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The Keepers of the Rose

Page 25

by DJ Dalasta

  “He hasn’t called her yet,” Malcolm said. “I told you we shouldn’t let him prance around on his own. I could have forced the location from him by now, everyone has breaking point.”

  “You’re wrong. I know the type,” Michael replied. “What we’re doing has the best chance to succeed. Just be patient.” He had to admit, though, Rock was frustrating. They followed him everywhere and listened in on his conversations but so far, he had done nothing but lead them down false paths. Rock Tilton was simply being a tourist. He’d visited many of the historical sights, including the Old North Church, the Boston Tea Party Museum, and just about every stop along the Freedom Trail. He’d even seen a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. The last five days wasn’t what Michael had in mind when he let Rock go free.

  Malcolm looked down at his phone as it alerted him of an incoming text. He sighed.

  “What now?” Michael sensed something was wrong.

  “Delega’s packing up,” Malcolm said.

  “Excuse me. Are they not letting him back on the island?”

  “No, they’re allowing him back but he’s packing up his things. He’s not interested anymore.”

  “So he knows something. I guess the book and plate that Nate and Sayla talked about are the real thing. Rock truly has the rose. We can’t let this go on much longer.”

  “The rose is in play,” Malcolm agreed. “Now Rock is our only lead, so we’ll need to grab him again.”

  “I don’t think that’s the best way to handle it.”

  “We’ve tried your way, and he’s just putzing around. He knows we’re watching him and as long as he does, he’s not going to do anything.”

  “He won’t give anything up by hurting him.”

  “Pain has a funny way of opening paths you think are closed.” Malcolm grinned. Unlike Michael, he enjoyed that kind of thing.

  “I supposed it’s not up to us now anyhow, Gavin and his little group will assume control.”

  “They’re going to fuck us up too,” Malcolm said. “Watch. If we stay in this thing we are just as likely to get swept under the table. We should probably cut our losses and disappear.”

  He had a point. Michael had been on the other end of this situation a few times. Gavin Burr, his immediate superior, wasn’t the most merciful individual. He’d have them killed for no reason other than to be able to blame someone.

  “Do we even tell him,” Malcolm suggested.

  “Yes, though I’m guessing he already knows most of it.”

  “True.” Malcolm’s phone buzzed at his side. He answered it. After a moment he turned his head towards Michael. “Rock’s on the move, he’s headed towards the Old State House.”

  “Go get him,” Michael realized his brother was right. They couldn’t afford to lose their only lead now. With Anna Riley gone missing in Tennessee and Sayla somehow avoiding them, Rock was it. “Let me know when you get him, I’m going to have a chat with Gavin.” Malcolm nodded, stepped by him and left.

  Michael took a deep breath and settled in on the sofa. He took out his phone and scrolled down the list until Gavin’s name appeared on the register. He thumbed the call button a moment and then pushed it. He held it up to his ear.

  “I’ve been waiting for your call,” Gavin’s scratchy voice didn’t even bother with the formalities of a normal conversation. They were beyond that now. “The others want an update.”

  “How much do they know?”

  “Everything I do.”

  “I didn’t think you were going to tell them everything, yet.”

  “I don’t answer to you,” Gavin grumbled.

  “Ok,” Michael didn’t like how this was starting out. “My estimates before on how likely it is that the rose is in the open may have been somewhat off. Delega is leaving Oak Island and that move leads us to believe that Rock is in control of the rose. But we still have eyes on Rock, he’s still in check.”

  “Under control you say. In check? That’s not the word coming back to me.”

  “Since Malcolm and I are heading the operation here, who may I ask have you been talking to?”

  “If you must know, some of the others don’t trust you as much as I.”

  “That comes as no surprise.”

  “As a result, they receive reports directly. The word is the rose is in the open, Anna Riley is missing and Rock is roaming Boston free as a bird and you have no fucking idea where the damned shit is!”

  “That’s bullshit!” Michael spat into the receiver. “You will not heap this all on my shoulders. The only way we even have a lead on this is because of our foresight to carefully monitor Rock. Anybody else and you’d be up a fucking creek.”

  Gavin was silent for a moment. “I think you and your brother should come back to Florida before you fuck anything else up.”

  “Is that an order?”

  “It’s a friendly suggestion.”

  Michael knew what he meant. The old man wasn’t even trying to hide it. “So what’s the plan Gavin? Is it time to eliminate us? What old piece of shit is calling the shots down there?”

  “As I said before I don’t answer to you, my orders need no explanation.”

  “You’re obviously not in control, you never have been. Whose cock are you sucking now?”

  “You don’t speak to me like that!” Gavin yelled back, his voice laced with anger. “And truthfully I think you’ve fucked this whole thing up from the beginning. I was wrong to ever listen to you.”

  “You’re spineless.”

  “That’s all I can take Michael,” his voice changed to become soft and calm. “If I were there, you’d be regretting your words. You have overstepped your boundaries one too many times.”

  “If you lose me, you lose any chance at finding the rose.” Michael shot back. “I think you know that.”

  “It’s not up to me. I defended you but after this conversation I’m starting to believe you’ve lost your mind. But if you must know the decision has come from the majority. Your intentions have come into question.”

  “My intentions? What are those? I’ve only ever done my part, and better than most I might add.”

  “Some believe you conveniently let the rose into the open.”

  “Political bullshit, Gavin. You know it. I’ve done nothing wrong. Neither has Malcolm.”

  “How am I to know that? You had every chance to prevent this but maybe the chance to hold the rose over our heads was too much for you to pass up.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “What would happen if you came into its possession, nobody is sure of what you would do with it.”

  Michael was totally confused. “My loyalty to a hypothetical situation, which has little chance of coming to pass is a discussion topic at your all important meetings. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Michael got up and started pacing. “I’m not coming back to Miami,” he said. “I know the ending to that story.”

  “You know the ending to the story if you break away, and that would be your choice if you don’t report back here. ”

  “I know too much Gavin, don’t push me.”

  “Is that a threat Michael?”

  “You can take it how you want to.”

  “What do you think you know?”

  “Enough, do you really care to test me?”

  Silence sat between them for a moment. Michael thought he lost the signal until Gavin spoke silently. “You know the punishment if you disobey.”

  “It’s the same either way.”

  “Very well.” Gavin hung up.

  Michael threw the phone against the wall, shattering the electronics. “Fuck! What the hell was that?” He punched the cushions of the sofa. “Not good, not good,” he repeated to himself. Malcolm was right. “Ok, what’s the alternate,” he said, “what now?”

  He happened to look up towards the far wall and saw the computer monitors flickering from one securi
ty camera to the next. Three men charged through the hallways. Their conversation had gone exactly how Gavin had thought it would. The old man’s contingency plan was already set in motion. Michael hopped over the couch and ran into the bedroom. He grabbed two handguns and swiftly loaded them while running back to the front. He dove to the side as a single bullet smashed through the lock. A second put a hole in the wood and sailed towards the far side of the room. Someone kicked in the door. The heavy wood smashed inwards violently, lodging the handle into the drywall.

  A deep voice called through the opening. “Michael, come out without any quick movements and we’ll sort this out later. Or we can come in and get you. Your choice.”

  Michael leaned out from the behind the wall, stomach pressed firmly to the ground. He fired twice towards the door and sprang back. He had just given his answer.

  Chapter 22

  Colorado, August 2012


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