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Partners in Crime (Gambling on Love Book 4)

Page 10

by M Andrews

  “I’ll gladly help with that. I guess we will continue our workout later.” Nora grins up at me.

  I untie Nora’s hands. “Fuck yes.”

  She sits up, gives me a kiss, and says, “Make sure you bring the jump rope.”



  “DADDY, WHERE ARE we going?” Colby asks as we walk down the street to the jewelry store.

  “We are going to meet up with Aunt Brooke, and she is going to help us pick a special present for Nora,” I reply. In my haste to get Nora to marry me, I forgot the most important part about proposing to a woman, the ring. I know nothing about buying jewelry, so I enlisted the help of Brian’s wife, Brooke, to help me out. And I wanted Colby to be a part of the process.

  She looks up at me and asks, “What present are we getting Miss Nora?”

  I stop us outside the store and kneel in front of Colby. “We are going to get Nora an engagement ring. I’m going to ask Nora to marry me. She’s going to be your mommy.”

  Her lips curl up in a sweet smile, and her eyes sparkle with joy. “Does this mean I can call her Mommy now?” she asks.

  “You can call her Mommy if you really want to.” Nora is going to cry the first-time Colby calls her Mom, hell, I’ll probably shed a few tears myself. I never thought the day would ever come that I would be able to make the one wish Colby wanted most in her life come true. Now it’s happening and I am completely overwhelmed with happiness. Nora and Colby are the two greatest things to happen to me, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making damn sure they know it. “Let’s go get Mommy the most beautiful ring we can find.” I take Colby’s hand and lead us inside the jewelry store.

  Brooke is waiting for us when we arrive. “Hi Auntie Brooke.” Colby waves.

  “Hi Colby.” Brooke greets her with a warm smile. “Baby Matthew would say hi too, but he’s blissfully asleep.” She kneels down so Colby can give Matthew, Brian and Brooke’s new son, a kiss on the head.

  “He’s so cute,” Colby gushes. “Isn’t he cute Daddy?”

  “He’s a handsome little dude. Hi Brooke, thank you for coming to help us. I’m sure with a new baby you’d rather be at home sleeping,” I say, giving her a side hug.

  “I’m glad to be out of the house, and it’s giving Brian and Ella some good daddy-daughter time. I am so honored you asked me to help with this.” Brooke turns her attention back to Colby. “Are you going to help us pick out a ring for Nora?” she asks.

  “Mommy needs a pretty princess ring.” Colby’s reply melts my heart.

  Even Brooke gets a little misty eyed. “She calls her Mommy.” She fans her eyes to fight back the tears. I reach into my jacket pocket and hand her my pocket square. “Postpartum hormones are no joke,” she says, wiping her tears.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “I’m fine now. This will be a good window into what it will be like when you and Nora have more kids.”

  “I can’t wait. I missed out on the pregnancy stuff when Colby was conceived. I’m looking forward to experiencing every single moment with Nora.” I smile proudly. If I have my way, Nora will be knocked up by the end of the month.

  “I am so damn happy for you and Colby. Okay, before I start to cry again, let’s go get your girl a ring.”

  * * *

  My head is spinning with all the choices there are when it comes to engagement rings. There are four trays with dozens of rings sitting in front of me and none of them feel right for my girl. She deserves the best and these are not it. I look back up at the poor sales associate who has been helping us. She has a look of dread on her face, because she knows what’s coming. “None of these are right.”

  She lets out an exhausted sigh and places the trays back in the display case. “I’m sorry,” I apologize for the tenth time in the past hour.

  “I believe we have some new stock in the back, I’ll be right back.” As she walks away, I can hear her whisper to herself, “Please God, let him find a ring in this batch.”

  I glance over at Brooke and Colby. “I don’t think we are going to find a ring here,” I reluctantly say. We’ve been to three different stores and nothing has been quite right.

  “We are going to find Nora a ring here, I can feel it in my bones.” Brooke pats my back.

