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ReBoot (MAC Security Series Book 4)

Page 20

by Abigail Davies

  When she gets to her first husband—yes, you heard that right, she’s had three husbands—she tells me how she only thought she was in love with him.

  “Now, Dylan—the second.” She tilts my head back and tells me to close my eyes. “I knew right away that he was my one true love. The way I felt when I first looked at him, the way he made me feel like nothing but me. I knew then and there that there’d be no one else like him.”

  “Really?” I ask, feeling those butterflies in my stomach again.

  “Yep! I have no doubt that I’d still be married to him had he not died.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I say automatically.

  “Don’t be sorry—open up.” I open my eyes as she puts on a little more eyeshadow. “When you have that kind of love, you should never be sorry. If you have it for a week, a year, or all of your life, you cherish every single moment of it.”

  I swallow as she comes at my eye with a black pen thing, telling me to close my eyes again.

  “What was he like?” I ask, wanting to know more.

  “A perfect mixture of West and Sebastian,” she answers, moving to the other eye.

  “West and Seb are Dylan’s grandsons?” I try not to frown.

  “They sure are, my first husband only lasted six months,” she says, running the tip of the pen on my eyelid. “Their mother, Dalia, she was the most beautiful thing, and so much like her father it was unreal.”

  “Dalia?” I ask, wondering what she was like. Livvy isn’t the kind of person who has photographs of people around her house.

  “Yeah.” She taps my chin twice, taking a step back and checking out my face and her handiwork. “She went down the wrong path, those two boys were born when she was sixteen. She was never the kind of person to get into trouble, but she fell into the wrong crowd, and well... one thing led to another I suppose.”

  I nod sadly, knowing just how much one decision, one action, can change your whole life. That’s all it took to change mine forever.

  My mind starts to wander back to that decision but the sound of a knock on the front door has me whipping my head up.

  “He’s here,” I whisper, my voice shaky.

  Livvy smiles and walks out of the room and then back in a few seconds later, two boxes in her hands. “I got you these.”

  “What? You didn’t—”

  “Hush now, child.” She smirks. “I’ll leave you to get dressed.”

  With that she leaves, closing the door behind her. My eyes move down to the two boxes and I run my finger over the edge of the top, smaller one, knowing that it must contain shoes.

  I lift the lid tentatively, moving my head to the side as I place it on the bed and pull back the white wrapping that encases the heels. I stare at them, marveling at the strappy, black heels. I’ve never owned a pair like this in my life, and just the thought of walking in them makes me nervous. They’re not high, I’d say three inches at most, but it’s way more than I’m used to.

  I push my feet into them, stroking the straps that interweave across the top of my foot and the back of my heel before opening the other box and slowly pulling out the dress.

  Standing up, I take my robe off and slip the dress over my head before turning to face the mirror.

  My dark-brown hair is styled in loose waves, my makeup done to perfection—it almost looks natural how the orange and brown shadows compliment my eyes. I continue looking down, my hands smoothing the sides of the deep red dress. The neckline sweeps along my collarbone in a semi-circle, resting there delicately the same as it does from the neck to under my arms. It hugs my waist and hips along with my thighs before it stops just before my knees.

  I’ve never felt more beautiful in my entire life than I do right now in this moment.

  My eyes move to the door and I clutch my hands together, my nerves coming back full force when I realize that Evan is on the other side of that door.

  I step up to the door, catching my reflection in the glass and pushing a piece of errant hair back into place with a shaky hand.

  “Stop it, Evan,” I whisper to myself. I’ve been nervous all day and it’s only gotten worse the closer the time has come. I was ready to leave an hour ago, but I had to stop myself and sit on my sofa, only serving to make my nerves so much more intense.

  When I get like this, I normally play a game or work on a piece of software or device, but no matter what I did this time, nothing distracted me.

  I’m putting myself out there with her, and I’ll admit, I’m scared that I’ll say or do something to set her off. Geena was perfect when we first went out, but that soon changed.

