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Battlefield (The Covenant Book 2)

Page 17

by Gwendolyn Casey

  I smiled to myself. Maybe I was overreacting. There was a chance that me and Jordan could have what Rem and Izzy had.

  “I can tell that you’re apprehensive about the club,” Izzy said.

  “Yeah, a little bit.”

  “And I get that. I never thought I would be the type to be an old lady.” She gave me a little smirk. “I mean, I was not kidding about the Star Wars fan fiction. I also organize my hoodies in levels of thickness, and I am terrified of stickers.”

  I literally laughed out loud.

  “But what is great about the club is that we are a family. There is nothing we won’t do for each other.”

  I looked at her, finding that hard to believe.

  “Hey,” Izzy said in a mischievous tone. “After you get settled do you want to take a little trip with me?”

  All I could do was shrug. “Why not?” I said.

  Chapter Thirty


  “I know it’s your car and all, but can we please listen to something other than ABBA,” I said to Izzy. We’d been listening to their greatest hits all the way from Clayton and my ears were on disco overload.

  “You can pick on the way back. We’re already here,” she said. I glanced to my right and saw South Dakota State Penitentiary on a sign just as Izzy was pulling up to the guard post. She tapped me on the arm. “He needs to see your ID.” I took me a few seconds to dig out my license since I was unprepared to have it checked today. She handed both our IDs to the man and he looked at both of us a few times while glancing down at the cards. He waved us through and we parked the car as we got close to the entrance.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked as we got out of the car.

  “Visiting someone obviously,” Izzy said with a smile.

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Who?”

  “You'll find out.”

  It took us thirty minutes to get through security where we were given thorough pat downs. Izzy had to lift her shirt to show her belly was real, but it was no big deal to her, like she had done it several times before. We took a seat in a large room with tables and chairs connected to the floor.

  “There he is,” Izzy said after a few moments, standing up. A younger man was standing beyond the doorway as a guard uncuffed him. He had auburn hair down to his shoulders and a messy beard that matched. He was also tall and well-muscled. He smiled at Izzy as he came toward us, giving her a genuine smile. Although, it didn't quite reach his eyes. They hugged each other briefly before he sat down.

  “Duncan, this is Cece. Jordan’s girlfriend.”

  He gave me a nod and then pointed at Izzy’s belly. “Did you find out the sex yet?”

  “Yes, it is a boy.”

  “All right, Rem,” Duncan said with pride.

  “Yes, Rem is very excited. Jacob Junior will be an Aces prince.”

  “Jacob Junior?” Duncan asked.

  “Yep,” Izzy said, beaming.

  “I bet Rem hates it,” Duncan said with his own little smile.

  She shrugged, “It's too late. I've already monogramed it on his blankets and pillows that are coming from Pottery Barn.”

  Duncan laughed and then glanced at me. “So, you’re Jordan’s woman, huh?”

  “Yep,” I said a little awkwardly.

  “You don’t seem very certain.”

  I could only shrug.

  “Jordan told me that she has had some bad history with bikers, so she is taking some time to warm up to the Aces,” Izzy explained.

  He nodded and looked back at Izzy. “How are things going for you, at the club?”

  “Um,” Izzy looked down. “Better, I think. I helped out on a job, and I think it might buy me some good press.”

  “Izzy, you do not have to worry about that sort of thing,” he said, almost angrily. “How could Rem even let you help? What the hell was he thinking?”

  “I insisted,” she said a little loudly. I looked around, but no one noticed.

  “Izzy,” he said, his face full of worry. It struck me then just how much he cared about her. I had no idea what they were talking about, but it was obvious that Duncan was protective and angry about whatever she was going through.

  “Anyway,” Izzy said and asked how things were going for Duncan. He didn’t say much. Instead he asked Izzy about the other club members and the news from town. I stayed mostly quiet until she told him about the robbery and insisted that I describe the whole thing.

  Before too long, a guard announced our time was up. Duncan offered me a handshake and then he pulled Izzy into his arms. It was a short embrace, but it was long enough for him to whisper something in her ear.

  She just nodded and said, “Be safe,” as he walked away.

  When we got into the car a few minutes later, I asked, “So, what's the deal between you two?”

  She turned on the car but left it in park. “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like there is this connection, like almost romantic.”

  Izzy smiled. “It's not, at least not from my side. I love Duncan and I owe him everything, but Rem will always be the one.”

  “But is Duncan in love with you?” I asked again.

  “No. He may have some mushy feelings for me because of what happened before he left but it’s not love.”

  “What happened before he left?”

  Izzy blushed and bit her lip. “Nothing,” she said, turning up the A/C.

  “Oh no, I'm in the club now. No secrets.”

  She took a deep breath. “The night before Duncan left to come here, Rem invited him into our bed.”

  “What?” I was shocked. Jordan said there was no sharing.

  Izzy must have realized what I was thinking because she grabbed my hand. “Rem didn't make me do it, and I didn't actually have sex with Duncan. But after what I had done, I needed to feel close to Duncan. I felt like I wanted to give him a part of me.”

