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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 96

by Tia Siren

  She moaned and threw her head back, opening her thighs even farther, showing me how horny she was. I pulled my left hand up and pressed lightly on her abdomen, keeping her in place while I slowly fingerfucked her, enjoying that I was pushing her closer to an orgasm while teasing her with my purposeful movements. Her hands gripped the comforter below her as I twisted my hand one way, pushing in, and then back the other way, pulling out. She breathed deeply before opening her eyes and staring right into mine, moaning loudly and with intensity. It was extremely erotic.

  “Lick my pussy,” she moaned. “Please.”

  I smiled and lowered myself on the bed, teasing her by continuing to finger her, my mouth just inches from her wet mound, my hot breath covering her folds. She pushed her hips up until her clit met my lips, and I glanced up before parting them and sucking her clit into my mouth. My tongue pulsated against it as I continued to finger her. Only now I was picking up my pace. She was on the edge of ecstasy, wanting so badly for me to give her what she needed to push her over the edge.

  I let go of her clit and licked through her folds, tasting her sweet flavor and listening to her moan loudly and strongly, her legs beginning to shake next to me. I knew what she wanted because I wanted it, too, but I wasn’t quite ready to give it to her. I moved just a bit faster, her hand running through my hair as she lifted her hips just slightly and ground herself against my mouth. I groaned into her clit, sending vibrations radiating through her. Finally, when I couldn’t hold back any longer, I lifted her hips into the air and started to eat her out with force and need. My mouth streamed over her pussy, and my fingers moved faster and deeper, the tips of my fingers flicking inside her. Just as I was about to put a third finger inside, she clamped down on the bed and arched her back, her entire body stiffening in my hands. I felt the waves of pleasure exploding through her body. Her pussy contracted around my fingers, and her warm liquids flowed over my hand and across my tongue.

  Before she could finish, I pulled my hand out, lowering her onto the bed and scooting forward. I held the base of my engorged cock. Quickly, I pushed into her, watching her writhe from the feeling, and I reached up, rubbing my hand hard and fast on her pussy. I was not going to let her get away with just one orgasm. Her hands clung to the bedspread, and her mouth was open, but no sounds escaped. My cock plunged in and out, glistening with her juices. I slapped her clit and continued to rub hard, leaning forward for leverage as I pumped into her. Before she could even start to relax, her body exploded again, her muscles twitching and her lungs taking in a deep breath.

  “Fuck,” she groaned. “Oh, god. I’m coming so hard. Fuck yes, yes, yes.”

  I smiled, feeling her shaking in my hands, and pulled away from her clit, letting her fully enjoy her rolling orgasm. I grabbed her waist and began to pump as hard as I could, too close to the edge to pull back. Just as her pussy tightened around my cock one last time, I groaned, digging my fingers into her side and pushing deep and hard. My dick pulsated inside her and exploded, spilling my seed inside and out as I continued to pull out and push back in. I couldn’t even say anything; the feeling was too intense. I held my breath and closed my eyes, letting the waves of ecstasy roll through me like a hurricane.

  When we had both come down from our pleasure palaces, I pulled out and lay down in the bed with her, facing her and kissing her cheek softly. She smiled and looked up at the ceiling, rubbing her hand over her belly. For a moment, I had forgotten she was pregnant.

  “My father will be coming home tomorrow,” she said, turning her head toward me. “I’m going to wait until he’s completely settled in, and then I’m going to tell him about the baby and about you and me. I don’t want to keep him in the dark any longer than I have to. He deserves to know before he hears it from someone else.”

  “Would you like me to go with you?” I asked.

  “No, actually, and it’s nothing personal,” she said. “It’s another thing I want to share with him in an attempt to strengthen my relationship with him.”

  “Understood,” I said with a smile.

  “I have something else that I wanted to talk to you about, too,” she said, turning toward me. “It seems that when this semester is over at school, I already have a job lined up. I found out in an e-mail right before I came over.”

  “Wow,” I said, smiling. “That is so amazing.”

  “Well, there’s just one thing,” she said. “The job is in Cambridge, so I wouldn’t be coming back to New York except for holidays and visits. I know that makes this complicated, but I think it’s important that I move. It will be a symbol of me finally taking control of my life and breaking away from my father’s hand. I completely understand if you can’t move there. Just know that if I do, I would always let you be a part of our child’s life. Actually, I shouldn’t say if. I should say when I move, because I’ve already made up my mind that I’m going to move no matter what.”

  I didn’t know what to say or do with that information. It hit me like a brick wall.

  Chapter 36


  Finally, after a few days in intensive care and then a couple in the regular wing of the hospital, my father was able to come home. I had actually started to miss him, especially with everything going on and him not having any clue at all. He was the head of the house, the person who kept us all together, the glue, and I felt guilty that he was still in the dark about Will and the baby.