  The sales girl returns with the last tray of rings. She sets it down in front of me and that’s when I see it, Nora’s ring. I reach out and pluck the ring from the tray. It’s a cushion cut aquamarine diamond with little diamonds set in the platinum band. This is the ring. This is Nora’s ring.

  “What do you think Colby? Do you think Nora will like this one?” I ask, handing her the ring.

  She looks down at the ring then back up at me. “Mommy is going to wuv this ring.”

  “Hank, it’s absolutely perfect.” Brooke gives me an approving smile.

  I look back at the sales girl and say the words she’s been dying to hear me say, “We’ll take this one.”



  “HONEY, WE’RE HOME,” Hank calls out from the foyer.

  I step around the corner from the living room and find them both holding big bouquets of pink peonies and even bigger smiles on their faces.

  “We got you flowers Mommy,” Colby says. Her words stop me dead in my tracks.

  I look over at Hank with my mouth gapping open in complete shock. “Did she . . . call me . . . Mommy?” I ask in disbelief. I never expected Colby to call me mommy. She could call me Miss Nora for the rest of my life and I would be okay with that, because in my heart, I would know she’s my daughter. To hear the word come from her has my heart ready to burst from my chest.

  Hank nods his head yes confirming what I heard. I drop to my knees in front of Colby. “Say it again.” My voice shakes in anticipation.

  “Hi Mommy,” she says with a big grin. I scoop her up in my arms and hug her tightly against me, squashing the flowers in her hands. The tears stream down my cheeks. “Mommy, why are you crying?”

  “I’m crying because I’m so happy.” I glance up at Hank and even he is a little misty eyed. “You and Daddy make me so happy.” I wave at Hank to get down here with us. He wraps his arms around both of us.

  “We got you something else.” Hank reaches in his jacket pocket and pulls out a little black box. “I’ve had two life changing moments in my life, and both came with a knock on my door. The first one gave me a new purpose in life.” He looks down at Colby and gives her a smile, then he turns back to me. “The second one turned my world upside down in the best way possible. Before you came knocking on my door, I was okay with just being Colby’s dad, but there was still a void that nothing could fill. I never truly admitted it, but I was lonely and too afraid to let anyone in for fear I would only hurt them. You showed me I’m not that man anymore, and I am capable of so much more. You breathed new life into this house and in me. I want you by my side building a home and a family.” He pauses, opens the box, and inside is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. “Nora Cunningham, will you marry me?”

  “Will you be my mommy?” Colby chimes in.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I reply excitedly.

  Hank nearly knocks me over with the force of his lips crashing down onto mine. Colby giggles next to us as we kiss. I want to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. A few months ago, I was living in my parent’s basement wandering aimlessly through life. And now I have a man who loves me and a little girl I love more than anything. I feel like I could fly.

  Hank breaks from our kiss, takes the ring from the box, and slides it on my finger. The blue diamond sparkles in the light. I cup his face in my hands and kiss him again.

  “Do you wike your ring Mommy. I helped pick it out.”

  “You and Daddy did a great job. I love it.” I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “So, are you ready to get married tomorrow?” Hank teases. At least I think he’s teasing.

  “As tempting as it
is to run down to the courthouse, I kind of want a small ceremony with our friends and family. Maybe in my parents’ backyard. You know, after you meet them tonight.”

  “Okay. If that’s what my girl wants then that’s what my girl will get,” he replies with a kiss to my forehead.

  “Can I be the flower girl?” Colby asks.

  “Of course, and I will make you a special pair of fairy wings to go with your dress.”

  Colby squeals and bounces excitedly.

  “Does Daddy have to wear fairy wings too?” Hank chuckles.

  “Silly Daddy, you have to wear a suit,” Colby informs him.

  “A blue suit to be exact,” I add. “You look very handsome in blue.”

  “I can handle that. Now, how about we get off this floor, and I treat my girls to some lunch.”

  “Yes,” Colby and I cheer.