  My first question was going to be about what happened, wanting to know all the sexy details. But my good manners had the question come out as, “So … was it good?”

  She laughed while blushing. “It was amazing. There is just something about having the attention of two men that is so heady. I felt like Aphrodite being worshipped but also like a nun being ravished by two soldiers. But I'm not sure I would ever want to do it again. It was so intense that it was almost dangerous.”

  I nodded, a little relieved. “You said something about what he did for you.”

  “Yeah, that story is a little complicated, but it’s the reason I brought you with me today.” She turned in her seat to face me, or as much as her pregnant belly could allow her. “A while ago, I was asked to betray the club to save my father. While I didn't go through with the whole plan, it was enough to put Rem in danger and Duncan chose to sacrifice himself.” Izzy looked back toward the prison. “He is in there because of me.”

  “So, if you betrayed the club, how are you even alive? Don't they take that pretty seriously?” I asked.

  “They do. My life was spared because I'm a woman. As badass as these guys are, most of them have a conscience hidden away. So, I was banished.”

  “It obviously wasn't forever,” I said.

  “Like I said before, I didn't go through with it, but there was someone else who finished the job for me and she made sure I was blamed for everything. But it wasn't more than twenty-four hours before the boys figured out who the real villain was,” she said. “Jordan was actually the only one to believe my innocence and willing to help me.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised by the hint of pride I felt for my boyfriend.

  “Yep, that boy is smart. He knew something more was going on.”

  “Who was the actual culprit?” I asked.

  “One of the Hearts.”

  “Bitches,” I said.

  Izzy laughed a little. “What was scary was that I thought she was my friend. I trusted her,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Do you know why she did it?”

wanted Rem, and I was in her way. She thought she would make a better old lady to the VP,” she said. It got quiet in the car for a moment, like Izzy was thinking about the past.

  “So, they invited you back,” I said to pull her back into the conversation.

  She nodded, giving me a forced smile. “It wasn't that easy. Rem was ready to forgive me, but his brothers were another story. I may not have been the instigator, but I still played a part. I needed to be punished before I could be accepted back in.”

  So that was what she was talking about with Duncan. Were the others still giving her a hard time?

  “What was the punishment?” I asked.

  All manner of tortures flowed through my mind before Izzy rolled up her shirt sleeve. There on her skin was a large, scarred A. It looked like a burn, a gruesome burn, a branding.

  I winced. “That must have hurt.”

  “It did. But I deserved it.”

  “Why? You said that you didn't follow through with the betrayal.”

  “No, I made a huge mistake, and this is the reminder.”

  “What mistake?” I asked.

  “My mistake was not trusting the club. I had the opportunity to tell Rem everything, but I didn’t out of fear. I was scared that they couldn't help me. If I had trusted in the Aces, in Rem, none of it would have happened.”

  She took a big breath and looked back at the prison.

  “Do you always try to cover it?” I asked after a few moments.

  “Yeah, I don't like to remind the guys of what happened.”

  “Are you sure they would feel that way?”

  She turned back to me with a confused look. “This brand was punishment.”

  “Maybe, but isn't it also a claiming in a way? You are forever marked as an Ace.”

  Izzy smiled at me. “I never thought of it that way.”

  “You should,” I said. I didn’t like the brand. It was barbaric and cruel, but it was done. I could tell Izzy still felt the need to be accepted by the Aces. I wanted to help her realize that she was an Ace, even if I was unsure if I wanted to be one.

  I decided it was time to change the subject to something a little more positive. “Is it true you have Rem's brand, too?” I asked.

  Izzy immediately perked up. “Yes. I got it after we were married.”

  “Where is it?”

  “On my back. I tried to keep it small. I also have his real name tattooed here.” She pointed to a place on her hip right under her baby bump.

  “So, has Jordan asked you to do it yet?” she asked.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Don't worry, he will. But don't be too eager for it. Putting his name on your skin means you are married in their world.”

  Marriage? That was a little daunting.

  Izzy put her seat belt on and handed me her iPhone. “I said you could pick the music for the ride home. Anything but Limp Bizkit.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  It was after midnight on Friday by the time Rem and I got back. We could’ve stayed a night in a hotel, but we were eager to get home. Rem was anxious over Izzy, which was nothing new. But I wanted to get home, too. Cece and I were still in the honeymoon period of our relationship and I was not missing another minute of it.

  I opened my door slowly, trying to be quiet. I took a step into the room and suddenly I heard the click of a hammer being pulled back. Glancing up, I saw my elven princess pointing a Glock at me.

  “Babe,” I said.

  She blinked a couple times and then lowered the gun. “Sorry. You know I don’t feel safe without a deadbolt on the door.”

  I walked over and took it from her. “You’ve been sleeping with this at night?”

  “It was a gift from your friend Hawk. He even took me to the shooting range, so I could learn how to use it.” She crossed her legs under her. “The safety is still on.”

  Hawk had sent me a text to let me know he would be hanging with the girls while we were gone. I made a mental note to talk to him about certain activities. I double checked the safety before I put the gun on the nightstand.

