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Stackin' Paper # 6

Page 12

by Deja King

  "Baby, are you going to be okay here by yourself?" Genesis asked Talisa as he was preparing to make his exit. Genesis felt bad about leaving her at his condo so soon after getting back from the airport, but he had important business to handle with Deuce and Antwon. "I'll be fine. I'll keep myself busy going through your drawers looking for incriminating evidence," Talisa smiled. "I don't know what you think you're gonna find." "I know you've had plenty of women keeping you company." "Not me. I'ma saint, you didn't know." Genesis gave Talisa a devilish grin and did a quick check in his head to make sure that no one, mainly Denise, had left any sort of female give-away signs around his crib. He knew that Talisa was well aware that he had women in his life prior to her. But after they made love last night, this was a fresh start for both of them and he didn't want anything to mess that up. "Yeah, I know all about saints," Talisa teased. "But go head, handle your business. I'll try not to snoop too much." "Do whatever you like. This is your home now too. I want you to be comfortable." "Genesis, we don't have to live together. I can stay here temporarily until I get my own place. I'm not sure if I even want to live in Philly and I don't want to impose on your space." "Listen, we agreed to give us a try. And there isn't a better way to see if it can happen then with us living under the same roof. Also, I can keep my eye on you here and I know you'll be safe from Arnez." "Okay, you've convinced me, which wasn't hard to do. Let's do this. Trust, I can easily get used to falling asleep in your arms every night." "Now we're on the same page! Now come over here and give me a kiss before I leave." Genesis held out his hand and Talisa gladly obliged giving him a goodbye kiss. "I'll see you later, baby." "Cool. If you need me for anything call me." "I will." When Genesis left out, Talisa went outside on the balcony and stared out at the mesmerizing panoramic view. The afternoon breeze swept over her skin giving a calming affect. She did feel as if this was a new beginning and one she would share with Genesis. No longer would she have to live in fear, wondering what would trigger Arnez to beat the crap out of her. Those days were gone. The more she thought about it, maybe living in Philadelphia wouldn't be all that bad. She could register for school in the local area and get her degree, which she knew would make her parents happy. Yes, Talisa was finally seeing life in a positive light again, something that seemed out of reach recently. The sound of her cell phone ringing snapped Talisa's out of her deep thoughts. She went back inside and retrieved her phone off the living room sofa. She looked at the screen and it read "Private". My parents probably got my message and are returning my call, she thought. "Hello." "I was beginning to think that you must be dead because there is no way you would ignore my calls. But I was wrong. You're very much alive... for now." Arnez's voice was as cold as his threat. "And don't even think about hanging up," he added as if reading Talisa's mind. "Arnez, it's over," she announced in her most convincing voice. He returned her statement with a ridiculing laugh, then quickly flipped to a tenor of evil, "Bitch, it's over when I say it's over." "Your threats don't work with me anymore. You can take your sadistic behavior and fuck yourself with it. I'm done. The shit is past tense." "You think you can hide from me, huh? This relationship is like the mafia-the only way out is death." "Well motherfucker, consider me dead to you." "Not until I personally break your neck." Then the line went silent. Talisa sat down on the couch and her legs were shaking. She talked a big game to Arnez, but on the inside she was scared shitless. She knew how demonic he was and would do everything to hunt her down like a dog. But knowing Genesis was on her side is what gave her strength.

