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Before the End (Beyond Series Ultimate Glom Edition)

Page 194

by Kit Rocha

  He answered her silent question with a nod. "Ace, show her what Rachel likes."

  A second body pressed in behind her, and Ace's hand covered hers. "It's easy," he rasped against her ear as he drew her fingers along the chain that lay between Rachel's breasts. It shifted with every one of her uneven breaths, the blue jewels catching and refracting the light.

  "She likes being adored," Ace continued, curling her fingers around the chain. "And that's the easiest fucking thing in the world, because she's goddamn adorable."

  Rachel squirmed. "Cruz—"

  He came to his knees behind her and hooked his arms through hers, trapping her. "You can be patient," he murmured with a kiss to her temple. "You know how good it is when you're patient."

  "Any other night," she murmured, "and I would. You know I—"

  His hand locked around her throat, but his gaze caught Lili's. "She likes to squirm. She likes to beg. But she doesn't want you to give in, because she needs the kind of pleasure you can't give yourself. The kind that wipes everything else away."

  The kind that both terrified and called to Lili. Letting everything go, knowing she'd felt the extreme edges of pleasure and could take it.

  She wet her lips and met Rachel's glazed eyes. "Show me?"

  The other woman melted into a shudder that made the chain dangling between her breasts jingle. "No wonder none of you bastards can resist a pretty face."

  "It's the big eyes." Ace cupped Rachel's chin and rubbed his thumb over her lips. "Seeing all those filthy thoughts pile up behind them. Watch those big eyes, Rae, when I tell her how many fingers you want filling your pussy."

  He didn't even have to. Lili's eyes must have been huge already, because the words were raw and sinful and shocking all on their own—but not shocking enough to stop her from tugging lightly on the chain.

  Rachel arched, her lips parting on a gasp as she pulled against Cruz's grip. He held tight, and she gasped again.

  Jared stretched out on the bed, his face inches from Rachel's trembling thigh, his hand hooked beneath her knee. "It doesn't have to be about denial," he told Lili. "Just expectation. If she gets off on not being obeyed, it's easy. If she asks for fast, you give her slow."

  And soft. Lili leaned in to let her breath feather across Rachel's adorned nipple, relishing the whimpering sounds it elicited. But it was her turn to whimper when fingers plunged into her hair, twisting expertly, just shy of pain. Her scalp tingled, and the tingling spread when Ace growled, "Tongue, Lili."

  She liked this, too. All the power of giving pleasure and none of the uncertainty of not knowing how. She parted her lips and traced the tip of her tongue over the tight peak and the ring decorating it.

  Rachel jerked, twisting beneath her, her nipple growing even harder as each writhing movement rubbed her flesh against Lili's mouth. "More," she whispered.

  Jared moved closer, licked the corner of Lili's mouth. "You have to watch your teeth with these." He bent to Rachel's other breast, nudging the ring until she whimpered. Then he caught the ring with the tip of his tongue—and tugged.

  Rachel's response was instant, electric. She moaned another plea, nearly unintelligible in her desperation, and Cruz soothed her with one big hand splayed across her belly. "Almost, sweetheart. Tell them how good it feels."

  "I can't. They might stop."

  "Never," Jared promised. Then—carefully, delicately—he closed his mouth around the tight, pouting peak.

  So Lili did the same.

  "Fucking hell," Ace breathed as Rachel cried out. "Oh, angel, they're tormenting you something good, aren't they?"

  She made a soft noise of agreement—of supplication—and parted her legs.

  Ace tugged at Lili's hair, urging her to look up into Rachel's flushed face. "She's so pretty when she's desperate, isn't she?"

  Not just pretty. "Beautiful," Lili corrected. Her whole body ached with sympathy now, with a hunger for things she had only just begun to understand. That she might not fully understand until Rachel found release.

  Cruz's rough, calloused hand was still splayed across Rachel's middle. The difference between strong fingers and soft skin was entrancing as Lili stroked down, lower. "How do I give her what she needs?"

  "She wants you." Jared was breathing fast as he sat up and wrapped one arm around Lili. His hand came to rest on her side, just beneath the curve of her breast, and he caressed her skin lightly. "It doesn't have to be perfect, not yet. It just has to be you."

