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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 91

by Tia Siren

  When Will got home, I barely looked at him. I gathered my things, kissed Avery on the head, and went back to my parents’ apartment. I scrounged around in the kitchen for some food and made myself a sandwich. I sat there at the breakfast bar thinking about my life and my future. Not just my future, but the future of the child growing inside me as well. I sat there for a couple hours, drinking my water and just being there in the quiet of the empty apartment. My parents were at work, and Taryn was out with friends. It was nice to just be for a little while. When I was about to get up, though, there was a knock on the front door. I opened it and found Will standing there.

  “Hey,” he said. “I wanted to see if you wanted to come over and chat for a bit.”

  “Sure,” I said against my better judgment.

  When I got back to his place, we sat and chatted for quite a while about nothing important, just life and work and how things had been going while I was away. It was a really nice conversation, and I found myself falling into a comfortable place with him again. I looked into his eyes as he smiled about Avery’s new love of planes, and I could feel the pull between us. He felt it, too.

  He leaned in and kissed me softly, his lips barely touching mine. He opened his eyes and looked at me for a sign, but I didn’t say anything. Not yet.

  “I feel so close to you,” he said, shaking his head. “I want you more now than I ever have before.”

  I couldn’t control myself at that point. Between the hormones and the emotions, I was ready to have sex with him. I leaned forward and kissed him, heavily this time. He reached up and grabbed my face, our emotion turning to passion. The way he held me, the aggression behind it, turned me on more than I already was.

  “I want you, too,” I said softly. “But this can’t be anything more than a one-night stand, and this will be the last time.”

  He looked at me, his eyes dark and his face serious. He didn’t say a word. Instead, he stood up and reached down, scooping me into his arms and carrying me back to his room. When we were inside, he gently set me down on the floor and ran his hands over my face, kissing my cheeks, my nose, my eyelids before gently pressing his lips against mine. There was something different in the way he touched me, and I couldn’t figure out what had changed. He reached down and pulled my sweater off before tossing it onto the dresser. His hands ran over my shoulders and behind my back, and then he unhooked my bra and leaned down to catch my breast in his mouth and gently massaging my nipple with his tongue.

  As his mouth warmed my breast, he moved his fingers down to my pants and unbuttoned them. He pulled down the zipper and began to pull them off, looking up at me as I used his shoulder for support when stepping out of them. After that, I walked forward and did the same for him, undressing him sensually until we stood wearing only our underwear. Our mouths moved passionately. He scooped me up in his arms once again and laid me on the bed, biting his lip as he pulled my panties off and tossed them to the side. He tugged on his boxers, freeing himself from their constraints, and climbed onto the bed and lay down next to me.

  He kissed me softly for a moment and then reached over, pulling me on top of him. I looked deep in his eyes, but he didn’t smirk or give me a coy look. He leaned up and kissed my cheek, lingering for a moment.

  “Sit on my face,” he whispered, sending chills up spine.

  I climbed onto his face and gasped as his tongue immediately started to work me, running through my folds and massaging my clit. I looked down at his huge cock standing erect, waiting for me. I leaned over and dove my head down, the passion in my belly greater than I had ever known. My hormones were working double time, and I was already almost to the point of release. He groaned into my pussy as I took his cock deep into my throat and moaned from the feeling of him licking me. For several moments I was able to concentrate on his dick, but that didn’t last long. I sat up and grabbed my breasts, rolling my hips against his mouth. The fire in my belly had already ignited, and as Wil reached up and pushed his finger inside me, I arched my back and screamed, feeling the rush of an orgasm explode inside me.

  My body thrashed and shuddered with a pleasure I had never known. Even before my orgasm fully subsided, I was ready for more. I rose off his face and crawled on all fours next to him before looking back and biting my lip.

  “Fuck me like this,” I whispered.

  He sat up quickly and positioned himself behind me, rubbing through my juices before guiding his cock inside me. I screamed out, pulling my head back as his big dick completely filled me. I lifted my ass farther into the air and moaned as he grabbed onto it, rubbing his finger on my ass and creating a whole new sensation inside me. I was wetter than I had ever been. I could tell he had noticed from the groans and growls escaping his throat. It was so fucking sexy to hear him enjoying himself that much, though I could tell he was holding himself back, trying to make it last as long as possible. I reached between my legs and softly rubbed my clit, my fingers grazing the base of his shaft every time he pulled out and plunged back inside me.

  He gripped my waist tighter, and his movements got faster and deeper with every passing moment. He groaned and pulled out of me, holding his red, pulsing cock in his hand and taking a deep breath to hold his climax back. He lay on his back and pulled at me over, wanting me to finish on top. I straddled him and grabbed his erection before slowly lowering myself and moaning loudly, wanting this feeling to never end. I closed my eyes and rode him, grabbing onto my tits as I felt every inch of his shaft pulling and pushing inside me. He grabbed me by the waist and started to bounce me faster. The look on his face told me he was ready for release. I reached down and feverishly rubbed my clit, wanting him to feel me come all over his cock.

