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Safe Space II: The Finale

Page 12

by Tiffany Patterson

“All right, what’re you in the mood for?”

  “I could go for that huge kale salad they serve at Grant’s. And I get to finally enjoy it again now that you’re back to screwing the owner.”


  “What?” she asked innocently. “I mean, when he was the enemy I couldn’t betray you by supporting his business. But I did miss the food there. Shit, they serve soul food but plenty of delicious vegan options.”

  “I swear.” I just shook my head. “Fine. Grant’s it is, then.”

  “Good,” she agreed, rubbing her hands together.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon at what had become my favorite restaurant. And oddly enough, being there made me feel just a little bit closer to Xavier, even though he wasn’t there. The place was full of his character and personality. When the waiter refused to let me pay for our lunch, telling us she had strict orders from high up that our meal was on the house, I just shook my head. I had to force her to accept the tip I offered.

  “Ms. Thing gets the royal treatment here, huh?” Gabby teased.

  “Shut it.”

  “It’s cute, though. You’ve got that little starry-eyed gaze back.”

  “I do not,” I insisted.

  “Hate to break it to you, but you do. It’s all good. It works for you. And you’re bringing Xavier on Saturday?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I was a little nervous asking, but Donna did say I could bring a guest. And it’s something I’d like to share with him. I still think we’ve got things we need to work through, especially the reason behind why we broke up in the first place. You should’ve seen his response when I told him the whole truth about He-who-shall-remain-nameless.”

  Gabby’s face scrunched up with curiosity and a little bit of fear. “How did he respond?”

  I shook my head, trying to put it into words. “Obviously, he was pissed, but it like, consumed his whole body. I felt his anger vibrating off of him. I didn’t feel threatened or frightened by it, but I knew if he were ever in the same room with E—er, my ex, he might not make it out.”

  “Tuh, and that’s a bad thing?”

  I frowned. “Gabby.”

  She held up her hand. “Don’t even start with me. You already know how I feel about that asshole. I’m still holding a grudge against you for even entertaining the idea of seeing that bastard, but I’m trying my best to get over it. And if Xavier finds him and wants to take his head off, I’m all for it.”

  I sighed, knowing there was no reasoning with her about this.

  “But let’s drop that discussion and get to the important part. Did you run out the next morning like you did the first time? Did that man have to hand-deliver the panties to you in your office again?”

  I burst out laughing, having to cover my mouth when I received a few stares from other patrons.

  “Gabby!” I whispered harshly.


  “No, he didn’t have to hand-deliver my panties to me this time.”

  “Good. Although that was funny as hell.”

  “It wasn’t that damn funny. Besides, this time the man hid my clothes.”

  “What?” Her eyes doubled in size.

  “Yeah, I woke up looking for my clothes and couldn’t find them. Not even my damn panties. I had to wear one of his T-shirts as I made breakfast—what the...? Are you all right?” I asked a now choking Gabby.

  “My bad, I just thought I heard you say you were cooking that man breakfast. My ears must’ve malfunctioned or something.”

  I angled my neck, giving her a side-eye. “You’ve got jokes?”

  “I mean, we lived together for close to five years, and I can count on one hand the number of times you made breakfast. I’m just saying.”

  “Any damn way, when he got up, I told him I had to borrow his T-shirt because I couldn’t find my clothes, and he told me it’s because he’d hidden them. He didn’t want me running out before we had a chance to talk.”

  “Amen to that. Witcho scary ass.”

  “I’m not scary.”

  “Tuh, the hell you aren’t. I mean, it’s with good reason, but Xavier is obviously a good man who is also successful, smart, funny, and good-looking as hell. Not that I’ve noticed.” She added that last part when I gave her another side-eye.

  “Yeah, but he comes with baggage, too. I know he’s still holding something back that made him react the way he did and walk out on me, and there’s other stuff.” I didn’t want to add that I’d just come to realize how much Xavier reminded me of my father. Both had so many traits in common and could charm the pants off of just about any woman. That was just part of what attracted me to Xavier, but also what gave me pause.

