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Reluctant Mate (Black Hills Wolves Book 11)

Page 3

by Chandra Ryan

  When she could drink no more, she put the bottle down and sighed. “I did.”

  His mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile, but he managed to stifle the expression. Something she would be forever grateful for. “Okay.” He got up and started to walk away.

  “That’s it? Okay?”

  “That’s it.” He didn’t even bother to look back at her. “Even though you have no idea who I am, you’ve made your feelings toward me, or lack thereof, very clear.”

  She watched him as he stopped in front of the drop sheet. He was playing some game. He had to be. “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to fall in love again.”

  “I remember. Prince or bum, makes no difference to you.” He pulled the drop sheet down to reveal a partially finished sculpture. “Now, if you don’t mind. I’ve got work to do and you have a city to get to.”

  She stared at the lines and planes of the piece. He had a remarkable gift. He’d managed to capture movement and a sense of peace in the work. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “It’s not finished.” He put on his gloves then went over to a pile of junk metal and selected a cylinder piece. “And it’s not going to get finished with you standing here all day.”

  “Oh.” Disappointed filled her at the obvious dismissal. Art had always been a great love in her life, and watching others practice their art brought her joy. She wasn’t going to be vicariously happy through him, however.

  “Because I’m not going to fire this up until you put on some goggles.” He pointed to a small closet. “Safety first.”

  Her heart became light at the suggestion she could stay. In the closet she found a pair of goggles and some gloves. Her specialty had been chalks. She loved the texture. But sculpture interested her as well. “Do you think I could help?”

  “Sure. I could always use an extra pair of hands.”

  “Thanks.” The gratitude wasn’t hollow. She appreciated being included. And, as she started working next to him, she couldn’t help but wonder how she’d managed to keep from practicing her art for as long as she had. Granted, she hadn’t had a lot of free time while she’d been practicing law. But, how much time did pulling out some chalk and paper every once in a while take?

  Apparently too much when one had charity dinners and lunches with senators to schedule. She didn’t have to worry about either of those commitments any longer. When she looked into her future, it stretched in front of her like a blank canvas. She had all the time she could ever want.

  “Earth to Aimee.” His voice snapped her out of her thoughts an hour later.

  “Sorry, were you talking to me?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t sure where you’d gone.”

  “Just thinking about how I want to spend my days now that I’m retired. You know, maybe I’ve been looking at my retirement the wrong way.”

  “I’d love to hear more about your change of attitude.” He stepped back and raised the shield on his mask. “But I’m afraid I have other work to attend to. I’ve got an oil change showing up in five minutes.”

  She took off her goggles and watched as he put the drop sheet back over his sculpture. She hated to think about the piece of art being hidden under the tarp. It seemed a shame to cover something so captivating. “I think I’d like to talk to you about it sometime.” Once her goggles and gloves were stowed back in their homes, she made her way to her car. “I’ve got your number.”

  “And you’d better use it. If for nothing else than to schedule your appointment. I’d hate to have to replace your catalytic converter because you got cold feet.”

  “Thank you.” He’d opened her eyes to more than her car’s need for a new sensor. And, regardless of what the universe or pack expected of her, she was grateful for that.

  Chapter Three

  Aimee ordered a drink from Gee and then looked around Gee’s Bar again. Any minute, Jackson would walk through the door. He’d sit down at the bar and order a whiskey neat. He followed the same routine every Thursday. Several members of the pack had made sure she was aware of his comings and goings. Everybody seemed to think she needed to know every step he took. She didn’t. Not really. He was a free man and could do whatever he pleased. The information did make tracking him down easier, however.

  She’d meant to call him when she returned from the city a week ago. But she’d been so tired from the drive and the day of shopping and visiting she’d put the call off. She needed to be on the top of her game to talk to him. She’d told herself she’d call him the next day. But the next day had disappeared in a fog of chalk and paper.

  Drawing had been good for her soul, but spending a day with her chalks put her behind in all the other areas of her life. She had a ton of paperwork to fill out for her financial planner, a contract to sign so she could sell her house in the city, and her garden wasn’t going to weed itself.

  She’d thought she’d learned how to budget her time efficiently during college. But her new life came with a whole new set of rules. The clock didn’t seem as important. When she’d been gardening with the sun on her face and her hands in the dirt, everything else faded away.

  By the time she’d realized how many days had passed, too much time had gone by for her to call him. She worried he would think she’d been avoiding him. And maybe she had spent more than one night tossing and turning as she thought about him and the sizzle of attraction between them when they’d touched. But she wasn’t dodging him. She’d been busy.

  She didn’t expect him to buy her explanation, however. With their history, he’d never believe the truth. No matter what she said, he’d find a way to twist her words. So she’d decided to come to his watering hole and have a couple drinks. When she bumped into him and he gave her a hard time about not calling him—because he would say something to her about not calling—she would act all casual about the mishap and say it’d slipped her mind. Then she’d be free to call him tomorrow morning and schedule her car’s appointment. Everything would be back on track.

