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Baller: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 39

by Love,Amy

  “I don’t think that you’re—”

  “I am,” Angeline said. “Can you…. can you just give us a minute? Please?”

  Reluctantly, Brent pressed his cane into the ground and walked away from the bed. He shot Kane a warning glance and said that he needed a cup of coffee before he disappeared.

  “Come here,” she said. “Just be with us.”

  Kane fell to her side and wrapped her in his arms. The baby rested between them, and as she rested her head to his cheek, she asked him if it was Noel.

  “Yeah,” he said, not wanting to lie to her. “But I’m going to handle it.”

  “How, Kane?”

  He didn’t have a firm answer. Not yet. But a plan was starting to form. All he had to do was keep his nose clean and his head low. After a while, Noel wouldn’t need or want him anymore. And then they would get away. Kane would get a real job; he would provide and protect.

  “If you… just give me a chance,” he said. “I’ll make this right for us.”

  She seemed to ponder his statement carefully, and Kane wondered if she would call all bets off right then and there. Angeline had played at patient when it was just the two of them, but now the kid was here. Would she want him gone, grab her father, and just take off on her own? Without him?

  “Angel, I—”

  “Shhh.” Kissing him lightly, she nodded her head and lowered her eyes. As she brushed her hands across his stubbled cheeks, Angeline kissed him again, gently, making him look at her in her eyes. “I believe you. You’ve always looked out for me.”

  As she relaxed into his arms, Kane kissed her hair and caressed her back. Peering down at the baby, Kane was sure that he could make it work. Not just because he wanted to. Now he had to. For them. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would happen.

  “Kane?” Angeline said. “There’s just one problem.”

  “I’ll fix it,” he promised. “Just tell me what I need to—”

  “Our son needs a name.”

  “Okay,” he started. “A name. I like Jack.”

  Scrunching her face, Angeline asked him why.

  “Good strong name,” Kane said. “What more do we need?”

  “No. It has to count for something. Mean something. And… and your brother…”

  Another Jem. Jeremy might like that; Ellen wouldn’t if… when they had a son of their own. And part of Kane’s plan was keeping Jeremy in his life once he fled the club.

  “I don’t think—”

  “But he might not be here without Jeremy,” Angeline protested. “I… I want to thank him properly.”

  Searching for a compromise, Kane’s mind whirled, and just when he was about to come up empty, he hit the sweet spot and stroked Angeline’s face. “Jem’s middle name is Theodore,” Kane said.

  Angeline tilted her head to the side. “Theodore?” she asked.

  “An old uncle of ours are something. But maybe it’ll fit. What do you think?”

  She considered the question carefully, and Kane held her arm as she tickled the baby’s belly. When he appeared to laugh, Angeline’s face melted into a soft smile right before she turned her eyes to Kane.

  “Theodore doesn’t really do it for me,” she said. “But… but if it’s just Theo?”

  Looking back to the baby, Kane felt that it was right, and he nodded his approval as he took his new family into his arms and said, “Then, Theo it is.”


  “So here’s the plan.”

  Once Angeline and the baby were safe in the nursery and her friend, Terri, had come by with what was left over from her own baby shower, Kane started to feel like everything was coming together. He would not defy Noel. That would prove far too risky. Better to just sit quietly until he was no longer of any value. When that moment came, he would lift Angeline and little Theo up and start over.

  In his mind, it seemed so easy. Even in the confines of the clubhouse, Kane had to fight from smiling. One day, Noel would forget that he had ever found him and lazily ask where he was at. By that time, Kane and his new family would be long gone. However, Kane also toyed with the notion that he might slip back one day and slash the smirk from Noel’s smug face. He quickly assessed the notion as stupid. He wouldn’t risk that. Would he?

  “Okay,” Noel continued. “Sluts are one thing. They bring in a nice bit of green.”

  “And then some, right?” Ben said, causing Kane to laugh with the others. Sure they were whores, like maybe some of them were asking for it, but it still wasn’t right.

  As he smiled at Noel, Kane stifled the urge to rip his limbs from his body and just leave him to bleed out. Still better than what he really deserved. When Kane thought of Theo just starting to sit up, his eyes shifting to green—just like Angeline had promised—he kept his rage in place and kept waiting this out. He reminded himself that it was just like the joint. Only no bars. He had to remember there was a light at the end of the fucking…

  “No doubt,” Noel said. “But there’s a better racket to be got.” He stared hard at Kane and folded his arms across his chest. “Pain pills, boys.” Kane felt as if he was falling through a hole in the world as Noel marched towards him. When he stood before him, Noel extended his finger and flicked Kane’s nose. “And the K Man here has the hookup,” Noel promised. “Once his old lady is back to work, she’s gonna funnel all kinds of green our way.”


