Stackin' Paper # 6

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Stackin' Paper # 6 Page 13

by Deja King

  "Damn, baby! Can't nobody suck me off the way you do," Arnez said, rubbing on Chanel's round brown breasts. Chanel glanced up at him and smiled after swallowing his cum. "I told you I'm the only bitch you need. Can't nobody satisfy you like me." "I know. Why you think I keep you around?" Arnez smirked, smacking Chanel's spectacular ass. "Does that mean your done playing footsy with Talisa and ready to settle down with a real woman like me?" "In due time." Arnez reached for a cigarette and lighter from his nightstand. "I have some unfinished business to handle with Talisa before I move on with anybody." "Do you have any idea where she went?" "I have my people checking around. I'm thinking maybe she went back to her parents in New York, but I'm not sure yet." "What about Genesis." "What about him?" "Remember I called you that night after the shooting and told you they were stashed up in the hotel together?" "Yeah, but that was a one-time thing. Talisa hasn't been in contact wit' that nigga since. I kept my eye on that. I saw that cat in LA a few weeks ago and he had some other bitch wit' him. He ain't fuckin' wit' Talisa." "It wouldn't hurt to check, `cause the same night your girl got missing he had been at the crib visiting CoCo." "Genesis was in Atlanta?" "Yep, and I don't believe in coincidences." "You might be onto something." Arnez thought back to the day when he came back to the hotel in LA and Talisa was packing up her belongings and telling him she was leaving. At the time he thought she was in one of her rebellious moods, but maybe she had actually hooked up with Genesis and got the balls up to bounce. "I definitely think you need to look into it." "Where does Genesis live?" "In Philly." "Do you know exactly where?" "I don't, but CoCo probably has the address since they close and shit." "I want you to also find out everything you can about the girl I saw him with in LA. If he is fuckin' around wit' Talisa, ain't nothin' like a scorned woman. Do you think Genesis would tell CoCo if Talisa is staying wit' him?" "He might, but he seems to be private when it comes to his personal life. I can see what I can find out and also get what you need on that chick he was with in LA. I'm already putting the pressure on CoCo on that other shit. I don't want to push too hard though. But I might have another person I can get the info from." "How is shit coming along with CoCo? Is she biting the bullet or what?" "She mos def shook. First, the shooting at your party, and then having your man kill Chuck. I think that pushed her over the edge. She's this close to being ready to get out the game. Then I can take over and you can get the direct connect. With those prices and CoCo out the loop, you'll have everything on lock. You'll truly be reigning supreme as the king of this drug operation." "That's right, and you'll be right next to me on the throne. Now come over here and give me some of that pussy." "My pleasure, daddy!"

