Book Read Free

Fashion Frenzy

Page 15

by Annie Bryant

  Dina shook her head. Tears rose in her eyes. “No…I planned the whole thing perfectly so the girls wouldn’t get confused.” Dina placed her head in her hand. “And I wanted today to be perfect,” she whispered. “This is my first show.”

  Katani was surveying the disaster a little more hopefully. Maeve could see the sparkle of creativity in her best friend’s eye. “Got it!” Katani exclaimed. “Wait just a minute—I think I can help.” And with that she was off.

  Dina B looked confused and overwhelmed. “Don’t worry!” Maeve assured Dina, comforting the famous singer as she would any friend in need. Maeve continued, “My friend’s a great designer. Katani always comes through in a pinch. Just give her a minute, okay?”

  “Hey Dina?” It was Michelle, who was also looking tense. “We have a little problem. Even if Katani can fix this, we have to put the whole show on hold. Right now, the stage is empty. It’ll be dead space out there! We’ve got to keep this crowd entertained, so they don’t notice.”

  “Hey, I think I might have an idea!” Maeve said excitedly. “Just tell me, Michelle—what’s the deal with your music and sound system?”

  “Our guy Grant is running it—he can do anything,” Michelle said, looking a little surprised at the question. “It’s a sweet idea, Maeve, but I’m not sure if just music is going to cut it—”

  “Perfect!” Maeve cried. “That’s all I need to know!”

  She sprinted away from the chaos and back into the audience again. When she reached Simon, however, she didn’t return to her seat. Instead, she took a deep breath, smiled, and said sweetly, “Simon, I have a little favor to ask you…”

  A minute later, Michelle was having a quick chat with Grant and an even quicker chat with the show emcee as Maeve crept back to her seat. The lights came down again, and the emcee spoke through his microphone.

  “And now, ladies and gentlemen, a very special performance from one of England’s most popular stars. Unlike the models, he’s not here to show off his clothes, so he asks that you please not look too hard at them.” The audience laughed at this as the emcee continued, “Please welcome The Swashbuckler himself!”

  The familiar beat of Simon’s biggest hit blared out of the amplifier as a dry ice machine released a low stream of mysterious fog. The fog began to clear to reveal the dashing Simon Blackstone standing in the middle of the runway.

  The audience, surprised at his appearance, cheered madly. Maeve was clapping as hard as she could. How great was it that Simon was willing to get up on stage on a moment’s notice to help out the fashion show?

  “Come on,” Simon shouted, “you all know this one!” And everyone did—not only could everyone sing along, they could dance to it too…

  Katani to the Rescue

  “Now, just hold still a minute,” Katani said to Dina B’s model as she fiddled with a pin. Katani was working with one of her own oversized hand-painted scarves that she had brought in her purse. She had selected an electric orange scarf that perfectly complimented the model’s pink capris.

  “I can’t believe it.” Dina was astonished. “I think this scarf makes the pants zing even more than before!”

  Katani blushed but didn’t say a word as she draped the scarf around the model’s neck like a halter, securing the ends at the waist with safety pins. It took her a while to get it right, but from the sound of it, the audience didn’t seem to notice the lag. Everyone backstage could hear the music and the huge commotion going on out front. It sounded like they were dancing out there!

  “Hmm…,” Dina murmured as she inspected the model. “I love the scarf, but is there anything we can do to get rid of that droop at the top?” It was true that the scarf was drooping a little, right near the collar. “You can’t put a safety pin on the front! And the only kind of jewelry I have with me are necklaces and bracelets. They won’t help.”

  What kind of pin would hold the scarf and still look like it was added on purpose? Katani wondered. “Wait a minute,” she said. “I think I might have just the thing!”

  She rushed back to her purse and retrieved the horse pin Kelley had given her. She had worn it the whole time, as promised, only taking it off for the fashion show.

  “That’s adorable!” Dina cried when she saw it. “I’ve been looking everywhere for interesting pins. Wherever did you get this?”

