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Battlefield (The Covenant Book 2)

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by Gwendolyn Casey

  I shook my head and looked down. “I'm sorry,” I said softly, almost timidly. “It has been a long night, and I just want to go home.”

  He looked around the room and then back at me. “I don't believe you. I think you are hiding something.”

  My eyes snapped to his, searching for sarcasm. But all I found was the same dangerous yet sexy glare.

  “I'm not hiding anything,” I said with a glare of my own. Except my hatred for your whole club. We stared at each other, a silent challenge vibrating between us.

  When he spoke again, his roughened voice seemed to penetrate my chest, making my nipples peak. It took me moment to even process his words, but when my brain caught up, I heard, “Turn around and put your hands on the desk.”

  Chapter Two


  I stared down at the beauty, watching the fire in her jade green eyes turn from intense challenge to heated confusion. She was scared, but I could see that my request excited her, too. There was only a moment of hesitation before she turned toward the desk and placed her hands flat on the surface next to her phone. I held in a growl as she tilted her ass out.

  My evening became a lot more interesting when I found this angel standing in my office. Normally, I would be enjoying the party, but I wasn’t in the mood for booze and pussy tonight.

  That is, until I saw her.

  She reminded me of an elf. Not the Keebler kind but more like The Lord of the Rings, tall, graceful and willowy, her curves subtle but feminine. With large green eyes that sat above a delicate nose. Soft, pink lips that complemented her dark brown hair perfectly. The long locks fell in layers around her shoulders and curled at the ends. Her skin was pale but flawless. The dress she wore was black with little flowers on it, making it seem more country than stylish.

  Now she was leaning over my desk, holding her breath in anticipation of my next move.

  My first thought was to spank her perfect ass to punish her for being in my office. According to her, a boyfriend brought her in here to have sex. The idea of another man touching her, much less fucking her on my desk, did not sit well in my gut.

  But judging by her eye movement and facial expressions, I could tell she was being truthful about the boyfriend. And yet, there was something else she was hiding that I couldn't put my finger on. It was there when she first noticed my cut and again in her comment about this place being a “shithole”. She hated the Aces, and I wanted to know why.

  As I moved up behind her, I decided to start things off like a normal pat down. I stuck my hands in her coat pockets, finding a lip gloss and putting it on the table. Then I slid my hands under her coat to grip her torso. Her breath sucked in as I let my fingers span her waist. She wasn't so small that my fingers touched, but she was thin nonetheless. I also liked that she was tall. I would only need to bend my neck to kiss her, and I knew our bodies aligned perfectly for the other things I had in mind.

  My hands moved slowly across the soft fabric of her dress, soaking in the warmth of her skin just underneath. They wandered over her back and up to her shoulders, under her coat. Then I moved back down and slid under her arms and onto her stomach. I very deliberately took a step forward and pushed my hardening cock against her as my palms moved over her breasts. I squeezed gently and nearly groaned as they filled my hands.

  She gasped. “Is this really necessary?” she said. She was acting offended, but her backside had angled itself a little higher, bringing my dick just a little closer to her warmth.

  I let my nose nudge her ear before I brought my lips to it. “Absolutely,” I growled and felt her shiver a little. Then I was lowering myself to my knees and sticking my fingers inside her boots, gently circling each ankle inside her socks. I found nothing, but that wasn't the real reason I was on my knees behind her.

  I brought my right hand against the inside of her left leg, and I slowly stood, trailing my fingers up her calf and then her knee. Her skin was so soft, and I wondered how easily it might bruise. I didn’t want to hurt her, but my dick liked the idea of seeing signs of my possession on her body.

  I had just reached the supple part of her thigh when she abruptly spun around.

  “That is enough,” she said.

  I rose up to my full height and pulled her against me. Her tits smashed into my chest, and her hands gripped my biceps. Our breaths mingled together as I brought my face down to hers, almost kissing her. “No, it's not.”