  "Deuce, you still ain't heard from Antwon?" Genesis asked, pacing the floor. "Nope, and his battery must've died `cause it's going straight to voice mail all day." "Damn, what the fuck is up wit' that? So when is the last time you actually spoke to him?" "When he reached his destination, hung out wit' his people, and was on his way back." Genesis knew that meant he made it to Memphis, met up with the Fed-Ex guy, and got the drugs. "A' ight, well keep me posted. Get back to me the moment you hear anything from that nigga." "Got you." "Fuck, I don't need this bullshit right now!" Genesis barked, tossing his phone down. "Baby, is everything okay?" Talisa could clearly see from his body language that it wasn't. "One of my main dudes is ghost. He went to pick up some shit and we shoulda heard from that nigga by now. I pray he didn't get popped, " Genesis said under his breath. "Has this ever happened before, you know, him not calling?" "Nah, he be on top of his shit." Genesis went over to the bar and poured himself a drink. "This shit becoming entirely too fuckin' stressful. I just need to stack enough paper and break out this bullshit before it breaks me." "How much money do you need? I mean, from the look of things you're not hurting for nothing." "I not, but it's much easier to maintain this lifestyle when it's tax free and the cash is flowing then when the government come in and yank half your shit. See, them top notch corporate motherfuckers know all the tricks and trades to maneuver out that shit, but I don't have those type of connections. At the end of the day if my money ain't legit, I'm just another street nigga." "Is that what you want?" "Do I want what?" "To be a legitimate businessman." "Hell yeah! If I can still live the life I'm accustomed to and have my baby do the same," he said, stroking the side of Talisa's face. "Doing without the stress of dealing with the shenanigans in this here drug trade may alleviate some premature gray hairs from sneaking up on me." "Then do it. Become legitimate." "Baby girl, if it was only that easy. You know how many niggas wouldn't be serving football numbers right now in the federal penitentiary if we could turn our illegal riches into justifiable income? It ain't like that for the typical nigga out here hustling in the streets. We don't have those types of relationships like them rich white boys do." "But what if you did?" Genesis gave Talisa a peculiar stare. "I'm not following you." "What if I could introduce you to someone that could make that happen for you?" "That would have to be a pretty powerful person and a very good friend of yours to even consider doing that for me. No offense, baby, but I don't see you knowing that type of individual. But I appreciate you wanting to help out." "How about you take a trip with me to New York." "What, you want to do some shopping?" "No, I want you to meet my father." Genesis put his drink down and took Talisa's hand. "I guess that means you've decided you do want to stay with me. I can't believe I worked my magic that fast." "You're so arrogant, Genesis," Talisa laughed. "I do want to stay with you but that's not why I want you to meet my father." "Then why?" "Because he's the man that has the power and is a very good friend of mine," Talisa disclosed, ready to present a convincing case. "I'm confused. You coming all the way from left field with this one. Who the fuck is your father?" "Jeffery Washington." "That name sounds familiar." "It should, he's the owner of one of the largest investment firms in the country, Washington Investment Management." "That's your father? They handle everything from stocks, bonds, mutual funds and insurance." "Exactly. I see you know your shit." "No doubt. I stay on top of the business section in the Wall Street Journal." "Good. Then you know he's the type of businessman you need to get you where you want to go." Genesis walked outside to the private terrace. He sat down on the club chaise lounge and put his finger on his forehead as if deep in thought. Talisa looked on from a distance, knowing revealing who her father was threw him for a loop. But she wanted Genesis to accomplish all his dreams, and if she could assist him in making them happen, then that's what she planned on doing. She stood in the opening of the sliding doors on the terrace, waiting for him to share his thoughts with her. After a long period of silence, Genesis finally said, "I can't believe your father is Jeffery Washington. How did you end up in Atlanta with a man like Arnez?" "You mean a drug dealer?" "Basically. I mean I'ma drug dealer too, so it don't make me no better except I ain't no woman beater. But you got breeding. A woman like you ain't even supposed to fuck wit' niggas like us." "I guess it's true that when you shelter your daughters they're drawn to everything they were told is bad for them, which includes certain type of men." "How did your father feel about you dating Arnez?" "He's never actually met him and I never told Arnez who my father is. My dad pretty much stays out of my personal life. But when I stayed out of school this semester and moved to Atlanta he was disappointed. He didn't give me a hard time, but I know how much education means to him." "Did you tell him you were living with Arnez?" "Yes, and my parents tried several times to come to Atlanta to meet him or have me bring Arnez to New York, but I was too ashamed. He would feel like a failure if he knew I was allowing a man to beat up on me." "Does he know you're no longer with him?" "I had left my parents a message and I finally spoke to my father yesterday. I didn't go into details. I told them I was no longer living in Atlanta and was visiting a friend in Philadelphia. I also promised that I would come to visit them very soon. So are you going to help me keep that promise?" "So now I'm just your friend?" "What do you want to be, my boyfriend?" "That, and so much more." Genesis pulled Talisa down on the chaise l
ounge and held her close to his chest and kissed her. He lifted her chin up so they would be eye-toeye. "Is it okay for me to fall in love with you?" "Of course! Why would you ask me something like that?" "You're a pampered princess, a real one, not some manufactured hood rat version. I might be out of my league fuckin' around wit' you." "Don't say that. You're special, Genesis. I knew that from the moment I met you. Please don't look at me any differently because of who my father is or how I grew up. I have the same issues and problems like any other twentyone year old female out here trying to find herself. My father just happens to be extremely wealthy, that's all." Genesis stopped any further conversation by quieting Talisa with a profound kiss. He wanted her to sense how deep his feelings went for her. Talisa pressed her body closer to his, wanting to give into her passion at that very moment, and she did. The two made love right then outside on the private terrace as the sun set.

