman standing just inside, the endless expanse of pale skin interrupted only by the tattoos at her wrists and throat and the jewelry dangling from her--

  Noelle wet her lips and jerked her gaze away, but it was too late. Lace scraped her sensitive nipples, and she couldn't help but imagine how much more maddening it would be to have them pinched by silver hoops as chains and jewelry swung freely, tugging with every movement.

  And she thought her earrings were daring.

  "Hear them already?" Jasper spoke low in her ear, and the pressure of hi
s hand at her back increased. "Go in, Noelle. Or do you want to stand here for a minute and see if what you can imagine is filthier?"

  She felt hollowed out and hungry. This was the curiosity that had led her to make friends with the wrong girls at school, the interest that had brought her to a dark room with a young man who'd pretended to know what he was doing. He'd fumbled under her dress with clumsy fingers for twenty minutes without getting her as hot as Jasper's voice tickling over her ear.

  Maybe he thought she wanted to run, that she was as cowardly as she was ignorant. Stubbornness forced her forward, obeying that heavy pressure at the small of her back. "I can't imagine much, unless you're going to give me ideas."

  Before he could answer, Lex stuck her head through the doorway. "You're late, honey. I was about to start without you."

  "Start?" Start what? She looked back at Jasper for an answer.

  He raised an eyebrow. "Tonight?"

  Lex grinned slowly. "Unless there's some reason she shouldn't." She reached out and grasped a flounce of lace, pulling Noelle forward. "I'll show you the secret to keeping all these bastards on their knees. Jas can watch."

  He caught her dress too, his hand twisting tight in the fabric. "You don't have to do anything but watch, either. Remember that."

  Noelle imagined them tugging on her dress until it ripped in two. It was oddly thrilling, being trapped between them, Jasper's hard body at her back, Lex's softness a match for her own. She could imagine kissing Lex like the girls in the movies had kissed, while Jasper's hands roved her body, fingers stroking, teasing, taking...

  Torn, she looked at him again. "Do you mind?"

  He leaned in and touched his tongue to the corner of her mouth. "Go. Let her show you a few tricks. You can try them out on me."

  She licked the spot he had and was disappointed she couldn't taste him on her skin. Soon. Turning, she smiled at Lex. "What sorts of things are you going to teach me?"

  "The best kind." Lex folded Noelle's arm over her shoulders and pulled her through the door, past the woman with the chains on her nipples. "This is Dallas's party room."

  The walls were lined with sofas, the center of the room strewn with cushions. Between and over nearly every surface were people--some talking quietly, laughing, while others groaned and gasped as their bodies moved together. It was impossible to tell where most began or ended. Noelle only saw miles and miles of skin, and none of the shame that always hung in the air back in Eden.

  They were fucking, all of them, and no one seemed the slightest bit ashamed.

  There was no safe place to rest her gaze, and she couldn't decide what she wanted to stare at first. "Our party was...not like this."

  Lex laughed and kissed her cheek. "This is more fun. Come on."

  A raised platform at the far end of the room held a couch. Dallas sat--no, sprawled out on it, his arms stretched across the back of the sofa, his gaze burning hot as Lex led her up the stairs. "All she's missing are the pigtails. Well played, Lex."

  "I'm not that devious, sweetheart. She picked it out." Lex leaned close to Noelle's ear. "See that look? He's thinking about you on your knees, with your pretty pink tongue on his cock."

  Noelle thought Dallas spent more time stuck on Lex, but when the leader did turn those steel-silver eyes on her, she wanted to fall to her knees in deference to the unchecked power there. How Lex managed to snap at him and seem so casual, Noelle couldn't begin to imagine.

  Dallas smiled, as if he could read every thought as it flickered through her mind. "What do you think, Lexie my love? Still shy or just adorably submissive?"

  Lex's hand slid into Noelle's hair and tightened, jerking her head back. Noelle gasped, first because of the sharp pull, the should-have-been-pain that left her senses a jumble, and then because Lex's mouth was on her throat, the woman's tongue raspy and a little rough.

  Lex eased away. "I suspect a bit of both."

  With her head still wrenched back, Noelle could only whimper softly and close her eyes as she began to melt. Maybe Dallas heard that thought too, because he laughed. "Dirty girl. Put her on her knees before I decide to put you over mine. Unless that's the lesson you want to teach her first."

  "Behave." Lex scratched her nails down his bare chest and knelt at his feet, then glanced expectantly up at Noelle as she tugged at his belt.

  Lex seemed unashamed, which made it easier to join her. Noelle fought to ignore the press of attention, telling herself that the people at the party were already engaged in far more engrossing activities than staring at her. But when she peeked over her shoulder, plenty of men watched her with eyes that held no secrets. If Dallas was imagining her tongue, these hard men with their menacing tattoos and their slow, greedy smiles were imagining things far more vulgar.

