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Baller: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 45

by Love,Amy

  “Kane?” Brent’s voice turned their heads around. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, cracking his knuckles as he kept his eyes on the floor.

  “Yeah, Brent?” Kane asked. Angeline sighed as he pulled her closer to her side and held her against his chest.

  “What if it doesn’t work?” Kane starred to protest when Brent was on his feet, his fists clenched as he said, “I guess I get it. You want to be with her and your… with Theo.”

  It was like he was passing the mantle. Brent Wilkins liked playing at being Theo’s dad, and Noel was the true source of the sleeping boy in the next room who never cried once as the men he loved most scuffled. But Theo was always Kane’s because he had vowed to love him as much as he loved her.

  Leaving Kane’s side, Angeline took her father’s hands. “Dad, don’t,” she said. Angeline pressed her brow to his and whispered, “Theo’s yours, too. Kane knows that.”

  Right on cue, Kane hurried to her side. “I hitched my way here, and we can all go together,” Kane said.

  Brent cocked and eyebrow and held Angeline at his side. “And where exactly we going, Kane?” Brent asked.

  Angeline hoped that he had a plan beyond his burnt bike, something so intricate that Noel could never get wise to their whereabouts, but now Kane struggled for words and muttered, “We’re going… look.” He ran his hands through his hair, and it seemed as if he was trying to shake off his doubts as he finally said, “It’s going to mean a lot of moving around a while. Just to be safe. But soon the worst will be behind us.”

  How she longed to believe that. And Kane had come through for her so many times before. But as Brent groaned at her back, she couldn’t help but share her father’s doubts. A burnt bike and an eviscerated leather jacket? That would only go so far.

  “Kane,” she said as she left her father’s touch for his hand. “This could go still go bad. And I can’t stand the thought of him—”

  “He won’t touch either one of us again,” Kane promised. “Because I’ll kill him if he does. He’s not my brother anymore. You’re my future, Angel. You and Theo.”

  Glancing at Brent, she was struck by the sight of her father nearly defeated as he stood under the force of his own power. Even his words of wisdom could not still the pounding in her heart now that she had him back, and Brent scowled as he started towards the door.


  Brent looked back sadly, and every member of the trio tensed when Theo started to cry from his crib.

  “I should—”

  “Angie.” He held up his hand, his eyes kinder than they been since he burst in. “I still don’t trust it,” Brent started. “But I won’t hurt him anymore.” She relaxed as Theo’s cries continued to fill the room and he said, “I’ll look in on him.”

  Seconds after he was gone, there were the sounds of Theo cooing. If the worst came to pass and she met some dark fate, Brent would protect Theo. She wondered how it would work if he had Kane, too. Without her. Her boy could do no better than to have this man who had suffered everything for her as his parent. Maybe she should flee now or order them to leave so that she could wait alone for Noel’s vengeance? Her entire body quivered at the thought, but Kane held her close and kissed her head.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?” she asked.

  Kane’s lips moved to hers, and her body brimmed around the promise of his kiss. He soon honored her desire and claimed her mouth. Sinking into him, she held him as she tasted his blood and felt Noel’s attack pouring through her fingers.

  “For believing in me,” Kane said. “I swear I’ll keep you safe.”

  It wasn’t the best plan, but it was his plan nonetheless. Maybe he could weave a spell and make it work? Plus, he would change course if Theo was in danger. But right now, Theo was with her father, his crying calmed. Maybe it was wrong, but she could do nothing but fall into his arms as he clasped her close.

  “Thank you, Angel.”

  She had longed for him, needed him now, and she guided him back to the bed and directed him to the spot that was always his. Kissing his taut flesh, she sighed into in his chest and said, “I should tend to your wounds. I need you to be okay.”

  Kane smiled up at her and winded her hair through his fingers. “Then just be with me,” he said. “That’s all I need.”

  Angeline smiled as he unzipped and presented his cock. This was far from the healing that she had intended, but her cunt buzzed when she saw him exposed, and she kissed his lips as he gripped her thighs.

  “I need my Angel,” he said. “Now.”

  How could she refuse him when he had sacrificed so much just to get back to her side?

  Removing her clothes, Angeline fell with him to the bed and wrapped her limbs around his body. Kane seemed to tremble under the force of her hold, but Angeline did not relent as she pulled him closer. “Make me yours again,” she said as her lips dotted his.

  Kane trailed his kisses down her neck and said, “You’ve always been mine, and I’ll prove it to you.” Forgetting all the ways in which a cock could be used to kill the spirit, Kane grazed her cunt with a smile. Her walls waited to receive his flesh, and when he plunged, her entire body hummed. He kept kissing her as he took possession, and when their eyes met, his kissed her face. “Mine,” he repeated. “Always.”

