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Black Mark Series Book 1: Black Mark's Resistance

Page 16

by Ebony Olson

  Warren nodded.

  “Good. Warren get on that. Mora, stay, we need to talk.”

  Warren avoided eye contact as he left. Darius indicated the client chair opposite his desk. I sat calmly. As long as Darius kept this about work I’d be happy.

  “You did a good job while we were gone.” Darius unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat opposite me in the second client chair. “I was surprised to find out you were interviewing in my absence.” I went to defend my choices but Darius held up his finger. “You have said your piece. Now it is my turn. What will it take to stop you from taking Marshall Blake’s offer?”

  I opened my mouth in surprise. I’d expected anger, not bribery. “Mr. Rafal,” I hesitated.

  “I do not want to lose you, Mora. So tell me what you need to make this work.”

  I swallowed. “Keep things professional between us. Stop blurring the lines and don’t ever use my past to belittle me again.” I met his eyes. “If you can do that, I’ll see out my contract.”

  Darius looked at me for a long minute. “I should never have said what I said. You were being nice, you did not deserve my anger.”

  “No, I didn’t. However, the damage is done and I don’t do second chances. Our relationship will be professional or not at all,” I stated clearly.

  Darius sat forward. “That is really all you want? A professional relationship? No pay rise, special provisions, special treatment?”

  I shook my head standing up. “What did I ever do to give you such a low opinion of me?” I walked out.

  Warren looked at me when I came out. “Everything sorted?”

  “I’m going to speak to A.K. and get on top of this stuff. I might be a while.”

  Warren’s phone lit up. He nodded his head as he picked up the line. “Yes, Dare? You want me to call Zander up? Done.”

  I grabbed my tablet and started toward the stairs while Warren called his brother. “Zander. Dare needs to see us. No, it has gotten worse. I think he is going to have to write the whole project off.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I need to fly to Munich this weekend for the International Sports Event Management Conference. With Christmas fast approaching, I need one of you on deck to make sure everything is ready for the concert and the New Year’s Eve celebrations,” Darius directed in our morning meeting.

  “I’ll stay behind,” I volunteered. “Sport isn’t really my thing anyway.”

  “While that is very kind of you, Mora, the Christmas concert and New Year’s Eve celebrations have both been handed over to logistics and event management. They are no longer on your roster. Warren will stay behind and you will accompany me to Munich.” Darius didn’t bother waiting for a response. “We leave Friday night straight from work.”

  Darius turned his attention to his computer screen, ending the meeting. I sighed, standing up. “Do I need to go buy a sports jersey for this conference or something?”

  Darius smirked but didn’t respond.

  “You could wear your leotard. I am sure that will definitely bring the vendors over to chat.” Warren chuckled, giving me a nudge with his shoulder playfully.

  The last month had flown by. Darius stuck to professional interactions and our working relationship was the best it had ever been. I finally settled back into being comfortable at home with the brothers over the last two weeks. With Christmas only a week and a half away, I was looking forward to the break from work and time out from everyone.

  I just sat down at my desk when my phone rang. “Mr. Rafal’s ten o’clock is here. Mrs. Genhart from Genhart Cosmetics.”

  “Thanks, Jenn. Send her up.” I hung up and dialed Darius.


  “Mrs. Genhart from Genhart Cosmetics is here to meet with you.”

  “That is the launch campaign for a new fragrance, right?”

  “Yes, Mr. Rafal.”

  “Okay, buzz me when she is here.”

  I hung up, logging back into my computer and looking up information on this conference I would be attending. I was bored after the first paragraph. High heels clacking up the tiled foyer caught my attention. I pressed the buzzer for Darius, he liked to come out and greet his high-profile clients personally. I stood ready to greet Mrs. Genhart, but froze when I saw my mother.

