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Dirty Crown: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Royal Romance (with BONUS book - Rebel Rockstar!)

Page 16

by Marci Fawn

  “Trust me, I’ve thoroughly thought this through and this is the right thing for me. This is exactly where I want to be… with you?”

  “Are you serious?” She asks, with shiny emotional eyes.

  “Are you saying that we can just be together, with no complications?”

  “I mean, I can’t promise no complications forever,” I laugh.

  “But yeah… pretty much.”

  She shocks me by leaning forward and kissing me passionately, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. After a split second of not knowing how to take it, I lean into her and I kiss her back, allowing the love to flow between us.

  “I love you,” I murmur against her mouth.

  “And I will do anything for us to be together.”

  “I love you too,” she replies happily.

  “I hope that nothing ever tears us apart again.”

  I kiss her for a few seconds longer, but I don’t get long enough with her because the car pulls to a halt.

  “Come on,” I tell her smiling.

  “We’re here.”

  The place that I’ve picked is more of a cute bed and breakfast, rather than a hotel, which I figured would hold her much safer.

  My mother will think that I’ve picked some crazy five star place to hold up in, she won’t understand that my needs aren’t anything like hers.

  We are checked in by some adorable elderly lady, and we enter into a sweet, floral room.

  “This is nice,” Faith tells me in a teasing tone.

  “Although a little different from the palace.”

  “I like it,” Lily jumps in, speaking in a firm by sleepy tone. She looks so adorably tired that I just want to wrap her up in my arms and tell her to sleep on my chest – but I can’t, because she doesn’t quite know who I am just yet.

  “Get onto the bed,” Faith says to her, sounding like she has some kind of plan in her mind. She sends me a look, but I can’t quite decipher it.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  Could it be?

  Is she actually about to tell her?

  Am I just getting my hopes up for no reason?

  But as Lily lays down and Faith pats on the bed beside her, it seems like she’s really about to make all of my dreams come true.

  “I know that you’ve had a hard day,” Faith tells her.

  “And I know that you must be tired, but this is important.”

  “Okay mummy,” Lily looks up at us both expectantly.

  “What is it? I feel safe here, so it’s alright.”

  Faith and I share an intense moment of eye contact before she speaks out once more. My heart pounds painfully against my rib cage as I pray desperately that Lily takes the news well.

  I know that we get on, but will she feel the same way about me when she learns that I truly am her dad? Or will she be furious when she knows that I haven’t been around? How will I explain that to her?

  “Edward and I have known each other for a very long time, and in fact we once got married,” oh God, she’s telling the whole truth with this story, which isn’t what I expected at all.

  “And we had a baby…”

  We both wait for a few seconds to see if that sinks in, and if she can work it out.

  “That baby is you… Edward is your dad.”

  Tick, tick, tick…

  The time ticks past slowly and painfully as I watch a range of emotions cross Lily’s face, but after a while she jumps up excitedly and she throws her arms around my neck.

  “You’re my dad?” She squeals.

  “That’s amazing. I wished and prayed that you could be, and you are! I’m so, so happy.”

  “Not as happy as I am,” I tell her honestly.

  “I’m the happiest daddy on the entire planet, and I promise that I’ll look after you and your mum forever.”

  I glance over to Faith who is grinning widely at us both, looking as ecstatic as I feel at how well everything just went. It looks like we’ve both been worrying over nothing when it comes to Lily.

  “Will you lie in bed with me?” She asks.

  “And tell me a story?”

  “Of course I will!” I exclaim, as she curls up in my arms.

  “Although I don’t have any books with me, so it’ll have to be a made up one if that’s okay?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  I talk until Lily drifts off into a – hopefully dream filled – sleep, then I slink over to the big bed to cuddle up with Faith too. I can honestly say that I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.

  I might not have the lifestyle that I’ve grown used to anymore, and my mother might be furious at me, but in this room, with these girls, my entire life is perfect.

  “I love you,” I tell Faith again as I wrap her up in my arms.

  I don’t think I’ll ever tire of saying those words, or hearing them too.

  “I love you too,” she smiles at me.

  “And tomorrow, our brand new life begins.”

  A brand new life.

  That sounds great to me.



  We wake up in the morning, knowing that we have some very serious decisions to make. This isn’t just us running off on a whim, this is us taking some actions that we know will have repercussions and we really need to be smart about what we do next if we want us all to remain safe. Edward has given up a lot for me, now I need to ensure that it’s worth it.

  Now that we have managed to escape that madness, I have no intention of it coming back to haunt any of us ever again, which means that we need a plan.

  Luckily, it seems that Edward has realized it, too.

  “So… what is next for us?” He asks, as we all eat breakfast in our room.

  “Can we go home?” Lily pipes up excitedly, turning to face me.

  “And can daddy come with us? He will be coming to live with us now, right?”

  Her eyes flick between us both as she forces us to stop skirting around the issue.

  “It’s up to you?” I ask him, but I already know that there must be hope shining in my eyes.