  “I know what you want, and I won't let you have it.” Her voice softened at the end, like they lost conviction as they came out.

  “Are you sure about that?” I asked before I leaned over her, abruptly grabbing her ass to sit her on the desk.

  I moved my hand slowly up the inside of her thigh, but she pushed her legs together to keep my fingers from finding her panties.

  We stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, me daring her to let me touch her while she gazed back, confused but wanton. I deliberately let my gaze soften, so that I looked at her with desire instead of challenge. I leaned in and teased her lips with mine, letting her know I wanted her and not just her pussy. Innocents wanted to feel special, and she was, for the moment. Suddenly, I felt her thighs loosen around my hand. I continued the journey to her center, holding her gaze.

  I growled when my fingers found their goal. I felt a small spot of wetness in the fabric of her panties as I caressed her, confirming her need was ready to meet mine. She looked up at me, knowing what I found, and she didn’t say anything. I leaned down, and our mouths came together as I pushed her panties to the side.

  “Hey, Jordan, have—” a voice said behind me.

  Fuck. I forgot to shut the door.

  “Fuck off,” I grunted, but the girl in my arms was already pushing me away.

  “What’s going on here?” the voice asked. It was Izzy, my best friend’s old lady. I’d have to talk to her about cock blocking.

  I turned to look at Izzy and watched her eyes pop as she saw the girl behind me.

  Izzy’s eyes came back to mine, and they were filled with ice. “I know you're not putting the moves on your little brother's girlfriend,” she said.

  “What?” the girl and I said at the same time.

  The girl stood up, making sure she was pulling down her skirt as Izzy continued, “Jordan, this is Cece. Greg's girlfriend.”


  “Is Greg still here?” Cece asked, without looking at me.

  “No. Rem saw him leave without you, so we decided to split up and look for you. We figured you'd need a ride,” Izzy responded, reaching out to put her hand on Cece’s arm.

  “Thanks,” Cece said as she nodded her head.

  Little brother's girlfriend. Motherfuck.

  I watched Izzy lead Cece out the door while I stood there frozen, still in shock that I nearly fucked my kid brother's girlfriend. It was just my shitty luck that the woman was unavailable. I palmed my erection through my jeans. It was harder than a rock. And it wanted satisfaction now. I'd have to find someone to take care of it, which wouldn't be difficult. But I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Izzy hadn't interrupted.

  Greg's girlfriend. Fuck.

  We were half-brothers with different moms. Greg moved in with me about a year ago after his mother died of cancer. He had just graduated high school a few months ago, meaning that my elven princess was barely legal.

  She belongs to your brother, you asshole.

  I closed my office door, making sure to lock it this time, and made my way down the hall and into the main room where we had the bar.

  I pushed through the crowd and took a seat next to Rem, asking the prospect behind the bar for a bottle and shot glass.

  “Hey,” Rem said, “you meet Greg's girlfriend?”

  I nodded after I downed a shot.

  “Pretty hot, huh? Wonder how he pulled that off.”

  “Me too,” I said through gritted teeth. I just had her under my hands, and she felt amazing, like a drink of water on a
hot day.

  “He probably lost her after tonight, though. What kind of jackass leaves a girl at an Aces party unprotected?”

  I nodded as I poured another shot. I'd talk to Greg about it tomorrow and find out more about Cece.

  I slammed the bottle down, still pissed about what happened. Any other guy, I wouldn't hesitate to take Cece from him. But my kid brother…

  “Something wrong?” Rem asked.


  When I felt his eyes on me, I said, “Don't you have anything better to do?”

  “Nope,” Rem said with a wry grin. “I'm waiting for Izzy to get back. Then I'll take her upstairs and fulfill my husbandly duties for a couple hours.”

  “Wedded bliss,” I snarked.

  “As a matter of fact,” he said with a smile.

  My best friend had changed quite a bit since that pain in ass, Izzy, came into his life.

