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Unlikely Allies

Page 40

by Joe Richard Paul

Beaumont, Charles d’Eon de

  Beaumarchais, negotiations with

  discontinuation of

  opening of

  prolonging of

  the Transaction

  Beaumarchais, relationship with




  at rumors of engagement to

  blackmail threat


  minister plenipotentiary post

  peace treaty negotiations

  spy mission


  childhood and early career

  Croix de Saint-Louis

  final years and death


  admission of female identity

  androgynous appearance

  betting on

  discovery of

  disguise for evasion of arrest

  disguise for mission to Russia

  intention to reveal

  rumors and curiosity about

  transformation into woman

  Louis XV, secret correspondence with


  military career

  Morande and

  publication of diplomatic correspondence

  Russia, secret mission to

  Bertin, Rose

  Bestuchef, Count

  Bonvouloir, Julien-Alexandre Archard de

  Brillon, Madame



  Coercive Acts

  Fort Ticonderoga

  French and Indian War

  military action against

  permanent military presence in

  Saratoga surrender

  tariffs and taxes

  trade restrictions

  Treaty of Paris

  Yorktown surrender

  Deane and Franklin, negotiations with


  blockade of French coast

  declaration of war by

  Seven Years’ War

  treaties and peace accords

  Spain and

  spying operations

  world war

  Broglie, Comte de

  Burgoyne, John

  Carmichael, William

  Catherine the Great, empress of Russia

  Charles III, king of Spain

  Chaumont, Comte de (Jacques-Donatien Le Ray)

  Choiseul, Duc de

  Clap, Thomas

  Clinton, Henry

  Cole, Mary

  colonies. See American colonies; see under Britain

  Committee for Foreign Affairs. See also Secret Committee

  Committee of Secret Correspondence

  Congress. See Continental Congress

  Conti, Prince de

  Continental Army


  establishment of

  French officers

  Saratoga victory

  shortages and hardships

  Trenton and Princeton victories

  Yorktown victory

  Continental Congress

  Arnold’s loyalty, attack on

  Beaumarchais, failure to pay

  Britain, peace terms with


  currency devaluation

  allegations concerning finances

  lack of communication

  membership in Congress

  military commissions by

  recall from Paris

  reimbursement of expenses


  vague charges against

  Declaration and Resolves

  Declaration of Independence

  European delegates, recall of

  evacuation from Philadelphia


  France, failure to pay

  France, silence toward

  independence deliberations

  leadership change

  Lee, deceptions by

  Beaumarchais’s exposure of

  congressional acknowledgment of

  Deane’s financial impropriety

  French gift of free aid

  Lee-Adams Junto

  on adoption of Constitution

  Deane’s broadside exposing

  distrust of France


  influence of

  militia diplomacy

  Robert Morris, embarrassment concerning

  peace commissioner, appointment of

  replacement by elected government


  Secret Committee (later Committee for Foreign Affairs)

  commission of Deane to gain French support

  financial arrangements

  Arthur Lee’s involvement with

  meetings with French representative

  military funding

  recall of Deane from Paris

  Copeland, Thomas

  Cornwallis, Charles

  Cushing, Thomas

  Davis, Captain

  Daymon, Francis

  Deane, Barnabas

  Deane, Elizabeth (formerly Elizabeth Saltonstall)

  Deane, Jesse

  Deane, Mehitabel (formerly Mehitabel Webb)

