Stackin' Paper # 6

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Stackin' Paper # 6 Page 14

by Deja King

  Tonya was in the kitchen making fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes for Deuce's two eldest boys with his first baby mama, as they played NBA Ballers: Chosen One on the Xbox 360. For the second time this week his baby mama had an excuse as to why she wouldn't be able to pick the boys up from school, so Deuce had to. Of course he wasn't about to let his parental obligations stop his flow, so he dropped them off at the crib leaving them with Tonya. Tonya was growing increasingly tired of her babysitting duties. She was beginning to feel not only like a slave for Deuce, but also for his children. At least every other weekend all four of his children by three different women would stay at the crib, and of course Tonya was the one who had to watch over them. She had to perform all the wifely duties-cook, clean, suck and fuck without any wifely benefits. Without meaning to, Tonya had fallen hard for Deuce and hated to admit it, but was in love with the dude. She had also grown attached to his crumb-snatcher kids. But being locked down like this with no form of real commitment from Deuce was not the life she had envisioned for herself. She had now reached a crossroads in her relationship with Deuce and it was time for him to either put up or shut up. "Hey baby, the food smelling good up in here," Deuce said, sneaking up behind Tonya while she was preparing the boys' plates. "Thanks," she said bitterly. "Do you want me to make you a plate too?" "No, I'm good. You know I'm leaving in a few to meet Genesis." "That's right, it's pool night. So are you taking the boys wit' you?" "Actually, Shaniqua called and she working late tonight, so she need the boys to spend the night wit' me." "How convenient for the both of you!" Tonya snapped. "Baby, don't be like that." Deuce tried to kiss on Tonya's neck but she walked off. "Come on Terrell and Lamont, your food is ready." Tonya put their plates on the dining room table and walked back into the kitchen to get their glasses of juice. "Tonya, I know you be holding it down for me and my kids, and baby, I really do appreciate it." "I can't tell," Tonya rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe this will convince you." Tonya almost dropped the two glasses she was carrying when her eyes saw the five-karat princess cut diamond sparkling from the little black box. "Is that what I think it is?" Tonya was stunned, refusing to take her eyes away from the diamonds. She put the glasses down to further inspect the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. "It sure is. I wanted to wait until this weekend and do the whole romantic dinner by candlelight proposal thing, but by how moody you've been I was worried you wouldn't stay around that long." They both laughed finding the humor in how true that was. "But seriously, all jokes to the side." Deuce got down on bended knee. "Tonya Price, will you marry me?" "Yes, of course! I love you and all your damn kids!" Tonya cried as tears flowed down her face. "I love you too, baby." Deuce slid the ring on Tonya's finger and that scared, nervous feeling he believed would come over him at the idea of being a married man didn't happen. In fact, knowing he was marrying a woman that had his back gave him a sense of peace and gratefulness.

  CoCo was driving in her Range Rover on a late night visit to the beauty salon to get her weave tightened up when her cell phone rang from an unknown caller. "Hello," she answered, turning down the music blaring from Usher's CD, "Here I Stand". "It's me." CoCo instantly recognized the male voice of her informant who worked in the federal system. He always kept her posted on what was going on behind the sceneswho was hot on the fed's radar and who was snitching and cutting deals on the low. He kept CoCo in the federal drug game loop and she paid him handsomely for it. "What's up?" She knew it couldn't be anything good for him to be calling on this particular cell phone at this time of night. She had two phones; one for play and one strictly for business. "I got word earlier today that you've been indicted under seal along with a man named Genesis Taylor." "What!" CoCo slowed down her driving and pulled over to the side of the road. How?" "Do you know a man by the name of Antwon Walker?" "Yeah, he works for Genesis." "A couple of weeks ago he was busted in Memphis, caught with some major product. Investigators convinced him to talk and he agreed to cooperate. He gave the feds enough information to add both of you to the indictment." "But Antwon isn't locked up, he's out on the streets." "Yes, I'm sure he is being used as an informant." "When are they going to arrest us?" "I'm not sure. But do what you have to do. I have to go now." The phone went "click" and CoCo wanted to vomit. She knew she had to leave Atlanta and lay low until she lawyered up. She also had to warn Genesis that he had a snitch in his crew. She dialed Genesis's number but he wasn't answering, and continued to call him, still getting no answer. Let me call Deuce. I'm sure he knows where Genesis is, she thought to herself. "Hello," Deuce answered. "Hi Deuce, it's me CoCo." "What's good, CoCo?" "I'm trying to get in touch with Genesis but he ain't answering his phone. It's important I speak to him." "I'm on my way to meet him at the pool hall now. I'll make sure he calls you." "Please do. Tell him it's urgent." CoCo hung up with Deuce and turned her truck around as she headed back to her crib, abandoning her hair appointment. As bad as she needed her tracks tightened, her weave was no longer a priority. Getting out of town was.