  I shake my head, berating myself for going there.

  Taking a deep breath, I lift my hand about to knock on the door as it swings open. “Evan?”

  “Erm… hey, West.” I shuffle nervously on the spot before clearing my throat. “I’m here for Lexi.”

  He frowns, his head reeling back as he steps aside for Seb. “Lexi?”

  “Yeah… I… We… erm… we have a date.”

  They both stare at me like I have two heads, neither saying another word until Livvy shouts, “Let him inside!”

  They step apart, allowing me to walk in where I’m immediately greeted by Livvy and her waiting arms. “You look handsome,” she says, pulling back and straightening the khaki shirt that I’m wearing.

  “Thanks.” Pushing my hands into the pockets of my black jeans, swaying to the side as my eyes wander down the hallway. “Is she ready, or…”

  “She’ll be out in a minute.” She grins big and wide before lifting up on her tiptoes and pushing my hair into place. “You make sure you look after our Lexi, she’s not like that other woman you had.”


  “I know I don’t need to say it.” Her eyes flit between mine. “But you treat her right and in the way that she deserves.”

  “Okay,” I say, swallowing against the dryness that has suddenly appeared in my throat. “I will.”

  Livvy nods and then steps to the side, sitting down in the arm chair opposite West and Seb who are still watching me with shocked expressions.

  “What?” I ask, my voice coming out harsher than I intended.

  “Nothing,” West replies, sitting up straighter. “I just thought that your type was... more demanding. Nothing like Lexi.”

  I grit my teeth and clench my jaw at his words. I hate when people talk about types, not only that but he’s going off what Geena was, and although she was demanding, she was more than that.

  I scan the room, taking in all of the furniture and ornaments of elephants that are scattered about as I try to find the right words to answer him.

  “That woman is nothing but a bitch.” My head snaps to Livvy as she shrugs. “Just saying it like it is.”

  I open my mouth to say something but suddenly all eyes are on something behind me, and when I turn around, I can’t help the way my eyes widen just like theirs have.

  Lexi was beautiful the first time I saw her in a sweater and leggings but in this dress, that hugs her every curve, and the heels that encase her feet, I can only think of one word to describe her—stunning.

  “Hi?” Her soft voice pulls my eyes from her legs and up to her face. Her eyes scream the nerves that she feels as mine start to disappear the longer I’m in her presence.

  Something happens to me when I’m around her, I feel like nothing else matters. Not the past, not the present, but only the future. And when I look at her, I know that she’s my future. I know it deep in my bones, but most importantly, I feel it in the way my heart beats faster around her, in the way my soul feels connected to hers.

  “Hey,” I say, sauntering toward her and letting my hand run down her bare arm and to her hand that hangs loosely at her side. “You look beautiful.” I bring her hand to my lips. “Stunning.” I press my lips gently to her knuckles, not taking my eyes from hers. “Breathtaking.”

  A blush rises on her cheeks as I keep ahold of her hand and pull her closer.r />
  “Thank you,” she whispers, not moving her eyes from mine. “You look... Breathtaking too?”

  I chuckle, my lips spreading into a grin as I let my hand rest on her hip, feeling the static air between us as I do.

  “Thanks.” I flit my eyes between hers, loving how she shows me every single emotion. “Shall we get out of here?”

  “Please,” she whispers. “I feel three pairs of eyes on us and it makes me feel... strange.”

  I chuckle again, loving how carefree I can be around her and press a kiss to her temple before pulling away and turning around to face the eyes that are on us.

  Not saying another word, I lead her out of the house as she waves and picks up her wallet off the table by the front door. Her heels clack on the path as I intertwine our hands on the way to my car, spotting my dad and pop in the window of their house.

  I lift my hand in a wave when Dad places his hand over his heart and I can almost hear the “awww” sound that he’s making.