  Katani smiled. “Actually, my sister made it,” she answered proudly as she fastened the clay horse to the scarf.

  It worked. Everything worked. Models and designers were impressed at the new outfit Katani had cobbled together. They nodded in approval.

  “Well, you come from a very artistic family,” Dina told Katani. “What talent!”

  This was the second time in less than a day that Katani had seen compliments flying over fashion accessories she didn’t think were all that special. I obviously have a lot more to learn than I realized, she thought to herself.

  Out front, Simon was dancing on the catwalk. His dancing was contagious. In a few minutes, the entire first row of the audience was on its feet and dancing too.

  Maeve loved this song of Simon’s. The lyrics were really catchy with a beat that was impossible not to dance to. After all, this was the song that had made Simon a star. It didn’t take her more than a minute to start going wild.

  Maeve felt someone elbow her and turned to see Rini. “Wow, Maeve! You’re awesome! Where did you learn how to dance like that?”

  “Um, I take hip-hop classes,” she answered humbly without skipping a beat.

  Rini studied Maeve for a moment. When she started to dance again she was following Maeve’s snappy moves to a tee. The girls began rocking out in synch, and Maeve laughed out loud—she felt like she was in a music video.

  I am dancing with a famous pop star! Maeve thought to herself. It does not get better than this. Maeve looked up at the stage and her eyes met Simon’s. Grinning, he nodded right at her…and winked. Maeve had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Okay, I was wrong. THIS is the ultimate! If only the BSG could see me now!

  As the music faded, the singing of the audience melted into applause. Simon was brilliant. Maeve sighed. After he blew kisses into the crowd, he gracefully jogged off stage.

  The announcer’s voice blared through the loudspeakers. “Thank you once again to Simon for his impromptu half-time performance! And now…back to the show!”

  In a moment Simon Blackstone appeared back in the audience, a little out of breath and dabbled in sweat, but grinning proudly.

  “Well done!” Bea whispered.

  “You saved the day!” Maeve said gratefully.

  “By the way…,” she heard Simon say quietly. “Nice dancing, girls.”

  She and Rini glanced at each other and giggled. Rini seemed just as flattered as Maeve.

  A huge disco ball speckled lights across the catwalk as the voice of the announcer began, “Ladies and gentlemen, our next artist is also a musical star in her own right, but this is her official debut as a fashion designer! Let’s hear it for the great Dina B!”

  There was more applause as Dina confidently strolled to the end of the runway. She stood to one side holding a microphone and showing the audience her pearly smile. “Thank you,” she said. “I’m very excited about finally contributing to the fashion world. And we have a beautiful new collection of clothes to show you!”

  The models began their graceful parade down the catwalk, with Dina describing the outfits and accessories worn by each.

  Dina made sure that the stage had cleared before the final model came out. “This last outfit is something brand new,” Dina said finally. “It’s not exactly the outfit I planned to show you—but I’m beginning to learn that in every fashion show, not everything goes according to plan!” There was a wave of appreciative laughter, and she went on. “I was fortunate to have the assistance of a terrific young designer you’ll all be hearing more from in the future—Katani Summers. So here’s my skirt and Katani’s hand-painted scarf—an
outfit I’m now calling ‘Improvisation!’”

  When Katani heard Dina’s announcement, she gasped. She had tiptoed around the stage and was standing against the wall with the rest of the latecomers. From across the dark crowd she could just make out Maeve’s face. They made eye contact and Maeve smiled. Wow! It was so nice of Dina to give me credit! Katani thought. And how amazing to have my design in a major fashion show! This is definitely the very best moment of my life!

  The model did a fabulous, slinky walk down the catwalk. She was confident with her shoulders fixed and her head held high. A wave of applause roared in her ears. There was no doubt about it—the outfit was a smash success!

  Katani heard a woman next to her whisper, “I must get that for my Buffy. She would look divine…”

  Katani was positively tickled. Oh boy. Life does not get better than this, she thought. At least not when you’re twelve…

  The rest of the show went by in a blur for both Maeve and Katani. An hour and a half later, the last designer had shown off his last outfit, and the announcer thanked everyone for coming and reminded them of how they could order all the wonderful fashions they had seen that day.

