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Wild Western Women Boxed Set

Page 12

by Kirsten Osbourne

  “I want it, too,” she whispered, leaning into him. “And I’m afraid I don’t need much in the way of convincing.”

  She barely got the words out when his head descended and his lips covered hers. Softly at first, gently, small kisses, tender licks, then a full assault on her mouth that took away her breath and left her weak-kneed. She clung to him, her fingers digging into his flesh, twisting the soft cotton of his shirt.

  His tongue slid along the seam of her lips, pushing softly, easing them open. He swept in like a warrior—conquering, plundering, taking his due. Her knees buckled, and he wrapped his arms around her back, holding her against his body, the strength of his desire so very evident.

  He pulled back, but only far enough to brush kisses over her eyelids, her nose, jaw, and neck. It became harder to pull air into her lungs, to remember that breathing was important. Rusty’s lips continued down her throat to her chest, nipping, then soothing her sensitive skin. She was bent so far back, if he hadn’t been holding her firmly, she would have dropped to the floor.

  Without a word, he scooped her into his arms and crushed her against his chest. He strode out of the small kitchen and bumped the bedroom door with his hip, pushing it open. Once inside, he carried her to the bed and laid her gently on the chocolate brown quilt, as if she was a prize possession that needed careful handling.

  “I’ve dreamed about you being here next to me so many times I can’t believe this is real.” He continued to stare into her eyes as he released one pearl button, then two, then three, then all the buttons down the front of her dress. He glanced down as he opened the front of her bodice, then untied the pink ribbon at the top of her chemise, drawing it down, over her breasts.

  The cool night air puckered her nipples. Rusty drew in a sharp breath. “You are so beautiful. Even better than my dreams could have imagined.” He bent his head and took one nipple into his mouth, licking the tip, then suckling, his hand covering the other breast, massaging, feeling its weight.

  It had been so very long since she felt a man’s hands on her skin. Billy hadn’t been much for ‘warming up’ as he put it. A few kisses, a bit of handling her breasts, and then her nightgown was shoved up. While it wasn’t horrible, the experience hadn’t been very pleasurable, either.

  Already wet from Rusty’s ministrations, she was more than ready to find out what she’d been missing all those years ago. She knew in her heart that Rusty could be the one to bring her the pleasure she’d been denied.

  “I want to see all of you,” he whispered against her ear.

  He tugged her dress off her shoulders, down to her waist and over her hips. She raised her bottom to allow the dress to slide from under her. His deft fingers removed the chemise, leaving her in only her pantaloons, stockings, and shoes. He grinned at the pink ribbons holding up her stockings. “Who would have guessed the very practical mother and ranch cook wears pink garters under her dress?”

  Despite being halfway naked, the heat from Rusty’s gaze kept her temperature rising. Her eyes never left his as he slid his palm up her leg to her breast where he tweaked her nipple, then filled his hand with her soft flesh. His fingers trailed from one breast to the next, caressing, stroking. She should be embarrassed lying before him like this, but all she felt was a deep need so strong, her body ached.

  After removing her shoes, he slowly peeled her stockings down, dropping them on the floor. He stood and removed his shirt, shoes and socks, then joined her on the bed, leaning over her on his elbows. His lips sought hers, taking them in a searing kiss. Shifting his mouth one way and then the other, he continued his assault until Rachel was bereft of air.

  He pulled back and used his thumbs to caress her cheeks. “I will try to go slowly, but I’ve wanted you for so long, it might be impossible.”

  “I never knew.” His words washed over her, the thrill of his acknowledged need strengthening her own desire. To hear this strong man admit to such a craving left her a bit dazed. She ran her hands down his back, the band of his trousers stopping her exploration. His flesh was firm and warm, his skin rippling as his muscles moved beneath.

  Rusty traced the outline of her ear with his tongue, then moved down to kiss and tease the soft skin of her neck. He mumbled words of her beauty, how much he wanted her, how strong his desire was to enter her body. His hands trailed over her body, touching, caressing. The scent of his skin, remnants of the soap he’d used for his bath, and the hard evidence of his need pressing against her, shot straight to her core. Her woman’s flesh softened, causing it to weep in anticipation of his entry.

