What Happened
Page 47
announcement video for, 64
assembling team for, 65–72, 75
birthdays and holidays on the road, 93
Brooklyn headquarters of, 19, 22, 71, 224, 245, 246, 254, 337, 465
Chelsea Clinton and, 18, 19, 20, 26, 154–56, 157, 248, 384
children at events for, 98, 143
concession and speech, 4, 5, 17–19, 27, 141, 258, 381, 385–88, 425, 458–59
data analytics and, 64, 65, 75–76, 401
debate prep sessions in, 84, 103–7, 138
debates with Trump in, 134–39, 232, 346, 373–74
debate with Sanders in, 230–31, 309
early days of, 59–81
Election Day and Night, 377–89, 401–3
election loss, 17–23, 168, 215
final whirlwind swing in, 377
food and, 91–93
fund-raising for, 97–98
Hillary viewed as defender of status quo during, 195, 236
Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” comment and, 413, 418
historic nature of, 145, 215, 243–59, 388
life during, 83–107
logo for, 80, 91, 95
“Mirrors” ad in, 137–38
NBC’s “Commander in Chief Forum” and, 217–22
nomination, xii, xiv, 243–59, 340
OTR (off the record) visits in, 94, 97
policy team for, 224, 226
press corps traveling with, 98–99
rallies in, 94–96, 100, 124, 143, 184, 377, 395
reasons for running, 39–57, 63, 208
reflections on reasons for loss in, 391–425
Roosevelt Island launch of, 59, 76–81, 248
roundtable events in, 63, 94, 96–97
selfies and, 96, 378
staff of, 22–23, 465
“Stronger Together” slogan of, 74, 79, 91, 254–55, 397, 425, 453
town hall meetings in, 62, 135, 186, 189, 203, 214
victory speech prepared, 380–83
votes received, xiv, 71, 76, 128, 386–87, 425, 469
word frequency of Hillary’s speeches in, 396
and working class and rural communities, 263–87, 394–98
Clinton, Virginia (mother of Bill), 160
Clinton administration, 69, 229, 328, 436
gun laws and, 180, 181
health care reform and, 150, 202, 207, 209, 234
impact of, 234–35
Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing program of, 284
welfare reform and, 206–8
Clinton dynasty, 40
Clinton fatigue, 40, 301
Clinton Foundation, 41–42, 47, 66, 302, 317, 349, 350
Adapt Pharma and, 61–62
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), 42–44
Clinton Rules, 320–21
Clue of the Tapping Heels, The (Keene), 88
Clyburn, Jim, 70
CNN, 60, 231, 362, 372, 392
coal miners, 232, 235, 263–66, 269–76, 278–80, 282–83, 286
Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, 273, 275–76
Cohen, Leonard, 31
Cohn, Gary, 282
Colbert, Stephen, 9, 326
Cold War, 56, 332, 333
Coleman, Bernard, 71
college, 241, 284
costs of, 54, 62, 226, 231, 234, 235, 238, 423
Colorado, 70, 384, 402
Columbia Journalism Review, 44
Columbine High School massacre, 181
Comey, Jim, 379, 381, 386, 393
DNC computer hacking and, 338
email investigation and, 290–92, 297, 307–20, 322, 348, 351, 354
October 28 letter to Congress from, 313–14, 317, 319–20, 384, 392, 394, 403–7, 418, 443
press conference of, 310–12, 364
Reid’s letters to, 345–46, 350–51
Russia investigation and, 291, 304–5, 345, 347, 351, 354, 355, 369, 406
Russian forged document and, 364
Trump’s firing of, 290–91
Commander in Chief Forum, 217–22
Congress, U.S., 134, 180, 201, 206, 207, 224, 229, 237, 269, 326, 372, 410, 423, 450
Comey’s October 28 letter to, 313–14, 317, 319–20, 384, 392, 394, 403–7, 418, 443
Flint water crisis and, 213
see also Senate, U.S.
