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How To Tempt A Crook

Page 12

by Linda Verji

  “Nah, won’t work,” he said. “The cases are too different. In that case, the woman was a victim of abuse too. Carrie was just a spectator – and a happy one from all accounts.”

  Kelly pulled a face. “I hate this case.”

  “Tell me about it. Cases like these are the reason I became a prosecutor.” Spencer dragged in a deep breath. “Can you imagine what the boy was going through as he watched someone he thought of as his mother watching him get beaten up? This is going to screw him up for the rest of his life. And now I’m supposed to defend that witch?”

  Kelly watched him quietly. “Do you think you can do it?”

  “I don’t know.” Spencer rubbed the bridge of his nose. “But what I do know is that I wish I was on the other side of the case. Somebody should get that kid justice.”

  He seemed so affected by this case, as if his soul was being stripped piece by piece with every second he spent thinking of ways to defend Carrie Anthony. Kelly wanted to hug him and tell him to just drop this case. She wanted to ask him why he was even at Chambers & Quinn when it was so obvious that he was made for the District Attorney’s office. But she didn’t do or say anything because she already knew the answer. She was the reason.

  AS DISTURBING AS the Carrie Anthony case was, Spencer knew he couldn’t drop it. Not just because it’d been sent directly from ‘above’, but because everyone deserved a defense, even serial killers. Furthermore, if defense lawyers went around cherry-picking clients and only defending the innocent, business would be pretty slim.

  Though Kelly lapsed into silence, he was ridiculously aware of her sitting quietly beside him and palming through his books. So aware of her was he that he knew the exact second she became drowsy and the moment she relaxed back into the couch. But his awareness spiked further when her head slumped in his direction.

  Acting purely on instinct, he caught her head with his hand to keep her from falling to the couch. She must’ve been extremely tired because she didn’t even awaken when his palm cupped her cheek. Gently, he shifted her head back so she was lying with her head back against the couch. But Kelly, it seemed, was uncomfortable with that position. Her head lolled in his direction again and he caught her again then set her right. However, when it happened two other times, he sighed and finally surrendered to fate. He shifted closer to her then rested her head on his shoulder.

  It was hard to work with Kelly’s head on his shoulder. Not because she was heavy, but because his eyes kept drifting to her face. He tried to focus on the document he was reading, but couldn’t help coming back for a better look. So this is what Kelly looked like when she was sleeping? Relaxed, quiet and even more beautiful than he expected.

  Smiling faintly, he reached to push back a braid that had escaped the tight knot that she held her hair in. However, once his fingers glanced over her dark skin, he couldn’t help trailing them against her cheek. Her skin was so silky, so soft, such a stark and beautiful contrast to his… He jerked his hand away when Kelly frowned and whimpered in her sleep.

  Still asleep, she shifted on the couch as if to get more comfortable. When that wasn’t enough, she turned her body slightly, tucking her face into his neck. Spencer stiffened and his breath caught in his throat. When Kelly threw her arm over his torso, awareness zipped through him like electricity.

  He could feel her warm breath as it fanned his neck. He could feel her heavy breast pushing against the side of his arm. Spencer drew in a shaky breath to steady his suddenly erratic heartbeat but ended up taking in a huge gulp of her intoxicating feminine scent.

  He went hard as a rock.

  If that wasn’t a clear sign that things had already gone too far, he didn’t know what was. Reluctantly, he shifted her arm off his upper body then turned her so she was leaning back against the couch again. Once she was off him, he stood up then moved her so she could sleep on the couch. Something about his movements must’ve awakened Kelly because her eyelids suddenly drifted upwards. A second later, she was staring up at him.

  Spencer stilled as their eyes locked.

  Kelly frowned then her tongue peeked past her lips as if inviting him to look. And he did. His gaze riveted on those lush lips, took them in. His heart started to pound as want, need, desire suddenly filled him. Before he knew it, he was lowering his mouth towards hers.