  “Chanel, we all come with baggage. Every single one of us has some shit we need to work through. There are no perfect people. You just gotta figure out if the person you’re with’s good qualities are enough to balance out their baggage.”

  I gave her a quizzical look. “You been watching Fix My Life again?”

  She gave me one of her smart-ass, sassy looks; her dark eyes narrowing on me. “Don’t play with me, you know I don’t watch that damn show.”

  I giggled. Gabby hated that show. Believed it was just TV fodder for people who had real life problems. I tended to agree with her. No one-hour TV show was going to fix anyone’s life.

  But I began thinking about what Gabby said. There were times I thought she should’ve gone into counseling as a profession. Don’t get me wrong, she was great at what she did and obviously had a passion for it, but she was one of the best listeners I’d ever encountered and had a way of seeing things that cut right past the bullshit. She also wouldn’t hesitate to tell anyone like it was when they needed to hear it. If only she could apply some of her advice to her own life. I thought back on her reluctance to settle on a spot for her spa and her issues around relationships.

  “You ready to go? You should let me do a facial on you tonight. I’ll have your skin glowing for the next few days when your man finally gets back in town.”

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I responded, grinning.

  “Let’s go.”


  I was nervous. I realized this after I crossed and uncrossed my legs for probably the fourth time in the Town Car on the way to the airport. It was Friday night, well after ten o’clock. The car had come to pick me up about thirty minutes ago, on the way to the airport to pick up Xavier.

  It’d been nearly two weeks since I’d seen him in person. I don’t know why I was nervous. I couldn’t wait to see him up close. I’d worn a simple dark blue off-the-shoulder shift dress with a pair of black booties. Xavier often commented on liking my legs, so I figured I’d show them off tonight. As we grew closer to the small airport where he’d be landing, I covered my rumbling stomach even as a smile grew on my face.

  As we approached the airstrip, I could see Xavier’s plane had already landed. We stopped a little bit away from the plane, and I heard the driver get out a few seconds before the back door opened for my exit. Stepping out of the car, I was hit by the coolness of the night, but my body warmed as soon as I saw those long legs and slightly pigeon-toed gait dismounting the plane.

  Xavier was accompanied by one other man, who I knew worked with him, but couldn’t remember his name. I watched as Xavier looked around a little, orienting himself with his surroundings as he descended the stairs of the plane. His eyes roved over the airstrip before landing on the waiting vehicles.

  It was then I noticed that there was more than one Town Car waiting. I figured it was for the other man with Xavier. When his eyes finally landed on me, his lips tightened, not into what could be considered a smile, but the indention on his left cheek told me everything I needed to know. He was as happy to see me as I was to see him. He picked up his pace with intention, zeroing in on me. Behind him, I heard his companion say something, which Xavier acknowledged with a wave of his hand, but he never broke his stride. When he was within two feet of me, his hands w
ere already outstretched, gripping the sides of my face.

  Less than a second later, his hungry lips connected with mine and I forgot anything else existed. I’d expected a quick peck, but apparently, Xavier had other ideas. His lips worked to pry my mouth open and his tongue swept against my bottom lip before snaking inside and devouring me. I heard moaning, and it took me a while to realize it was coming from me. I held onto his waist, needing an anchor as I felt like my feet were leaving the ground. Just when I felt I needed a break for air, he pulled back, my lip gloss now smeared across his grinning mouth.

  “Hi.” His deep voice made my panties moist.

  “Welcome home, baby.”

  “Good to be home.”

  I giggled when he nipped my bottom lip again with his teeth.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Grant.”

  Xavier reluctantly pulled his gaze away from me to look at our driver. “Thanks for making sure my girl got here safely, Will.”

  “Anytime, sir.”

  “I got it,” he told William as he lowered his hands from my face to hold the door open.