  "Tomorrow we're off to New York to meet the parents. Are you ready?" "Talisa, I was ready a couple of weeks ago. You the one stalling and shit." "Don't even try it, Genesis. If I remember correctly, you were so damn happy when Antwon reappeared and everything was straight, you wanted to stay here and make some money. How soon we forget." "Watch your mouth, little girl," Genesis shook his finger as if scolding Talisa. "I mean, shit, I had to handle my business. All that product Antwon was carrying equals serious loot. I couldn't break outta town and enjoy myself without making sure it was distributed properly." "All that's cool, just don't try to say it was me stalling when it was all you. You're wrong on this one, so don't get slick." "I'll show you slick," Genesis said, tickling Talisa profusely as she squirmed in bed. "Stop it!" She laughed so hard her stomach began cramping. "Genesis, stop, pleeeeease!" Talisa pleaded. "Not until you say I was right and you're wrong." Genesis paused and waited for Talisa to respond. "I'm not saying that. You were totally wrong." "Have it your way," Genesis persisted, going back in for the kill. "Okay, okay, okay! You were right and I was wrong. Now please stop tickling me. You're making my stomach hurt," Talisa belted out between laughs. "Good decision, `cause I was prepared to tickle you until you pissed on yourself." "Genesis, you're the worst!" "No I'm not." He kissed Talisa on the tip of her nose. "Regardless, you love me," Genesis Joked. "You're right, I do," Talisa acknowledged, becoming serious. "Are you saying what I think you're saying? Because once you say it, I'm not gonna let you take it back." "I don't want to take it back. Genesis Taylor, I'm in love with you." "Talisa Washington, I'm in love with you too, baby."