  At first, all he had to work with was her lips. Then her lips parted, welcoming him into a world of sweet and breathless wonder. He kissed Kelly slowly, letting his tongue slide inside, savoring her intoxicating sweetness and warmth. Damn, she was addictive.

  Though the kiss awakened a raw and aching feeling within him, Spencer knew that he needed to stop it. He’d already gone too far past the line that Kelly had drawn. Reluctantly, he dragged his mouth away from hers and started to straighten to his full height.

  He didn’t get far.

  Kelly cupped the back of his neck and yanked him right back down to her. Their lips met again. This time, she was the one who suckled his lips, the one who pushed her tongue into his mouth, the one in control. Once she took the lead, it was over for Spencer. Even if he wanted to turn back, he couldn’t.

  With a low growl, he pressed his lips harder over hers and deepened the kiss.


  Kissing had never felt this amazing.

  Spencer drank from Kelly like she was water and he was a man who’d been marooned in the desert for days. He drowned in her taste then came alive when she met his kiss with so much vigor that he was surprised that she didn’t just inhale him.

  Still kissing him, she sat up and shifted to create space for him on the couch. He settled beside her then promptly deepened the kiss. With one hand, he cupped her face to hold her right where he wanted her while his other hand went exploring. His hand smoothed over her shoulder, lingered over her arm then slid to the side of her body. When he squeezed her waist, she moaned into his mouth, letting him know that she liked that. So he did it again.

  Kelly’s hands were just as adventurous as his. Her fingers ran through his hair, digging into his scalp, before trailing their way down to his shoulders. With her arms, she surrounded his shoulders then dragged him closer until they were so close, he could feel her breasts digging into his chest. That sweet contact sent pleasure rocketing up and down his spine. Groaning, he yanked her closer and into his lap to straddle him.

  Yup! There. Right there. Now he could feel every inch of her delicious body pushing against his; her fleshy breasts pushing against his chest, her tummy brushing his, her thighs cradling his, and her pussy hovering just inches from his groin. But it still wasn’t enough. He needed to get rid of those last few inches between them.

  He shoved the tight skirt of her blue dress up and over her ass so it was no longer a barrier. Kelly instinctively settled deeper into him, and finally, he felt her heat on him. It felt damn good. Spencer tore his lips from Kelly’s as desire, painful yet sweet, seared through him. But Kelly wasn’t ready to let him go. Her lips followed his, sealed them as one again. When he opened his mouth on a groan, her tongue darted in and flicked against his.

  Damn! Was this woman trying to drive him insane? Grabbing her nape and waist with more force than necessary, he slanted his lips over hers and deepened the kiss. This kiss was different from all their other kisses. It was rough, and fast, and frantic. Pure lust.

  He really thought it couldn’t get better than that; then Kelly one upped that kiss by grinding on him. It started subtly but soon, she was grinding her pussy over his cock in slow and hard swirls that had him holding his breath. Even though his slacks and her panties were between them, he felt every twirl, every hard grind. His shaft hardened, lengthened and jutted forward, seeking more of that sweetness. He lowered his hands to her ass and squeezed the deliciously plump flesh, earning himself a harder grind for his efforts. He groaned in pleasure.

  Frankly, Spencer was surprised that Kelly hadn’t stopped them yet – not just because of their past, but also because they were still at the o
ffice. However, he wasn’t going to be the one to stop her. He was in too deep already. At this point, not even an earthquake could’ve dragged him from the pleasure that Kelly wove.

  Need, pleasure and heat circled, bound and consumed them as their tongues danced to the silent music playing between them. Kelly must’ve felt overwhelmed by that heat because, without once ceasing her erotic movements on his lap or ending the kiss, she shrugged off her coat. It went sailing over the coffee table and to the floor.

  If she was feeling too hot, then Spencer could help her out. He reached upwards to grab the zipper of her dress and drag it down. Still kissing her like his very life depended on it, he yanked the sleeves of her dress down and off her arms. The top of her dress fell to her waist revealing her bra-covered breasts.