  “ARE YOU NERVOUS?” Nora’s hand slides into mine as we walk up the walkway to her parents’ house. I’ve dealt with hardened criminals, and I didn’t so much as flinch in those moments, but this has me truly terrified.

  “I’m scared shitless right now,” I admit. “I’ve never done the whole meet the parent’s thing before.”

  Nora turns and steps in front of me. Her hand gently caresses my cheek. “I’ll be right by your side. We will get through this together. Besides, I know they are going to love you.”

  I turn my head and kiss the palm of her hand. The confidence in her words and her touch gives me the strength I need.

  “Come on, Mommy and Daddy,” Colby calls out from the front steps.

  “We’re coming, Princess.” I take Nora’s hand and lead us to the door. Colby is already halfway inside when we reach the doorway. At least one of us is comfortable here.

  Nora gives me a mini tour as we pass by each room. The house is smaller than I expected for a family of twelve. This whole place could fit inside the house I grew up in and still have room to spare. There is music playing when we reach the sliding back door.

  “I will warn you, my family can be a little intense. My sisters are huggers, and they will ask you a million questions. And my brothers will play the overly protective game. It’s something they do with every guy me and my sisters have brought home to meet the family.”

  “I would expect nothing less,” I reply.

  We step out onto the deck and are greeted by a hoard of smiling faces. They descend on us in a whirl of hugs and handshakes and introductions. Now I get why Nora said her family was intense.

  “Okay everyone, let’s give the poor man some room to breathe.” The crowd of sibling’s parts, making way for Nora’s mother. She looks like an older version of Nora with the same warm brown eyes and dark brown hair, but with a streak of gray down the right side. “Hello Hank, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.” She gives me a big welcoming hug. I’ve never seen a family hug so much before.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Cunningham.”

  “Please, call me Laura.” She warmly smiles. “I hope you are hungry, Hank, we have prepared quite the feast.” Laura loops her arm around mine and walks with me down the steps to the grass. In front of us is the longest table I have ever seen set up in the middle of the backyard.

  I find Colby in the arms of Nora’s father when we reach the table. She looks at ease with this giant of a man. I’m six foot four but Jack towers over me. “Hi Daddy.” She grins. “Daddy, this is Papa Jack.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Cunningham.” I reach my hand out to him.

  He grips my hand firmly. It feels a bit like a warning that he could snap me like twig at any moment. “Mr. Ross,” he says with a gruff tone. “Everyone take a seat, and let’s enjoy this meal your mother has been working on all day.” He sets Colby back down on her feet and turns his attention back to me. I’ve been a cop for eight years, I can tell what people are thinking before they do, but looking at Jack’s unemotional face has me both stumped and terrified. “Let’s talk after dinner,” he says, sending a chill down my spine.

  * * *

  The table has cleared. Nora and her sisters are in the kitchen helping their mother clean up, leaving me sitting alone with Nora’s four older brothers and her father. They are all staring me down. This must be what it’s like on the other side of the interrogation table. Jack sits at the head of the table looking the part of a mob boss straight out of the Godfather.

  “My daughter tells me you two are getting married.” His brow narrows in my direction.

  I swallow back the lump in my throat. “Yes sir.”

  “I understand the urgency to get married, I was the same with Nora’s mother. My only concern about this is your past. I don’t know how much Nora has told you about her ex, but he came here like you, even sat in the very chair you are sitting in, and promised me he would treat my daughter like a queen. All the while, he was boning anything with tits behind her back. Back in my day, a man treated women with respect. I’ve raised my boys with that same principle, and I taught my girls to demand it in their relationships. All my girls mean the world to me, but Nora is special, she believes there is good in everyone and sometimes that gets her in trouble. She thought she could change Charlie and that ended up burning her. My question to you is: what are you going to do to ease my mind about letting my daughter marry a man with a past like yours?” He sits back in his chair with his arms folded in front of his chest. I understand his concerns. I know if a man with my past came to ask to marry my daughter I would be skeptical too.