  What was supposed to have been a ten minute shower, getting dressed and a quick ride over to Monica and Denise's crib for Tonya, turned into an all morning and part of the afternoon babying session for Deuce. He whined about the minor burn he encountered when she purposely knocked the spliff out his hand. Then he got his typical munchies, but instead of wanting some fast food like he normally did, he insisted that Tonya go in the kitchen and whip him up a hot home cooked meal. He wanted steak, eggs and some grits. When Tonya finished slaving over the hot stove and he finished his meal, this fool turns around and wants sexual services. Tonya's only saving grace was that Genesis had called and wanted to meet up with Deuce to discuss business. I been trying to get my ass over here all damn day. Thank fuckin'goodness I finally made it. But nothing was gonna stop me from personally delivering this news to Denise's trifling tail, Tonya thought as she stepped out of her car. She took her time walking to their apartment, smiling at the defeated stare that she would soon see decorating Denise's face. "I'll get it!" Monica called out from the kitchen when she heard a knock at the door. She looked out the peephole and saw it was Tonya. "Hey girl!" Tonya said, scooting her way pass Monica. "Girl, what are you doing here? Denise is home and you know she don't want to see you." "Shit, this ain't just Denise's place, you live here too. I can't come see you?" Monica let out a sigh and slammed the door, knowing that Tonya was up to no damn good. "Tonya, what do you want, and it betta not be a fight. With my tax refund and stimulus check I got a new living room set and this carpet cleaned. Ya' ain't fuckin' my shit up wit' no blood and sweat." "Girl, please. Been there and done that with Denise. I'm moving on to better things." "Like what?" Monica questioned, but before Tonya could respond Denise came out her bedroom looking heated to see her face. "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment? You need to go," Denise said pointing to the door. "Denise, this is you and Monica's apartment." "Bitch, that ain't nothing but a minor technicality. You need to get the fuck out." "I'm glad to see that busting your ass down those stairs at the pier hasn't stopped all that bravado you got going on." "Okay, that's it. Now I'm asking you to leave, Tonya, because if any of my new shit get fucked up, I'm beating both of you bitches' asses. So let's just avoid that nonsense now, and you get the fuck out, Tonya, and I'll talk to you later." "Fine, I'll leave, but I only wanted to come over and forewarn Denise so her feelings wouldn't get hurt." "Forewarn me about what?" Denise popped. Monica glared at Tonya wanting to tell her to keep the shit to herself, but her nosiness was getting the best of her, so she didn't intervene. "Genesis is back in town." "And?" Denise said, snapping her neck. "He brought his new boo with him. Her name is Talisa." Denise's mouth dropped. "Don't play wit' me, Tonya." "Again, it's not me doing the playing, it's Genesis. I heard him on the phone with Deuce this morning. He was in Atlanta with her and their flight got in this afternoon. From what I understand they trying to work on being a couple." "This motherfucker cannot be seriously playing me like I'm Bobo the Clown!" Denise was talking to herself out loud, steadily pacing back and forth across the room. "It ain't no secret that we don't like each other, but I would hate for you to go to his crib and look like a dummy `cause he un moved the next chick in. That ain't cool." Tonya continued adding layers, making Denise even sicker. Denise's face turned beet red. "I can't believe this nigga! One minute he telling me to leave some of my clothes over at his place, and the next he shacking up wit' some bitch named Talisa. He ain't gonna get away with this bullshit!" Denise stormed into her bedroom. "Was that really necessary?" "Monica, you know you loved every minute of it." "I enjoy juicy gossip like the next chick, but Denise don't need to get caught up in no more drama." "That's what I'm trying to avoid." Monica rolled her eyes at Tonya's blatant lie. Denise came storming out her bedroom with mission stamped across her face. "Monica, have you seen my car keys?" "Are these them?" Tonya jingled the keys in the air that she lifted from the glass television stand. "Stop being so damn helpful," Monica snarled. "Where are you going, Denise?" "To find out what the fuck is going on," she said, snatching her keys out of Tonya's hand. "You already know what's going on. What else do you need to find out?" Monica was blocking the front door hoping to talk some sense into Denise. "Monica, would you move please?" "Not until you tell me what you about to do." "I need to see Genesis so we can talk." "You can do that right over the phone." "But as you know, his punk ass ain't accepting my calls." "Then maybe that's a clue you need to let it go." "I'll let it go when I see him face-to-face a
nd he tells me it's over." "Denise, this is a bad idea. If you go over to Genesis's crib, you fuckin' up any chance you might have of dealing wit' dude again." "That's a chance I'm willing to take. Now would you please move!" Monica reluctantly stepped to the side clearing the way for Denise to leave. Denise slammed the door so hard on her way out it looked like it knocked off its hinges. "Are you satisfied now?" Monica directed her question to Tonya. "It ain't my fault she let herself get caught up in Genesis. Remember, she was the one smashing that shit all up in our faces about how she had that nigga sprung. From where I'm standing she appears to be the one that's sprung."

  Tears were burning Denise's eyes as she pressed down on the gas, speeding to get to Genesis's crib. Anger and embarrassment had blurred her judgment. She needed visual and audio confirmation that Genesis had indeed moved on. Not only that, Denise wanted to see the woman that had knocked her out the box with such ease. Her sweaty palms gripped the steering wheel as she swerved in and out of lanes, almost hitting passing cars determined to get to her destination swiftly. The sounds of disgruntled drivers blowing their horns didn't deter her reckless driving. Denise only had one agenda and that was to confront Genesis and his new boo.

