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Baller: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 48

by Love,Amy

  What would Jem say or do when Kane assured him that the danger was gone and they could just be a family? No doubt it would take some time to prove his case, and Ellen was something else altogether. But now that Noel was dead, they could all go home and try to just lead normal lives.

  “And the club?” Kane asks.

  “Oh, you are out, man,” Ben said with a heavy sigh.

  That went without saying.

  “But know this,” Ben continued. “The pills stop. We’re… I’m going to get our house in order.”

  Kane pondered the idea of Ben in charge. He wouldn’t have been Noel’s first choice because, like Kane, Noel would have seen him as soft because he put the well-being of a woman before the crew.

  And that was exactly why Kane thought that he was just the man for the job. Kane was glad to hand back Noel’s inheritance since it had only led to misery for those that he loved.

  “Blood Brothers are in good hands,” Kane said, as he slapped his back. “See to it.”

  Ben looked to Angeline and Theo and smiled as the boy waved at him.

  “Take her to her father,” he said, as he tossed him keys. “That’s… that’s where you should be now.”

  He rushed off to take out the real trash, and Kane collected Angeline and Theo into his arms and kissed them both as they left the place where everything could have gone so wrong.

  “Let’s get your dad and go home,” Kane said, as he lifted her on the bike. “I’ll go slow so that he’ll stay safe.” Kane pushed his foot to the gas and leaned back to kiss her again. “You trust me, Angel?”

  Angeline hugged him as close as Theo and nodded. “Always, Kane,” she said. “Always.”

  And as they sped away from the horror, Kane didn’t need to hear anything else.


  It was good to be back.

  With a little maneuvering, the family home was theirs again, and her father was walking as well as could be expected despite Noel’s attack. Theo showed no signs of damage—unless Waldo came around to check in. Theo always smiled when he saw him, and any bad memories of his life in the club were just that—in the past. Kane followed through with his vow to give them a sense of normalcy.

  Kane decided to apply his skills to where they could be best used. Fixing bikes. He seemed to like bringing in a weekly wage, and as Angeline struggled to find work as a nurse, Kane would always hold her in the night once Theo had gone down, and he tried to calm her when she started to shake.

  “Dark thoughts?” he asked.

  Angeline could not bring herself to lie to him, so she just nodded into his chest and murmured the truth. “It still hurts sometimes,” she confessed. “When I think of how he touched me. What he did…”

  She fell into the memory of Noel’s hands. Horrible and cold. Sometimes she feared that she would never get past it, and when Jeremy appeared to wish them well and say that Ellen would not be having them over with the baby on the way, Angeline felt like she was still a slave to her shame with no way of ever escaping from it.

  “No one is hurting you now, Angel” Kane said. “No one’s touching you but me.”

  His hands moved under her negligée. She wanted this to be the night when she could give herself back to him and not think of Noel, but her body involuntarily closed in on itself, and she started to turn her head away from his body. She hated leaving him, but she couldn’t be with him in the way he wanted.

  The way he deserved.

  “Don’t, Angel.”

  Kane made her look at him again, and she bit down on her lip as he stroked her face.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “But I just can’t. I…”

  He kissed her softly and peered into her eyes.

  “When you’re ready,” he said. “And not one second before.”

  He held her as she sighed into his chest and tried to fall asleep. She had him, and if she couldn’t give him all of herself, she could at least give him his family back.


  Leaving Theo with a kiss in her father’s care, Angeline formed a plan. She stopped at a flower shop and ordered a tremendous bouquet of roses and orchids before she took the chance of rapping on Ellen’s door.

  Upon seeing her, Ellen nearly closed the door right back in her face. However, Angeline forced her to keep it open and offered the flowers. “I come bearing gifts,” Angeline said.

  “So you’re back,” Ellen said. “I thought Jeremy explained that having you here is not happening.”

  “He did,” Angeline confessed. “But just for a minute?”

  Ellen relented reluctantly and allowed Angeline inside. She saw the room full of unopened packages, save for a pink blanket from the shower that she had not been invited to. But she was happy that Ellen had these things to cherish, and she smiled at her rounded belly.

  “Little Mary will be here before we know it,” Angeline said.

  She tried to touch Ellen’s stomach, but the pregnant woman drew back.

  “Don’t say her name like you’re part of the family,” Ellen said. “Because you’re not.”

  Angeline set the flowers down and looked around the room. She imagined Theo here, playing with his cousin. But it seemed too high a mountain to climb. No matter how many flowers she brought.


  Her almost sister-in-law pressed her hands to her hips.

  “I’m with Kane,” Angeline said. “I love him, and he loves Theo.”

  “One out of two ain’t bad,” Ellen scoffed.