  His cock swirled inside her, and Angeline strained to hold every inch of his massive erection. It was as if he was on fire as he found the way back to her soul, and her thighs spread to receive him. She tossed her head against the pillows, the ecstasy of knowing him properly almost too much to bear. His cock did not relent, and she felt sure that she could take him here or in the depths of the woods or even on the edge of a cliff.

  I just need him.

  Kane’s many wounds fell away as he regained his strength and lifted her off the bed. Wrapping her legs around his thighs—anything to keep him close and show him that they could really do this—Kane ground his fingers into her back. His cock continued to buzz, and his hands moved gently in as effort to deprive her of any scars. However, she wanted him to leave his mark on her pussy, and Angeline stretched closer to take more of him in. “I believe you,” she said. “Take me away.”

  “I will,” Kane promised. “Right now.”

  Arching upward, he held her tight and fiercely kissed her mouth as he ground his hips to hers. This was different than their moment in the woods. There they had rediscovered each other, and now, even though she knew the truth of the suffering that he had endured for her sake, Kane was making every move to show her that he could still be the only man that she would ever want inside her despite the danger.

  “Kane… I…”

  He stilled her speech with another kiss, and with a supreme thrust, her pussy swallowed all of his cock.

  Her wet walls stretched wider than she had ever known, and she sighed into his neck, moaned, and said, “I missed you so much.”

  Kane’s pulsing intensified, and she felt as if she would shatter in the quivering confines of her own skin when he pulled back and lowered her to the bed. Blinking wildly, touching every inch of his flesh that her fingers could find, Angeline stretched up to keep him close. However, Kane teasingly swirled around her cunt as he hovered over her desperate body.

  “This is going to work, Angel,” he promised, as he caressed her breasts with his lips. Suckling each nipple, Angeline bit down on her lip. When her nails met his back, she saw him flinch, causing her shift up and offer all kinds of apologies.

  “Don’t,” he said. “Your hands never hurt me.”

  Still she flattened her palms to his bruises and stroked him sweetly, as he darted in and out of her pussy. Every entry caused her to grow damper, and she held onto his waist to keep him from leaving her ever again. “Stay,” she purred. “Forever.”

  Smiling brightly, he finally granted her the supreme push, lust flowing through her veins. Angeline felt the need to rest her head, but she kept her eyes on his. She needed to see him
as he took her. “I’m here for you,” he said.

  She stayed in his stare as her body buckled. When he finally exploded, it took all the strength in her soul to keep from leaving his eyes. But then Kane blinked and fell into her breasts with a grateful moan, and she clung to his neck as he groaned into her soft flesh and said, “Only you.”

  He kept repeating the words, and her satisfied cunt echoed his voice with a series of fitful twirls that forced his eyes back to hers. When his dark pools locked around hers, she stroked his face and kissed the sweat from his brow. “Always you,” she said.

  Their weakened bodies rested on the bed, and Kane’s cock stayed inside her as his fingers searched her face. Brushing the curls from her eyes, he settled against her. He seemed to forget all pain when she dared to cling to his back, her kisses bathing his tight shoulders.

  Being with him like this was like breathing, and Angeline realized that she had spent two long years underwater—just trying to make her way back to the surface. Every time she nearly hit the air, Kane was gone. There was nothing to hang onto, so she had no choice but to fall back into the darkest depths of her soul. But now he was here. He was real.

  And she wanted to keep breathing.

  Kane cradled her close, and he kissed her face as her eyes started to close on the verge of the first good dream in too many years to count.

  “Not yet.” His voice brought her back around, and she saw the love in his eyes as he played with her hair and kissed her cheeks. “I didn’t come this far just to watch you sleep.”

  Kane was already throbbing inside her again, and she was amazed that he could be up for more in the space of what felt like seconds. She could go again. Absence had turned her heart far fonder than she ever could have imagined, and they had so many nights to make up for.

  The sound of Theo fussing followed by her father’s kind voice let her know that her baby was still safe, but could she really do this? Could she put all her hope in Kane’s wild plan and just hope for the best?

  “I should—”

  “I know,” Kane said, as he pulled her up and kissed her lips. Their faces were close as he parted from her kiss and fondled her cheeks. “Because you’re a good mom. The best.” She choked back a sob, as he gathered her into his arms and whispered into her hair, “And I’m going to be around to see it.”

  Nodding into his chest, she kissed him fast, as she climbed off the bed. She started to dress, and Kane curled his fingers behind his head as he watched her more towards the door.

  “Do you want to come with me?” she asked, longing to see Theo smile at his father again.

  “I do,” he started. “But your dad’s probably still cooling off.”

  Angeline knew as much, and her fingers curled around the doorknob as she gave him a final glance. “But one day you’ll just come, right?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I… I mean that we’ll be safe and this will all be normal?”

  Standing, Kane took her into his arms. His hot breath drizzled into her ear, as he said, “You’re not normal. You’re spectacular.”