  When the door opened and the tingling hit the pit of her stomach, though, she wondered how brilliant her idea had been. She never seemed in control of her emotions with him around. Already, her pulse raced. The anticipation of seeing him made her fidget on her stool.

  “Oh dear.” Gee’s attention became focused over her shoulder at the person who’d entered the bar.

  “Everything okay?” After the scene she’d caused the night she’d met Jackson, she couldn’t blame him for being a little worried. But she had no intention of running tonight. They were in the same pack, after all. She had to deal with him. Their relationship, however, would be up to her. And she’d decided to keep everything platonic.

  “I don’t know.” Gee looked down at her and then back up to the entrance of the bar. “But I guess I’m going to find out.”

  She turned around on the stool, expecting to find Jackson looking egotistical and puffed up at finding her in his usual spot. He did stand there, staring at her—that much she’d gotten right. But he looked more startled than haughty. He wasn’t the only one shocked. She hadn’t planned on the young brunette standing next to him. The one he had his arm wrapped around.

  Aimee’s heart seized for a second as her brain pieced together the information. He had a date. She took a sniff in the couple’s general direction. He had a date with a human. And he’d brought her to Los Lobos. Which meant she had to be important to him.

  A low growl escaped before Aimee could silence the noise. She slapped her hand over her mouth, but the damage was done. The surprised expression on Jackson’s face became replaced with one of intrigue. He’d heard her.

  “I’m sorry.” Aimee got up and slipped a twenty on the bar. “I don’t know what’s come over me.” She smiled.

  “It appears I’ve upset you. Yet again.” Jackson showed his date to a stool near Aimee’s.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” But raw anger simmered deep inside her, demanding she fight the woman for Jackson’s attention. She couldn’t remember the last time
she’d wanted to hurt someone—especially a human. But she did. She couldn’t fight her, though. The woman wouldn’t stand a chance. Still, as Jackson took the stool next to the brunette, Aimee wanted to bare her teeth at her.

  Instead, she took a deep breath and picked her purse up off the bar. Reaching the door without tearing anyone to shreds was her goal. Should be easy enough. She didn’t even want the guy. She had no reason to feel possessive of him. He didn’t belong to her.

  Somewhere deep inside her Wolf growled. It’d been so long since she’d disagreed with her animal she’d forgotten how stubborn the Wolf could be.

  “Wait. Aimee.”

  She didn’t want to wait. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say. The door was right in front of her. A few more steps and she’d be there. But those few steps seemed to be miles away.

  “Aimee.” Jackson’s voice came from right behind her. Warmth radiated off him as the scent of lemongrass and cloves surrounded her.

  “Don’t.” She didn’t know if the words were meant for him or herself.

  The minute his hand wrapped around her arm her Wolf jumped. She turned toward him and pressed her body against his. She craved his strength and the feel of his muscles pressed against her body. “I’m not in complete control right now.” She wasn’t sure if she’d said the words as an apology or a challenge.

  “That’s okay. I like you not in control.”

  Her heart raced as he placed a hand at the base of her back and leaned in. He was going to kiss her. His date had to be watching them. The thought would’ve normally made her push him away. But she didn’t. She liked knowing his date watched him claim her. She’d won.

  His mouth was warm and inviting as he took hers. The stubble on his chin scratched her cheek as he ran his tongue against the seam of her lips. The move told her he wanted more. And, heaven help her, so did she. She needed to know if he tasted as good as he smelled.

  When she opened her mouth to him, the kiss became possessive and passionate. The demand hidden in the contact made her head swim. She wrapped her arms around him to both steady herself and to get as close to him as possible. Nothing else existed.

  She pulled away so she could bury her face in the crook of his neck. There his heat and scent surrounded her. She nuzzled him. She’d never been one for snuggling, but she craved the contact. His skin felt good against hers. And when she put her ear up to his neck, his pulse raced in her ear.

  Somebody spoke in the distance. She guessed his date had yelled at him or maybe Gee told them to break it up. Both scenarios were unacceptable to her, however. He belonged to her.

  She wasn’t sure how his neck came to be in her mouth or when she decided biting him would be a good idea. She only knew she wanted to make sure none of the Wolves in the pack had any doubts about who he belonged to.

  “Mine.” The whispered word broke her out of the haze.

  Her back pressed against the door, and her legs were wrapped around his waist. The desire and vulnerability of the position made her blush with embarrassment. “Stop.” She couldn’t imagine the image she made. She’d worn a skirt for Christ’s sake. “Please. I don’t know what came over me.”


  This time when he said her name, she knew she really didn’t want to hear what he had to say. As soon as he let her down, she bolted out the door and into the night. He would chase her. She wished the thought didn’t make her wet.

  Jackson watched her run into the night and had to fight against the urge to howl. What the fuck was he supposed to do? She’d been aroused. Her spicy scent clung to him, tempting him to be reckless. Too much was at stake for him to screw this up, though.

  “Go after her.”

  He turned to see his sister, Erica, sitting at the bar. “What?”

  “I’ve never seen you so worked up over a girl. Go after her.”