  Genesis pulled up to the warehouse he purchased in northeast Philadelphia. It was his covert hideout where he operated and discussed important business. When he arrived, he noticed both Deuce and Antwon's cars were parked on the side. He was relieved there would be no waiting because he wanted to wrap up their meeting as quickly as possible. "We on time and you late. That's a first," Deuce said when Genesis came through the metal door. "It must be love," Antwon joked. "Deuce filled me in on how you moved honey up here with you." "That's what you clowns were discussing while in here waiting for love life? You niggas need to be telling me about some new spots you setting up to put more paper on the table. Shit, I know everybody else in a recession, but that shit don't never apply to prostitution and drug operations. Motherfuckers gonna always want their dick sucked and their head lit up." "Nigga, you crazy, but you know we stay making moves. Deuce just wanted to let me know that our boss had got lucky in love, that's all. Man, we happy for you." "Yeah, maybe now you'll ease up on always stressing over work. I try to tell you life too short." "Deuce, you be exaggerating. We kick it, have some drinks and shoot pool every week." "Once a week. Don't make it seem like it's an every day occurrence. It don't need to be. "While we be slippin' the next nigga is chippin' the fuck up. We play this shit right we can all retire from this game sooner than later. I know I'm ready to chill out and be done with all the stress that comes with this illegal shit. But for now there is too much money to be made out in these streets for all that. Speaking of money, that new connect we met with in LA will have our order ready in the next few weeks. So when we get the word, Antwon be ready to hit the road with the van. I want you to pick up the shit and be out." "Am I going to the regular spot in Atlanta?" "No, it's a new joint in Memphis. Before the connect was shipping from California where it was imported from Mexico then to Atlanta, but now it's changing up. He's going to have the drugs packed in boxes and coolers and shipped to a fake address in Memphis. He has a guy who works at Fed-Ex and he intercepts all shipments sent to the fake address and will hand-deliver them to you at an undisclosed address." "Tennessee, here I come! Maybe I'll hit up Beale Street, find me a southern bunny and listen to some blues." "No, this trip is strictly business. You can chase some ass on your own clock." "Chill, Genesis! I got you. I'm in and out." "Cool. When it get closer to the day I'll give you the address where you'll be meeting the Fed-Ex guy and a phone number in case you have any problems finding the location, which you shouldn't." "This shipment Antwon is picking up, are we giving any to CoCo and Chanel?" Deuce asked. "From what I know right now, nope, but that might change. If so, Antwon, after you leave Memphis you would make a stop through Atlanta." "That ain't nothing. That's what, a four or five hour ride tops?" "But I should know if you need to do that in the next few days. I got a whole slew of niggas fiending for some product, so I'll get to dispersing the moment Antwon get back," Deuce said. "Deuce, I like the sound of that." "Yeah, well I'm about to be on a grind for a minute like you," Deuce nodded his head towards Genesis, "Stackin' my coins up." "What's the motivation behind that?" "I think I might ask Tonya to marry me." "Nigga, don't make me fall out my chair. Is some love shit floating in the air out here in Philly or somethin'?" Antwon asked. "Antwon, man, I'm serious." Genesis was trying to read Deuce to see if he was spitting real talk. "What brought this on?" he asked to see if this was another one of his friend's comical routines. "After that fiasco with that fake broad in Hollyweird, I developed a greater appreciation for my relationship with Tonya. Plus, I got enough kids and baby mamas running around out here. If I don't slow my roll, I'll be able to start my own football team. It's time for me to settle down. Shit, I ain't getting no younger." "I feel you, partner," Genesis patted Deuce's back. "I feel you too, but marriage... that's one commitment I'm staying the fuck away from. Something about a female having papers on me brings the word `prisoner' to mind. But Deuce, I wish you the best of luck," Antwon said to him. "Thanks, man, Bow are we done here? `Cause I'm hungrier than a motherfucker." All three men laughed as they headed out going their separate ways.