  I started to undress, putting my cut on the dresser and pulling my shirt over my head. “Cece, this is my club. No one is going to sneak into my room and try to hurt you.”

  She leaned back on the bed and looked me up and down. “Are you sure? Because a scary biker just snuck in here … and I think he plans to molest me.”

  She bit her lip as she met my eyes.

  “Molest is too tame a word for what I plan to do to you.” I switched on the bed side lamp. While she closed her eyes against the light, I flicked the sheets off her and grabbed her ankle. She let out a squeak as I pulled her roughly to the edge of the bed and then flipped her onto all fours. I dragged the shirt over her ass to find her without panties.

  “Fuck,” I said and pushed my jean clad cock against her pussy before smacking her ass and palming it roughly. She hissed but pushed back, wanting it as much as I did. I pushed down my jeans enough to release my aching cock. My fingers checked her pussy. She was wet, but she would need a little more for this ride.

  Cece watched me over her shoulder as I spit in my hand and then rubbed it at her entrance. Her mouth dropped open and her lids drooped a little, obviously turned on by what I just did. I’d been too long with her, and my instinct was driving me to simply fuck her. Foreplay would take too long. Fortunately, Cece seemed on board as she pushed her pussy into my hand.

  Without taking my eyes off hers, I shoved my cock deep and hard. I only took a few seconds to savor the feeling of her hotness before I gripped her hips and started fucking her, pulling her back onto my dick while thrusting forward hard and fast.

  Cece gasped and moaned, arching her back to take my cock like a good girl. Goddamn did I miss her. And not just this pussy. Not a minute went by that I didn’t think about her while we were apart. I missed her smile, her voice, even the attitude she threw at me every chance she got.

  Now, here she was, beneath my hands with my cock inside her. I had a week’s worth a cum pent-up and it was quickly working its way into her pussy.

  Shit. This was going to end too quick if I didn't slow things down. I stilled my thrusts and tugged Cece's arm so her back came to my chest. I grasped her throat and turned her head, so I could have her mouth while my other hand found its way between her legs where I played with her clit.

  I flexed my hips, and Cece gasped. “Jordan, please.”

  I pulled back to look at her. She smiled and bit her lip.

  “Please what, Cece?” I asked.

  “Please keep going.”


  “Because you get so deep and this position makes me feel…” She trailed off on a moan.

  “Tell me.”

  “Barbaric,” she said.

  “Hmm, are you my little she-wolf?” I asked, squeezing her neck a little and flexing my hips, making her gasp and grind back against me. “Waiting for your alpha to come back to the cave?”

  “Yes, I need you to fuck me, please.”

  “Are you in heat, little she-wolf?” I growled into her hair.

  “Maybe I am. Does that mean you are going to breed me, alpha?”

  Fuck, breed? I pushed her back onto all fours again and went back to pounding into her, that word ringing in my ears like a bell.

  Rem told me about this happening to him, but I never believed him until now. The very idea of impregnating her suddenly had me harder than a rock.

  But I didn’t want it like this. I pulled out and turned her over, coming down on top of her so I could have her mouth.

  I dominated her lips, wanting to be a part of her like never before.

  I looked down to watch my length push into her again.

  There was just something about watching my bare cock split her open and go deep that made me feel like a master of the universe. Keeping my legs bent, I started pumping into her slowly again, enjoying the sight of her wet pussy accepting every inch of my gi

  I started moving fast and hard, driving down into her cunt like a pile driver. Her moans were getting louder, and I groaned as her pussy started to grip my dick like a vise.

  “Come on, little she-wolf. Come around this cock so I can give you what you need.”

  She gasped and arched her back, slamming her hips up to meet me. Her channel squeezed me tight, doing exactly as I said. Her spasms tipped me over the edge, and I came with a roar.

  Her pleasure seemed to last forever as she contracted around me, moaning and squirming. “Good girl,” I said, smiling down at her.

  I shifted down so that my head lay on her chest. Her arms stayed wrapped around me and her fingers skimmed the skin of my back. In this moment of peace and comfort, I was never so happy to be home.

  “How was it, staying here?” I asked. We had texted throughout the week, but they were always short and to the point.

  “It was okay.”

  I lifted my head to look at her. “Did you do anything besides work and learn to shoot?”

  “Izzy took me to meet Duncan, and she made me watch all the Lord of the Rings movies.”

  I was curious about her visit with Duncan, but that conversation could wait.

  “Extended editions?” I asked, knowing Izzy never watched the regular versions.


  “Did you hate them?”

  She looked at the ceiling. “No, actually. I liked it. It was … romantic in a lot of ways.”

  I brought my hand up to caress her face. “Izzy probably made you watch them because I told her you looked like Arwen.”

  She scrunched her nose. “Liv Tyler’s character?”

  “Yeah.” My thumb brushed her perfect pink lips. “Tall, willowy, beautiful, and strong.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too,” she said softly. Her eyes widened as she realized what just came out of her mouth. “Oh my God. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  I pushed myself onto my hands, hovering over her. “It’s okay babe. I—”

  But she put her hand on my lips. “Please don’t say anything.”


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