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Stackin' Paper # 6

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by Deja King

  It had been less than three months, and Genesis was swiftly seeing his dreams come to fruition. He sat back for a few weeks and let the street buzz surrounding the murders of the two cats from the robbing crew die down before making his mark. Luckily the cats had fucked over so many people that nobody really cared who took them off the streets. Most felt a well-needed service had been done. Plus, with the "no snitch" rule that resonated strongly in Philly and the city more concerned about the killing of their own police officers, two bad asses known for causing havoc was thrown in the pile with the rest of the menace-tosociety criminals. Genesis still wasn't taking any chances. He didn't want to deal with any retaliation at the moment because he was too driven to make moves with his new product. Playing low had paid off, and now he was next in line to being "that nigga" in Philly.

  "Yo, is you taking that flight with me to ATL or what?" Genesis asked Deuce as they drove down N. Broad Street. "When you leaving?" "Tomorrow morning." "I don't know. I'm supposed to be hooking up with this shorty tomorrow night." Genesis gripped the steering wheel on his newly purchased Range and paused making sure he heard his man correctly. "Hold up, man. I must be trippin' because I thought I heard you say that you can't go to ATL because you checking for some trick." "Listen here. Tonya ain't no trick." "Nigga, please. That's all you fuck wit'. Every chick I un seen you wit' got trick written all over them. But that's on you. But when it start interfering with business, then that's on me, which means we got a problem." "All you every talk about anymore is business and making money. It seems like yesterday we was laughing and joking. Now you always serious. I don't know if I'm really feeling this whole new `Nino Brown' aura you got going on. Shit, next thing I know you might be putting that sword through my hand like he did to fuckin' Christopher Williams's character." "You got jokes. But seriously, I need you in Atlanta with me. While the money is hot we need to get all we can." "Man, I'm still trying to figure out how all of sudden you blew the fuck up. It's like you came into an endless supply of heroin or some shit." "I told you. My new connect hooked me up. And his product is official. But that shit is about to dry up, that's why I need to meet with this new connect in Atlanta. I heard they shit is the business too, but I don't know these cats like that, so I need you for backup." "I feel you. That pussy can wait, even though that shit is good. And I'm not gonna even talk about the brain that broad give. The more I think about it, let's hurry up and get the fuck back. I don't want Tonya giving that pussy to nobody else." "Whatever, man. Let's just go handle this business."

  When Genesis and Deuce arrived at the HartsfieldJackson International Airport in Atlanta, they were both anxious, but for two different reasons. Deuce was fiending to get back to Philly so he could twist his new piece, Tonya out, and Genesis was praying his new connect was on the up and up so his expanding cash flow could continue. Nobody on the streets knew it, including Deuce, but Genesis was completely wiped out of the twenty pounds of heroin he confiscated from the now deceased robbers. And in all actuality, because of the purity of the heroin being such a high percentage, he was able to cut it up and almost double the weight, but his product moved like water on the street. After watching the "American Gangster" movie, Genesis had always told himself that if he ever came upon the right product, he would brand it like his man, Frank Lucas did when he was running the streets of Harlem. So when he realized how potent his shit was, he named it Hot As Ice. After giving a few freebies to some local junkies who were his loyal customers, word soon spread that Hot As Ice was the business, and that's all everybody was checking for. He derived the name because the junkies told him that the first hit was hot going through their blood streams, and it was so powerful that it felt as it their veins were frozen like ice. Before Genesis could blink, his stash was nil. The