  The pounding on the front door startled Talisa as she stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her and went to see who was making all the noise. "Who is it?" Talisa shouted out before reaching the door. "Will you please open the door? It's imperative I speak with Genesis." The calm sweet voice was in complete contrast to the loud knocking. Talisa looked out of the peephole but couldn't see the woman's face, only the top of her head. "I'm sorry, Genesis isn't here," she said after opening the door. "You!" Denise said softly. "What about me?" "You were the woman I saw at the Roberto Cavalli store and at T-Roc's party." Talisa tried to place the woman's face and then remembered she had seen her at the party with Genesis. "Genesis isn't here so you should probably give him a call." Denise pushed open the door, knocking Talisa to the side as she bombarded her way into the condo. "Where is Genesis?" "He isn't here, and you need to get the hell out!" "I'm not going anywhere until I speak with Genesis." Denise was setting the mood for a showdown. "So you're the hussy he traded me in for, black eye and all. Don't you have a man?" "Yeah, his name is Genesis, now get the fuck out!" Denise glanced up at Talisa, who was around four inches taller than her. She pondered for a few seconds if she could take her down strictly using her fists. Not wanting to take any chances she pulled out the knife she kept in her purse. "Now who is your man again?" Denise asked, flashing the sharp object in Talisa's direction. Talisa backed up, grasping that she was dealing with an unstable individual. "You need to relax. Obviously you and Genesis have a lot of shit to work out, but none of it has to do with me." "Oh, that's not the song you were singing a minute ago. What happened to `My man is Genesis', huh? You see I'm carrying a tool and shit and decide to switch up your program. What I'm tryna to understand is why you had to come and mess up my situation. You had yourself a baller. That nigga had you walking around with a personal bodyguard. Yo' shit was straight. That wasn't enough for you. Yo' selfish ass had to come and mess up my happy home." As Denise came closer and closer towards Talisa, it was evident she wasn't playing with a full deck. Denise had rage in her eyes and it was all directed in one person's direction. Talisa knew she had to react fast before Denise lunged at her and drew blood. Talisa reached for the vase on the table and threw it at Denise before hauling ass into the bedroom and locking the door. The vase missed hitting Denise and crashed onto the Brazilian walnut hardwood floor. "Don't you run away from me!" Denise screamed. She began stabbing her knife into the door and using her body to push it at the same time. For such a little woman, her fury gave her superhuman strength. Talisa grabbed the cordless phone off the dresser and dialed Genesis's cell number. It was going straight to voice mail. She wrestled with the idea of calling the police, but had a pretty good idea that Genesis dabbled in illegal a
ctivity and didn't want to bring any unnecessary heat on him. Right when Talisa was about to dial Genesis's number again, she heard his voice: "Yo,' what the fuck is wrong wit' you, Denise?" Denise was frozen, with the knife stuck in the door. She struggled to get it out but, Genesis came over and knocked her hand off of it, pulling it out "Yo' ass is crazy!" Genesis pointed his finger in her face. "Now get the fuck out my crib and don't you ever come back!" "How can you do this? You played me, sending me back to Philly so you can be in LA wit' yo' new bitch. Bringing her here and having her sleep in the same bed we used to fuck in. You a foul nigga, Genesis." "Denise, you need to go now. I ain't neva promised you shit and I don't owe you shit. This my motherfuckin' crib and you wasn't nothin' but a visitor. Now get the fuck out before I toss your crazy ass over that balcony outside!" "I'm leaving, but best believe you gon' get yours, motherfucker. I promise you that shit." Genesis was fuming as he watched Denise break out. It was a situation like this that tested his self control because everything inside of him wanted his fist to crack her jaw. She had not only disrespected his space, but also his girl. "Talisa, are you straight?" he asked, knocking on the bedroom door. "I'm good," Talisa said, opening the door. Genesis held Talisa in his arms feeling completely responsible for getting her caught up in his "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" drama. "I can't believe Denise came over here trippin' like that. I'm sorry that you had to deal with that bullshit." "Genesis, you all must've been pretty serious for her to come at me like that," Talisa assumed, releasing herself from Genesis's arms. "I swear it wasn't like that, at least not in my mind. We've been kicking it for a few months but it was on some no strings attached type shit." "Then why would she think it was something more?" "I don't know. I mean, before we went to LA I did suggest she leave some of her clothes over here because she was spending the night a few times a week, but it's not like I told her to move in." "But you gave her the impression that might be the next step?" "Maybe, I guess. But that still don't give her the right to come to my fuckin' crib swinging a knife around and threatening you. She's a psycho. I ain't sign on for that." "Do you think she's coming back?" "I'm letting the security downstairs know if they see her across the street to call the cops on her silly ass. But I ain't trippin' off Denise. She'll find a new man to stalk and forget all about me." "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Her threats seemed genuine to me." "For her sake she betta not be that stupid. Everybody can be dealt with, including Denise."


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