  “Mal is such a romantic,” Lexi comments.

  I make a noise in the back of my throat as I open the passenger door and step back, allowing Lexi to slide inside before I close the door and jog around the back and get into the driver’s side.

  My stomach dips as I push the key into the ignition and turn it. “Ready?” I ask, turning my head and meeting her nervous gaze.

  Her chest lifts up and down, and I can’t stop my eyes from focusing there for a second before she says, “Yeah.”

  Shaking the thoughts from my head, I twist back to face the front and press my foot on the gas pedal, heading toward Barney’s.

  I searched for hours on the internet, trying to find somewhere special to take Lexi on our first date, but ultimately, I kept coming back to Barney’s. I feel comfortable there and I know the people, I know they’ll be welcoming to Lexi. But most importantly, I know that we won’t see Geena there because she hates the place.

  We listen to country music on the way and I revel in the sound of Lexi’s voice as she sings along to the words softly. Her voice sounds unlike any that I’ve ever heard: I could sit and listen to her all day.

  Pulling up into the lot of Barney’s, I park in my usual spot and jump out of the car, jogging around to her side before opening her door and offering my hand for her.

  She places her small one in mine as she lifts her leg out of the car, my eyes wandering down and soaking in the sight of her creamy skin as it glistens under the lights that shine above the door.

  “Thanks,” she says, clearing her throat and adjusting her dress when she’s fully out.

  I intertwine my fingers with hers as I smile at her, trying to say without words that I understand how she’s feeling right now.

  Pushing the door open, the smell of beer and ribs hits me, just like it does every time I come in here. It may not be the most upscale place to bring a date, but the atmosphere is amazing, the people welcoming and the food good.

  “Evan!” Barney Junior shouts as soon as he sees me. I meet his gaze, watching as his eyes widen when he sees Lexi standing next to me.

  I turn back to Lexi, saying, “That’s Barney Junior, he helps run the place with his dad.”

  She nods her head, her fingers tightening around mine as she scans the place, her eyes soaking everything in. I watch as they flit from the pine bar that takes up the whole left wall and over to the tables in the middle and then the booths that are scattered about.

  “Come on,” I encourage, tilting my head.

  She walks with me, her hand squeezing mine to the point of pain now that we’re getting closer.

  “Barney, this is Lexi. Lexi, this is Barney Junior.” I smirk, looking from him to Lexi. “Or BJ as I like to call him.”

  She snorts, covering her mouth and nose as laughter takes over her whole body. She tries to get it under control, but she fails, throwing her head back and letting it wash over her like rain in a storm.

  My heart stutters as I watch her become the carefree woman that she’s let me see glimpses of.

  “Sorry,” she says, though her tone doesn’t sound one bit apologetic as she turns to Barney. “I didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth.”

  “Yeah?” Barney leans on the bar, coming closer. “I can tell you some of the things I call Evan—”

  “That’s enough,” I say, putting my arm around Lexi’s waist and giving Barney a death stare in warning.

  He chuckles, throwing his hands up as he shouts for Mel who turns the corner and almost crashes into us.

  “Evan.” She grins, her eyes flitting to Lexi and back before she whips her head back. “Who’s this?”

  “This is Lexi: my date.”

  “Ohhhh.” Her mouth opens wide and her eyes crinkle at the corners as she lifts two menus off the waitress stand, holding her arm out. “Let’s find you a nice booth.” Winking at me, she turns and then struts over to the back corner, waving her hand at it like an assistant in a magic show. “This one will be perfect.”

  “Thanks, Mel.” I let Lexi slide in first and debate whether I should sit next to her or opposite her.

  I saw somewhere once that if you sit opposite them that it’s showing you don’t want to get close, but if you sit next to them you’re giving them the signal that you want more than only dinner.

  My mind spins as I try to pick the right choice, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as I start to click my fingers at my side in a nervous gesture.