  Angeline smiled around his compliment and kissed him before she left the room. Entering the nursery, she took Theo from her father’s arms and walked the boy to the window, the place where Kane had stood.

  “So is he staying or what?” Brent asked.

  She nodded and kissed Theo’s curls. There was no way that she could send him back into the darkness, but as Theo sighed into her flushed face, she wondered again if this would really work.

  It has to. And I have to believe that.


  Once Theo was down, Angeline left her father without a second glance and headed back to her bed. Kane was still awake, and he opened his arms to return her to his side. Unable to resist the lure of his hold, she slipped out of her clothes and settled against his chest.

  “Little man okay?” Kane asked.

  She nodded and murmured that they would talk it all out in the morning. Even in her drowsy state and with the feel of his flesh buzzing against her skin, Angeline knew that there was still so much to work out. Would Noel find them? What would he do if he did? When he did? She didn’t want to lose him again; she loved being able to breathe in his arms. Was it possible to have everything?

  “I love you, Angel,” Kane said.

  Echoing his words, she fell asleep and dreamed of the life that she had always wanted. She and Kane raising their boy without any trace of fear. It seemed so real, and when she woke to find him gone again, she was suddenly terrified that all of it—Kane’s return and the feel of him inside her—was a fantasy.


  Her cunt still burned from his sweet assault. So where was he? Had Noel joined them at first light while she was still out cold and forced him away with his gun or the threat of a fresh assault? Kane had been here, real, and he only would have left if the worst came to pass, if Noel reared his head. Angeline jumped from the bed and hurried to find him. Turning the corner into the kitchen, she nearly brought Brent to his knees as he made the coffee.

  “Whoa, Angie!” he said. “You need to slow—”

  “Kane?” she asked. “Where is…?”

  She stopped speaking when she saw him on the floor with Theo. Angeline’s baby boy was babbling more than usual as Kane tossed a ball back and forth. He clapped when Theo made a catch, and even though Theo’s aim was less than true, he laughed and talked without words every time Kane got his hands back on the ball.

  “Not bad, little man,” Kane said. “Bet you’ll be in the majors before long.”

  The sight of her boys playing lightened her heart, and her head slipped to her father’s chest even as he watched with worry in his eyes.

  “I still don’t think he should be here,” Brent whispered. “It’s not safe.”

  Theo made a perfect catch and wobbled towards Kane for a hug. Her lover was quick to return the gesture. As she saw them together, as it always should have been, safe only meant keeping her family intact.

  “It is, Dad,” she said. “And it’s what I want.”

  Brent grunted as he turned back to the coffee, and Kane looked up with a smile as Angeline sat at his side and held his hand.

  “What’s up?” Kane asked.

  Theo came into her arms, and as she held her child, Angeline felt Kane’s arm surrounding her.


  “I… I thought that you were gone,” she said.

  Kane nuzzled her neck, and his lips raced towards her ear.

  “Not gonna happen,” he said. “It’s you and me now. For good.”

  Theo tried to push the ball back into Kane’s hands, and he took it on cue bounced the red rubber to Theo’s delight.

  “It’s us,” Kane said. “Like a real family.” Brent set the table with a scowl, and Kane was on his toes as he extended his hand to him and said, “I’m here to stay. And I swear to you that I’ll look after them with my life.”

  Shrugging him off, Brent gave a faint nod and went back to the pouring the coffee. As Theo clung to her, Angeline knew that it would take some time and a miracle to make her father believe it. But he wasn’t poised for a new fight—and that was something. “Well, then you should sit down to breakfast I guess,” Brent said.

  Angeline fed Theo and let Kane hold the spoon every few seconds. She took note of the fact that Theo gobbled down his oatmeal quicker when it was Kane’s hand curled around the spoon, and when the boy was fully fed, Kane wiped his mouth clean with a napkin and smiled.

  “Eats like a champ, too,” Kane said. “What can’t this kid do?”

  “Sleep,” Brent answered. Kane and Angeline looked to Brent in unison, as he kicked his chair back. “Rough night all around,” he said. “Think we both need a nap.”

  Brent was not taking no for an answer as he started to carry Theo from the table; but, at the last second, he brought the wide awake boy back and let him touch Kane’s face. Angeline had to smile as her child
played with the nose of her burly biker, and when Kane kissed his finger, she fell in love with him all over again.

  “He really likes you,” Angeline said.

  Kane brought Theo into a bear hug and patted his back as he smiled. “Feeling’s mutual,” he said. “You made a great kid.”

  Brent stated plainly that Theo had to get some rest, and then they were alone for the first time since her bed. Kane took her hand and asked her to join him for a walk. Looking over her shoulder one more time, she made sure she heard no crying from the nursery. When she was finally confident that everything was fine, she gripped his hand and let him lead her back to the place where they had reunited. She could still see the rustled leaves, and her body wilted when she thought of him inside her. Kane didn’t make that move now, but he did turn her to his chest.


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