  When Maeve and Katani finally managed to squeeze their way backstage, Michelle was standing by the entrance waiting for them. She looked ten times less frazzled and ten times more excited than she had before. She grabbed both of them at once and cried, “Maeve and Katani, I am so proud of you! You two stole the show!”

  “I never had more fun in my whole life!” Maeve gasped.

  “Me too,” Katani agreed. “I’m ready to move to New York right now! Michelle, did you know there are people who already want to buy the outfit I helped Dina put together?”

  “I’m not surprised,” Michelle said. “I’ve always known you had style, Katani, but the truth is, I didn’t know until today how really talented you are. If you can save a major designer’s first collection with a big scarf and a handful of safety pins, I can’t even imagine what you’ll be able to do when you have a collection of your own.”

  Katani’s eyes glistened. “I can’t wait for that day!”

  Michelle laughed. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find plenty to keep you busy until then. I think this calls for a celebration. Right now. At Serendipity.”

  The girls looked puzzled. “What’s that?”

  Michelle stared at them like they each had two heads. “You’ve never heard of Serendipity—the famous café on the Upper East Side?” Michelle asked. The girls looked at each other, shrugged, and shook their heads. “Well you are in for a treat! Give me about twenty minutes to clean up, and then I’m going to buy you the best frozen hot chocolate you’ve ever tasted!”

  Katani and Maeve exchanged glances. “Better than Montoya’s, you think?” Maeve said in a low tone to Katani.

  “I doubt it,” Katani answered, “but don’t tell Michelle. Let’s just pretend it’s amazing no matter what.”

  And because they’d both had a rather ridiculous day filled with too many highs and too many lows, Katani and Maeve started to giggle. Pretty soon they were laughing hysterically, leaning on each other for support—right in the middle of the biggest fashion show in New York.




  It was getting late. Isabel had finished her sketch and tucked it neatly in her sketchbook more than twenty minutes ago.

  “We really should go…,” warned Charlotte.

  “Okay, let me check and see if Danny the glue boy is still out there.”

  “Ave—that’s the kind of name that could haunt Danny for the rest of his middle school life,” Charlotte said sharply.

  “Sorry, but geesh, could that guy get a life?” Avery replied. Charlotte shook her head. That comment was so Avery.

  Isabel looked up with a start. “What’s that noise?” She heard what sounded like heavy footsteps coming right toward the storage room. “Is it Danny?”

  “Not sure.” Avery bent to peer through the keyhole. “Oh no!” she said breathlessly. “He’s coming this way. Hide!”

  Charlotte and Isabel ducked behind a display case. Avery crouched under a table. For a moment none of them breathed.

  They waited for Danny’s voice to ask them if they were okay. Instead, they heard nothing but the sound of heavy footsteps clumping into the room. There was a loud grunt, as the overhead lights snapped off. Then—SLAM.

  “Was that the door?” Charlotte whispered. The three sat in silence to the worst sound of all: a key scraping in the lock. The footsteps receded. In a moment everything was quiet again.

  Finally, Avery spoke. “Hello? Anybody here?”

  “Of course we’re here,” Isabel whispered back. “But now we’re locked in! What are we going to do?”

  “It’ll be all right,” Charlotte said calmly. “Let’s start by turning the lights back on.”

  She inched out of her hiding place behind the display case and began to move cautiously around the room, concentrating hard to remember where each object and piece of furniture was placed so she didn’t bump into anything. She groped her way to the light and flicked the switch. It didn’t do much.

  “Can you turn on more lights, Char?” Avery asked urgently. “I still can’t see a thing!”

  Charlotte tried, but shook her head. “There’s only one set of switches in here. The rest of the lights are probably on the museum timer. They must just turn off automatically.”

  Isabel gulped. In the darkness she had no idea what kind of scary old things were around her. “I’m getting really creeped out in here,” she said in a low voice.