  Spencer tore his lips from hers and lowered his gaze. Damn, this woman was beautiful. Just seeing the lush tops of her breasts and the pink lacy fabric that hid the rest of her from his view was enough to lick his lip. Eager to see more, he reached behind her and expertly flicked the snap of her bra open. A moment later, the fabric went sailing into the air.

  Spencer had never thought of himself as a breast man, but he suspected that that was about to change. Kelly was definitely more than a handful, just how he liked them. Dark brown crests stood over lush mounds, practically pleading for his touch. How could he deny her?

  Painfully aware of Kelly watching him, he drew his hands upwards and cupped her. Her eyes widened, and she pulled in a sharp breath. When he flicked his thumbs against her nipples, she whimpered. But it was only after he drew one firm tip into his mouth that her little cries started in earnest.

  “So sweet,” Spencer rasped, his voice rough with desire, before he sucked the erect brown tip deeper into his mouth.

  Kelly arched against him desperately. Her needy moans were like gasoline to the fire raging within him. They egged him on, begged him to do his worst. So he did. He suckled her like she was the sweetest of honeys, flicked his tongue repeatedly over her nipple until he had her shaking like a leaf, then gave her other breast the same torturous treatment.

  Her pleasure was his. The more she cried out and danced on his lap, the harder he got until he was sure that he’d come if he didn’t get her off his lap. His mouth never left her breast as he moved her from his lap to the couch. Now that he had her lying on her back, he could explore more, do more. While she was distracted by the havoc he was wreaking on her breasts, he dragged her dress down her legs and off her body. The fabric fell soundlessly to the floor, leaving Kelly in just her panties and heels – the way he’d imagined her several times.

  After one last flick of his tongue against her breasts, he sat up so he could see exactly what he’d revealed. And what a sight it was. Her dark skin was shiny and moist, swollen lips slightly parted, brown eyes dazed as her voluptuous figure lay sprawled before him. His shaft reared forward at that sexy view, demanding to be let out of its cage. Who was he to deny it? Spencer flicked open the top button of his shirt.

  THIS WAS IT. The perfect time to stop!

  Though Kelly was practically naked and Spencer was working on the last button of his shirt, he was for all intents and purposes, still clothed. It meant that they hadn’t gone too far yet. She could stop him right now.

  Stop him! Her brain yelled. However, her mouth refused to say the words and her hands refused to shove him away. All she could do was watch him with wide-eyed anticipation as he got rid of that last button. When he finally shrugged his shirt off, her breath caught in her throat.

  The Statue of David had nothing on this man. His chest seemed carved from the finest granite; all muscles and smooth skin. She’d never used beautiful to describe a man before, but right now it was the only word ringing in her mind. Instinctively, she bit her bottom lip.

  Spencer chuckled. “You like?”

  “Mm.” She nodded, her gaze rising to meet his. She found him watching her, a wicked smile lifting the side of his lips.

  “I like what I see too,” he murmured as his gaze slid from her face down her body, down, down… to stop at her panty-covered mound.

  His eyes darkened perceptibly and his smile disappeared, leaving behind an almost wolfish expression – as if he wanted to consume her. If she wasn’t already wet, his hot gaze would’ve turned on the taps. Her heart skipped a beat when he set his hands on her thighs then pushed them further apart, exposing her completely to his heated gaze. Her breath caught in her chest when he slowly eased his hands down her thighs. Those errant hands stopped right at the edges of her panties.

  Her blood froze in its tracks and all her muscles stilled as if waiting for his next move. He didn’t disappoint. With painful slowness, he grabbed the edges of her panties and dragged the fabric down her legs. His jaw began to tick and his breath quickened as he painstakingly revealed his prize. The only time his gaze slid away was when he lifted her legs so he could completely get rid of her panties.

  And then she was naked.

  No one had ever stared at Kelly so intensely, so thoroughly. She felt so completely exposed to him that a twinge of embarrassment swept through her. However, when she tried to cover her mound, Spencer grabbed her wrists and held her hands away from her body so he could stare to his content. Then he lowered his head, lower, lower… he kissed the very top of her mound.