  “While you've got a minute, let's talk some business,” I said, needing the distraction. As the enforcer for the Aces MC, it was my job to keep the members in line with our rules and to eradicate any dissension among our ranks. For five years I held the title, but there have been only a handful of times where my action was required. One thing the Aces had was loyalty to each other, which made my job easy most days. But I was also handy with a laptop and helped arrange other revenue generating projects for the club.

  Rem immediately turned his body to the bar, ready to give me his full attention.

  “I was approached by an old friend with an idea.”

  Rem lifted an eyebrow. “Was it a real friend or a cyber friend?”

  “Both actually.” Rem knew of my affinity for computers and how I’d made several friends in the hacker community over the years.

  “What's the idea?”

  I downed another shot before I said, “He wants to rob a bank.”

  Rem smirked. “I'm assuming he wasn't planning to use guns and ski masks.”

  “He has the code, but he needs me to get access.”

  He looked around and then lowered his voice as he asked, “What’s the payout?”

  “I’ll be asking for a hundred thousand for my services.”

  Rem’s eyes narrowed. “Why not bring it to the table?” he asked, referring to the Aces’ club table where the plan could be voted on. Normally, I would bring it up a meeting, but there was a special circumstance.

  “I'll need Izzy's help,” I said.

  Rem's nostrils flared. “No fucking way.”

  His reaction was not a surprise. In our world, Izzy was Rem’s property. It wasn’t exactly PC, but it’s how we protected our women. Izzy was Rem’s to protect, and he did it with a mindset of a fire-breathing dragon protecting its treasure. I would need Rem’s permission before involving his woman in my plan, and convincing him would take some maneuvering so I didn’t get my ass charbroiled.

  “It's not dangerous. I just need her to pretend to be my wife for an hour,” I said.

  I could see his knuckles turn white as he gripped the beer bottle. “Ask one of the Hearts,” he growled.

  My eyebrow lifted as I looked at him. The Hearts were the MC’s club whores. They lived in the clubhouse and simply waited to be fucked. We currently had three: Tracy, Jessica, and the newest addition, Rita. Granted, they were loyal and could be sweet, but I needed a lot more than that to pull off my idea.

  “I need a woman who will pass for a middle-class wife,” I explained. “Your woman is the most…” I had to take a second to find the right word. “Refined … of all the club women.”

  All the other girls loyal to the club would be risky. I needed someone who was intelligent but subtle, someone who could blend in and not stand out. The Hearts and most of the other wives were attention seekers or a little too rough around the edges.

  Izzy’s real name was Isabel Rochester, before she married Rem. She was born and raised in an upscale Iowa suburb where she’d lived sheltered and unburdened by the rougher side of life. That was until her father made the mistake of getting involved in money-laundering. She came to the Aces for protection about a year ago, and we did our best to mask her privileged ass.

  From the very beginning, Rem was a goner for the girl. I understood his attraction, seeing how she was beautiful, sweet, and even a little nerdy. I was against their relationship for a while, believing they were too different to be sustainable. But Rem was the type of man to give his soul to a woman. So, when Izzy's loyalties were called into question last year, I stood by her and kept her close, before Rem destroyed himself by pushing her away.

  Rem had been grateful that I believed in her when he didn’t. He wouldn’t be a husband and father if I hadn’t stepped in. This deal was going to be a good boost for the club financially, so, I might have to remind him of how I saved his relationship for him to grant me this kindness.

  “Consider it a favor to me,” I said with a little smirk.

  Rem looked away as his face contorted, knowing I was cashing in on the debt he owed me. He growled. “Find us tomorrow and we can talk about it.” He got up off his chair and glared back at me. “But that makes us square.”

  I nodded as he walked away in a huff.

  I finished off one more shot, feeling a little calmer than a few minutes ago. My disappointment about Cece had become a dull ache in my balls. I needed to do something about it.