conspiracy theories, 191, 326, 342, 352, 365, 366, 407
Constitution, 325
Khan and, 256
Second Amendment to, 182, 187–88
Nineteenth Amendment to, 14, 248
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 225
Conway, Kellyanne, 9
Cook, Tim, 372
Cookstra, Brian, 467
Cooper, Anderson, 231
Copley, Bo, 279–81
Copley, Lauren, 279, 281
Cornyn, John, 12
corporate power, 8, 78, 228
Costa, Kristina, 103
Cotton, Tom, 50
Crabtree’s Kittle House Restaurant and Inn, 253
crack epidemic, 204
Craig, Brynne, 70, 467
crime, 8, 267
organized, 336
see also law enforcement and criminal justice
Crimean Peninsula and Ukraine, 330–31, 333, 336, 339–41, 343, 360, 364, 372
Crowdstrike, 338
Cruz, Ted, 40, 342
Cummings, Elijah, 304
Cuomo, Mario, 51
cyber warfare, 333, 338, 341, 355–56, 359, 364, 365, 369–71, 374–75
Daily Show, The, 222
Daley, Richard, 198
Dalrymple, Alice, 468
Daou, Peter, 23
data analytics, 64, 65, 75–76, 368, 401, 421–22
Daughtry, Leah, 340
Davidson, Jon, 467
Davis, Jordan, 175
Day, Andra, 95
Dean, Howard, 452–53, 467
Declaration of Independence, 250
Declaration of Sentiments, 246, 258
Defense Intelligence Agency, 336
de la Renta, Oscar and Annette, 55
democracy, 202, 370, 372, 375, 378, 381, 388, 431, 458
partisan politics and, 201
Russian attacks on, 221, 325–26, 333, 341, 345, 356, 358; see also Russia
Democracy in America (de Tocqueville), 432
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 359
Democratic National Committee (DNC), 421, 452, 465
hacking attack on, 337–42, 346–48, 358
Democratic National Convention of 1968, 197–98
Democratic National Convention of 2016, 28, 81, 173, 177, 248–57, 340, 378
Bill Clinton at, 144, 249, 252, 378
Chelsea Clinton at, 148–49, 150, 249, 256–57, 378
Hillary Clinton at, xii, 187, 249, 253–57
Michelle Obama at, 249, 340
Democrats, Democratic Party, 22, 26, 40, 48–50, 53, 55–56, 76, 201, 205, 219, 225, 229, 236–38, 241, 285–86, 380, 392, 393, 395, 404, 408, 465, 467–68
Bill Clinton and, 234–35
Eleanor Roosevelt and, 448
environmental issues and, 273–74
future of, 421–25, 449–55, 468
guns and, 180, 188–89
health care and, 234
optimism and, 278
Reagan and, 416
Russian propaganda and, 362
Sanders and, 226, 229
sexism and, 127–28
third-party candidates and, 402
Trump supporters among, 416–17, 422
working class and, 267, 273–74, 276, 404, 416–17
Denmark, 231, 365
Deol, Amar, 468
Depression, Great, 56, 67, 78
Des Moines Register, 226
Destruction of Hillary Clinton, The (Bordo), 126
Detroit, Mich., 211, 384
Deuel, Pastor Matt, 32
Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency (Green), 405
br /> Diane D. Blair Center of Southern Politics and Society, 128
Dickens, Charles, 32
Dionne, E. J., 81
Dodson, James, 335
Doe, Emily, 140–41
Dole, Bob, 123, 438
Donald J. Trump Foundation, 46–47, 223
Donovan, Ray, 311
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 324
Douglass, Frederick, 246
Dowd, Katie, 70
Downton Abbey, 31
Drane, LaDavia, 174
Dreamers, 8
Drew, Nancy, 88
Drudge Report, 349
drug abuse, 205, 267–68, 279
crack epidemic, 204
opioid epidemic, 42, 61–62, 203, 236, 281–82
Dunn, Karen, 103, 230, 467
Earhart, Amelia, 142
“East Coker” (Eliot), 38, 56–57
eBay, 266
Ebeling, Betsy, 197–98, 250, 252, 313, 314
Ebola epidemic, 43, 48–49
economy, 8, 10, 39, 52, 54, 63, 67, 79, 81, 225, 231, 235, 236, 239, 271, 278, 285, 417–18, 422–24
financial crisis of 2008–2009, 8, 40, 46, 48, 67, 78, 236, 417
Hillary Clinton’s proposals for, 235–36