  Angeline was still determined to try to make this work.

  “I want you and Jeremy to be a part of Theo’s life,” she stared. “And I… I hope that you can let us in to love Mary.”

  “Flowers are nice and all, but you are still not welcome here.”

  It would take time, and Angeline was not about to press the point. “Then, it’s goodbye for now,” Angeline said.

  “Finally, we agree on something.”

  Stepping out to the porch, Angeline breathed in the night air and sighed. Kane was working late, but she needed him now more than ever. She would tell him how she had tried to make friends, and he would hold her and kiss her until she finally fell asleep. Maybe if she’d met Kane some other way he wouldn’t have had to sacrifice everything for her. Guilt washed over her, but her heart clung to the possibility that once Mary was born she could try again. She loved him so much and—

  Something hard and cold hit her head, and Angeline’ body was dragged back into the house. She could hear Ellen screaming, and then she suddenly fell silent. Angeline feared that it was Noel back from the dead to take his vengeance, but when her eyes were able to focus, she saw someone else with a price to be collected standing above her and pointing a gun at her face.


  Dr. Palmer pulled her up by her arm, and Ellen had no choice but to catch her as Angeline stumbled back into her trembling arms. As Angeline met her face, she could see Ellen’s lip quivering, and she held onto Angeline. It was out of fear and nothing else, but Angeline felt the need to protect her and Mary welling up in her soul.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Angeline demanded.

  “Don’t be stupid, Angeline,” Lillian said. “Can’t you get it right for once?”

  Angeline touched the back of her aching head and narrowed her eyes. Kane had told her Lillian was far from the woman that she remembered, but now that she was seeing her in the flesh, the change was more than she could comprehend.

  “You know,” Lillian continued. “It strikes me as bizarre that I had a wonderful thing going with your boy’s band, and now you’re back, and the whole fucking thing is shut down.”

  Backing them into the wall, Ellen mumbled incoherently as Angeline took her hand. “It’s okay, Ellen,” she whispered.

  “Why is that?” Lillian asked. “Tell me why it was okay for you to make all that money and one of their own even took the fall for you. But I have to lose everything now they say it’s not
their scene?”

  Could she still reason with her? Was there any way of reminding her of who she was or at least who she used to be?

  “Lillian,” Angeline said, as she held her hands in the air. “I did it to help my dad. I never would have otherwise. But you… you know this is wrong. And you can just stop now and get on with your life.”

  She bit her lip, as Lillian cocked her head one way and then the other.

  That’s it. Take your second chance. It’s not too late.

  “I’d rather have the money,” Lillian said.

  Pressing the gun to Angeline’s temple, Ellen squealed as Angeline gripped her hand tighter.

  “So, you’re going to tell your boyfriend to get his boys back on track. Now!”

  Before she could answer, Ellen cried out that Kane wasn’t with the club anymore, and his pull was less than nothing.

  “Is that a fact?” Lillian asked Angeline.

  God dammit, Ellen. I was handling this.

  “Yes!” Ellen broke in. “So, we can’t help you.”

  “Ellen, shut up!” Angeline yelled, holding Lillian’s stare. “What are you going to do?” Angeline challenged. “You gonna kill me? It won’t work, Lillian. We’re home on a pass. Kane can’t help you. I can’t. Just let it go.”

  “Hmmm,” Lillian mused. “But what would happen if someone from the other side of the family might pay the price?”

  Lillian pushed Angeline to the ground and wrestled Ellen’s ample form to her chest. Peering through her curls, she screamed when Lillian pointed the gun at Ellen.

  “What are you doing?” Angeline cried.

  “You tell him and you tell his kid brother that the family line ends here if they don’t play ball.”

  The sight of the woman who was supposed to bring babies into the world pushing the gun into Ellen’s belly was the final nail in what felt like a collective coffin. Lillian had snapped. She had become Noel; she was worse than Noel. Angeline tried to stand, but Lillian kicked her back to the ground and started to haul Ellen towards the door.

  “Think about it, Angeline,” Lillian hissed. “You’ll lose him if this kid’s never born. He’ll hate you. His brother might kill you himself. So make it fucking right!”

  She disappeared out the door, and Angeline stumbled forward to see Ellen stuffed into the trunk of her car.

  No! She needs air. The baby…

  “Lillian! Stop!”

  The doctor hit the gas and raced away from the house. She had to try to follow them. To put an end to this. Moving back to the porch, she found her fallen purse and pulled out her keys as a glaring set of headlights caught her figure, and when the driver saw who she was, he bolted out of the car and stood over her with panic in his eyes.


  “Jeremy? Oh my god. Oh god…”


  “What are you doing here?” Jeremy asked. “Ellen… where is my wife?”