  I pulled away to lower myself into the back seat. I could hear Xavier’s mumbled voice say something to the driver before he climbed in the back seat, his big body crowding mine.

  “How was your flight?”

  “A little turbulent, but not too bad. Come here.”

  I gasped when he pulled me onto his lap as the car started moving. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and inhaled. I laughed from the tickle of his beard against my sensitive skin. His masculine scent filled my nostrils, and my hands braced against his shoulders to push back before things could get too far. We were still in the back of a car, for goodness’ sake.

  “What’re you doing?” I questioned when his hand began moving under my dress and up my thigh, leaving behind it a trail of goosebumps.

  “You don’t know?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Xavier,” I whispered harshly, turning over my shoulder, looking toward the front of the car.

  “The partition’s up. Get like ya girl, Bey.”

  I scrunched my face up.

  “Driver, roll up the partition please,” he growled before pulling me back to him and nipping my earlobe.

  Laughter bubbled up from my gut, spilling out of my lips as he continued to place soft kisses down my neck. I knew it was useless then to even try to pretend like I didn’t want him right here in the back seat of this car.

  I moaned softly when his thumb made contact with the outside of my panties and rubbed against my clit. I turned my head, connecting our lips once again. Lips and tongues dueled and caressed over one another briefly before I pulled back. I grinned at the disappointment on Xavier’s face from the distance I’d put between us again. When he tried to pull me back, I pushed against him and quickly scooted off his lap, sinking between his legs.

  He relaxed slightly. On my knees, staring up into his coffee eyes, I licked my lips as I reached for his belt buckle. He widened his legs, making room for my body between them and granting me better access. I made quick work of undoing his pants and freeing his thick shaft from the boxer briefs he wore.

  “You sure you know what to do with all that?”

  “I think I can manage,” I replied, never taking my eyes off his and right before snaking my tongue out to lick around the entire tip of his dick. His eyelids lowered but didn’t close. Even in the low lighting of the vehicle, I could see his eyes darken as he watched me take him completely into my mouth. I took him as far back as I could. I closed my eyes, enjoying the taste of him and his unique scent. Lifting my head, I let my tongue swirl around the tip again before taking him to the back of my throat again.

  “Fuck,” Xavier groaned above me.

  I continued to lick and slurp his shaft, eventually using the precum that emerged from his tip to moisten him even more. His large hand moved to the back of my head, tugging on the updo I’d put my hair in, and encouraging me to take even more of him. Relaxing my jaw, I managed to take in even more of his shaft into my mouth, humming in the back of my throat as I did.

  The grip at the back of my head tightened, and I heard him growl above me. I bobbed my head vigorously, filled with the need to feel his warm cum on my tongue. I ached to taste his life-giving fluids in my mouth.

  I used my hands to pull his pants down even farther to give me access to his balls. I played with them while I used my mouth to bring him to completion. Soon his balls drew up in my hand at the same time his hand tightened even more at the back of my head. I knew he was close and I moaned again when the first splash of cum hit my tongue. I sucked him until the last stream of semen emerged, only to be swallowed down my throat.

  Finally, I pulled back, breathing heavily and in awe of how turned on I was from performing oral on him. Although he wasn’t my first, it was never a task I particularly enjoyed or got stimulated doing. I’d done it because my partners enjoyed it and I wanted to make them happy. With Xavier, I did it because it made us both happy. The look of pure satisfaction on Xavier’s face spoke of the pleasure he received from my mouth as I sat back on my haunches, looking up at him. His eyes zeroed in on my lips when I licked the remnants of him off them.

  Before I could sit up, he leaned down, staring at me intently. He used his thumb to scrape my chin and ran it across my bottom lip. He encouraged my mouth open, inserting his thumb into it, feeding me his remaining fluids that I’d apparently missed. He pulled his digit from my mouth slowly and lowered his massive hand to my neck, cupping it and squeezing. I felt my airway constrict ever so slightly before he loosened his grip but kept his hand where it was.