  “Spencer!” Kelly squealed in shock even as she came up to her elbows so she could better see what he was doing.

  Spencer set another open-mouthed kiss at the top of her mound before journeying downwards. The muscles in Kelly’s lower tummy tightened the closer he got to her nether lips. Then he was there. She jerked when he flicked his tongue between her lips, almost came off the couch when he did it again. By the time he got to her clit, she was panting and shifting restlessly on the couch.

  He took her hands and set them on his head before getting to the real work.

  “Oh… jeez… Spence… oh… oh… ah.” Her whimpers and cries echoed in the room as Spencer worked her body.

  Ah, he was good. The way he drank her like she was the sweetest stevia. The way he flicked that tongue across and around her clit. The way he stabbed that expert tongue into her like a little cock trying to get into her. Her fingers dug into his hair and she spread her thighs apart further so he had more space to move. She wasn’t a virgin, but the things this man was doing to her now were so new and foreign, she was surprised they didn’t come with a visa.

  When he suddenly dipped a finger into her, she couldn’t help her whimper. Only the knowledge that they were still at the office kept her from screaming when he began to pump that finger in and out of her.

  Holy hell! This man was going to be the death of her. He was driving her crazing, driving her wild. Her whimpers rang in time to the stroke of his finger inside her and the flick of his tongue on her clit. Her body shivered and shuddered as jolts of electricity shot up and down her spine with breathtaking speed. But Spencer wasn’t done with her. He added a second finger.

  “Spence… ah…” Kelly threw her head back and raised her hips to meet those delicious strokes. His fingers were so long and thick that it almost felt like he was inside her. Her walls began to convulse, contracting over those nimble fingers as the waves began to build.

  When the tremors started rolling through her body, she had to cup her palm over her mouth to keep from screaming like a banshee. Her orgasm came fast and hard. It punched and left her reeling with stars in her eyes. Her body jolted off the couch as she reached that sweet, sweet crest, then collapsed back as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

  Her release left her exhausted yet pleasantly satiated too. Her breath coming in gasps and her eyes closed, she lay on the couch, waiting for her body to stop shaking. She was so engrossed in the aftermath of her climax that she barely noticed Spencer get rid of his clothes. When she finally opened her eyes, she found him standing beside the couch, strapping up. When he was done, he came back over her.

  After the mind-numbing orgasm, she�
��d just had, one would’ve thought that she’d feel nothing. One would be wrong. The feeling of Spencer’s warm skin against hers was overwhelmingly delicious. Instinctively, she circled his neck with her arms. With a smile, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  This kiss was sweet, tender, almost thankful. It was long and tempting, almost as tempting as the play of his shaft against her slit. His length rubbed up and down between her nether lips in tune to their kiss, teasing and heating her until she got back to boiling point. Fresh wetness coated his shaft, making every slide even more delicious. Before she knew it, Kelly was spreading her legs and tilting her hips upwards, soundlessly pleading for something more. Still kissing her, Spencer lifted his upper body off her then reached between them to grab his shaft. He lined it up with her entrance then started to push in.

  It’d been so long since Kelly had been with a man that her body instinctively protested the foreign invasion. To make matters worse, Spencer wasn’t a small man, which meant his entrance was more painful than pleasurable.

  She tore her lips from him to plead. “Slowly.”

  “Sorry.” Watching her keenly, he withdrew the inch that was already in then slowly pushed back in. “Tell me if it’s too much.”

  “Okay.” She nodded then frowned when fresh pain shot through her. Spencer must’ve seen her pain because he started to withdraw again. She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him in. “Just keep pushing.”

  “You sure?” he asked, concern battling desire in his expression.

  Instead of answering, she tilted her hips up to take more of him. It was the cue he needed. Spencer lowered his head, sealed his lips to hers then thrust further in. His thickness stretched her, opened her up until finally he was in deep, real deep. Then he waited.


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