  When we got to the complex, he insisted on walking up, not wanting to look like an old man in a wheelchair. I shook my head and laughed at his stubbornness, realizing that he hadn’t changed a bit during his stay in the hospital. He was weak and frail, yes, but he was in really good spirits. In fact, I hadn’t seen my father so loving and caring since I was a little girl, before he ever started his own firm. Back then, life was simpler, from where we lived, where we shopped, and how my parents interacted. My father used to come home to where we lived on the outskirts of town from the firm he worked at after taking the subway and three buses. He smiled every time he walked in the door, happy to see Mom, me, and Taryn.

  We got into the apartment and helped Dad into the living room, where he sat carefully down in the chair by the window. It was the chair I had done all my thinking in before Will knew about the baby. It only seemed fitting that it be the chair he sat in to learn about my life. My mother, my sister, and I spent the morning doting on him, telling stories, catching him up on the happenings at his office, and listening to him talk about the incompetence at the hospital, including one hilarious story about a bedpan. I really enjoyed sitting around with my family like that. It had been a long time since we had all gotten together and talked without there being some mention of law school or future plans.

  I looked over at my sister to signal to her that it was time for me to talk to him alone. She nodded her head and waited for my dad to finish his thought. She stood up and walked over to my mom, whispering something in her ear. She nodded and took in a deep breath, pulling herself off the couch.

  “I’m going to go get lunch started,” my mother said.

  “I’m going to help,” Taryn replied.

  I waited until they walked out of the room and got up, walking over and sitting down on the couch in the seat closest to Dad. He turned to me and smiled before looking back out the window. I swallowed hard and put my shoulders back, forcing some bravery.

  “So, I have some things to tell you,” I said, smiling at my father.

  “Oh, good. I like good news,” he said.

  “Well, a lot has happened over the last three months, and although I wanted to tell you sooner, we couldn’t seem to see eye to eye,” I said. “The truth is, Will and I have been seeing each other for some time now, and three months ago, while I was away at school, I found out that I was expecting his child. It was a shock to say the least, and I didn’t even tell Will until the other day. At first I struggled with the idea, but then I gave in to it, realizing it wasn’t the end of the world and was just an extra thi
ng I would have to plan for in my future. Until a few days ago, it was a weight on my shoulders, but after telling everyone, I’ve felt positive and optimistic about it.”

  “Wow,” my father said with surprise. “That is some really big news, Ella. Well, how does Will feel about it?”

  “He was shocked at first, obviously, but after letting it sink in, he is actually really excited about the future and having another child,” I said. “We really care for each other, but I’m not sure if we will stay together or not. It really depends on what I decide to do with my next move.”

  My father listening intently, his contemplative look transforming into a smile as I talked. He was extremely surprised, of course, but he was also remarkably calm about the entire thing. It was like he had changed completely while in the hospital. I was perched on the edge of the couch, waiting for him to explode, but it never came.

  “Let me ask you this,” he said. “You’ve worked so hard at Harvard, making top of the class, planning for the future, and of course fighting me every step of the way. I can’t help but wonder if you’re planning to give that all up now that your priorities have changed. My personal opinion is that it would be silly seeing as you only have one semester left there, but at the same time, you have to do what you’re comfortable with and what you think you can handle while being pregnant. Of course, your mother and I will support whatever choice you make, but I don’t want you to make a rash decision just because you think it isn’t possible.”

  I took a deep breath and smiled. My father was attempting to show his support while still looking out for my best interests. Of course, when I’d first found out, I had thought everything was over, from my life to my future, but that wasn’t the case at all now. After having time to think about everything, I was finding myself agreeing with my father for the first time ever.

  “Actually, I have given that quite a lot of thought,” I said. “I definitely want to finish my last semester. I’ve come too far to let go without finishing. In fact, it would be stupid of me to do that. And, on top of that, the local Historical Society of Cambridge has extended me an offer to be the lead researcher on a project they have coming up after my graduation. It would give me research experience, teaching experience inside Harvard’s history department, and a really nice salary.”

  “What about being pregnant and delivering around that time?”

  “I thought of that as well, so I contacted the head of the project and explained to them what my situation was,” I said. “I told them I would love the position but I was pregnant and would be delivering somewhere around that time. The head of the program told me that the first few months don’t require much work from the head researcher. It’s mostly their archaeology team doing hands-on stuff in the beginning, which doesn’t give me much to research. He said he would still extend me the position as long as leading up to my actual start date, I would do some minor overhauls from home.”

  “Wow,” my father said, nodding his head in approval. “That sounds like they really want you on their team.”

  “Well, being the valedictorian of the class awarded me some clout, I guess.” I chuckled. “I want it all, Dad. Not just the career, but I want to spend time with my baby before I jump right into my life after college. At the same time, I’m not willing to give up my dreams, and I know now I don’t have to. Nothing is written in stone that says a woman has to change everything about herself when she becomes a mother.”

  “I completely agree,” my father replied. “We have women in the firm who work while pregnant, take off time for the child, and come back as strong as ever. I’ve never had an issue with it. It’s a biological process that women produce children. That isn’t something they should be punished for.”