voters’ anxiety over, 410–18
see also jobs
Edelman, Marian Wright, 194, 196, 199–201, 207–8, 215
Edelman, Peter, 207
Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 201
Edwards, John, 69, 124
Egypt, 202–3, 229
Ehrmann, Max, 469
Eisenhower, Dwight, 25, 449
Electoral College, 378, 386–87, 406, 407
Elias, Marc, 337, 467
Eliot, T. S., 38, 56–57
Elizabeth II, Queen, 31
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 350
email controversy, 11, 71–73, 74, 86, 120, 122, 219–23, 289–323, 364, 403–6, 468
and classification of documents, 305–8, 310–11
Comey and, 290–92, 297, 307–20, 322, 348, 351, 354
Comey’s October 28 letter to Congress and, 313–14, 317, 319–20, 384, 392, 394, 403–7, 418, 443
Comey’s press conference and, 310–21, 364
and convenience of email setup, 292–95
and deletions of emails, 299–300, 341
hacking vulnerability and, 297
Hillary Clinton’s press conference on, 303
investigations in, 219, 220, 249, 290–92, 297, 304–5, 309–15, 317, 322, 351
media coverage of, 15, 73, 74, 219–23, 225, 236, 289, 301–5, 318–21, 348, 393, 399, 403, 406, 418
national security and, 73, 219–22, 290, 308–10
New York Times and, 301–5, 307, 313, 315, 319–20
public release of emails in, 302–3, 306
Sanders on, 290, 309
State Department and, 295–96, 295–96, 297, 299–300, 302–3, 306, 322, 341, 348
Weiner and, 314–15
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (attributed), 216
EMILY’s List, 70
empathy, 418, 442–44
employment, see jobs
energy production, 42, 43, 235, 239–40, 266
coal miners and, see coal miners
fossil fuels, 239, 269, 270
Engagement Labs, 404
Enlightenment, 458
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 274
environmental regulations, 273–74
Ephron, Nora, 110
Ernie, 168
Erwin, Lisa, 468
Esquire, 320
European Union, 332, 335
Brexit and, 50, 368
Evans, Jonathan, 468
Everytown for Gun Safety, 191
exercise, 86
Exeter, N.H., 214
Facebook, 21, 27, 71, 125, 225, 227, 263, 349, 350, 360, 368, 372, 422
fake groups and accounts on, 361, 364–65
Pantsuit Nation group on, 127, 361
Russian propaganda on, 359–62
facts, see truth and facts
faith, 31–32, 34
fake news, 349–52, 359–61, 372, 393, 406, 418
Fallon, Brian, 69
false equivalency, 219–20, 392
Fay, Brad, 404
FBI, 72, 75, 316–17, 357, 382, 386, 407, 448
DNC hacking and, 337
email investigations of, 219, 220, 249, 290–92, 297, 304, 309–10, 314, 322
Russia investigation of, 233, 291, 304–5, 312, 318, 320, 345, 347, 353–55
Russian fake document sent to, 363–64
Weiner and, 314–15
Federal Election Commission, 362, 372
Feingold, Russ, 394, 411
Feinstein, Dianne, 142
feminism, 128, 132
defining, 132
see also women’s movement
Ferguson, Jesse, 72
Ferrante, Elena, 29
Ferraro, Geraldine, 142
financial crisis of 2008–2009, 8, 40, 46, 48, 67, 78, 236, 417
financial industry, 23, 46, 97, 225–26, 228, 229, 231, 235, 276
Finch, Charles, 253
Finney, Karen, 69
Fiorina, Carly, 137
First Calvary Baptist Church, 440
Fischer, YJ, 467
FiveThirtyEight.com, 407
Fliegelman, Oren, 467
Flint water crisis, 209–15, 223
Flores, Oscar, 85, 89, 467
Florida, 383, 384, 407, 412
Flournoy, Tina, 467
Flynn, Michael, 300–301, 336, 354, 357–58, 411
focus groups, 65
Foer, Franklin, 346, 355
food stamps, 206, 207, 238
foreign policy, 218
NBC’s “Commander in Chief Forum” and, 217–22
Trump and, 233, 334–35
see also national security
Forman, James, Jr., 205
fossil fuels, 239, 269, 270
Four Freedoms Park, 79
Fox News, 9, 265, 278, 297, 316, 317, 349, 359, 360, 366–67, 369, 373