  She turned back in time to see Lex pull Dallas's belt open. Noelle lifted her gaze to his, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "They're watching us. If it makes you feel better, pet, it's not all about you. Lex has men beating each other to a pulp once a week in the cage fights, just trying to impress her enough to use her clever mouth on them. You learn some of her tricks, and the boys will crawl to give you anything you want."

  Lex's purring hum was almost lost under the sound of Dallas's zipper rasping open. "Who wants a man who'll crawl?"

  The dirty movies gave this a name. A blowjob. Dallas had given it a cruder one--sucking dick. She imagined Jasper's big hand on her head instead of the small of her back, imagined him pushing her head toward his groin while he rasped those coarse, raw words. Suck my dick.

  Warmth pulsed between her legs. She squirmed and watched Lex's hands as the woman freed Dallas's dick and stroked it slowly with both hands.

  "Beautiful." Lex reached out to catch one of Noelle's hands and pressed it to the hard length of his shaft. "Have you ever done this before, honey?"

  "Once." Under a blanket in the semi-darkness, because even that small rebellion had seemed wild. It couldn't compare to this, to Dallas watching through drooping eyelids as she eased her fingers carefully up his erection. She couldn't look away from it, from the shameless jut and the way it seemed alive under her hand, especially when her fingertips brushed the flared head.

  He groaned and tilted his head back. "You're a curious little kitten, aren't you? No wonder my favorite snarling cat's gotten so fucking protective of you." Dallas sank a hand into Lex's hair, tugging the same way she'd tugged at Noelle's, and her face went slack with pleasure. "Show her how you use your tongue, Lex."

  She bent her head and licked over Noelle's fingers. "Watch him," she whispered. "You'll know what he likes."

  She curled her tongue around the head of his cock until it gleamed, wet and slick, and Noelle could see what Lex meant. Dallas was the one with a dominating hand twisted in Lex's hair, but every swipe of her tongue made him exhale sharply, a gruff, quiet noise that grew deeper, gravelly and rough.

  "He likes your tongue," Noelle whispered, her own voice husky too. If she slipped her fingers beneath her panties, she knew what she'd find. The slickness of arousal, the proof that she was dark and twisted, bound for sin. She was so far past saving that she might as well admit it. "It looks...exciting."

  Dallas laughed roughly. "That's right, kitten. You're going to like it here just fine, aren't you?"

  Maybe. And what did that make her?

  Lex lifted her head, her breathing as jagged as Dallas's, and dragged Noelle's mouth to hers. A sure kiss, certain, gentle and rough at the same time. And Noelle could taste Dallas on the other woman's tongue, something sharp and foreign, something that made Noelle moan as she squirmed, desperate to relieve the empty ache between her thighs.

  Strong, forceful fingers snagged in her hair. Dallas jerked the two of them apart, pulling both their heads back with another deep, rumbling laugh. "Jas, come get your kitten. Lex can't concentrate on blowing me properly with all this sweet virgin tongue nearby."

  Lex slapped at his hand. "I can teach her just as well on Jasper's cock."

sp; "We'll see," Dallas drawled before turning Noelle's head. Jasper was walking toward them, his brows drawn together in a frown that looked more intense than anything. Her heart beat wildly as she imagined fumbling open his pants and copying Lex's technique. Tongue and lips and staring up into his eyes and--oh God, everyone would be watching her, and she didn't even care.

  When Jasper stopped at the foot of the stage, Dallas lifted one eyebrow. "Want to join me on the couch so blowjob lessons can continue, or have you got something else in mind?"

  Jasper held his hand out to Noelle. "We're going to talk, maybe have a few drinks."

  "Uh-huh." Dallas released her hair, and Noelle inched to the edge of the raised platform before slipping her hand into Jasper's in silence.

  He led her down, closer to the center of the room, to one of the couches lining the wall. Instead of sitting beside her, he dropped and pulled her onto his lap, facing the room. "What did you learn, Noelle?"

  No safe place to rest her gaze again, but at least most of the people weren't staring at her anymore. Noelle wiggled a little, shifting restlessly in spite of herself because she wanted something hard to rub against. "Dallas likes to watch Lex lick him. I think he likes the watching as much as the feeling."

  "Close," he whispered, easing one hand between her knees. "What else?"

  She edged her legs wider, too wanton to deny him--or herself. "Dallas thinks I'm adorably submissive."

  Jasper's voice dropped to a growl. "Are you?"

  The growl was good. It shivered through her, pulsed between her legs, and if he didn't touch her soon, maybe she'd do it herself. "I don't know. I understand the words, but I think they mean more to you than they do to me."

  "You do know." His fingers gripped her thigh. "Did you like it when she pulled your hair? When he did? When he was telling the two of you what would get him off?"

  Submissive. Inclined to submit. To obey, to yield. To give control and authority over herself to another. Wasn't that at the root of her confusion? Lex had offered her sexual liberation, and Noelle had reacted with shame and disappointment. But was that because she didn't want to shoulder the burden of her sinful desires, or because it truly appealed to her?


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