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The Infected: Ripped to Shreds (Book 1): Hush

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by Power, P. S.

  The Dark Half of the Sun (This is the first book with Timon as a main character)

  A Simple Darkness (This one has Tiera)

  Ancient Kings (Tor)

  Lord of the Sky (Timon)

  The Silence Within (Tiera)

  Kingdom of Stars (Timon)

  Goddess of the Moon (Tiera)

  Envoy to Earth (Gerent)

  Strange Land (Sara)

  Young Ancients (The Second Cycle)

  Lineage (Dareg Canton)

  The Infected: (The super-hero stories)

  (The Beginning Arc)

  Proxy (Brian)

  Gabriel (Denis)

  Cast Iron (Marcia)

  Proxy: Reunions (Brian)

  Cellophane (Penny)

  Goblin (Tobin)

  Reunions (Brian)

  Ghost Girl (Becky and Scott)

  Impulse: A Whole New Day (Bridgette)

  War Day (Brian)

  Ripped To Shreds:


  Dead End: (Zombies, people with powers and the end of the world. Everything Jake!)

  A Very Good Man

  A Very Good Neighbor

  A Very Good Thing

  A Very Dark Place

  Dead End: Stories from the End of the World the Definitive Collection (This has all of the above books, plus a load of short stories from other perspectives.)

  Gwen Farris: (The story of a woman who wakes up in a magical steampunk world. Into a better life than she ever dreamed of. Which is still pretty darned dark and gritty.)



  Strangers and Lies

  Tremble in the Dark

  Friends and Enemies

  Keeley Thomson: (The Greater Demon Universe, in suggested reading order. There are several sub series, marked in bold below)

  Demon Girl


  Mistress of Souls

  Demon Trap

  Demon Bait

  Related works:

  Christmas of the Vampire

  Friendzoned (Becky Hoader. This book takes place in the Greater Demon Universe, but isn't supernatural, and is instead a coming of age novel. You'll recognize a lot of other names however! Also there are some things that will be very different once you know what's going on...)

  Other Places: (Zack Hartley)


  Road Blocks


  Alternate Places: (Zack Hartley, but a totally different one! These were the first three books written by P.S. Power. Then everything changed.)

  Mr. Hartley


  On The Line (Kaitlyn's first book.)

  Eve Benson: (Everything Eve!)

  Finally Dead

  Dead and Everything

  Dead Certain

  Tyler G.: (All Tyler!)

  Living Proof

  The Living and The Dead

  Among the Living

  The Lament: (This is a stand alone, complete series.)

  Without Rhythm

  Off Center

  Missing Elements

  The Greasepaint Chronicles: (Mystery series. It's about a clown that solves crimes. The whole thing is rather dark.)

  A Fear of Clowns

  Stand Alone Novels:

  Josh and Amy: Something to Think About (Soppy author insertion love story, clearly, as written by a person that clearly has issues with their past, and a strong fantasy life.)

  An Unrelenting Terror (The worst book that P.S. Power ever wrote. An experimental horror novel. I'd skip it, or at least read it in a dark room, all in one go.)

  Gratitude: A Thanksgiving Tale (Because Thanksgiving has no other good stories. Now it has one!)

  Cheat (A science-fiction novel. Strong MGTOW over tones.) (MGTOW- Man Going Their Own Way.)

  Countess of Desire (Young Ancients Romantic Moments) (Um, this one is Young Ancients porn. So if you don't like that kind of thing, just give this one a pass. On the other hand if you do like that kind of thing...)

  Ijime: The Bullies (As Dan Abe) (Literary novel with an anti-bullying theme. Very different.)




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