  “Mora?” My mother looked shocked. Darius opened his office door in time to hear the rest. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

  “That would probably require you talking to me, Mum.” I deserved a high five for keeping my voice even. Darius and Warren were looking wide-eyed between my mother and me. “You’ve changed your name, again?”

  “Yes. I married Bruce Genhart two months ago. I’m the CEO of his cosmetics company now,” Eliza informed in her typical obnoxious voice.

  “Congratulations. When did you divorce Judge Grady?” I asked, suddenly interested.

  Eliza frowned. “Not long after he stepped down for all that controversy over Daniel’s diary. Poor Harold lost his son and his job.”

  “And the wife who caused the first two,” I added quickly. “Then again, for a man willing to step over a broken child and leave her there to die, you could probably call it karma.”

  Eliza forced a smile and turned to Darius. “You must be, Mr. Rafal. It is a pleasure to meet you. Do you mind if we get started, the flight over was quite long and I have a lot to get done today.”

  “You probably should upgrade your broom to a faster model,” I spat.

  Eliza snapped her head toward me and glared. “Six years hasn’t improved your attitude, Mora.” She turned her beaming smile back to Darius. “I don’t know how you put up with her, Mr. Rafal?” My mother’s eyes skimmed over Darius appreciatively. “Although, you probably have a very adept way of keeping her quiet.”

  Darius’s eyes hardened at the insinuation.

  Eliza saw it and humbled herself. “I apologize, that was unprofessional.”

  “Yes, it was.” Darius held his office door open.

  Eliza turned to give me one last hateful look. “Do be careful on the stairs, Mora.” She walked into Darius’s office.

  Darius spared me a look filled with sympathy. Then he followed my mother, closing the door.

  I sat down at my desk and took a deep breath. Warren came straight to me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just need to make a phone call. Do you mind doing the tea and biscuits? I know it’s my job, but the opportunity to spill hot tea on my mother is too tempting to pass up.” I picked up the phone dialing my father’s private mobile.

  Warren squeezed my shoulder and went into the kitchen to make tea.

  “Marshall Blake’s phone,” Tabitha answered.

  “It’s Mora. Is Dad available? It’s kind of urgent,” I asked, deliberately not using Tabitha’s name while Warren was in earshot.

  “Give me a minute, Mora.”

  I listened as Tabitha walked into a room with what sounded like a presentation taking place. A moment later I heard Marshall’s voice. “Excuse me, gentlemen, I have an urgent phone call.” There was the sound of movement and a door closing. “Mora, what is wrong?” Marshall asked concerned.

  “Eliza is here.”

  “In London?”

  “Yes, but here. She’s meeting with Mr. Rafal as we speak,” I clarified. “I didn’t realize it was her because she’s remarried and I didn’t recognize the surname.”

  “I will call John straight away, but I need you to leave now. Catch a taxi to my office. I will have something worked out by the time you get there.” His voice was hard and angry. “That bitch will regret ever coming back to London.”

  “Okay. I’m on my way.” I hung up and stood up locking my computer. I turned to collect my jacket and bag and saw Warren watching me. “I’m sorry, Warren. I have to go.”

  “How long will you be?” Warren stepped forward with the hospitality tray.

  I grimaced. “Probably the rest of the day. I’m sorry. I
know I have that report to do. I’ll try and get it done between meetings.”

  Warren frowned, he’d heard my side of the conversation. “Meetings with who?”

  “I’m sorry, Warren, I can’t tell you that. Just know it is nothing to do with work.” I turned and left before Warren could ask any more questions.


  I arrived at Marshall’s skyscraper office building fifteen minutes later and was met by Tabitha who escorted me to the elevator. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, closing my eyes and imagining a wide open field the entire elevator ride. When the doors opened, I stepped out and held onto the wall as I took very deep breaths.

  “Are you all right, Mora?” Tabitha asked, putting a hand on my back.

  I nodded and followed her to my father’s office. Tabitha walked straight in, holding the door for me, and closing it after I entered. John Hicks sat there along with another man I’d never met before. Marshall stood and walked to me, wrapping me in a big hug.