  For a brief moment, my body filled with something close to fear. Xavier never took his gaze from me. He paused, remaining silent but reading my response to this new scenario in our sex life. I felt his glare all the way to my toes, but even more, I felt the safety and security that always existed when I was in his presence. I nodded slightly. The next moment, I felt like stars burst in my chest as those lips I adored spread into a satisfied grin. My pussy purred, needing to feel him swell inside it.

  The hold he had on my neck tightened as he lifted me to lie on my back on the back seat of the car. I widened my legs to allow him to settle in between them.

  “Xavier,” I whispered with need.

  “I know, baby girl.” He lifted slightly, digging for something in the pocket of his pants. I let my gaze travel over as I saw him toss his wallet aside after he’d pulled out a condom, all with his free hand.

  With his one hand still on my neck, he held the gold condom wrapper up to my face. “Put it on me,” he ordered.

  I took it from him and used my teeth to tear it open. He loosened his grip on my neck, but held firm as I sat up slightly, reaching to cover his glistening cock. I barely had it rolled all the way down before I was pushed back against the seat and my panties were pulled down and over my left leg. He pushed my leg damn near to my ear as he thrust inside of me.

  “Fuck!” I yelled. The air rushed from my lungs as he filled me completely.

  Raising up, his hand still firmly braced around my neck, he watched me as he began moving his hips, pistoning in and out of me. I moaned and uttered words that were incoherent to my own ears.

  “Goddamn, baby,” he murmured. “I missed the hell out of this pussy.”

  The edges of my vision blurred as he squeezed my throat again. My eyes fluttered shut as I was overcome with sheer pleasure mixed with slight panic, that I knew would lead to even more pleasure. On each down stroke he squeezed and then released as he pulled out almost to the tip before pushing back in again.

  “Open your eyes,” he growled at the same time he lowered himself, letting his lips graze over mine. He eased up on my leg and lowered it, so it circled his hip.

  I did as he requested, opening my eyes until they met his. I gasped when he squeezed my neck again and began pounding into me. The tingling started all the way at my toes, but I had no air to let out the moan that
wanted to escape. He squeezed harder, increased his thrusts that built momentum that rose in my core. I struggled to keep my eyes open against the intense pleasure he so willingly gave.

  Just when I felt like I would pass out from lack of oxygen and the acute pressure in between my legs, he released my neck, and my orgasm sent me over the edge. My back arched almost completely off the back seat. I grasped at his still thrusting hips, needing something to hold onto. I dug my fingernails into his skin, not even cognizant enough to worry about whether or not I broke the skin. I gasped and moaned harshly, as wave after wave flowed through me, my orgasm going on and on.

  After some time, I felt him swell inside me, and I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and veins popped out of his neck. He pulled me to him as he came, pressing our bodies together.

  With him covering me as I lay on the backseat, he brought his lips to mine.

  “So fucking good to be home.”

  I smiled against his soft lips that were such a contrast to the rest of his hard body.

  “You can’t be…” My voice trailed off. I marveled at how he’d grown hard once again, his dick still inside me.

  “It’s not my damn fault,” he responded, squeezing my rear end for emphasis. “But that was my only condom. Your greedy ass is gonna have to wait until we get home.” He slowly pulled out of me and sat up.

  I sighed at the feeling of emptiness that came over me once he completely withdrew. For a nanosecond, I wondered why he needed to wait until he had another condom. We’d had sex plenty of times without protection and had discussed each other’s sexual histories and STD test information early on in our relationship. A second later, I scolded myself for being ridiculous. We weren’t married, still fairly new in this relationship, having only recently gotten back together. We should be using condoms, especially since neither one of us had any plans to have a baby anytime soon. We were grown adults with busy professional lives. We didn’t have time to slow down for a child when we hadn’t even discussed exactly where this thing between us was going. Logical thoughts ran through my head. I knew they made sense, but as I watched him remove the filled condom from his thickness, a weird sense of longing hit my gut as I wished he had come inside me instead of the Magnum.


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