  Genesis was about to start his second game when Deuce and Antwon finally showed up to the pool hall. "Damn, niggas! Can't ya ever show up on time for anything?" "Cut me some slack," Deuce said, elbowing Genesis. "I got engaged today. I'ma be a married man." "Nigga, stop bullshitting!" Genesis wasn't convinced Deuce was being straight up. "I'm serious. I popped the question today and Tonya accepted. Honest." "Antwon, did you know about this?" "He broke the sad news on the car ride over." "Congratulations man! I'm happy for you and Tonya. We have to celebrate. Deuce is officially throwing in his player card." "Yeah, my days of whoring around are over. But Genesis, you know I want you to be my best man." "I would be honored." Genesis turned around towards the bartender and yelled out," Everybody, my best friend is getting married! Drinks are on me!" All the patrons stood up, clapping and whistling. "It's only going to be you and Antwon left to spread the love to the ladies." "Make that Antwon. I'm going to New York tomorrow to meet Talisa's parents. She's the one. I know it. Pretty soon I believe we'll be walking down the aisle." "Man, you haven't even known her long enough to say some shit like that." "Deuce you crazy. Sometimes you just know when you've found your soul mate and I believe that's what Talisa is to me." "I can't argue with that. Love is a strange thing." "Can't we get off this love subject? This is supposed to be a fellas night out, remember?" "We hear you, Antwon. No more talk about our ladies. Let's play pool. I'm ready to kick both yo' ass anyway. But first let me go pay this tab. I see the bartender over there giving me the eye. I don't want him to think I'ma try to stiff the bill," Genesis said, reaching for his wallet. "Before I forget, CoCo was trying to get in touch wit' you. She said she tried to call you but you weren't picking up your phone." Genesis patted his front and back pockets. "Damn, I left that shit in the car. I'll call her when we leave here." "She said it was urgent." "Deuce, will you go to my car and get my phone, while I pay this bill?" "No problem. I'll be right back." "Antwon, here," Genesis handed him the key. "That nigga probably in a daze from getting ready to tie the knot. He forgot the car keys. "See, that's what being locked down to a woman will do to you; make you lose your mind. I'll be back."