  “Are you all right? That must have been quite the shock seeing her like that.” Marshall soothed, rubbing my back. I hated my mother even more. Seventeen years with no parental affection because she was so spiteful, she wouldn’t let Marshall have custody or even know me.

  Marshall stepped back. “This is Detective Foster. He’s going to take your statement and issue an arrest warrant for Eliza.”

  I frowned. “An arrest warrant?” I thought we were just trying to get the money from my grandmother’s house.

  Detective Forester stepped forward. “Yes, Miss Blake.” The detective used my legal name. “Because you are a British citizen. Despite the fact that your mother nearly killed you on foreign soil, she still attempted to murder one of ours. Therefore, she will be arrested here, and the man who witnessed the crime will be extradited to stand witness and possibly also face charges.”

  I looked at everyone confused. “But, that was seventeen years ago?”

  “It has been twenty-three years since your mother stepped foot on British soil.” Detective Forester advised me. “Now we need to get your statement, Miss Blake.”

  Detective Forester put his hand in the middle of my back and encouraged me to take a seat. I was a little stunned. I wasn’t expecting this.

  “We will wait outside,” Marshall informed me as he and Tabitha stepped out of the office.

  I felt six years old again, sitting in that hospital while the doctors asked what happened. I’d told them the truth back then. My mother told the police I was a deceitful child and was obviously just trying to get her in trouble. With Judge Grady standing beside my mother, the police did nothing.

  John Hicks sat beside me and held my hand when I started to cry. I told my story to the detective. When he asked about any incidents preceding or following that event, I told him how I ended up claustrophobic. Detective Foster’s hand shook above the notepad he wrote on.

  “You were four?”

  “Yes.” I sobbed.

  “After the stairs, there was no further abuse?”

  “My Nan, Freida, wouldn’t leave me alone with Eliza after that. Eliza just ignored my existence from there on in,” I explained.

  “Thank you, Miss Blake. I will need you to come down to the station this afternoon and sign your statement.” Detective Foster stood and left.

  Marshall came back into the room after he left. “Well?” he spoke to John.

  “They have more than enough to put Eliza Ellis in jail for a few years,” John answered, rubbing my back.

  I sat up. “Jail? I don’t want her in jail. I... That just seems so harsh.”

  Marshall sat beside me. “She will not see the inside of a prison, Mora. Other than the holding cell after her arrest that is.”

  John took his hand back. “Your mother can afford a very good lawyer. They will plead this down to abuse and abandonment. She will be heavily fined, deported and never allowed entry to England again.”

  John stood. “I know you’ve walked out of an important meeting this morning, Marshall. How about we get lunch and then I will take Mora down the police station to sign her statement and drop her home.”

  I looked at Marshall. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your day.”

  Marshall shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Seventeen years ago I didn’t even know you existed. The day I found out I almost lost you. I spent four years fighting your mother for you and she cheated the system. She stole from both of us, Mora. It is time to make her face the consequences of her heartlessness.”

  “God, I must have broken a mirror earlier this year without realizing it. Life has been like a roller coaster the last six months. So many changes, so many tears. I think I’ve cried more tears these past few months than I have since I gave up trying to win Eliza’s love and approval.”

  Marshall’s arm grew tighter around me. “Alex told me that Jasper and you went your separate ways. That his break up with Sophie Trent has also damaged your friendship. I am sorry it has been a trying year for you, Mora, but I know next year will change all that.”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes. “I have a report I need to finish for Mr. Rafal before he goes home tonight.”

  Marshall released me. “Do you always call him that?”

  I shrugged. “Occasionally, I call him an asshole, but I save that for special occasions.”

  Marshall smiled. “How did you end up working for him?”

  “Alex’s partner Stuart tendered for his business. We met at the meeting. The next day he contacted me and asked me to work for him. As much as I loved working for Alex, I felt it was time I made my own way.”