  “I agree,” I said, smiling. “So, I’m going to take advantage of that and continue to live my life. These are all revelations that have come to me just over the last week or so. I haven’t even had a chance to tell Will about any of it besides the job offer. He doesn’t know I plan to take off time to be with the baby before going to work. I just don’t want this situation to turn into something that makes me unhappy. I want to know that I took a curveball with dignity and strength. I want to know that I was able to pull through all of this with the support of my family and Will, and Avery, too.”

  “Do you think Will will follow you?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “I wish he would, but I can’t say for sure. I do know that if he doesn’t, I’m okay. I’ll be sad, maybe even heartbroken, but I know I will come out okay in the end.”

  “Well, as far as I’m concerned, this is some of the best news I’ve ever gotten,” he said, smiling and reaching for my hand. “Ella, all I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. Ever since you were born, I could remember holding you for the first time, in awe and wonder at the miracle of life. I told myself that day that I would always support you, push you, and help you reach your dreams. I wanted you to live a life that was so full that when it was over—when you were old and gray—you didn’t have one regret. Not one single regret. I really did think, for years, that you would be happiest if you followed in my footsteps. I thought maybe you just couldn’t see it yet, but when you could, you would realize that I had steered you correctly. I became so obsessed with it that I didn’t even notice you had already found what made you happy. Now I accept that I was wrong, and I’m sorry for allowing my own wishes to tear a valley between us. I hate that we’ve missed out on time because I was too stubborn and too blind to see that you had already found what you loved. That should have been good enough for me.”

  “It’s okay, Dad,” I said, shaking my head. “I knew that deep down, your intentions were pure, and I’m sorry I couldn’t make you see how happy I already was. I’m just glad that we can sit here and talk again. I was starting to think we would never see eye to eye again.”

  “Well, I would never let that happen,” he said, pulling himself to his feet.

  I got up and walked over, laying my head against his chest and wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me tightly. The sound of his injured heart beat proudly in his chest, echoing through my ears and bringing a warmth to my heart. I remembered finding this the most comforting place on earth when I was younger, and I had soaked the fronts of his shirts with so many tears when I was growing up. It was nice to find his embrace comforting again.

  “So,” he said, pulling back. “What are you going to name this little one?”

  “Gosh,” I said, smiling and laughing. “I have no idea. I haven’t even gotten that far yet.”

  Chapter 37


  As excited as I was about how things were going with Ella and about having a baby, I was facing a choice that seemed impossible. I had gone from thinking about Ella all the time to thinking about the baby all the time. The only thing I’d been able to focus on was figuring out what I was going to do when the baby arrived and what place I was going to take in the child’s and Ella’s lives. Those were not easy decisions. Although I knew what my heart was telling me to do, my brain wavered, trying to make the right decision for everyone. That was why I ended up staying home and working in my office instead of at the corporate building.

  When Ella told me about the job offer and her decision to take it, I wasn’t upset with her. She had every right to make the choice that was best for her. At the same time, though, that brought a whirlwind of confusion for me. This was where I had lived my whole life, where my company was based, and where Avery had grown up. At the same time, I was getting ready to have a new child, and if I stayed in New York, that child would grow up only seeing me on the weekends and in the summer—something I couldn’t even start to fathom since I had Avery all the time and still felt like I never spent enough time with him.

  I really needed some advice, so I called my mom, knowing she would be able to point me in the right direction. I had never needed my mother’s advice so much in my entire life. It was like every time I turned around, I
was calling her to talk me off a ledge or help me make an important decision.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hey, Mom.” I sighed.

  “Uh oh. What’s wrong?”

  “I need some advice,” I said. “Ella was offered a really big job after graduation in Cambridge, and she is going to take it. She’s not against me going there with her, but she wants me to make my own decision. I’m lost.”

  “I don’t see why you’re lost,” my mother said. “It’s simple. You need to decide whether you want to be the father of your child or the father of your child and the partner of its mother. You have to make a conscious decision about where you fit in with this baby and where you fit in with Ella. You need to remember to think about Avery, about how a family affects a child’s life, and how you see your future with Ella turning out in the end. I wish I had all the answers for you, sweetheart, I really do, but I can’t make this decision for you.”

  “I need a magic eight ball like when I was a kid,” I said.

  “I think if I remember correctly, that magic eight ball dictated your decision to jump from the roof into the pool.” My mother chuckled. “That was a long summer in a wheel chair with a broken leg.”

  I laughed. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll leave the eight ball out of this.”

  All joking aside, this was a really serious decision, one I had to really put some thought into. Of course I wanted to be with Ella and the baby, but life was never that simple. This was not just important, but it was time sensitive as well. If I didn’t make a decision soon, it could ruin Ella and me before we ever had a chance. She wouldn’t wait for me forever, and I couldn’t ask her to, either.

  “Try looking at the situation from other angles,” my mother said. “Take Avery, for example. Don’t you remember what it has been like for Avery over the last two years? How he ached for a mother? How much he fell in love with Ella? These last two years were hard on you, yes, but they have been life-changing for Avery. He will grow up a different little boy than he would have if Megan hadn’t passed away. That is just the reality of it. I’m not saying he will be better or worse off, but he will be different, and while he is growing, he will always yearn for and miss his mother.”


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