problem wasn't re-upping on some new product, it was finding some that was fire. After branding his goods, he had to maintain the quality his customers had come to expect. So when one of the local dealers told him he heard that a cat in Atlanta had the bomb shit, Genesis instantly jumped on it knowing that time wasn't on his side. "Damn, this airport big as shit! How long before we get to the shuttle?" Deuce complained as he dragged his carryon luggage. "I told you to check that shit in. But we almost there. See, it's pulling up now." Deuce threw his bags right on the floor, not even watching or caring if they hit anybody already standing on the shuttle. "It's about time! I thought I was gonna pass out." "Man, you trippin'. You better hit that gym and stop whining like a baby," Genesis said, teasingly patting Deuce's slightly protruding belly. "Fuck you! My shit is good. A woman likes to hold on to a little something-something. I can't help it if a nigga eating good. I'ma have to put that on my baby's mom. You know she can lay it down in the kitchen." "Which one? You got three. But, whatever, like I said, you need to hit that gym and tone your shit up." "So what? I can be cock-diesel like you? I'm good. I'm diesel in the only area that matter." Deuce looked down and slightly gripped his pants in the penis area. The elderly white woman standing beside him frowned and started moving to the other side of the shuttle. "Don't be afraid, grandma. You know you curious about that Mandingo meat." "Yo, shut up!" Genesis chuckled, tapping Deuce upside the head. "You play too much." "Shit, I wasn't playing. You know she probably frisky as hell, dying to get some good dick." "Deuce, on the real, cut it out." Genesis could see the stares and glares they were getting, and one thing he didn't like was unwanted attention. He was relieved when the shuttle came to a stop and the doors opened. He knew with Deuce there was no shutting him up once he got started. As they made their way to baggage claim, Genesis had a million thoughts running through his brain, and it all centered on business until something, or rather someone, made him stop in his tracks. "Damn!" was all he managed to let out at first. "Man, I peeped her too. That bitch bad as hell. Do you see the ass and legs on that chick? She fine as a motherfucker, but definitely not my type." "What you mean by that?" Genesis asked, because in his mind, a woman that fine was every man's type. "You can't tell. She one of those high-class stuck-up bitches. I mean look at her. She one of those chicks that like to show just enough to tease you but still want to cover up. I mean she got on that short ass dress that is accentuating her perfect ass and pretty legs, but then she want to put on a little school girl sweater trying to look innocent. And did you peep the pearls? Come on now! She definitely giving off that housewife-hooker vibe. Shit, I don't even think she got a weave. I think that might be her real hair. I don't have time for broads like that. They too high maintenance for me. I want my bitch to just have gotten off the pole-the stripper pole." It took Genesis another five minutes to stop staring at the beauty who had him so intrigued he didn't realize his luggage had already gone by twice. Upon further assessment, as he watched her get her luggage, he did know where his man Deuce was coming from. She was the type of young woman that exemplified class but was sexy as all fuck. From the peep toe pumps to the understated makeup, nothing was overdone but played up just enough to emphasize her best assets. Genesis wanted to walk over and introduce himself, but something held him back. Although he was now considered of the baller status, Genesis wasn't confidant that his hood-rich fame would measure up to lock down a woman like her. "Man, stop drooling over there and go get your swagger on, and introduce yourself. I know you want to." "Nah, I'm good. Her man probably outside waiting for her. Plus, this is a business trip. No time for socializing." Genesis finally retrieved his luggage and continued to stare as the woman walked away. "Look here. Either you gonna go chase after that puppy or lick your wounds and keep it moving. But make up your mind because I'm ready to fuckin' go." "Deuce, shut the fuck up! Let's go."