  “Baby, I can’t wait much longer.” He used both hands to yank down her pantaloons and fling them off the bed. He rose and quickly undid his pants, removing them and his drawers in one quick movement. He hesitated for a moment, just staring down at her. She extended her arms, an invitation offered, and he joined her.

  Once he settled next to her, his fingers found her wetness and he grunted his approval. “Since I believe in ladies first . . .” He played with her lips, teasing with his tongue as he worked the flesh between her legs. The sound of the moistness and feel of his attentions to her pleasure tightened her muscles. She became restless, reaching for whatever it was on the other side of Rusty’s ministrations.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, relax, let go. Show me how you break apart in my arms.”

  Not sure what he meant, all she knew was the feeling of heading toward something wondrous, like a caged animal finally set free. Her panting increased, and she pushed against his hand, seeking the relief only he could give. “Oh, please.”

  “Shh. Easy.” He covered her breast with his mouth and suckled. Rachel’s world spun out of control and strong waves of pleasure rolled over her, one after another. She tossed her head back and forth until she was spent, languid, as if all the bones had been sucked out of her body.

  Rusty shifted over her, easing her legs apart with his knee. “Ah, sweetheart, you look so beautiful.” He smoothed the damp curls from her face and cupping her cheeks, kissed her once more. Reaching down, he placed his hands under her bottom and shifted her up a bit. The feeling of him sliding inside of her brought her back from her languor, her earlier anticipation returning.

  “You feel so good,” she whispered, amazed at how raspy her voice sounded.

  “Not as good as you do. I hope I can hold out, but it doesn’t seem I’ll be able to.” He panted out his last few words, and then picked up his rhythm until Rachel again felt the tightening of her muscles, and all her concentration centered on one spot. She cried out her release just as Rusty threw his head back and groaned, pouring his essence into her.

  He collapsed over her, then quickly rolled, tucking her against his side. The cool air felt good on her sweat-soaked body. So this was what all the fuss was about. She’d always wondered why her Aunt Tori wore such a happy expression all the time. Even her sister-in-law Heidi gazed on her brother Michael a certain way that always had Rachel wondering.

  Rusty took her chin in his fingers and turned her head toward him. “That was your first time, wasn’t it?”

  “What do you mean? I’m a mother.”

  “Ah, sweetheart, I don’t mean the first time you made love with a man. But the first time you reached your woman’s pleasure.”

  She ducked her head, blushing, even though what they’d just done was far more intimate than his question. But for some reason she felt innocent, and in other ways downright stupid.

  “It’s all right. I’m happy to be the man who gave you what every woman should have.”

  “I need to get dressed and leave.” She looked up at him, his head blocking the light from the lamp behind him, shadowing his face. “We never had the pie.”

  “I’m feeling quite a bit like I’ve already had my dessert, but I’ll never pass up a piece of your apple pie.”

  Rachel wrapped the sheet around her body and excused herself to hurry behind the screen to clean up while Rusty dressed. “Can you throw my clothes ove
r the screen, please?” She hadn’t reached the point yet where she was comfortable walking out from behind the screen, naked.

  “Sure.” Within moments her clothes were draped over the screen. “I’ll go make some coffee.”



  She was amazed to realize when she joined Rusty in the kitchen, she felt so at ease with him. Any awkwardness she’d expected had vanished, once she’d put her clothes on. He reached for her as she entered the room and pulled her against him. “You are one incredible woman.”

  His words brought a blush to her face.

  “Don’t try to wiggle away.” He lifted her chin with his index finger. “I make it a policy to never take to bed a certain type of woman. We need to have a serious conversation soon.”

  What did he mean by that? And what ‘type of woman’ category did she fall into? Before she could question him, a knock sounded at the door, making both of them jump apart like adolescents caught by an adult.