  Conveniently, I found Rita on my way toward the stairs. She was a cute little Latina with curves for days and a mouth that was made for pleasure. She knew her way around a man and didn’t mind a hard and fast fuck, which was exactly what I needed right now to get the taste of Cece off my lips.

  Chapter Three


  Izzy gave me a cheerful wave as she pulled away from my house, and I returned it with a smile. I liked Izzy a lot. She was only a few years older than me, and she was friendly. She was also kind of a dork with the way she talked about the new Marvel movie coming out, which just made her more lovable. I was sad that I probably would never see her again.

  I put my keys in the lock, but the door was already unlocked. I let out a sigh as I pushed my way in. Leaving the door unlocked was a sign that my mom had friends over. I made my way down the hall and peeked around the corner to see which one of her loser friends I would have to deal with, but a smile came to my face when I saw it was Sonny. I must have missed his truck at the side of the house.

  He sat next to my mother on our threadbare couch, watching baseball. He looked a little different than the last time I saw him. He was still rocking the dad gut, but he looked like he might have lost a little weight in his face. His hair was still curly and silver white.

  The relationship between my mother and Sonny was complicated. Then again, a better word for it might be co-dependent. Sonny was married and lived two towns over, but he had been in love with my mother for the past ten years. I'd heard him say that he would leave his wife for her. But my mother never loved Sonny, and she wasn't shy about admitting it. She tolerated his presence, so he would keep paying our rent and feeding her drug habit. Sonny just wasn’t enough of an outlaw to keep her interested.

  Over the years my mom had taken on several men in her search for an old man. She was even a club whore for the Aces back in the day. But she was made to leave when she got pregnant with me. Ironically, I was her attempt to trap a biker into a real relationship. Of course, it failed, and the guy moved on. But my mom didn't let a child get in her way of her search.

  She brought some real nightmares home. I was lucky that I had never been raped. Not that there hadn't been attempts. The first time, it was the afternoon and my mom had been passed out. The man was high and came into my room. Fortunately, Sonny had come to the house a little early and heard my screams. He had the biker trash out of the house in seconds. My mom didn't say she was sorry, but she did look guilty when I told her what happened. The next day, I came home from school to find Sonny installing a new door to my room. It came with a deadbolt lock.

  The TV was the
only light in the room, but I could see the tin foil on the table. My mom was lying on the couch, coming down from her high. She still wore her motel uniform for a cleaning lady.

  “Hey,” I said softly, not wanting to wake my mother.

  “Hey.” Sonny got up from the couch to give me a hug. He smelled like diesel and cigarettes, which had become a comforting scent.

  “Where ya been?” he asked softly.

  “Just out with a friend,” I replied as I pulled away.

  He gave me a smile. “Your mom said you had a boyfriend.”

  “Not really,” I said, thinking about what a colossal asshole Greg was tonight.

  “You know to protect yourself, right?”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said, blushing with embarrassment. It was uncomfortable, but I knew Sonny was trying to protect me, like a father would. For that, I would always love him.

  “Are you going to stay until morning?” I asked. “I can make breakfast.”

  “That's sweet, kid, but I got to be on the road before dawn. Next time.”

  “Okay,” I said. I gave him a wave as I went down the hall.

  Once I was in my room, I simply dropped onto my bed face down, lying with my arms spread and my face in the comforter.

  This evening's events ran through my head like an angry rhino, making me wince at all my stupid decisions.

  My first bad decision was dating Greg. He told me his brother was an Ace and that he wanted to join, but I thought it wouldn't matter since he wasn’t an Ace yet. That and I didn’t think we would be dating long. I was planning on leaving Clayton as soon as I had the money. My cousin Tara had invited me to come live with her in California, but I wanted to make sure I had a good nest egg before I left everything behind.

  But Tara said she had one requirement for me to move in and that was to lose my virginity. She thinks it will hold me back from “living the life”, as she put it.

  So that was where Greg came in. Out of all the guys in town, he was the only one I found myself a little attracted to. He was tall and cute and could be a gentleman most of the time.


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