  Talisa was coming out of the beauty supply store after buying some hair products she needed before she left for New York with Genesis when her cell phone started ringing. The call was coming from a 215 area code and she wondered who it could be. "Hello." "Right now as I'm relaxing in my hotel room speaking to you, your man Genesis is about to die." "Arnez, you sick sonofabitch, leave me and Genesis the hell alone! I don't have time for your games or lies." "You know I don't lie about things that are important to me. At first, I was going to kill you, but then that would take away all the joy of watching you suffer-continuously. Besides, I still love you, Talisa. After I punish you unmercifully I'll be able to forgive your indiscretion." "I hate you! Stay away for me and Genesis!" she yelled in the phone. "You don't get it. Genesis is dead. Now start packing up your shit. You're coming back to Atlanta with me." The confidence in Arnez's voic
e had Talisa in a panic. She hit the end button on her phone not able to stand the sound of his evil voice any longer. "Pick up the phone, Genesis!" Talisa screamed, dialing his number. The phone rang and rang but Genesis didn't answer. Her hands were shaking and she could barely hit the talk button again or open the car door. "Dear God, please don't do this to me, don't take Genesis out my life!" she cried out, struggling to put the key in the ignition. Talisa dialed his number repeatedly to no avail. She headed to Buffalo Billiards where Genesis was supposed to be. She prayed Arnez was playing a sick joke on her as tears streamed down her face while she drove to the pool hall. When she heard her cell phone ringing she quickly picked it up hoping it was Genesis returning her call, but instead it was Arnez calling back to further taunt her. She threw the phone on the passenger seat, speeding to reach her destination. When she turned onto Chestnut she could see the flashing lights coming from the police cruisers and ambulances. Her heart was racing as she parked the car and quickly ran up to where an on-scene ranking investigative officer was sectioning off the area with yellow crime scene tape. The crime lab personnel had already placed a barrier around the body, but Talisa was determined to see if the victim was Genesis and if he was dead or alive. She ran around to the side where a pair of emergency medical technicians were putting a man on a stretcher and were about to cover his body. Right before the sterile sheet was put over him, she caught a glimpse of the bullet hole in the back of his head, but couldn't see his face. "Wait, that might be my boyfriend!" Talisa screamed out to the technicians carrying his body. "Miss, you need to step back," the technician directed. "Please, can I just see if that's my boyfriend?" The technician reluctantly lifted the sheet, and to Talisa's relief it wasn't Genesis, nor did she recognize the dead man's face. "Is it him?" the technician inquired. "No, thank God!" "The emergency crew is working on another victim over there," the technician pointed at the front entrance of the pool hall, not wanting to get Talisa's hopes up in case the other victim was her boyfriend. Talisa ran towards the circle of people in front of the entrance and tried to break through the crowd. "Sir, you're going to have to move," Talisa heard a paramedic insist. Poking her head between people in the crowd, Talisa could see a man lying on the ground holding his chest and trying to speak to someone who was holding his hand. "Man, you my heart-you know that!" "Shhh! Don't speak. Save your strength. You gon' get through this. We've been through worse together." "Nah, this it for me. I ain't got no more free passes." When Talisa finally broke through the crowd, she saw it was Deuce who was lying on the ground, barely alive. "Don't say that man. You gon' make it, you got to!" Genesis was trying to be strong as he watched his best friend dying right in front of him, and his emotions took over. One tear rolled down his face as he felt the life leaving Deuce's body. "Tell Tonya and the kids that I love them..." were Deuce's final words.

  Denise had woken up with a smile on her face and newfound hope. If the scheme Arnez orchestrated went the way it was supposed to, then Talisa was on a flight back to Atlanta or about to get on one. Arnez had promised to call and give her an update and Denise had been prancing around the apartment all day waiting to hear the magic words, "Talisa is gone!" Denise was sitting on the couch watching "Young and the Restless" and eating her favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, when Monica came through the door looking distraught. "Girl, is everything okay? You seem a bit flustered," Denise said dismissively before turning her attention back to the drama going on between Victor Newman and his exwife, Nikki, and crunching on her cereal. "You must ain't heard." Monica sat down on the couch and cut the television off. "Why you turn off the `Young and the Restless'? Victor was about to light Nikki's ass up." "Girl, fuck that damn soap opera! Antwon and Deuce got killed last night over there at Buffalo Billiards." Denise put her bowl down on the table and swallowed hard before speaking. "Is Genesis okay?" "Yeah, physically, but you know mentally that nigga fucked up. You know how close he and Deuce was. And man, Tonya is distraught. I just left from over there. What make it so bad was they got engaged last night and now that nigga gone. And his kids... damn!" Monica kept shaking her head. "Does anybody know what happened?" "They were outside Billiards by Genesis's car and supposedly two men walked up and started blasting. They ain't made no arrest though. But ain't that the scenario for all these killings out here in Philly? Niggas die and nobody gets caught-a repetitive cycle." "But it wasn't supposed to happen like that! I swear it wasn't!" Denise said becoming hysterical. "Denise, what the fuck are you talking about?" "That lying motherfucker said he only wanted time alone to speak with Talisa. You know, to win her back. And then with Talisa out the picture I would have a chance to be with Genesis again," Denise rambled, sounding as if she was hyperventilating and her entire body was trembling. "Denise, calm down." Monica sat down next to Denise and held her arms firmly. "Look at me." Denise started taking deep breathes to relax and focus. "Now tell me what happened." "Talisa's ex-boyfriend, Arnez came to see me yesterday." "He came here?" "Yes." "How did he get your address?" "I don't know. But he remembered me from being with Genesis at the party in LA and I saw him with Talisa. He said he only wanted to speak with Talisa and convince her that she should go back to Atlanta and be with him." "Okay, so what does this have to do with what happened to Deuce and Antwon?" "I think they were killed by mistake." "What makes you think that?" "Because Arnez asked me where Genesis was going to be last night and what type of car he would be driving, and I told him. But he gave me fifteen-hundred dollars. I didn't know he was planning on killing him. I love Genesis! I woulda never did no shit like that to him!" "Oh shit!" Monica leaned back on the couch. "Denise, what have you done?" Denise lifted her legs onto the couch and pulled them to her chest, wrapping her arms around them tightly. She rocked back and forth, overwhelmed that although she didn't pull the trigger, she unwittingly played a role in the death of two innocent men.