  Trying to keep cool even as his blood boiled, Kane left his chair and stared Noel down. He wondered how he could have ever thought that this man was his friend. Better to have gulped down rancid food than to have ever climbed onto his bike.

  “You will leave her alone,” Kane threatened. “If you ever touch—”

  Noel cut him off with a sharp laugh, and Kane’s skin crawled as Noel’s fingers met his back.

  “Kid, I’ve had her cunny. And she’s got the prize to show for it!”

  Everyone clapped. And Kane felt like a barrage of sharp nails had landed within his body, ready to draw fresh blood if he made the wrong move. Jeremy said that he had to get out; his brother was right.

  His brother was not here.

  “I’ll kill you if you touch her again!”

  Kane forced Noel to the floor, an unbroken tape shattering around them on impact. When the filmy strands released, Kane started to wind them around Noel’s throat, and he fought off Waldo and Ben as they tried to drag him back.

  He was not budging.

  “You even think about putting your fucking hands on her, and I’ll—”

  “Talk to her boss, kid,” Noel said. “She’s down.”

  As he pushed away from him, Kane fell to the floor. Hoisting his body up on his elbows, he still wanted to rip Noel apart but what Noel had just said made him stop, keep still. Somehow he found his voice again. “You’re lying,” Kane challenged. “She would never—”

  “Bitch wants to turn a buck just like us,” Noel said. “And when your little lady’s up to it, bet she’ll point us down the right path.”

  Even if Angeline could, even if she did in moments of desperation, Kane would not send her back down that road. He had to hide her.

  And Theo.

  “This is not happening,” Kane swore. “She’s out. I’m… so am I.”

  Noel appeared to let the words sink into his brain, and just when Kane thought that he was free, Noel laughed loudly and gripped Kane’s arms.

  “Her boss is in,” Noel swore. “And I, for one, am looking forward to seeing our girl giving the junkies their fix.”

  In Noel’s eyes, Angeline was a slave, caught in a trap that she had yet to know existed. Noel would pimp her out and force her hands to pass the pills.

  “I won’t let you,” Kane swore. “She’s not—”

  “But she will.”

  Noel grinded Kane into the wall, and Kane thought of nothing but fighting back. His knuckles met Noel’s face, and as soon as he fell to the ground, Kane spit in his face.

  “You so fucki
ng sure?” Kane cried.

  Waldo and Ben were at his side, and they held him back as Noel found his way back to his feet.

  “I’m pretty damn sure that you want to keep my kid close,” Noel said, grabbing Kane’s face and forced his fingers into his skin. “So you are going to fall in line…or else.”

  He didn’t’ finish the threat, but as Kane shrugged away from Waldo and Ben, he knew. Jeremy was right. He should have lifted Angeline and Theo into his arms and ran on the night of his birth. That chance was gone. However, there was still time. He only had to get back to her. Climbing onto his bike, Kane thought of how it felt to hold Theo.

  And Angeline.

  “You can’t run, kid,” Noel screamed. “We’re coming for the girl! Maybe she’ll be smart about it. But if not…”

  Kane knew that Noel would hurt her again. Hurt the baby. Now there was no more time, and he had to hide them before it was too late.


  Angeline held Theo close and gave him her breast. As the baby suckled her flesh, Angeline cradled her baby closer and kissed his soft head. Drinking in his sweet scent, she had to smile at the thought of Kane pressing Theo to his shoulder and walking him around their room, trying to get the little one to fall asleep. Kane’s face never showed one trace of exasperation, but sometimes he would look to Angeline with confusion in his eyes, as if he was thinking, “You think he’d be beat by now. Is this…like…normal?”

  She would smile and slowly nod her head, assure him that it was par for the course and that there was nothing to worry about. Of course, Angeline couldn’t help but worry though.

  In Kane’s presence, she kept up a brave face and told him that they’d be out before they knew it. He was talking Colorado; he liked the idea of living near the mountains and teaching Theo to climb when he was ready. She would always remind him that that was a long way off, but he promised her that they’d have all the time in the world—very soon.

  All that hit her now was a sharp pain in her heart, as she glanced out the window and saw the sky growing darker. He was late, later than he said he would be. That had happened before, too; but, he always came back assuring her that Noel was leaning on him less and less, and Angeline always asked if they could get away. Her father was on board with the idea. Like Kane, he wanted his family far away from the Blood Brothers.

  His response was always the same, “Not yet, Angel. Soon though. I swear.”

  She clung to the idea of fleeing, but every time he left, as every minute ticked by without his return, she wondered if something had changed, if Noel was squashing their plans before they were off the ground.

  And sometimes she thought the darkest thought of all.

  Should she just take the baby and run away without him?