  Arnez arrived at the Philadelphia International Airport with one objective-to teach Talisa a lesson she would never forget. He went outside and his hired help was waiting in a black Navigator to drive him to his first destination. Chanel, being the loyal soldier that she was to Arnez, got all the information he needed through a simple flirtatious phone call conversation with Deuce. At first Arnez was devastated when it was confirmed that not only was Talisa involved with Genesis, but they were living together. He felt betrayed in the worse way and wanted Talisa dead. But after the initial anger subsided, he believed that death would be a much too easy punishment for her and had something much more sinister in mind. When the driver pulled up in the parking lot of the apartment complex on 400 Presidential Blvd., Arnez didn't waste any time. "You stay here. I'll be back shortly." The driver nodded his head as Arnez shut the back door. He walked over to the ground-level apartment number that was given to him by Chanel. He knocked and waited but there was no answer. He knew this was the address Chanel gave him and wondered if maybe she had made a mistake. But that would've surprised Arnez being how thorough Chanel was when it came to following through on his orders. Arnez knocked again and he heard someone unlocking the door. "Can I help you?" Denise asked with a towel wrapped around her body. "Denise, right?" Arnez recognized her distinctive face from that night at the party. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" she eyed the well-dressed handsome man up and down. He did look somewhat familiar. "My name is Arnez." He reached out his hand but Denise wouldn't shake it. "Look, I just got out the shower and I'm running late for work. You need to tell me what you want quickly, `cause I gotta go." "I understand, but I think I can make this worth your time." Denise still wasn't budging until Arnez opened up his wallet revealing nothing but loads of hundred dollar bills. She hadn't seen that type of cash since her days of messing around with Genesis. After kicking her to the curb it was back to working countless hours at the retail store and dealing with corner hustlers who would nickel and dime her all to keep her bills paid. "What did you say your name was again?" Denise eyes were now sparkling. "Arnez." "Come on in, Arnez. Have a seat while I put some clothes on." Arnez looked around the cute but modest apartment knowing that Denise would be thirsty enough to take the bait. He sat down on the chair until Denise came out wearing a jogging suit. "That was fast." "Like I told you, I'm running late for work. But you said you'll make it worth my time, which I don't have a lot of," Denise said, being antsy. "Here, take this. Maybe it'll help you relax." Arnez slipped five bills in Denise's hand and she immediately sat up straight giving Arnez her full attention. "What the fuck is this about? You recruiting prostitutes or somethin'? Did Latrice that work at the beauty salon on Broad Street give you my address?" "No, I don't know a Latrice and I'm not recruiting prostitutes, but I do need your services." "What kind of services?" "You know a gentleman by the name of Genesis?" "What, you a friend of his? He got you over here paying me off so what, I'll leave him alone? Fine, you did your job. I got your money. Tell that motherfucker I won't call his phone no more. Now goodbye!" Denise stood up shooing Arnez out her apartment. "Sit back down." "No, you sit up and get out. I ain't got time for this. If I knew you were friends with Genesis, I woulda neva let you in my crib." "I'm not a friend of Genesis. Now sit down!" His authoritative tone rattled Denise for a second and she sat down feeling uneasy. "Now calm down and listen." "Oka " Y. "As I'm sure you know, Genesis is now living with a woman named Talisa." "Oh snap, that's where I know you from! You were at T Roc's party wit' her. I knew you looked familiar. What, you want to get wit' me on some payback shit to your ex?" "No, I wanted to use an approach that wasn't quite so juvenile." "I'm puzzled. If you don't want to use me to get your ex jealous, then what?" "All I need for you to do is to find out where Genesis will be tonight and let me know." "That's it?" "That's it. Do you think you can handle that?" "Yeah, he always goes to the same place every Wednesday night. But why do you want to know where Genesis is going to be? Are you tryna fight the nigga?" "No, again I don't want to use a juvenile approach. I just want an opportunity to speak with Talisa alone. I've tried calling her but she won't pick up." "I know how that is. I haven't been able to get Genesis on the phone since we left LA. One minute this nigga got me on cloud nine, next he traded me in for your chick. What type of sense does that make?" "Absolutely none. That's why I'm hoping if I have a chance to see Talisa away from Genesis, she'll realize that I'm the only man for her, and she'll come back to Atlanta with me." "You think that might really work?" "That's my hope. Talisa and I share a strong history together. It's the sort of bond that can't easily be broken. Talisa is young and I'm thinking maybe she's rebelling, having some fun." "Yeah, she's having fun on my expense. Genesis was damn near about to wife me until Talisa came along." "So are you willing to help me out? Hey it can be a winwin for you. I'll get Talisa out of town and that will leave the door wide open for you to rekindle your relationship with Genesis." "That's true." "And, I'll add another g to that. Fifteen-hundred dollars for a location and a chance to get rid of Talisa for good. I'm willing to guarantee whatever job you have to rush off to ain't putting that type of cash in your pocket." Denise couldn't argue with that. "Lets say I did tell you where Genesis will be tonight and you were able to get Talisa to leave town wit' you. There is no guarantee she won't go back to Genesis." "Trust me, with your help, after tonight you won't ever have to worry about Talisa and Genesis getting back together again." Denise weighed her options, and it wasn't brain surgery for her to fig
ure out what she wanted to do. With Talisa out of the picture she did reason that there was hope for her and Genesis. As far as Denise was concerned, Talisa had a great catch with Arnez. He had looks, money and seemed to care a great deal about her to go through all these changes to win her back. Denise didn't think it was fair for Talisa to have both men vying for her affection while she was left destitute and manless. "I'm down," Denise agreed and showed her devotion for their mutual cause by sticking out her hand. Arnez willingly added another ten bills to his "destroy Talisa" fund. He was so eager to see his plan come to fruition, Denise could've named any price and Arnez would've gladly obliged. "Now, I need to sit down and have a conversation with Talisa. What type of head game is she workin' wit' that got you dropping all this money so you can have a chance to speak wit' her in private? I could surely learn a thing or two from homegirl." "Denise, back to the information." "Can't forget that. Every Wednesday night, Genesis and his partner, Deuce go to Buffalo Billiards on Chestnut to shoot pool." "Are you positive they will be there tonight?" "Unless that shit close down. It's a ritual for them. During the months I dated him, they never missed a night." "What time do they usually go and what model car will Genesis be in?" "Seven, and Genesis is very punctual so I'm sure he'll be there right on time. He usually drives one of his everyday cars, either the black Range Rover or black Benz. He keeps his real expensive whips parked and only takes them out for special occasions. You know he don't want to draw too much unnecessary attention to himself." "Denise, thank you. You have no idea how helpful you've been." "I should be thanking you. If you can get Talisa to take you back and get on the next flight to Atlanta, that might put me in the driver's seat. Maybe then Genesis will see I'm the woman he needs." "I'm sure he will," Arnez gassed Denise so she would continue to believe her own hype. He loved women like her because they followed the money trail every time. It didn't matter how shameful the road they had to travel.


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