  Deane, Silas

  John Adams, friendship with

  American navy, establishment of

  American Revolution, doubts concerning

  Arnold, friendship with

  Bancroft, trust in

  Beaumarchais, partnership and friendship with

  birth and childhood

  Britain, call for reconciliation with

  Britain, negotiations with

  careers in law and business

  commissioning of army officers


  exposure of Lee-Adams Junto

  frictions and tensions

  independence deliberations

  lack of communication

  leadership role


  reimbursement of expenses

  self-defense against accusations

  vague charges against Deane


  Declaration of Independence

  at dockyard terrorism plot


  exile in Ghent

  exile in London

  financial impropriety charges

  Fort Ticonderoga victory

  Franklin, estrangement from

  French aid and alliance

  advance funding for mission

  arguments and appeals

  commission to acquire

  on French motives

  French resistance to

  procurement of supplies

  recall from mission

  status as emissary

  terms of trade

  treaties of commerce and alliance

  Arthur Lee’s hostility toward

  Paris, voyage to

  personality and temperament

  politics, entrance into


  spies, monitoring by

  wives and children

  Deane, Simeon

  d’Eon, the Chevalier. See Beaumont, Charles d’Eon de

  Dickinson, John

  Distroff, Durand de

  Douglas, Alexander Mackenzie

  du Barry, Madame

  Dubourg. See Barbeu-Dubourg, Jacques

  du Coudray, Tronson

  du Deffand, Marquise

  Dunmore, Lord

  Dyer, Eliphalet

  Eden, William

  Elysée, Father

  Estaing, Comte d’

  Floridablanca, Conde de

  Fort Ticonderoga

  Foullay, Monsieur


  American aid and alliance

  British treaty violations

  gift of ships and troops

  importance of, to America

  king’s agreement for

  payment for

  smuggling plan

  treaties on trade and alliance

  Austria, alliance with

  Austria and Prussia, declaratio
n of war on



  declaration of war on

  Louis XV’s plan to invade

  Seven Years’ War

  treaties and peace accords

  Caribbean sugar colonies

  French Revolution

  Russia, diplomatic relations with

  the Secret

  Spain, alliance with

  See also Louis XV; Louis XVI

  Francquet, Madame

  Franklin, Benjamin


  consideration of reconciliation with




  congressional committee memberships



  favorable impression of

  offer of French commission to

  sympathy with and defense of

  dress and appearance



  appointment as commissioner to


  overture by

  treaties of commerce and alliance

  land syndicate

  Arthur Lee

  attempts to befriend

  hostility of

  impatience with

  Lee-Adams Junto attack


  spying, resignation to

  Treaty of Paris

  Franklin, Temple

  Franklin, William

  Frederick the Great, emperor of Prussia

  Gates, Horatio

  George III, king of England

  on Deane’s call for reconciliation

  on French-American treaty

  halt to American westward expansion

  order for military action in colonies

  Gérard, Conrad-Alexandre

  appointment as ambassador to America

  assurances of French assistance

  defense of Deane

  preparation of Congress for peace talks

  warning of Deane against Lee

  Goëzman, Judge Advocate

  Grafton, Duke of

  Grand, Ferdinand

  Grimaldi, Marqués de

  Gudin de La Brenellerie, Paul-Philippe

  Guerchy, Comte de

  Guines, Comte de

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hancock, John

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Hopkins, Theodore

  Houret, Amélie

  Howe, William

  Hunter, William

  Hynson, Joseph

  Izard, Ralph

  Jay, John

  appointment as minister to Spain

  in Committee of Secret Correspondence

  on Deane’s return to America

  meetings with French representative

  presidency of Congress

  rebuff of Deane

  suspicion of Bonvouloir

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Johnson, Thomas

  Joseph II, emperor of Austria

  Kalb, Baron de

  Knox, Henry

  La Blache, Comte de (Alexandre-Joseph Falcoz)