France, 332, 365, 408, 409
Francis, Pope, 335, 360, 443
Frank, Thomas, 274
Franklin, Benjamin, 432
Franklin & Marshall Poll, 402–3
Frarey, Tiffany, 468
Frazier, Joe, 18
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 296, 304, 306
Freeman, Jelani, 251
Friedman, Danielle, 467
Friedman, Tom, 348
friendships, 168–69
of Hillary Clinton, 133, 167–71
Frost, Robert, 376
Fudge, Marcia, 340
Fulton, Sybrina, 174, 179
Funny or Die, 102
Gaddafi, Muammar, 328
Galifianakis, Zach, 101, 102
Gallup, 48, 399
García Márquez, Gabriel, 153
Garner, Eric, 175, 185
Gates, Bill, 241
Gates, Melinda, 43
Gates Foundation, 43
Gayle, Tyrone, 72, 355
Gazprom, 336
Gelber, Ethan, 467
General Social Survey, 413
Gensler, Gary, 226
Georgetown University, 35
George Washington Bridge, 249
George Washington University, 373, 412
Georgia, 49
Gerasimov, Valery, 331
Germany, 332, 335, 365
Gerrity, Megan, 468
Gessen, Masha, 369
Gibran, Kahlil, 152
Giffords, Gabby, 189, 191
Gillibrand, Kirsten, 139
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 11, 86, 170
Giuliani, Rudy, 316–17
globalization, 39, 78
Goetz, Isabelle, 87
Goff, Teddy, 70, 467
Goldstein, Cary, 468
Gonzalez, Alberto, 315
Goodlander, Maggie, 94
Google, 70, 360, 372, 407
Gordon, Phi
l, 305
Gore, Al, 9, 397, 452
in presidential election of 2000, 5, 180
Gore, Tipper, 397
Gorkov, Sergey, 357
government, size and role of, 237
Gowdy, Trey, 298–99
Graduate, The, 431
Graham, Franklin, 332
Graham, Jorie, 382, 467
Grassley, Chuck, 295–96
grassroots organizing, 13, 14, 64, 453–55, 468
gratitude, 34
Great Britain, 50, 235, 335, 365, 368
Great Depression, 56, 67, 78
Great Expectations (Dickens), 32
Great Recession, 271
Great Society, 451
Green, Joshua, 405
Greenberg, Stan, 416–17, 418
Ground Zero first responders, 176, 251, 415
Grunwald, Mandy, 65, 103, 226, 255
Guardian, 321
Guccifer, 338, 339, 357
GuideStar, 44
guns, 50, 173–91, 204, 274
accountability for makers and sellers of, 183, 186–87, 190
background checks and, 180, 183, 187
Brady Bill and, 180, 183, 186
Clinton administration and, 180, 181
Columbine High School massacre, 181
Democrats and, 180, 188–89
Giffords and, 189, 191
hunting and, 181–82
law-abiding owners of, 181–82
loopholes in laws on, 183
Michael Brown shooting, 180
Mother Emanuel Church massacre, 183, 440–41
Mothers of the Movement and, 173–76, 178–80, 183–85, 189, 191, 415
no-fly list and, 183, 187
NRA and, 142, 174, 180–83, 185–87, 188, 191
Obama and, 186, 187
police officers and, 173–80, 184–85, 203, 415
Pulse nightclub shooting, 187
race and, 174–75, 178
Republicans and, 187
safety laws for, 178, 180, 182, 183, 187, 191
Sanders and, 185–87, 230
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 183, 189–91, 352
Second Amendment and, 182, 187–88
Trayvon Martin shooting, 174–75, 179
Trump and, 187–88, 191
Umpqua Community College shooting, 187
Hable, Shane, 467
Hagan, Kay, 49
Hagenbuch, Tyler, 467
Haiti, 43, 450
Hale, Greg, 245, 380
“Hallelujah” (Cohen), 31
Hamilton, 129
Hamilton, Alexander, 387
Hamilton, Dontre, 178
Hamilton, Maria, 178
Handmaid’s Tale, The (Atwood), 126
Hannah, 21
Hannon, Stephanie, 70
Hard Choices (Clinton), 44, 47, 466
Harkin, Tom, 60
Harris, Kamala, 137
Harris, Maya, 174, 206, 213, 467
Harvard Law School, 117
Harvard University, 35
Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, 220, 222–23, 318
Havel, Václav, 457, 458
Hawking, Stephen, 241
HBO, 55
Head Start, 196