  The door slowly opened and Amelia stuck her head in. “Where is everybody? I thought the dance was over at ten o’clock.”

  Rusty released Rachel and pulled out a kitchen chair. “It was. Mrs. Stevens and I were just going to have a piece of pie. Do you want to join us?”

  The girl shook her head and gave a loud yawn. “No thank you. I just wanted to see where Rachel was. Good night.” She turned and headed back out the door before they could respond.

  They grinned at each other, then worked side by side as they made tea and enjoyed the pie.


  Two days later, Rusty took the plate Rachel handed him, loaded down with sausage, eggs, hot cakes and potatoes. The line for breakfast moved fast, as always, the cowboys filling up for a long morning of hard work.

  Rusty studied her as he chewed. Her face was flushed from her work, brown ringlets plastered to her neck. She used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Once in a while she would glance up at him and offer a shy smile, which went straight to his gut.

  They hadn’t had time yet to have a real conversation, with his duties and hers. Plus Will had come down with a sore throat and slight fever, so Rachel’s free time was spent in nursing her child. The more he dwelled on the change in their relationship, the more he was convinced the next step was the right one.

  He would ask Rachel to marry him.

  Now that he had a future—a place of his own—he could consider settling down with a wife and family. That thought no longer caused him to break into a sweat. Rachel was a loving, sensual woman. He’d only tapped the surface of her passion, and looked forward to many years of discovering all the secret places that aroused her. It would be an enticing journey.

  “Hey, darlin’, how about making some time for us tonight?” He squatted next to her and spoke softly into her ear as she sat behind the serving table fanning herself with the lower half of her apron.

  “Will isn’t feeling too well just yet. His throat is worse, and I’m thinking about running into town to pick up some medicine from the doctor once I clean up from breakfast. Mac said he would do the noon meal for me.”

  He frowned and tucked an errant curl behind her ear. “Who’s going with you? I don’t want you traveling by yourself.”

  “Lefty has some business in town, and said he would drive the wagon for me. Big Bob asked me to pick up a few things for Mrs. Richardson at the mercantile while I’m there.”

  “I don’t know that I like the idea of my woman going off to town with another man.” His smile didn’t quite make it.

  “Oh, don’t be silly. Lefty is old enough to be my grandfather.”

  He had to shake off this distrust of women. She was right, Lefty was old enough to be her grandfather, with a withered, lined face and several missing teeth.

  His smile a bit more natural now, he said, “That sounds like a good idea. But save some time for me tonight.” Since the last cowboy had left the room, he touched her gently on her cheek before heading out to his day’s work.

  He and Rachel felt so right. Amelia was crazy about her, and Will looked up to him as a son would. One day they would have children of their own, live in the large ranch house, and grow old together. For the first time since Beatrice’s betrayal, he felt confident about a woman.

  The rest of the morning passed with Rusty whistling so much, one of the cowboys said if he didn’t stop he would pull out his gun and shoot him. He grinned in the man’s direction and tugged on the brim of his hat. It was hard to hide happiness.

  Once he finished his noon meal, he checked on Will, who was fast asleep, cool to his touch. Amelia was busy helping Mac clean up, and with the men finishing up the chores for the day, Rusty decided to ride into town. Maybe catch Rachel and tell her the good news of Will’s fever having broken and talk her into dinner at the hotel.

  He quickly washed up, changed his clothes and headed into town.

  The hot summer sun had taken its toll on him by the time he arrived in front of the livery. He swung down from his horse and rubbed him with a cloth, leaving him with a bag of oats and a couple of coins to the stable boy. Then he headed to the mercantile to buy a bottle of pop from Mrs. Wells, taking a few minutes to drink it down and wipe the sweat from his face.

  He leaned against the side of the building, his knee bent, one booted foot against the wall. He surveyed the area, trying to decide where to search for Rachel first. Mrs. Wells had told him Rachel had been in earlier and mentioned heading to the Café for a cup of tea.