  La Borde, Jean-Benjamin de

  Lafayette, Marquis de

  Lauraguais, Comte de

  Laurens, Henry

  Lee, Arthur

  Bancroft and Carmichael, suspicions concerning

  Beaumarchais, arms negotiations with

  British informants, disclosure of information to

  Congress, election to

  Constitution, opposition to


  financial impropriety allegations against

  influence in Deane’s recall from Paris

  obstruction of Deane’s reimbursement


  deceptions, congressional acknowledgment of

  diplomacy, lack of talent for

  education and early career


  appointment as commissioner to

  contempt for


  oversight of funds for French mission

  recall from

  treaties of commerce and alliance

  Franklin, hostility toward

  on French aid as gift

  land syndicate


  residence at Middle Temple

  Spain, diplomatic mission to

  Spain and Prussia, appointment as emissary to

  Wilkes, adulation of

  Lee, Francis Lightfoot

  Lee, John

  Lee, Richard Henry

  allegations against Deane and Franklin

  leadership of Lee-Adams Junto

  membership in Congress

  rejection for stamp distributor post

  release of jailed British spy

  Lee, Thomas, family business of

  Lee, William

  Lenoir, Jean-Charles-Pierre

  Lepaute, Jean André

  Livingston, Robert

  Louis XV

  Beaumarchais’s access to


  d’Eon’s blackmail threat

  diplomatic relations with Russia

  plot to invade England

  secret agent network

  Louis XVI

  on American aid and alliance

  ascension to throne

  Austrian alliance

  d’Eon’s blackmail threat

  formal acknowledgment of commissioners

  ouster of Beaumarchais

  Lovell, James

  Mansfield, Lord

  Manuel, Jacques

  Marie Antoinette

  Morande, Charles Théveneau de

  Noailles, Vicomte de

  Paine, Thomas

  Palmor, Joseph

  Pâris-Duverney, Joseph

  Parsons, Samuel

  Pinette, Monsieur

  Pompadour, Madame de

  Praslin, Duc de


  alliance with France

  attack on Poland

  French alliance against

  French declaration of war on

  impending war with Austria

  Arthur Lee’s diplomatic mission to

  Putnam, Israel

  Reed, Joseph

  Revolutionary War. See Continental Army; specific individuals

  Rivington, James

  Robinson, John

  Rochambeau, General

  Rockingham, Marquess of (Charles Watson-Wentworth)

  Rodriguez and Hortalez

  appeal for French funding

  embargo of ships


  procurement of supplies and equipment


  smuggling plan


  Saint-Germain, Comte de (Claude Robert)

  Saltonstall, Elizabeth. See Deane, Elizabeth

  Sartine, Antoine de

  Sayre, Stephen

  Schuyler, Philip

  Secret, the (le secret du roi)

  Secret Committee (later Committee for Foreign Affairs)

  commission of Deane to gain French support

  financial arrangements

  Arthur Lee’s involvement with

  meetings with French representative

  military funding

  recall of Deane from Paris

  See also Committee for Foreign Affairs

  Ségur, Comte de

  Shelton, Thomas

  Sherman, Roger


  aid for American cause

  alliance with France

  arrest of American privateer

  in Franco-American alliance

  treaty with Britain

  war against Britain

  Steuben, General

  Stevens, Benjamin Franklin

  Stiles, Ezra

  Stormont, David Murray

  demands for embargo of shipments

  intelligence collection

  knowledge of French assistance to Americans

  proposal to kidnap Dean

  recall from Paris

  Tallmadge, Major

  Thornton, John

  Ticonderoga, Fort

  Trumbull, John

  Turgot, Anne-Jacques-Robert (Baron de l’Aulne)

  Vergennes, Comte de (Charles Gravier)

  American aid and alliance

  on Beaumarchais’s smuggling plan

  commitment to

  dispatch of agent to Congress

  embargo of shipments


  on privateers

  treaties on trade and alliance

  Deane, support and appreciation of

  d’Eon’s blackmail threat

  as French foreign minister

  political career

  the Secret, conspirator in

  See under Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de


  Wadsworth, Jeremiah

  Walker, Thomas

  Walpole, Horace

  Washington, George

  commission as army commander-in-chief

  in French and Indian War

  presidency of new government

  See also Continental Army

  Watebled, Geneviève-Madeleine

  Webb, John

  Webb, Joseph

  Webb, Mehitabel. See Deane, Mehitabel

  Webb, Samuel

  Wentworth, Paul

  Weymouth, Lord

  Wharton, Samuel

  Wickes, Lambert

  Wilkes, John

  Williams, Jonathan

  Wooster, David

  Wyllys, Samuel

  Yarmouth, Earl of




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