  I so desperately want that to be what happens, but I also don’t want to put any pressure on Edward to do anything that he isn’t comfortable with.

  “Whatever you think is best.”

  “America could be fun…” He grins.

  “And I certainly want to be wherever you two are!”

  “Yay!” Lily calls out excitedly.

  “That’s amazing.”

  “I’ll get on the phone now and book some flights if we’re all ready to go?”

  There isn’t any pointing in holding off any longer, we might as well get out of here as soon as possible. As I wait for someone to answer the phone, I watch Lily jumping about with joy and talking excitedly to her dad. Luckily for me it seems like she’s far more interested in having him as a part of her family, than she is about being a princess – it would have been awful if that was all that she cared about!

  She loved the castle, but I think the idea of it was more exciting than the reality. Especially after everything that happened. Maybe her time at the palace has shown her that it isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be after all!

  But my phone call doesn’t quite go to plan, as I quickly find out that it doesn’t matter how much money Edward tells me to offer to throw at the situation there aren’t any flights until the following day.

  The lady on the phone checks all of the flights, all of the airlines, and all of the airports, but doesn’t come up with anything. So with a heavy heart, I book the next one that’s available.

  “I’m sorry everyone,” I sigh as I hang up.

  “There’s nothing until tomorrow, so we’re stuck here until then.”

  “That’s okay,” Edward replies, rubbing my arm in a very loving gesture.

  “I’m sure that we can find something to do today. At least we’re all together – that’s the main thing.”

  “Can we go and see the di
nosaurs?” Lily bursts out of nowhere.

  “At the Natural History Museum? I’ve wanted to go for ages!”

  We laugh and shrug at each other before agreeing – we certainly don’t have anything better to do!

  “Sounds good to me,” I tell her. “Let’s get ready and go.”

  Hours later and Lily is still running around the place screaming like a maniac. She loves museums just as much as her parents do, and this dinosaur exhibit is bringing out another side of her – one that is very difficult to control.

  Then she spots it – a workshop that sounds perfect for her, discussing fossils and excavation – just as we were about to walk out of the door.

  As soon as my eyes spot the sign, I know that we won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Oh mom, can I stay for a bit? Can I do it? Please, please, please?” She begs, giving the full puppy eyes treatment.

  I feel my resolve waver almost right away, wanting her to have a little fun after all the stress and heartache we’ve been through, but it isn’t just up to me.

  “I’ll go and speak to the man running it,” Edward tells her.

  “Find out if there are any spaces.”

  We follow behind into a room, and step back while Edward finds a friendly look, enthusiastic teacher sitting in the room waiting for the attendees to come in.

  He looks up at me, pushes his glasses up higher on his head, and shoots Edward a friendly smile. If he recognizes him, he doesn’t show it, for which I’m very grateful – it makes the whole exchange that much easier. We’ve had enough spotlight for a lifetime.

  “Hi,” Edward steps closer to him and shake his hand.

  “My daughter…” That’s the first time that I’ve heard him say that out loud to a stranger, and there’s no denying that it feels really good.

  A warm burst of pride bursts in my chest as I realize that my family is finally together – it’s like a dream come true, something that I never expected to happen.

  “…is really interested in the workshop and I was just wondering if there are any spaces left?”

  “Of course,” the teacher grins happily.

  “We welcome all young minds. It’s a two hour workshop, for free – all included in the admission price – and parents are not needed, so that gives you a couple of hours off too.”

  “Oh,” Edward replies a little stunned, turning to shoot me a happy smile.

  “That’s great, thank you.”

  Almost as soon as Lily has joined the other history enthusiasts for the workshop, I can see that she’s already made a friend, which makes it that much easier for me and Edward to walk away without any guilt. This is what she wants, and I know that she’ll have a lot of fun.

  At first, I wonder what me and Edward will do with the time off, but then I suddenly realize that it’ll be the first time that we’ve been alone in what feels like forever, and a small pit of excitement starts to form in my stomach…

  “Come on,” I tell him, with a smirk playing on my lips.

  “We might as well go back to the hotel room until Lily is done.”

  I hope that he can see the suggestive twinkle in my eye, and from the way he raises his eyebrows and he smirks at me, it seems that he’s thinking along the same lines as me.

  Good, some alone time is exactly what we need after all that we’ve been through!

  We wander from the museum hand in hand, like a normal, everyday couple with absolutely nothing to lose. It’s lovely to be able to act so causally, as if we have no worries in the world, and it makes me think that America really will be the right move for us.

  There, no one will know Edward’s name, not a damn soul, so we can act and behave as we please. I’ll be able to really be a normal person – I’ll get a job, live in a house, do every day things. We’ll just be an average family, and I really cannot wait for that.

  “I’m really happy that we’ve made this decision,” Edward tells me, clearly thinking the same things that I am.

  “I would do anything for you and Lily – I never, ever want to be half way across the world from you ever again.”

  “Nor do I,” I tell him seriously.

  “I feel bad enough on all that you’ve missed out on as much of Lily’s life as you have. I don’t want you to miss out on another second.”