  Oh God, she wanted to believe that. That clumsy fumblings and hesitant touches could be enough, that she could be enough. She inched her fingers lower, until they encountered soft, hot flesh. She caught her breath when Rachel's hips jerked, as if even that was overwhelming.

  Ace groaned, so low and rough it was its own sort of embrace. "How wet is she?"

  So wet. So sweet and desperate, straining her hips toward Lili's touch. "Very."

  "Show me."

  She could still be startled, and she stared as Ace leaned in closer. "You heard me, blue-eyes. Get that sweetness all over your fingers and show me."

  Jared wrapped one strong hand around her wrist and guided her lower, sliding her fingers over Rachel's pussy. As he dragged them up again, Rachel whimpered at the loss.

  "Good girl," Ace whispered, and Lili didn't know which of them he meant. Then she didn't care, because his tongue was on her fingers, licking Rachel's arousal from them as each swipe tugged at that place low in Lili's body, until she squirmed restlessly in Jared's grasp.

  "Ace is greedy, but lazy, love." He touched Rachel again, rubbing his thumb slowly over her clit before pumping one finger inside her. Her hips tried to follow as he withdrew his wet finger and lifted it to Lili's breast. He circled her nipple, slick and careful. Maddening. "There are better places for him to lick you."

  Ace bent his head, and Lili realized what he was about to do a heartbeat before his mouth closed around her nipple. He didn't just lick—he sucked, hard, and it felt so good Lili's knees wobbled.

  Rachel and Cruz both watched, entranced. Jared gathered Lili's hair off one shoulder and nuzzled her neck before raising his mouth to her ear. "Giving pleasure and taking pleasure—it isn't one or the other. When it's good—when it's right—they're so mingled you can't tell them apart. Taking without giving is selfish. And if you can give pleasure without taking it in return, then it's just a job or an obligation. Or worse."

  Lili groped for Jared's free hand. "Show me," she rasped, dragging their tangled fingers back to Rachel's body. She shuddered at the first touch, and Lili shuddered, too, because Jared was right. "Help me."

  He bent her over until her body was pressed against Rachel's, their entwined hands still caught between them. His chest was against her back, trapping her. Hot skin brushed hers with every breath, every tiny movement—

  He guided her fingers into Rachel, into slick, clenching heat. Just two, but tight enough for Lili to feel every pulse and flutter of reaction. Then a slippery pressure nudged her deeper—Jared, fucking his own fingers in alongside hers.

  "Give and take, love," he whispered, rocking against her ass. It pushed her forward, driving their fingers into Rachel—hard.

  "Oh, fuck." Tension wreathed every word, every breath, and Rachel shivered through another vicious curse before reaching for her, cupping her hand around the back of Lili's neck, and drawing her in for an open, ravenous kiss.

  Lili moaned into her mouth, overwhelmed but still there, in her skin, every sensation sharp and bright. The bite of Jared's open belt against the small of her back, the heat of his skin and the commanding confidence of his touch. The soft roughness of Rachel's tongue, the rasp of the chains trapped between their bodies.

  And the tightness. Every time Rachel squirmed, every time she gasped, Lili felt it, felt her body clench, felt the heady power and the driving need for more. More gasps, more clenching. She wanted to drive Rachel over the edge, watch her scream—and have the courage to follow her.

  Rachel's hand
s roamed her body, exploring the dip of her waist, the curve of her ass, even the tiny, sensitive spot just under her jaw. She cupped Lili's breasts, cradling them in her hands before closing her fingers tight, pinching her nipples.

  Not soft, the way Jared had. It was almost pain, a confusing shock that arched her back and drove a moan from her. Her pussy clenched, her pulse pounding so strongly in her ears that she barely heard Cruz's chiding words. "Not so rough, Rachel. Not yet."

  "Yes, sir," she whispered wickedly, releasing Lili with a softer, soothing touch. Then she slid one hand down, between them—

  "No." Cruz caught her hands and dragged them back. "This, you don't get to control, sweetheart. This you just have to feel. Jared?"

  Jared straightened, pulling Lili with him until they were standing, their fingers still buried deep in Rachel's pussy. "Watch."

  Ace was already moving, dropping teasing kisses down Rachel's body, kisses that turned into sharp little nips that had her twisting against Cruz's grip. Lower and lower until Lili could feel the heat of his breath against her fingers.