  After picking up their SUV from Enterprise rental car, they hit 1-85 and headed in the direction they were supposed to meet up with the connect. They were going to discuss prices, quantity and the location. Genesis would have his people pick up the product tomorrow. He figured if everything went smoothly, it would take no longer than a day, but he packed a few extra clothes to be prepared. "Are we
almost there, `cause I'm hungry?" Deuce growled, rubbing his belly. "We just got to Atlanta and all you've been doing is complaining. You worse than a woman. I shoulda left yo' ass back in Philly." "Damn right! I wish you had. But nah, you my man and I gotta have your back. I'ma little irritable, you know how I get when I'm hungry." "Well, we here now," Genesis said, pulling up into a parking lot off of Peachtree Street. He drove around to the back of the building like he was told to do, and saw a pearl white Bentley and a silver Ferrari parked in front of what looked to be a recording studio. "You sure this the right spot?" Deuce questioned, sizing up the vehicles. "This the address he gave me." Genesis glanced down at the piece of paper he wrote the address down on to double check. "I ain't mad at em'. If that's they whips, they got big shit poppin'." "I heard here in Atlanta, him and his partner are the man. But we'll see once we get a hold of their product." "Then lets do this," Deuce countered, stepping out of the passenger side. "But yo, I'm mad we ain't got no arsenal." "Dude instructed me we couldn't bring none no way. He said they'll be searching us at the door, and if we got so much as a butter knife on us the deal was off." "Word?" Deuce stood motionless, shocked by what Genesis said. "They paranoid like that?" "Shit, the way the game is going these days I can't blame him. If we could've brought some heat I would've drove our asses up here." "I thought you just didn't want to make that long ass drive. I feel you." When Genesis and Deuce got to the front door, it was made of solid steel metal. Genesis looked up and nodded to Deuce to check out the cameras over their heads. Five seconds later, two big burly men that stood the same height as Genesis, but had about hundred and fifty pounds on him opened the door. "Step inside," one of the strongly built men said, directing them to a closed off opening right outside another set of steel doors. The other man stood to the side holding a Heckler & Koch MP5 with his finger on the trigger, ready to blast. Deuce swallowed hard, starting to feel a tad claustrophobic. Genesis stood extra tall, appearing unruffled, but inside he was hoping he hadn't walked into some bullshit. The henchman patted Genesis and Deuce down then emptied their pockets. They remained silent knowing this was a part of the drill, but Genesis kept saying to himself, This heroin better be the shit! Once they passed the inspection, the next set of steel doors opened automatically. The four men all remained quiet as they went up an elevator that let them off on the top floor. It seemed everywhere Genesis turned there was a camera clocking their every move. "Stay here, I'll be back," the henchman ordered as the other henchman with the MP5 stood babysitting them. They stood in the hallway for fifteen minutes until they were told they could come in. Both Genesis and Deuce were expecting to see a top-dollar plush layout, given the whips out front and the over-the-top security setup. But to their surprise, they entered an all black room, from the floor to the walls, with nothing but a black table and four chairs in the center. "What the hell we un' walked into?" Deuce mumbled loud enough for Genesis to hear him. But it was if Deuce was reading his mind since Genesis was contemplating the same thing. Just then the doors in front of them opened and they did a double take. "You fellas can have a seat, and while you're at it, you can close your mouths too." "We were expecting to meet our connect. I'm assuming he got held up and you're here to keep us company until he arrives?" Genesis inquired, trying to sound diplomatic. "You looking at your connect. I'm CoCo and this is my partner, Chanel." Genesis and Deuce turned towards each other. The men were stunned that their connect was a pair of mocha chocolate identical twin beauties. "This is either a mistake or a funny ass joke," Genesis reasoned. Because in his mind there was no way these two dime pieces that looked like they just stepped off a T.I. music video were balling at this level, especially in the drug game. "Listen, we don't have time for mistakes or jokes. We running a business, a very lucrative one at that. So you can either sit down and handle yours, or Chuck will be more than happy to escort you back to your car." "You're serious?" Genesis repeated, needing confirmation. "But I didn't talk to a female on the phone. I talked to a dude." "Yeah, you spoke to Chuck. He's our middleman. He's the one that filters out the clowns from the legitimate business people, because as I said, we don't have time to waste. So what you doing, are you leaving or staying?" CoCo put her hand on her tiny waist and leaned forward, putting the other hand against the table. Her 34 double D's seemed as if they were about to break free from the V-neck red silk blouse she was wearing. Her