  He looked from her to the door, torn. He wanted to go after Aimee. But he couldn’t leave Erica alone in a town where she didn’t know anyone. “I can’t. You’re my guest.”

  She lifted a drink off the bar and took a sip. “Gee seems like a decent enough guy. I’m sure he won’t let anything happen to me.” She looked at the bartender. “Right?”

  “No one will harm her. You have my word.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. This was the most difficult decision he’d ever made. “Are you sure? If it were anyone else—”

  “Go. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  He ran to Aimee’s house in record time. He had no idea what would happen once he got there, but he needed to find out. Thankfully, he didn’t even have time to knock after he climbed the steps of her porch. The door opened as if she were waiting for him.

  “You shouldn’t have followed me.”

  He stepped into the small room. “You knew I would.”

  “I suspected.” She closed the door, which made the room feel even smaller as her scent surrounded him. “Maybe I hoped a little. I need you.”

  He could imagine what the admission had cost her, and he refused to risk a shift in her mood by having her repeat the words. Before she could change her mind, he crossed the floor and took her in his arms. Her taste lingered on his tongue, but the memory wasn’t enough.

  She moaned, and he took advantage of the small break in her lips to deepen the kiss. One swift movement and he had her cradled in his arms. “Bedroom?”

  “End of the hallway.”

  The house was small, so there weren’t many possible wrong turns for him to take. Even if he hadn’t had her directions, he could’ve found his way. He wanted her to know his plan, so she could put an end to this if she’d changed her mind.

  He kicked open the door with ease. A little too easy. He would have to check it before he left to make sure the doorjamb wasn’t broken.

  After crossing the room, he deposited her on the bed and took a step away from her. “Are you sure?”

  A soft pink blush spread over her cheeks but she nodded. “Yes.”

  With her permission to continue, he started to undress her. She didn’t seem content to lay still and wait for him, however. She skimmed her hands over his torso until she reached the hem of his shirt and tugged on the material until he felt obligated to take the damn thing off.

  “You do have a phenomenal body.” She trailed a fingertip down his chest.

  “That’s my line.” He’d gotten her blouse unbuttoned to reveal the satin-and-lace bra she wore underneath. Black with pink polka dots. The lingerie somehow managed to be sexy and adorable at the same time. “Are you wearing a matching set?”

  She pulled on his belt then paused long enough to wink at him. “One way to find out.”

  It didn’t take long for him to unfasten her skirt and pull the garment over her hips. Sure enough, they were a matched pair. “Sexy.” He fought the urge to tear them off. They were lovely, but they blocked his view.

  “Glad you approve. Now, could you help a lady out?”

  He looked down to find her struggling with the button on his jeans. With a flick of his wrist, he freed the stubborn fastener. “Better?”

  Her smile became wicked. “Much.”

  The slow hiss of the zipper monopolized his thoughts until her tiny hands pulled on his jeans as she tried to get them to slide down his thighs. Having her touch so near but not on him was torture.

  “Here. Allow me.” He undressed before he crawled onto the bed next to her. He liked not smelling anyone but her on the blankets and sheets. Some would consider the desire old-fashioned, but he enjoyed being the only male in his mate’s bed.


  He nuzzled her neck then ran his tongue over the tender skin covering her pulse. “Yes?”

  “It’s been a long time.”

  “I’ll be gentle. I promise.” Taking it slow would be difficult. His Wolf wanted to dominate, to show her she belonged to him. But he was in this for the long haul. He needed to persuade her she wanted him around.

  He rem
oved her bra. As sexy as the lingerie may be, it didn’t compare to the creamy mounds the silken fabric hid. Her nipples hardened when the cool air of the room hit them. “God you are the sexiest woman.”

  “Seen a lot, have you?” Her voice held a dark, dangerous tone.

  Not unexpected since she had seen him with another woman earlier in the evening. Granted, Erica wasn’t a love interest, but he hadn’t had a chance to explain their relationship to Aimee. And this wasn’t the time to clear up the confusion. He’d have to hope she would be patient a little longer.

  “Am I to assume you come to my bed a virgin?”

  The sharp tug on his hair let him know his comment had hit home. “Shut up and fuck me already.” She rubbed her body against his as if punctuating the command.

  “You think I’m so easy? You can snap your fingers and I’ll be panting at your heels?” He nipped at her collarbone as he swept his palm over her inner thigh. “I don’t work that way. I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready. But I can guarantee I’m going to make you whimper, beg, and scream before my cock even comes close to your gorgeous pussy.”

  He smiled at the sound of her whimper. She most likely wanted him hard and fast to slake her desire. But he didn’t want her sated. He wanted her burning for him. When she woke up next to him—and she would—he wanted the memories of their night together to leave her wanting more.

  While he left a trail of kisses from her shoulder to her breast, his fingers played with the sensitive valley between her thigh and her sex. He could feel the warmth of her pussy but didn’t run his fingers through her lips purposely to drive them both crazy.

  She rocked her hips and moaned in invitation. The scent of her arousal surrounded him with a haze of temptation. But she hadn’t begged or screamed yet, so he traced the bud of her hard nipple with his tongue.


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