  "Look at you, angel," he murmured. "So full. Do their fingers feel good?"

  "Yes." There was a different sort of tension twisting her voice now, something less like discovery and more like anticipation. "Please."

  "But you still want my tongue, don't you?"

  "I need it." A ready confession, with no hint of shame.

  "I know." But he brushed her with his thumb first, the slightest touch that still had her tightening around Jared's and Lili's fingers. He rubbed in a slow circle, murmuring tender obscenities that Lili could barely hear. It didn't matter. She couldn't tear her attention away as he gently parted Rachel's folds and drew his tongue across her clit.

  She bucked. The more firmly they held her down, the louder and shakier she got, until she was trembling all over, begging, begging Ace to let her, please let her—

  "Let go," Cruz whispered against her cheek, as Ace sucked her clit into his mouth. She went rigid, her cry building into a scream as her inner muscles clenched, released, over and over, throbbing with the force of her orgasm.

  No—orgasms. Because Jared rocked their fingers deeper and Ace redoubled his efforts and even Cruz released Rachel's hands in favor of cupping her breasts, his fingers toying and tugging with the silver rings until she sobbed with it.

  Overwhelmed. Rachel was overwhelmed in every sense of the word, and it wasn't bad or shameful or terrifying. It was transcendent.

  Dazed, Lili lifted her free hand to stroke the woman's flushed skin, letting her fingers rest on the racing pulse in her throat. "She's perfect."

  "Yes, she is," Jared agreed. "Here, now. Like this. We all are."

  All of them. Even her. "I want to let go, too."

  A rough breath left him, and he gently pulled their fingers out of Rachel, who made a soft noise—not of protest but approval—when he wrapped both arms around Lili. "Your wish is my command."

  "Our command." Rachel eased up the bed, into Cruz's lap. "Right?"

  Ace crawled after her, catching her mouth in a hot, lazy kiss before glancing back at them. "Get up here."

  Jared released Lili, all but one reassuring hand on her hip.

  Cruz and Rachel and Ace looked like an invitation to sin, sitting at the head of the bed, trading lazy touches as they watched her. Lili rested one knee on the mattress, knowing she had to cross this final boundary by choice.

  But not alone. Jared steadied her as she slid onto the bed, and Ace reached for her, coaxing her closer with his fingertips on her shoulder. She settled on her knees just short of Rachel, acutely aware of her own frustrated arousal—flushed skin, tight nipples, the slickness when she pressed her thighs together.

  The other woman smiled and opened her arms, welcoming Lili with a soft laugh and skin sliding over skin. "Tell me what it's like."

  If the words were supposed to make sense, she was too muddle-headed to figure out how. "What what's like?"

  "Fucking Jared." She tilted her head back to Cruz's shoulder. "I'd ask Ace, but somehow I don't think it's the same. Not the way you look at each other."

  Lili turned slowly in Rachel's grasp, until she was facing the foot of the bed. Jared had his hands on the fastenings of his pants, but when his eyes met hers, Lili answered the question—for him. "It's like being awake for the first time. And it should be terrifying to feel everything, but it's not. Because he knows if it's too much."

  "I only know the truth." He tugged down his zipper. "There's no such thing as too much, not really. There's only never enough."

  He hooked his thumbs in his pants and his underwear and pushed them both down.

  His cock was hard and big, and she wanted it. Under her hands. In her mouth. Inside her. Lili clutched Rachel's hand and tried to remember when she'd become a creature made of nothing but want and sinful hunger so dirty she bit back a whimper.

  "Do you want it?" Rachel brushed her hair away from her throat and pressed a kiss to her overheated skin. "All you have to do is say yes."

  Let go. "Yes."

  Rachel crept forward on her hands and knees, stopping just shy of the edge of the bed. "Ace remembers," she whispered. "Do you?"

  Jared grinned down at her. "Remember? I thought you were going to drop-kick me off the fucking roof for touching what was yours."

  Rachel grasped Lili's hand and pulled her closer. "He's exaggerating. A little."

  Lili had to tilt her head back to meet Jared's eyes. "Tell me the story."

  "It happened a while back, during one of O'Kane's parties." Jared wrapped a firm hand around the base of his erection. "An open party, not one of the filthy, private ones. Rachel caught me sucking Ace's cock up on the roof."

