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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 30

by Tia Siren

  “Crab, clams, or shrimp?” he asked.

  “I like all of them,” she said, wearing a wide grin. “I prefer some more than others, but it’s all good.”

  They ordered a low country boil and sodas. When the food came out it, it was delivered in a galvanized steel bucket, filled to the brim. They dumped it quite carefully onto the thick layers of newspaper laid across the wide tables and began to eat greedily.

  Riley, munching happily on a greasy redskin potato, asked, “I have to ask… Have you ever thought of moving somewhere else?”

  Gray shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, I love it here, but winters can be pretty bleak. Then again, I went to college in Wisconsin, and winters really sucked there.”


  “Yeah, on a football scholarship.”

  That explains the build. She asked, “You don’t play anymore?”

  Gray shrugged. “I was great at the college level, but there’s too much competition for my position in the pros. I know why I wasn’t drafted. In fact, it would’ve shocked me if I had been. There are lots of better players out there. Besides, playing pro was never something I wanted to do. I mean, I wouldn’t have turned it down if they drafted me, but it wasn’t the be-all/end-all reason for me to go to college. My real reason was to get the best education I could on the largest scholarship I could, and I did that.”

  “What did you major in?” she asked, suddenly finding him far more interesting.

  “Business management. You?”

  She giggled. “The same, with a minor in technological psychology.”

  His eyebrow lifted again. “Your minor sounds cooler than the major.”

  “It was. The intention is to equip students to run a business while spotting valuable workers, through studying them in hierarchical situations. Wow. That makes the whole thing sound really boring, huh?”

  “No. It makes you sound incredibly smart.”

  She tensed. Usually when guys said that it came off like some sort of insult, with an off-the-cuff sneer. There wasn’t a trace of a smirk on Gray’s gorgeous face, though; in fact, there was actually some admiration there. “I guess. Depends on who you ask. I liked it a lot, so I did well at it. There were things I hated to study, and I didn’t do as well in those.”

  “It’s the same for everyone,” he said, and tilted his head. “Why are you so afraid to admit how smart you are?”

  His query caught her off-guard, and she wondered why she was so worried about it. “I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “It’s just… Well, usually, when people say that to me, they’re being sarcastic.”

  His hand reached across the table and caught her wrist. “Do I seem sarcastic?”

  “No.” Her voice caught in her chest.

  “That’s because I’m not. Being a smart woman’s a good thing.”

  He released her wrist, but she felt the heat of his fingers still, lingering deep down within her veins and bone. She was turned on again, although she had no idea how or why. She had never cum so hard in her life as she had for him, and now she wanted him all over again. That was pretty intense and a little insane. I just met the guy, and he’s already turned me into some kind of sex freak! Wouldn’t Lorna and Megan have a heyday if they heard about this?

  Their meal ended with them laughing about a few hijinks Gray had pulled in college as they walked out the door and back into the night. Riley couldn’t stop thinking about what they’d done to each other before dinner, and as they walked his body bumped and touched hers just a little, just enough to convince her how badly she wanted him again.

  It also convinced her that she had no idea how to say so.

  As it turned out, she didn’t have to. There was an empty storefront next to a small alley on their way to the resort. When they reached it, Gray suddenly turned to her and kissed her. The kiss was hard, long, and slow, and the heat it caused was intense, immediate, and anything but soft. Riley was swept away by the same dizzying inferno she’d felt the last time he touched her. His body met hers, and his cock was already stiff and ready, pressing against her lower regions with real insistence. She had to fight to catch her breath between assaults from his tongue on hers. Those kisses were an assault all their own, attacking her senses and her self-control relentlessly. Her body could not deny him, and she knew it. She knew she should stop it before it went any further, because she did not want to leave any pain behind when her vacation was over—not for him and not for herself. He’s just a bartender, for Pete’s sake. Mom and Dad will never allow me to be with someone like him, she reasoned. There simply was no room for Gray in the neat little life her family had planned for her.