  But as we near the hotel, we fall into a loaded silence. The lust is heavy in the air, and there is no way that we can have any more serious chat when we’re feeling that way.

  My body is buzzing with excitement and I cannot wait to get my hands on this gorgeous man. It’s so hard to control myself, and the only reason that I’m being able to do so is because we’re in public.

  But that changes the instant we step through the door of our hotel room.

  I spin around and face Edward, before grabbing hold of his face and pulling him in for a sultry and passionate kiss.

  His hands snake around the back of my neck as he pulls me in, deepening the kiss, allowing the emotions to really flow between us. The love that has been there since day one.

  “I love you,” I mutter to him, wanting him to understand the depth of my feelings.

  “I never want to let you go again.” I do wish that I’d never run away, and that we were still married, but I’ll take having him here by my side.

  “You won’t have to live another day without me,” he promises me, resting his forehead against mine and looking deep into my eyes.

  I trust his words so much, and I can’t wait for us to be able to prove that to one another.

  Our lips move back together in harmony, and the rest of the world just melts away. All I care about is him, and us, and this moment. All of the struggles with Kristine and the queen just vanish. Neither of them matter anymore, it’s just us.

  Edward starts to walk me backwards until I’m next to the bed, and I happily fall backwards into a lying position. I giggle happily as he crawls over me, tossing my arms backwards over my head. This moment is the most perfect in the entire world.

  “You’re beautiful,” he flicks his eyes over my body, and the look he gives me is absolutely intoxicating.

  He is examining me as if I’m a goddess, as if I’m the most beautiful woman on the entire planet, and I can’t help but feel like it’s true. I’ve never been the most body confident woman around, but with him looking at me like that, all of that vanishes too.

  I yank his t-shirt upwards, pulling it over his head and I trace my fingers over his abs as I go. His body turns me on so much, it’s incredible, and it makes me frantically tug at the rest of his clothes because I want him naked so damn badly.

  “Not just me,” he smiles at me.

  “I want your clothes off too.”

  The material sheds from my body, leaving me warm and flushed, and he pressed up against me. I’m buzzing with anticipation and excitement, as his hands work their way over my body, tracing every curve of me. He’s making me feel so special, so loved, and I shiver under the desire he’s causing me to feel.

  He kisses down my neck and over my chest, working his way down to my breasts. Once there, he kisses and lick my nipples, sending bolts of desire racing right down into my core.

  His mouth claims me, consumes me, and I succumb to him, letting him do what he wants. I’m dizzy with passion, falling apart with desire, and my body is buckling against him as he drives me wild.

  “Oh God,” I groan loudly.

  “Edward you’re killing me. This feels so…”

  And then I gasp in shock, unable to speak anymore as he slides a finger gently inside of me.

  His expert touch has my crying out with pleasure as he brings me to the brink of desire over and over again. I feel like I’m on a knife-edge, and that I could teeter over at any given moment.

  Wanting Edward to feel as amazing as I do, I wrap my fingers around his length, enjoying the feeling of his thick, rock hard erection that I know is just for me. He growls in pleasure as I start to move my hand around him in the way th
at I now know that he likes.

  His arms trembled above me as he struggles to hold himself up, but I just keep on going, enjoying watching him fall apart. I love being able to turn this man on, to drive him crazy, and the more I’m able to do it, the more addictive it becomes.

  “I need you Faith,” he pants headily.

  “It’s been far too long.”

  I can’t help but agree with that sentiment so I pull him in for another passionate kiss to convey just how I’m feeling.

  He teases my entrance with his cock, as if he’s trying to send me insane, but I won’t have it, not this time, so I wrap my arms tightly around his back and I drive him into me.

  As he thrusts, I dig my nails deep into his back, needing something to cling onto, something real, something solid, and something to keep me focused.

  I feel like I’m drifting, floating, losing myself completely to all the sensations that are flooding through me. I can feel every inch of him, and it’s perfect, so right, and it makes me wonder how we ever would have managed to cop if we hadn't found our way back to one another.

  If Edward hadn't come looking for me in America, I would never have found love like this, I never would have found anyone that makes me feel so wanted, so needed, so truly loved.

  I never would have been fully happy.

  “Oh Edward,” I pant for a few more seconds, before I decide that this isn’t enough and that I want to see more of him, so I flip him over, until I am on top.

  Once he is flat on his back, I sit up, allowing him to see every single inch of me, then I angle myself until he is hitting every spot perfectly, and I ride him hard until we are both breathless with desire.

  “Seeing you like this,” Edward spits out in between gasps.

  “It’s absolutely phenomenal.”

  That very familiar heated pool of heated pleasure begins to form in my stomach, one that I will only ever be able to associate with Edward; I allow the screams to flow free from within me.

  The bliss begins small, but it works its way through my veins until it’s crashing right through my body intensely. It’s so strong, so powerful, that I don’t even know what to do with myself. It’s the most powerful orgasm that I’ve ever had and it leaves me a crumbling mess.


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