sister, Chanel remained mute but looking just as ravishing in the exact same outfit her sister was wearing, except her blouse was white. Dangling from their necks were iced out panthers with a pair of emeralds for eyes. "Let's do this," Genesis finally said. CoCo gave a slight grin as if she had been through this script before, and she had. It was forever the same way. Every man that walked up in there wanting to buy some dope assumed another man would be the supplier. They dick always went limp when the cats realized that the twins weren't eye-candy for them to lust after, but official bitches handling they business and deciding if they would sell them their product. One pimp-acting cat from Detroit bust in the room and knew for a fact that the delectable twins were part of the welcoming committee and completely lost it when he realized they weren't for-hire whores. He actually pulled out his heat and threatened to blaze the place up if the head nigga in charge didn't show his face. Because of his foolishness, they instated the "no weapons" rule. Most dealers in the game felt naked without their piece, and some refused to take the meeting thinking they'd be vulnerable to a setup. But as far as the twins were concerned, that was their loss. Their lives were too precious to gamble with people who were in a shady business to begin with. And furthermore, the clients they did have spent so much paper, it wasn't that serious for the clowns that didn't want to play. "Cool. Have a seat. Would you fellas like a drink? We have a fully stocked bar in the back." "I'll take a Hennessey," Deuce said, needing something to take the edge off. "First, let's handle our business then we'll discuss drinks," Genesis interjected. He wanted them to have a clear head dealing with CoCo and Chanel. For two women to be at this high of a level, he knew they were on top of their shit and you couldn't be any less than a hundred percent when dealing with them. "I'm digging your style. I appreciate a man who knows how to prioritize." CoCo always offered her new clients a drink first, and nine times out of ten they would accept. The revealing blouse, short skirt complimenting her long toned legs and the liquor was all a part of her game to lure the men in and put them on the offense. They would be so busy trying to control their hard-ons that she could throw all types of high ass prices in their faces and they would gladly say "yes", hoping some pussy would be the icing on the cake after the deal closed. But CoCo quickly recognized that she would have to shoot straight from the hip in her dealings with Genesis. After about an hour or so of what seemed more like negotiations for a Wall Street takeover, both parties finally reached an agreement on prices, quantity and how each would be exchanged. At first, Genesis felt the dollar amount was a tad too high for him to make a huge profit. But when Chanel brought out a sample of the heroin and the liquid to test it's purity, he was sold. It had the exact same percentage he was pushing in the street now, so his brand, Hot As Ice, would remain intact. "Damn, can I have that drink now?" Deuce blurted out after the deal was wrapped. Everybody in the room burst out laughing, including Chuck and the henchman with the MP5. "No doubt. Speaking of drinks, do you fellas have plans for tonight?" CoCo inquired. "Nah, we were gon' chill, maybe have some dinner." "Well if you're up to it, a friend of mine is having a private party at the Velvet Room tonight. It's going to be on point. You guys should come as our guests. How `bout it?" "You good for it, Deuce?" "Hell yeah! I need to let off some steam." "Alright, so we'll pick you up about ten. I'll call you when we're on our way and let me know where you at. Oh, and fellas, the dress code is grown and sexy, so leave the Timbs at your hotel room." "We got this," Genesis countered with a sexy smile, showing a full set of perfect white, straight teeth. When Genesis and Deuce left the building they both stared at the two luxury cars they'd peeped when they fi
rst arrived, and then back at the building. "You really think all this shit is them chicks? I mean real talk, because yo, these bitches are seriously ballin' if it is. I ain't neva ran across no broads making moves like this. They clocking major figures," Deuce said. "I ain't saying shit until we get in the car. Knowing them chicks, they may have sound devices planted in the concrete," Genesis joked, but was dead serious. When they got in the car and closed the door, Genesis sat back in his seat for a minute and put his hand over his mouth as if in deep thought. "That was some bizarre shit." "Bizarre as fuck. I might know a couple of dudes that's making moves on those chicks' level, and two might be a stretch. I mean you've had a major come up these last few months and I know your money has to be long. But not only are they getting money, they must have a crazy connect. You asked them for fifty pounds and they didn't even sneeze. They getting dope with that purity level, that's power right there." "And that's what I need-the power." "Damn right! I know that dynamic duo ain't trying to give up they dopeman." "True, but hopefully if I play my cards right I'll get it on my own."


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