  Nevertheless, she kept kissing him back. She was utterly unable to stop herself from doing it. She was wet and slick at her core, and her legs itched with the need to wrap themselves around his lean waist and squeeze hard while he fucked her until she totally surrendered. Surrender was exactly what Gray wanted, and she knew he would not settle for anything less. But how can I do this, then leave him? How can I let him touch me like this? I’ll be lost to him forever if I don’t stop him right now.

  Despite all those warnings, she kept kissing him, her body heaving with long breaths she managed to suck in from time to time as the kisses grew longer, deeper, and fierier.

  His hands tangled in her hair. He gripped a chunk of it tightly, fisting it and pulling her face to his for a longer, even more demanding kiss, one that left her knees weak and her core soaked and clenching with a fiery need she had no idea how to deny or hide from. His hands slid down her arms, cupped her waist, and then roamed lower.

  Gray fondled and cupped her derrière, kneading it with his hands. His fingers went deeper, probing into muscle, and she sucked in air, little thrills of pain now mingling with the delicious pleasure coursing through her body. Damn! He’s going to kill me with wanton need, she decided. She smiled against his lips. Wanton need. Who used those words these days?

  His touch sent hot, tingling jolts rocketing through her, making her entire body feel as if she was going to spontaneously combust. His mouth left hers for a second, just long enough for her to realize her lips were plumped and bruised, but she couldn’t care less about that or anything else. Riley’s whimper was met by Gray’s growl of pleasure as her hands slid down to his lower body to touch the hard staff that was pushing into her lower belly. He was so thick and hard, so ready, and she was, too.

  They were in a public place, and Riley knew she was about to do something that could wreck her father’s political aspirations forever, but she suddenly didn’t care. All she cared about was the feel of Grayson’s body near hers, the way his flesh met her legs as she clung to him while he carried her deeper into shadows that she wasn’t sure would hide them from the prying eyes her family feared so very much.

  He yanked her panties to one side and rubbed her engorged clit with his thumb while her pelvis pressed against him desperately. Her wetness ran down her thighs, and his fingers slid into her labia and upward, thrusting inside her as his thumb caressed her clit.

  Gray’s fingers pulled out of her, and hers fumbled with the buttons of his shorts, eager to free his cock from its fabric prison. When he sprang out, hot and erect, she took him in her hand and pumped the silky flesh gently, then harder as he let out a series of masculine groans. Her glistening fluids coated his fingers, and he used them to oil up the stiff, trembling flesh of his cock. Riley waited, not speaking, although there was much she wanted to say. With every caress of his fingers, her juices spread more thickly across his engorged head and throbbing shaft.

  He wasn’t finished yet, though. He fell to his knees on the ground before her, and his tongue parted her sweet flesh, sending flaming desire roaring through her. His fingers joined his tongue to take her to the brink. Her hips arched and thrust toward his face, and her groans became louder and lower, more animalistic. Her eyes rolled back, and her head sagged toward her chest.

  Gray stood. Her toes dug into his calves as he ra
pidly climbed back up her body so he could penetrate her. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her opening loosened and stretched for him. She ground against him, her breath mingling with his as they kissed once more.

  After one more thrust, she came. Her cries were muffled by his mouth, but they were hoarse and ringing as his dick throbbed and pulsed inside her tunnel. His breath caught as his pace suddenly quickened and he stiffened, his body trembling as he came.

  They clung to each other, frozen in the moment and lost in the rush of pleasure.

  Gray groaned again as his dick slowly diminished within her and she let him lower her gently to the ground. Her back met the wall of the building, and she stared at him, shocked by her own daring. She was thoroughly satiated and tired, but there was something more to it than that: She was thrilled with herself for doing what she just done. Maybe I am a little wild after all!