  Suddenly they heard a voice. It was so unexpected that all three girls jumped.

  The voice was coming from a loudspeaker that was being broadcasted into the room. “Good afternoon. The Museum of Fine Arts will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please make your way to the museum lobby to pick up your coats and personal belongings before you leave. Thank you very much for visiting the Museum of Fine Arts today.”

  “15 minutes?!” Charlotte exclaimed. “Should we yell for help? We could be in here all night!”

  “No—don’t yell!” Isabel pleaded. “If Danny’s still outside the door, he’s going to hear us!”

  “Izzy, we have to let someone know we’re here,” Avery insisted. “If it’s Danny, well, that’s too bad. I don’t want to be stuck here all night. If you want to hide from him, you can climb into a mummy case…just kidding.”

  Charlotte started to giggle and then stopped. She gasped. Isabel crawled out from behind the case and asked, “What is it, Char?”

  Charlotte nodded toward the wall. The mummy case that had been firmly closed when they came in was now cracked open.

  All three girls froze.

  Isabel began to breathe hard. “This is bad. This is very, very bad.”

  Charlotte tried to stay calm. “Maybe it was open when we came in. We just thought it was closed.”

  Isabel’s eyes grew wider. “Or maybe it opened by itself—by some evil force that lives inside.”

  “Come on, Izzy,” Avery said, trying to be brave. “It’s a mummy case, not a magic lamp. I promise it’s not haunted.”

  “HAUNTED? I just thought there was a force. I didn’t even think of haunted!” Isabel said, breathing harder and harder. Unable to stand still, she began to pace in a small circle around the table, careful to keep the table between her and the open mummy case. “Maybe this room is haunted—it’s been so full of dead people and their things for so long—maybe they really do come back to life—how does anyone know for sure?”

  “Those are just movies, Isabel,” Charlotte said, trying to sound reassuring. “Nothing like that is going to happen here.”

  “Who knows what happens when the museum closes?” Isabel cried, talking faster and faster. “When all the guards and tour guides and cleaning crews leave, who knows what happens?”

  Isabel’s words were so full of fear that Avery and Charlotte were getting freaked out too.
“Maybe Isabel’s right,” Charlotte said timidly. “I mean, when everybody goes home—who knows?”

  “That’s silly,” Avery scoffed. But her heart was pounding harder than it had when she’d played a full hour of soccer without stopping.

  For a minute the room was silent except for the heavy breathing of all three girls, who were getting more frightened by the minute.

  Suddenly, the amulet Isabel had been sketching fell off the table with a crash.

  That did it.

  Isabel, Charlotte, and Avery rushed to the door of the storage room and pounded on it as hard as they could. “HELP! Somebody! LET US OUT!” they screamed over and over at the top of their lungs.



  Knock, Knock! Who’s There?

  What if we don’t get out tonight?” Isabel gasped, trying to find enough breath to yell again. “Ms. Rodriguez is going to be so mad!”

  “So is Mrs. Fields…,” Charlotte added. The girls looked at one another.

  “Okay, we have to yell louder. One more time—” Isabel inhaled deeply, ready to shriek again.

  “Shh! Hold on!” Avery said. She pressed her ear against the door.

  There were footsteps—lots of footsteps. It sounded like they were headed right toward them!

  “Okay, now!” Avery commanded. They began yelling again.

  “Help! We’re in here…we’re in the storage room! Somebody! We’re locked in!”

  Suddenly there was a banging on the door and a yell from the other side. “Calm down, kids! We hear you! Just give us a second to get in there.”

  The lock began to tremble and then turned. Light hit their faces as the storage room door was finally pulled open!

  Isabel was so anxious to get away from the open mummy case that she threw herself against the door just as the security guards opened it. The door flew open and sent Isabel, stunned, flying headlong into the hallway.

  Luckily, on the way to the marble floor, someone caught her fall with a startled “Oof!” and steadied Isabel on her feet.


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