  Just as he slammed me down on him and held me there as his body stiffened, I erupted in waves of pleasure, my pussy vibrating around his dick. He groaned loudly, his body convulsing and his hips pushing up as his erection pulsated inside me, spilling his seed while my juices exploded and ran down his long, hard shaft. We stayed suspended in position, waiting for the waves of our orgasms to diminish. As they did and our muscles relaxed, I climbed off him and caught my breath.

  Immediately, I jumped up, searching for my clothes. That had been so perfect that there was no way I could allow anything to ruin it. I’d told him it was just a one-night stand, and I didn’t want to go back on my word. Before I left his room, silence surrounding us, I turned back and looked him, giving him a small smile. Then I walked away. This time, he let me be.

  Chapter 27


  I woke up the next day with so many feelings rolling around inside me. That sex had been different than anything I had experienced with Ella before. It had been gentle, serene, and extremely powerful. I was upset, though, because I hadn’t really gotten the chance to talk with her, to find out exactly what she was feeling and where her head was. I wanted to know what she needed and what she wanted so I could make my decisions revolve around that and not around what would satisfy me in the moment. But like every other time, I hadn’t been able to control myself long enough to find anything out. Admittedly, my mind had been completely focused on her satisfaction during the whole thing, and her body had been just so ripe and ready.

  There was absolutely no question that I loved to have sex with her. I had been hooked before I was even done the first time. Her body was so amazing, and the way we moved in sync, it was like we were made for each other. Every time we gave in to our urges and just let go, it was an absolutely mind-blowing experience. She had been different this time, and I couldn’t put my finger on why, but I had been barely able to contain myself. I had tried hard to last as long as I could for her benefit. I had felt like I was with her when we’d had sex. Even though there had been an incredible amount of lust and passion, we had moved in a way that was more like making love than fucking. I hadn’t made love to anyone since Megan, and I thought I would feel guilty about that, but I didn’t. In fact, I felt better about everything that had to do with Megan. T
hat deep, dark angst inside me was gone, and it was baffling.

  I tried to think of all the things I loved about Ella, but there were so many. She truly was amazing in so many ways. Usually when you met a woman or dated one, you could clearly pinpoint the ways she was amazing as well as the ways she was not. With Ella, the possibilities were endless. There was a list a mile long of all the things that made her a creature I couldn’t get away from, and there was a short list of the things that were hard to deal with. Even those things could be explained away by all the issues and drama she and I had been through since we’d started this tangled mess of a relationship we had. She had a bigger heart than anyone I’d ever met, and she was making me want to be a better man, a man who was worthy of her.

  She was truly one of the most gorgeous women I had ever laid my eyes on, and for some reason, after the previous night, she seemed even more beautiful to me. It was like the light inside her was shining through to the outside. The visions I had of her were magnified exponentially. I wanted to rekindle our relationship—there was no doubt about that—but I wanted it to be different. I wanted it to be real, true. I wanted her to feel safe and secure. I wanted her to feel loved for who she was and not who she thought I was trying to mold her into. She was not a distraction, even if I had thought that way in the past. I had just been hiding what I truly felt for her. I loved her, no matter how scary that was. I loved her for her, not for any other reason. I loved everything about her, not just her looks or her body, but all her attributes and all her flaws. It was like a lightbulb was finally going off.

  As I made my way to work, I was filled with thoughts of Ella. My mother’s words floated gently into my brain, and I thought about what she had said to me. She had told me that I needed to base my decisions on what Ella needed and wanted, not what would please me. It was crazy to me that I had to even think about this. I hadn’t been so selfish when Megan was alive. I had done everything in the world for her, but when she died, it was like I had closed myself off to the world and became the year-round scrooge. I wondered how the people who knew me saw me now. I wondered if it had been a gradual decline since her death or if I had just woken up and was that way. I honestly couldn’t remember what had happened, but I knew I had been entrenched in depression for so long that coming out on the other side was both relieving and terrifying at the same time.

  I knew exactly what I needed to do. It was a realization that had been sitting in the back of my mind since the first time I had started to question my feelings for Ella. It had just been too hard for me to admit it to myself then. I needed to show her that I truly did love her, that she wasn’t just a distraction for me. It was scary, though, especially since I hadn’t loved anyone since Megan. Hell, I hadn’t even been with a woman since Megan until Ella came around. She had opened me up and made me realize I was still alive, that life was still moving past me even if I was scratching and clawing for it to stand still. There was no stopping it, and I could either let it keep passing me by while living in the shadow of Megan’s ghost, or I could take hold of the things that made life worth living. Ella and Avery were the two things in my life that made life worth living and made it important for me to push forward.

  The day went by quickly, and although my thoughts were still fixed firmly on Ella, they were light and happy, not dark and frustrating. I found myself smiling for absolutely no reason, and my secretary had asked me at least three times if I was feeling all right. It was kind of sad that I had let go of life so much that everyone had gotten used to me being angry and grouchy. At lunchtime, Brian and I decided to go down the street to a deli and have lunch. He didn’t know what I wanted to talk about, but he knew something was going on.

  “So, I slept with Ella again,” I said.