  “In my opinion, there is nothing he could say that would change my mind. I don’t think Nora should marry him.” Nora’s brother Drew glares at me from across the table.

  “No one asked for your opinion Drew,” Jack says sharply. “We are going to listen to what Hank has to say, he deserves as much as that. So keep your damn mouth shut,” he orders.

  Drew lets out a sigh and drops his head like a scolded child. The rest of the brothers sit quietly. I think if Jack were my father, I sure as hell wouldn’t have gone down the road that I had. This man is stern when he needs to be but gentle when need be. He gets respect because he shows others respect.

  I straighten up in my seat and clear my throat. “Mr. Cunningham, I’m not proud of my past. I am the first to admit that I was a selfish, entitled prick. There is no excuse for how I treated people. I was headed down a very destructive road. It wasn’t until Colby was born that I opened my eyes to the way I was living. That little girl saved me.” The expression on Jack’s face softens when I bring up Colby. “Colby made me a better man. She showed me that there is more to life than money, drugs, and trying to score pussy. I got a second chance to turn my life around, be the father Colby deserves, and the husband Nora can proudly stand next to. I swear on my life, I will never do anything to hurt Nora. Like you said, she is special, and I love her with every ounce of my being.”

  Jack stays quiet for a moment, letting everything I just said sink in. My heart beats wildly in my chest waiting for his response. “You have my blessing to marry Nora. I haven’t seen my daughter this happy in a long time, and she better stay that way. I’m not afraid to kill a cop.” He ends his statement with a threat.

  “I have no doubt about that. You have nothing to worry about. I will take excellent care of your daughter,” I reassure him.

  He reaches his hand out to me and we shake. “Enough of this business talk, let’s get us a drink boys.” The tension in the air dissipates, and my heart rate returns to normal. I’ve never felt more relieved in my life.



  ZOE AND I stand in front of the sliding glass door spying on the boys in the backyard. “Those jackasses better not be giving Hank a hard time out there,” I huff. My brothers and my dad have the over protective game down to a science. Many a boyfriend has run screaming for the hills after a sit down with them.

  “I’m sure Dad is giving him the old “You break my daugh
ters heart, I’ll kill you” speech, a true classic. Hank is a detective, he can handle anything those idiots throw at him,” she says. “Let me see the ring again.” She grabs my left hand and oohs and awes over my engagement ring. I still can’t get over how beautiful it is. Hank and Colby did good.

  “It feels real now. I’m getting married,” I gush. “Assuming Dad doesn’t kill Hank first.”

  The boys come up the stairs of the deck. Hank looks as white as a ghost. Daddy must have laid it on thick. I slide the door open and give my dad a stern, harden glare. “Daddy,” I growl.

  “What, we were just messing with the boy.” He slaps Hank on the back. “Any man who can raise a sweet kid like Colby all by himself is a good man in my book. I’m sorry I gave you the run around Hank, but once Colby starts bringing boys home, you’ll understand.”

  Colby peeks around my hip and says, “Boys are yucky.” My dad scoops her up in his arms.

  “You keep thinking that, sweet girl. If any boys give you trouble, you send them to Papa Jack,” he instructs her.

  “Okay, Papa. Can we go play on the trampoline now?” she asks.

  “I thought you would never ask,” he says, tickling her belly.

  I can see Hank could use a little space from my brothers and my father. While everyone heads outside, I pull him toward the stairs down to the basement. “I hope they weren’t too bad,” I say as we make our way down the steps.

  “It was fine. Your dad is just looking out for you. I will do the same when Colby brings guys home. You’re very lucky to have a family that looks out for you. What are we doing down in the basement?” he asks curiously.

  “I thought you might like to see my room,” I reply.

  “So this is where little Nora grew up.” He grins as he scans my room. He walks over to my bookshelf and starts picking up the picture frames. “Nora the fairy princess.” He holds up the picture of me when I was about Colby’s age, all decked out in my first fairy costume. “Now I see why you and Colby get along so well.”


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