  Gray helped her straighten her dress and found her panties before fixing his shorts. Then he just held her, his warm body pressing against hers. Eventually he said, “I have to get back. I’ve got a lot of things to do. I still have to go down and make sure the night guy locked up, and I’ve gotta handle the daily inventory.”

  “Oh.” She let herself step out of the circle of his arms. “Well, I don’t want to keep you. You must be really tired by now.”

  He smiled. “I am, but it’s not a bad thing.” He held out a hand, which she took.

  The two of them headed down the street, to the gates of the resort.

  “So…about tomorrow, do you wanna go out on the boat with me or not? I’m not leaving till one or so, because I have things to do first, but after that I’m free for the whole afternoon.”

  She knew she should refuse, as she was catching serious feelings for him, and she had to leave soon—not to mention that, as much fun as they’d had, she had no idea whether he’d be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde the next day. “One sounds great,” she finally answered.

  He smiled. “Cool. The boat’s tied up at the big dock just to the right of the resort. It’s called Maggie. Can you meet me there?”

  “Yep,” she said, darting her eyes to the gates. She didn’t want to get him into trouble, and it was clear he was asking her to meet him away from the resort because he wanted to avoid that. “I’ll see you then.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  After he walked through the gates, Riley stood outside for a few moments. She then used her keycard to gain entry and dashed toward the elevator, with a happy smile on her face. Even though it was going to end all too soon, she was finally living her adventure, and that felt good.

  Chapter 8

  “Where have you been?” Gray’s dad, Jon, demanded. He was still sitting in his office, as usual, but his chair was turned all the way around to face his son.

  The last thing Gray wanted to do was talk to his dad while Riley’s scent and the smell of their incredible lovemaking was all over him. He gave his father a wary look. “I went to the seafood shack for dinner. I was kinda bored, so I stopped down at the bar and made sure it’s all good down there. That night guy’s an asshole, you know. Where’d you find him?”

  Jon sighed. “Craigslist, of course. It’s summer, and everyone who’s any good is already working. Is he being an ass to the guests?”

  “No. I mean, he’s an asshole, but he’s not stupid. He’s a jerk to the servers, though, and he doesn’t treat me much better.”

  “Shit. All right. As soon as I can find a decent night guy, he’s out. Your brother’s coming home soon, so there’s that. If nothing else, he can take over. Have you managed to speak to the Teeter girl?”

  Damn it! Gray thought, hating that he had to lie to his dad. “No, sorry.”

  Jon stood. “Shit, Gray. Can’t you take a half-hour of your precious time and charm her? I’m not asking you to fuck her.”

  “Well, that’s a plus.” The image of her under him brought a new wave of heat coursing through his body.

  Jon glared at him. “I just need you to convince her to put me in touch with her father.”

  “Why don’t you talk to her?”

  Jon ran a hand through his hair. “I’m twice her age, Grayson. Girls like her don’t usually listen past the first words when a man my age talks to them. That’s just a fact. She’ll think I’m some dirty, old pervert, and the last thing I want from Daddy Warbucks is a lawsuit.”

  “Have you even considered that maybe she’s smart enough to understand business?” Gray asked, but he knew it was a moot point. His father didn’t even see him as intelligent enough to grasp the family business in any depth; if he did, he wouldn’t have demeaned him to the point of tending the bar and coercing the well-endowed rich bitches on the beach into handing over their daddies’ money.

  “Oh, I have no doubt she’s got a brain in that pretty little head of hers, but I also know her parents pull all the strings. How she managed to get a vacation from them is anyone’s guess.”

  Gray leaned against the door. “What do you mean?”

  Jon stared at his son like he should already know. “Well, I only knew she was coming because her parents gave me an earful, a complete safety briefing. They grilled me on security for at least a half-hour. I tried to talk to her dad then, but it was a dead end. All they wanted to do was lecture me about not being stupid enough to let their precious little angel drown. I doubt she’s ever made a single decision in her entire life without the approval of an entire board of shareholders.”