  “Evan?” Her soft voice brings me out of my head and I whip my head up, meeting her reassuring gaze. “Aren’t you going to sit down?” She points opposite her, a soft smile gracing her face as I let out the breath that I was holding.

  “Sorry,” I murmur, letting my eyes drop to the menu when Mel places it in front of me and tells us she’ll be back in five.

  “Don’t be a silly sausage, you’re fine.” I chuckle, bringing my gaze back up to hers, but she’s not looking at me, she’s staring at the menu, her eyes wide. “Oh! I’m so getting this.” She twists the menu around to me, pointing at the picture of the rib platter. “I’ve never had ribs.”

  “You haven’t?” I ask, my voice gruff.

  “Nope.” She places the menu on the table, dancing in her seat as she does a little jig. “I can’t wait! I’m so glad you brought me here.”

  My head tilts to the side as I watch her, not able to take my eyes off her, not even when Mel comes back and takes our food and drinks order.

  We talk nonstop while we wait for the food to come. She tells me about her gran, and how Livvy reminds her of her, how her gran taught her to bake and that it relaxes her. I soak in every little bit of information that comes out of her mouth, watching the way her hands move animatedly as she talks.

  Her eyes widen and she sits up straighter when our food arrives and she doesn’t waste another second before she’s digging into the ribs, moaning at the taste and spreading BBQ sauce up her face with each bite she takes.

  “You have a little…” I point to my cheek but she shrugs.

  “I’ll get it when I’ve finished, I’m enjoying these way too much to care right now.”

  A weird feeling washes over me at her statement, and I find myself even more enamored with her and every little movement she makes.

  She leans back in the booth after fifteen minutes, a plate of bones left on her plate with the pile of fries that it comes with. “Whew.” She pats her belly. “I’m so full it’s almost disgusting.” She chuckles at her own words as she takes a napkin and wipes the sauce off her face but misses a spot.

  “Here,” I say, leaning over the table and placing my thumb at the corner of her mouth, my eyes tracking my movement as I wipe the leftover sauce away, my thumb moving of its own accord over her bottom lip.

  “So beautiful,” I whisper, bringing my gaze up to hers.

  Neither of us move an inch or say a word as we stare intently. My stomach flutters and all I want is to pull her over the table and slam my lips down onto hers, but I don’t, inste
ad I pull away slowly and sit back down.

  “How was it?” Mel asks, sidling up next to the table and picking the plates up.

  “Delicious, amazeballs, fantastic, awesome… would you like me to go on?” Lexi asks, a grin on her face.

  “If you’d like to.” Mel winks and steps back taking the plates with her.

  I take Lexi’s hand in mine, feeling the connection between us crackle. I’ve never felt this before, and whatever it is, I never want it to stop.

  “Is that a pool table?” she asks, her head whipping to the corner of the room.


  “Can we play?” She claps her hands together, practically bouncing in her seat. The excitement rolling off her in waves.

  I grin, standing up and holding my hand out for her. She places her soft one in mine, letting me lead her past the bar where I grab us some drinks before taking her to the pool table. Her hand runs over the blue material, a spark shining in her eyes as she stops next to it.

  I let go of her hand reluctantly, taking the triangle and setting the balls up before handing her a cue and tilting my head toward the table.

  “You want me to break?”

  “Sure.” I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to tell her that if I break, she’ll probably not get a turn.

  She leans over the table, setting her hand on it and pulling the cue back, hitting the white ball and sending it right into the balls at the end. She sinks one and jumps up and down.

  “I haven’t played pool since…” She lets herself trail off but I know what she’s not saying—since before she went to prison. Shaking her head, she rounds the table before taking her next shot and misses but it doesn’t faze her as she chuckles, holding her hand out for my turn.

  “You can take another shot,” I say, not moving from where I’m standing.

  “What? That’s not the rules.” She leans on her cue, her hip popping to the side as she stares me down. “Are you trying to let me win, Evan?”


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