  It was the last thing that she wanted to do, and when her heart’s memory ached at the lonely years without him, Angeline nearly kicked herself for even entertaining the notion. Life without him was more misery than not and how could she even consider denying her body the feel of his arms around her?

  However, this wasn’t just about her body and her heart anymore.

  Theo slipped away from her breast, and she patted his tiny back as her eyes drifted back to the window. Kane was her love, but Theo was her life. If push came to shove, she knew which one she would sacrifice—even as the idea of leaving him pierced her soul like a jagged blade that would inflict the sharpest pain.

  The sound of his bike finally coming up the drive brought her fears to rest. As she settled Theo in his crib, Angeline kissed her fingers and laid her touch on his rosy cheeks.

  “Daddy’s home,” she whispered. “Good news, you think?”

  Theo giggled and kicked his chubby arms and legs in the air, as if he knew something that she didn’t. As she moved down the steps to meet him, Angeline took a deep breath and flung the door open wide.

  “Kane, I… Kane?”

  He was a sweating mass of heaving breaths and clenched fists. Pushing past her without meeting her gaze, Kane took the steps two at a time as he raced towards the nursery.

  “Kane!” Angeline screamed, as she charged after him. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  He stayed silent as he looked into the crib. Upon seeing Theo, a great sigh left his lips.

  “Thank God,” he muttered under his breath.

  Moving out of the room again, Kane still failed to look at her, and he raced to their bedroom. Throwing the closet door open, he started pulling suitcases from the top shelf, grunting and groaning with each move.

  “Kane, what—”

  “No time, Angel,” he said. “Wake your father up. Get the baby. Jem is on his way.”

  Just like that they were leaving? It was all that she wanted for months—forever; but, it wasn’t supposed to go down like this. And why was Jeremy coming? There was no way that he was leaving with them.


  “Kane? Kane!”

  Reaching for his arm, Angeline stalled his furious packing. Acting on what seemed like pure instinct, he shoved her away. Bouncing into the wall, Angeline cried out in pain as her back slammed into the plaster, and when Kane heard her agonized groan, he finally forgot what he was doing and realized what he had done.

  “Angel?” he asked. “Christ. I’m sorry.”

  He tried to take her into his arms, but Angeline clasped his face in her shaking hands. Her stare was steady, as she peered into his eyes. “What the hell is going on?” she demanded.

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about,” he started. Cocking her eyebrow in disbelief, Kane kept speaking. Fast. “Colorado,” he continued. “Jem will get you there tonight. It’s all good.”

  It felt like the biggest lie that anyone had ever told her, equal to the moment when Noel said that Kane was lost to her.

  And she wasn’t having it.

  “No,” she said. “What’s changed?”

  “Angel, there’s no time.”

  “Just tell me!”

  Wilting slightly under the force of her demand, Kane hung his head and took her hands in his.

  “They… Noel got to your boss,” he said.

  “Lillian?” she asked.

  That didn’t make sense. Why would Lillian…?

  “They’re gonna push pills. And… and they’re… Noel wants you to help.”

  Angeline’s mouth went dry, as her heart pounded in her chest. What she had done, crime or not, was borne out of desperation and love for her father. What Noel wanted was something very different, and when she thought of helping him to turn a profit in the face of pain, Angeline felt as if she would be sick. Her legs started to tremble, and Kane wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ear.

  “Not gonna happen,” he said. “But it has to be now.”

  Yes. Of course it did.

  “But… but Jeremy… why?”

  “He’ll get you out,” Kane said. “All of you. And I… I will…” His speech stopped short as he claimed her lips, kissing her fiercely. Angeline sank into his mouth, clinging to him. Her mind moved to the promise of freedom, a life without the club or Noel breathing down their backs.

  “And you’re coming with us,” she said. “Right, Kane?”

  Pulling away from their kiss, Kane released her and went back to packing the suitcase. As she watched his frantic movements, she was struck by the sight that her clothes, only her clothes, were leaving the drawers, the hangers.

  “Kane, you’re—”

  He cut her off with a wave of his hand. “I will,” he said. “When I… when I can.”

  She had known that this moment might come, the time when she’d have to leave him for Theo’s sake. But now that she was confronted by the reality of his choice, Angeline felt that the danger was greater than ever. Could she really just leave him behind to face it?

  “No,” she said. “You have to come, too. While you still can.”

  “Not now, Angel,” he said. “Not yet.”

  Zipping the bag shut
, Kane hauled the suitcase out of the room and descended the stairs. Before he reached the floor, Brent was up, hobbling on his cane, his eyes full of his own questions.

  “What’s this about?” Brent asked.

  “You’re leaving with Angel,” Kane said. “And the baby. Get packed.”

  “Why right—”

  “It has to be now, Brent!” Kane bellowed. “Just listen to me.”


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