  “And it is purely professional between you two?”

  I looked at Marshall. “I’m not Eliza.”

  “I was not suggesting you were. I am merely aware of the effect Darius has on women. You are a beautiful young woman working in close confines with him,” Marshall placated.

  I patted his leg, “Well, he knows my stance on interoffice relationships, so you don’t need to worry, dad.” I stood up collecting my bag. “Is there a place I could sit to do my work?”

  “Use my desk. I need to get back to that meeting.” Marshall stood, kissing my forehead. “Will I see you this weekend?”

  “I’m flying to Germany for work. Mr. Rafal needs to attend a conference and, since Warren is flat chat ensuring the last big projects for the year run smoothly, I drew the short straw of accompanying him,” I advised. “We’ll be gone till Monday. Next weekend?”

  “I will be in Paris the weekend before Christmas, but I will fly back Christmas Eve and look forward to seeing you for lunch on Christmas Day.”

  “Could I stay Christmas Eve and be there for breakfast with you?” I asked quietly.

  Marshall smiled. “I would like that very much.” He kissed my head again and left.


  “Are you going to be all right, Mora?” John Hicks asked as his car pulled up outside Darius’s apartment.

  I nodded. Eliza Genhart was arrested an hour ago for attempted murder. I’d still been at the station when they brought her in. I’d never seen my mother look so pale and scared. Then her eyes found mine.

  In that moment, the regret of not making sure she’d killed me was very clear. The fact that she screeched it across the room made it clear to everyone. If the detective thought for even a moment I’d been making it up, Eliza ensured that doubt was quickly removed.

  I’d been shaken to my core by my mother’s hate of me. Literally shaken. I’d spent my childhood striving to be good enough for her love and attention. I think even as a teenager I’d still hoped for one hug, one whisper of praise or love. Just something small to let me know she actually cared.

  The words she’d yelled at the police station wiped away any lingering hope that my mother at one time ever loved me. I wondered if even for a glancing moment at my birth, she had looked at the life she created, and cared.

“Do you want to go to the arraignment?” John asked, carefully.

  Her arraignment was tomorrow morning. I shook my head. Seeing my mother’s hatred for me was enough this evening.

  John patted my hand. “I doubt she will be refused bail. She is an upstanding citizen in Australia.”

  “So are most pedophiles.”

  John swallowed. “I would feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to piss your father off, Mora. He is a moral man, and he has waited decades to get revenge on your mother for cutting him out of your life. When he found out she was the reason you nearly died…” John shook his head. “He is going to destroy her now. Before, he just wanted you. Now, he will ruin her. It has been seventeen years. He has even more connections. He can make it happen.”

  I stayed, staring at my lap. I was still trembling from the shock of my mother’s words an hour ago. I couldn’t even really remember what she said. It was like the memory was trapped in a soundproof bubble and all I could see was the absolute loathing in her green eyes. The way she had lunged to attack me, as if she meant to claw my eyes out.

  “I tell you this, because if there is even a little part of you that will regret what is about to befall your mother, you need to speak up now and let Marshall know.” John gave my trembling hand a squeeze.

  I nodded and stepped out of the car, his words floating around the bubble of my mother’s hatred, echoing into the shocked cold emptiness of my mind.

  Upstairs I walked into the reception room and found Darius sitting on the lounge reading. Seeing him made my heart beat a little faster. The way he looked at me was in complete contrast to what was running on replay in that soundproof bubble. The confusion was enough to bring my senses back to life. I frowned looking at the time.

  “Shouldn’t you be at the gym?”

  Darius marked his page and stood. “I wanted to be here when you came home. Are you okay, Mora?”

  I nodded. “Did you get the report?”

  “I did, thank you,” Darius replied casually, his eyes watching me like a hawk. I knew every gesture, every fidget would be analyzed.


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