  “Nice,” Brian replied, smiling. “So she isn’t icing you out anymore?”

  “Not really,” I replied, swallowing hard. “But I realized something. I realized that this whole time, I was cloaking my feelings for her. I know now that I want to pursue something more with Ella. I want to take what we have to the next level.”

  “Yikes,” Brian said. “I didn’t really see that coming. I mean, I guess I should have, but I was hoping you hadn’t fallen into that trap.”

  “Come on,” I said. “You know that not all women are traps. Megan was fantastic.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “Megan was definitely the exception to that rule. She was an amazing woman. So, what do you think your odds are of actually finding two amazing women in one lifetime? You are gambling here, man.”

  I chuckled. “I feel like your bitterness has reached a whole new level.”

  “Look at what you have, dude,” he said. “You’re fucking a twenty-two-year-old, beautiful, sexy girl who, until now, you were perfectly content with just getting the pussy from and moving on. Then you fell into the trap, man. That trap that women set out to lure you in and snag you before you can even realize how bad of an idea it is. Then, before you know it, you’re stuck with some woman you want to strangle most of the time.”

  “Brian,” I said, looking him in the eye. “I’ve known you a long time, and until your wife left you, you were the most romantic man I knew. Are you sure you aren’t just bitter from her, and that’s what is making you so violently against any kind of relationship?”

  “Ugh,” he said, sighing. “Maybe you’re right. The honest truth is, I’ve been trying desperately to play up the fact that I was so damn happy to be free of married life, but I’m fucking miserable. I miss her all the time, and I yearn to have that connection with another woman. Just maybe one who likes my dick a little bit more.”

  “See? You don’t need to fake around me.”

  “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. Look, if you’re actually interested in something serious and long term with Ella, then I think you should go for it and make yourself, and her, happy. There is no question how she feels about you deep down, and on top of all of that, you told me she absolutely loves Avery to pieces. It’s going to be hard to top her. Trust me, I know. I’ve been trying.”

  “I just have to figure out how to sit down and talk to her, tell her how I really feel about her,” I said. “Every time I try, I just end up in bed with her before I can tell her anything.”

  “Do it in public,” he said. “I mean, if you take her to a public place, there’s much less of a chance of it turning into a sexual encounter. You’ll be forced to sit in front of each other in a civilized manner and really get out what you want to say. On top of that, there’s less of a chance she will get outwardly angry with you.”

  As soon as he said a public place, visions of me fucking her against the wall in the restaurant bathroom filled my mind. After that, visions of her telling me off in the same bathroom followed them. Public places weren’t necessarily the safest for us, especially with the kind of lust and passion that vibrated between us before our brains could comprehend what was going on. But he was right. It may not have been foolproof, but it was definitely better than having her at the apartment where I was absolutely sure I would end up all over her. Then, before I knew it, she would be running away and I still wouldn’t have told her how I truly feel.

  “You’re right,” I said. “Maybe a public place would be better—if she’ll come out with me that is. Thanks for talking to me about this. I’ve kind of been all alone in it, and I knew you were going through this woman-hater phase. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Disappoint me?”

  “Yeah. Make you realize that not all women are the devil.” I chuckled. “You were having the most spectacular breakdown, and who am I to ruin that?”

  “And yet here you are, filling my head with love and hearts,” he said sarcastically. “I blame you for my future demise.”

  “I accept that fault,” I said, smiling.

  Chapter 28


  I slammed my hand down on my alarm, not wanting to move from the warmth of my bed. I was always so damn tired these days, a
nd even though I was going to go watch my favorite little boy, Avery, I wanted to crawl back under the covers and forget the world. I couldn’t, though. I had promised Will, and Avery was so excited to spend time with me. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed before heading straight to the bathroom to pee for the nine-hundredth time in the last twenty-four hours. I swore it was like my bladder was a bottomless pit, filled to the brim with this phantom water I wasn’t drinking. I pulled my robe on and headed out to the kitchen, my mind now focused on the muffins I knew were in there.

  When I rounded the corner into the kitchen, Taryn was sitting there, already awake, sipping her coffee. I yawned and smiled, happy to have her sitting there instead of my parents. I grabbed a muffin and a bottle of water and sat down at the table across from her.

  “No coffee this morning?” she asked.

  “No,” I said, trying to think of an excuse. “I’m just not feeling it. Where are Mom and Dad?”

  “Oh, they’re long gone, my friend.” She laughed. “There was a country club meeting this morning, and you know how they are about the club. They were up before the sun, dressed and ready to go. My bedroom is so close to their bathroom that our mother’s constant conversation with Father about the club woke me up. I figured, why waste my vacation even though there is absolutely nothing to do?”

  “What about all your friends?”

  “Everyone is busy with family stuff today.” She sighed. “They all put it off as long as they could, but since we were all in town from college, their parents wanted to spend time with them. Imagine that, having parents who want to spend time with you. It’s nuts. What about you?”

  “I’m watching Avery today for Will,” I said. “It’s his winter break, so Will needed some help. I mean, I have nothing else going on, I love Avery, and I get to spend all day playing board games.”


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