  Damn. No wonder she’s so…cautious. That was the only word he could think of, although after that wild sex they just had in the alley he wasn’t sure it was the best choice. Clearly, she’d thrown caution and her panties to the wind. “Well, anyway, I’ve gotta turn in now, Dad. I’m beat.”

  “Just try tomorrow, will you? I know she has a breakfast reservation. Just show up, tell her about the resort, and ask for her dad’s money.”

  “Sure,” Gray said with a sigh.

  Jon nodded. “Thanks, Gray. We’ve all gotta pitch in if we’re gonna keep this place afloat. All of us have to do our share.”

  “I’ll try. ’Night, Dad.” Gray headed to his room. After a shower, he dried himself off and slid into bed. He was dead tired, as all the hours in the hot sun and the constant carrying of heavy crates of beer and liquor had taken a toll; even the amazing sex with Riley had zapped him.

  He had to figure out what to do with her, and fast. He knew she was leaving soon, and he didn’t want her to. Except, that wasn’t his decision to make. He crossed his arms behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. “It doesn’t really matter what I want, does it?” he muttered. She had a life to live, and apparently she didn’t have much choice in how to live it. Sound familiar?

  What to do? His dad was going to question what he did on his afternoon off. He’d told the old man he’d try. Shit! He’d have to cancel their boating trip, as there was no way he could take her out on the ocean all day and still pretend he wasn’t talking to her. His eyes narrowed to the narrow crack on the ceiling. What if I see her at breakfast, like Dad wants, just long enough to get him off my back? For all Gray knew, she might be okay with asking her dad to talk to his. She did have a good business head on her, and it’d be easy enough to explain to her that the resort in Destin would be running in the black as soon as it got off the ground and all their debts were paid off.

  Worry cluttered his mind. The debts were frighteningly huge. He knew a lot about business himself, even if his father didn’t give him credit for it, and there were a ton of things they could do to minimize that debt and make things better for the guests. Annoyingly, no one ever listened to him. He was seriously beginning to wonder if there’d even be a family business left when the smoke cleared.

  He also felt guilt. He didn’t want to hurt his family by shying away from Riley, but he had a feeling that was exactly what he’d be doing. His father had forced him into choosing between hurting his family or hurting a woman who was obviously gun-shy about being with anyone,
and he had little doubt she’d been used before, too.

  Hell, I’ve been used before, he admitted to himself. He’d had too many friends and girlfriends who thought he was made of money just because his family owned the resort. Either that, or they expected carte blanche to the place and to bring their friends and families along, too. There’d been a girl from the small city nearby, and she showed up with twelve of her relatives, claiming they all had free rein of the place because he’d said so. Her greedy folks shamelessly demanded rooms, free food, and everything else before he intervened and sent them all packing. That only happened, of course, after a huge, messy scene with her, one that included a real shitty breakup right in front of her entire family and half the vacationing guests. One of her brothers even tried to punch his lights out.

  It was an awful discovery to learn that people were using him, to know that people really would walk all over someone and everything they had ever had together to get what they wanted. He knew it all too well, and was pretty sure Riley knew it. Double shit! He should have told her from the start who he really was. Why did I let her think I’m just a bartender here? Damn it. I should’ve made it clear, then let her decide if she was okay with going out with me. She never gets to decide anything. She could have at least decided that.

  Suddenly, his own thoughts stopped him. “Wait. Going out with me? What the hell are you thinking?” he whispered to his dark ceiling.

  No; if anything, they were just having fun, a sexy short fling, and that was all right with him as long as neither of them got hurt in the process. He’d learned to guard his heart at an early age, and he wasn’t ready to lower that guard. He knew it’d be crazy dangerous when it came to Riley, because she was the kind of woman who could break his heart in two.

  We can never be together anyway, he reasoned. There’s no way her folks would ever let her marry some struggling resort owner’s son, so… he paused and blinked. “What?! Marry? What the hell?”


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