  He made no attempt to help her up as he walked through the open door, calling out for Ellen. Angeline’s head throbbed, as she moved to his side with no idea of how she could tell him what had happened without sending him into a total tailspin.

  “Where is she?” Jeremy bellowed, as he grabbed her by the arms and nearly lifted her off the ground.

  Too late. He was already there.

  “It… it was Lillian,” she said.


  “My… the one that was pushing pills with them when Noel was around. She wants her piece of the action back and—”

  “Then, why the fuck didn’t she take you? Why is it always my family that has to pay for your sins?”


  Flinging her aside, he started to go for his phone to call the cops. But Angeline knew that that was no good. If Lillian felt as if her back was against the wall, she would slaughter Ellen and Mary without a second thought and just try to make a run for it. Or she might hurt Ben or Waldo or the people that they loved to get her illicit gig back on track.

  She recalled some of Noel’s last words.

  Think you do me and it ends?

  It would only truly end and they would only be free if Lillian could be put down quietly.

  “Don’t, Jeremy,” she said as she tried to wrestle the phone from his hand.

  “Don’t you fucking touch—”

  “You need to listen to me!”

  Forcing her hands to his face, she stared hard into his eyes. “You want Ellen back? Then, we’re calling Kane. He’ll call Ben and—”

  “He’s out, Angeline!” Jeremy cried. “He said—”

  “But it’s our only real chance! Please. Lillian doesn’t care if she dies. If Mary dies. But I do, Jeremy. And so does Kane. You need to trust another mother on this one.”

  He struggled for another second, but then he relented and handed her the phone.

  “Then call my brother and fucking fix this.”

  She reached Kane at the shop, and he was over in a flash. As soon as he saw Angeline with a fresh bruise forming across her cheek, he grabbed her shoulders and asked, “Angel! What did she do to you?”

  “She’s fine!” Jeremy spat as he stepped between them. “It’s my wife that’s missing! Why did you bring her back? And…” Now, he turned his rage on Angeline and screamed, “And I told you to stay away! This is how you pay me back for giving you your son?”

  She remembered the way that Jeremy had brought Theo into the world. Without Jeremy’s presence, there might not be a Theo, and if just the thought of that made her tremble, she couldn’t let him face the reality of such a loss.

  “It is,” she whispered. “Let Kane make a call, and you will see them again before this night is over.”

  He started to form a fist, and Kane intervened to absorb the blow as it landed against his broad chest. As Kane took hit after hit, Angeline hated the feel of him hurt, but she let Jeremy attack until his body withered, and as he started to fall, Kane held him and together they slipped to the floor.


  Jeremy looked up at him, his eyes full of tears, and Angeline’s heart broke at the sight of him.

  “I love her, Kane,” he muttered. “And I can’t lose her. Or the baby. I… please.”

  Kane patted his back and slightly turned his head when Angeline knelt at his side and whispered, “I need to talk to you.”

  Lifting Jeremy up, Kane settled him on the couch and told him to hang on for a second. Jeremy was too drained to do anything but nod. As Angeline took Kane’s hand and started to lead him back to the porch, she had to blink back tears when Jeremy saw the pink blanket that Ellen had managed to unpack and buried his face in the soft fabric.

  “I’ll find her,” Kane said once they were alone. “I’ll rip her apart if she—”

  “No, you won’t,” Angeline said.

  “I won’t?” Kane challenged. “I can handle this. You need to—”

  “You need to get a hold of Ben,” she said cutting him off. “Arrange a meeting or something. We need to make her think that everything’s going back to normal. Because if we don’t, it won’t play.”

  “Angel, I can’t get,” he said. “I’m out. I—”


  “We’re only home because I’m hands off,” he said. “If we bring this back to the club’s door—”

  “I saw them, Kane,” she said. “When it really mattered, they sacrificed Noel to save me. And Theo. They’ll do the same for Ellen. Because… because they’re carved in your image. Not Noel’s.”

  He paused under the weight of her words, but when Jeremy’s sobs intensified, he shifted into big brother mode. Kissing her bruise, he moved back into the house and dialed up Ben as he rubbed Jeremy’s back. Hearing only one end of the conversation, she waited until he was done to cross the threshold and ask him for the verdict.

  “Arranging a meet,” he said. “I have to play a part though.”

  She sighed and held his hand.

  “Of course you d

  “But it can work, Angel,” he promised.

  Helping Jeremy up, they started for Kane’s truck from the shop. Angeline was right on his heels when Kane turned to face her again.

  “I want you to go home,” he said. “Go back to your dad and Theo. If you don’t hear from me in two hours—”


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