  Just as he pushed himself away from the wall, Rachel exited the Café across the street. He had to look twice to make sure it was her because she and another man strolled from the door toward the hotel, their arms wrapped around each other’s waists. They didn’t seem to have a care in the world, and had eyes for no one else except each other. She looked up at the man and broke into laughter at something he said. Even from where he stood, he could see the relaxed attitude of her and the man. They were close. Very close.

  Rusty’s mouth dried up and he felt as though someone had kicked him in the gut. Another unscrupulous woman. He’d been right. No woman could be trusted. That had been a nice little act she’d pulled—the solid, dependable, caring mother. A virtuous woman who shied away from relationships with men because of her son.

  Damnation! He’d been fooled again. Would he never learn? How many times did he have to be kicked in the teeth before the lesson sunk in?

  Rage started in his belly and raced to set his heart pumping. Well, this was one time he wouldn’t walk away. He would confront Rachel and her lover and let her know she didn’t fool him one bit.

  He strode to the hotel, flinging the front door open so hard it bounced against the wall, startling two older men reading a newspaper in the lobby. Rusty ate up the distance to the front desk. “Where did the woman who just entered here go?”

  Maybe he was mistaken, and they had entered the hotel dining room, and this was all an innocent encounter.

  The desk clerk frowned. “You mean Mrs. Stevens?”


  He nodded toward the staircase. “She went up to Mr. Henderson’s room with him.”

  “Is that right? What room is Mr. Henderson in?”

  “Two-oh six.”

  Rusty nodded and took the stairs two at a time. Marching down the narrow hallway, he found ‘two-oh-six’ and banged on the door with his fist.

  The man he’d seen Rachel with opened the door, a welcoming smile on his face. Rachel stood not too far behind him, her brows raised in question.

  Before he could think of anything to say, Rusty pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into the man’s mouth.

  Chapter Ten

  “Rusty!” Rachel shouted and raced to the man who sat on the floor, his hand covering his jaw. “What are you doing?”

  She bent down on one knee and turned to glare at Rusty, while he flexed his fingers. Damn, the man had a hard jaw.

  “What am I doing? What am I doing? W
hat the hell are you doing in this man’s room?”

  “I don’t know what you think you’re accusing me of, but I certainly don’t like your attitude.”

  Rusty widened his stance and rested his hands on his hips. “My attitude? You’re just another lying, cheating woman. As soon as my back is turned, you’re in a hotel room with—”

  “My brother!” Her eyes flashed and her lips tightened. She jumped up and rounded on him, poking him in the chest with her index finger. “Do you think I’m that kind of a woman? That I would allow you to take me to bed, and then hie off with another man? Is that what you think of me?”

  Her brother rose and grabbed Rachel’s shoulder, pulling her behind him. “He took you to his bed?” He swung at Rusty and caught him in his jaw, knocking him to his knees. “How dare you put your hands on my sister!”

  Rachel stepped between the two of them, her hand on her brother’s chest. “Stop. Both of you. This is ridiculous.”

  Rusty got up from the floor and rubbed his jaw. “My intentions were honorable,” he mumbled.

  “Is that right?” her brother snarled. “Well they had better be because I’ll have my aunt and uncle planning the wedding reception damned soon.”

  “Michael,” Rachel snapped. “There will be no wedding. Not now, not ever.”

  Michael regarded her, his stance threatening. “What does that mean? He said his intentions were honorable.” He nodded in Rusty’s direction. “And who the hell is he, anyway?”

  Rachel sniffed and lifted her chin. “No one important, I can assure you. But, for your information, this is Rusty McIntyre, the foreman at Lazy Sunset Ranch.” She grabbed her brother’s arm. “And this, Mr. McIntyre, is my brother, Michael Henderson.”

  The man really was her brother. Now that he had time to calm down, it was very obvious they were siblings. The snap of their eyes and the tightened jaw said it all. If there had been a hole to crawl into, he’d be long gone. “Rachel, please. Let’s just talk. I’ll drive the wagon back to the ranch.” He reached out his hand.


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