  "And stayed for the big finish," Ace murmured as the bed sank on the other side of Lili. "Your turn, brother."

  Lili wet her lips and dropped her gaze. The head of Jared's cock was so close, and his words came back to her. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be you.

  So she parted her lips and licked him.

  He dropped his head back with a groan. "Again."

  Savoring his moan, she dragged the flat of her tongue up his shaft. She shivered when she reached the tip and found a drop of wetness with the taste she remembered from the bar—bitter and salty and right.

  Ace's fingers closed over Jared's. "That's right, blue-eyes. Lick him all over. Make Rachel help, if you want. She's panting for it."

  Lili tilted her head back again, seeking Jared's eyes before she tested the boundaries of her newfound brazenness. "Do you want us to suck your cock?"

  "Yes." He slipped his thumb between her lips, gliding it over her tongue, urging her mouth open. "Think about my face in your pussy. I want to see it in those big, big eyes, love."

  The thought alone made her moan. Jared's clever, taunting tongue soothing away every pulse of need until she shattered in relief. Maybe he wouldn't stop this time. Maybe Cruz would hold her arms down, and Jared wouldn't have to hold anything back.

  "That's it." His eyes blazed, and he gave a short, decisive nod.

  A warm hand slid over her hip. Big, rough, but so gentle—Cruz's touch would have been unmistakable, even if he hadn't been the only one behind them. "You two help her with Jared, since you can't be trusted not to play too rough with her."

  "But not you. Mr. Control." Rachel's teasing words blew hot on Lili's earlobe. "You can watch him lose it, too. Later."

  "Later," Cruz agreed, stroking the back of her thigh this time before urging her to rock forward. She shuddered and gave in, and it was simple. Effortless. Ace guided Jared's cock between her lips, and she was rewarded by Jared's shuddering sigh.

  Rachel licked a path ahead of Lili's conquering lips, leaving Jared's rigid shaft slick and hot. In seconds, Ace had joined her, dragging his tongue up to hers as she tried to take more, only to meet with frustration as his size threatened to choke her.

  "Shh." Ace tugged at her hair, easing her back. "Swallowing a dick is h
ot and all, but it's not the only way to get a guy off. Lips and tongue, that's all he needs. And suck, Lili."

  That was simpler. Rachel and Ace had already made it easy. Their tongues tangled, stroking over Jared, over each other, over Lili. They left Jared's shaft so slick that her lips glided effortlessly. She swirled her tongue, almost used to Cruz's soft touches now. They were one more spark of warmth, one more step toward a goal she could sense now. It was rushing toward her, big and bright and beautiful. And she wanted it.

  Seeking out Jared's gaze again, she sucked.

  His eyes went dark, and he licked the corner of his mouth. "So pretty," he breathed. "These gorgeous pink lips stretched around my cock."

  "She's sweet." Cruz's fingertips skated higher up her inner thigh. She was so empty, so aching, that she inched her knees apart, silently begging for relief.

  "Mmm." Jared's soft noise melted into a groan, and he sank his hand into Lili's hair.

  She had to close her eyes against the visual. His fingers twisted in her hair, answering the silent voice inside her that didn't want to be sweet anymore. She wanted to be wild, rough, dirty—

  Cruz cupped her pussy, and she moaned in relief. But that was all he did, his other hand gripping her hip to still her when she would have squirmed in search of a firmer touch. "She's responsive, too. How easily does she come?"

  Jared used the hand in her hair to pull her head up. "Answer the man, love."

  As if she had anything or anyone to compare herself to. Only Rachel, who had endured endless tormenting before succumbing. Lili doubted she would last more than a few glancing touches. "Easily. So easily."

  Rachel moaned as she turned her head and bit Jared's hip. "Christ, that's hot."

  Ace pumped his hand over Jared's cock. "C'mon, Cruz. Put us all out of our fucking misery."

  "Impatient," Cruz chided, his fingers rocking just enough to make Lili whimper. "You know better. You're the one who taught me. Before you can go hard, you have to go…"

  He trailed off—or maybe he didn't. Maybe he was still speaking, but Lili couldn't hear. Because he'd spread his fingers, and the tip of one had found her clit. He rubbed with a firmness she'd been craving forever, and the world started to fracture around her.


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