  Talisa stood in the living room watching as Genesis sat outside on the balcony, mourning the loss of both of his friends. She wanted to console him but knew nothing she'd say could ease his pain. She still hadn't told him that Arnez was behind the brutal murders. He was so distraught that he didn't even think to ask her why she showed up. There was dead silence in the car as she drove them home, and it remained that way even now. As Talisa was in deep thought she heard Genesis's cell phone going off. It had been ringing nonstop all morning and afternoon and mainly from a 404 area code. She looked at the phone and again and it was the same number. Following her gut instincts, this time she answered the call. "Hello." "Umm, maybe I dialed the wrong number," CoCo said, looking at the screen on her phone, but clearly she did not. "I'm trying to get in touch with Genesis." "You have the right number." "Yeah, I see that, but who are you and why are you answering Genesis's phone?" "This is his girlfriend." "His who?" Jealousy ripped through CoCo. "His girlfriend. Genesis isn't available right now. Do you want to leave a message for him?" What CoCo really wanted to do was reach through the phone and smack the crap out of whoever was playing wifey to the man she had deep feelings for. But she knew what she had to tell Genesis was too vital to let her jealousy get in the way. "My name is CoCo, and I do business with Genesis. I need to warn him about a serious problem, so I need to speak with him now." Talisa knew exactly who CoCo was and wondered if any of this had to do with Arnez. "Of course. Hold on one second." "Thanks." CoCo tried hard not to sound salty but she was dying to know who the woman was on the other end of the phone. Talisa opened the door to the balcony and she could tell Genesis didn't want to be disturbed, but from the sound of CoCo's voice she knew he would have to be. "CoCo is on the phone and she needs to speak with you." "Tell her I'll call her back later." "She said it's urgent. I think you need to speak with her." "Give me the phone." Talisa handed Genesis the phone and went back inside. "What is it, CoCo?" "What's with the icy attitude? I've been trying to get in touch with you since last night. Deuce didn't give you my message?" "Yeah he gave it to me." "What, it's like that? You don't feel the need to return my calls anymore even when I
say it's an emergency?" "Yo', Deuce got killed last night. I can't deal wit' your smart ass mouth right now." "Genesis, I had no idea! I'm so sorry. What happened?" "I don't wanna talk about it right now." "I understand." "Now what is so urgent?" "I hate to give you more bad news, but both of us are under a sealed federal indictment. An informant of mine who works in the federal system told me last night." "What? When the bullshit start coming it don't stop." "Tell me about it. And so you know, it's one of your own who fucked us over." "Who?" "Antwon. He got popped on that trip to Memphis and snitched on us. He's an informant for the feds. I don't know how much information he's given them on you, but stay the hell away from that nigga." "That won't be hard to do, since he is dead too." "Word? Not to speak ill of the dead even if they were a snitch, but that might be a good thing as far as our case goes. But I'm not taking any chances. I got some shit together and I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I got a feeling the feds gon' be sneaking up on me in the next few days and I want to be long gone. I suggest you do the same. When my lawyer finds out exactly what they working with, then I'll turn myself in. But it will be on my terms." "I feel you. Thanks for the warning and I apologize for how I came off on you." "No apology necessary. I know how close you were to Deuce. Chuck's death hit me the same way. But listen, I need to go. I'll call you when I get situated in my new location or if I get any updates." "Cool. Take care of yourself, CoCo." "I will, and you do the same." Genesis put his head down, plagued by the news CoCo dropped on him. Not only was he a wanted man, but a person he considered a close friend was responsible for his own probable demise. Antwon had done the ultimate betrayal. He broke the most important rule of the streetsno snitching. He had to put aside grieving over Deuce and let his survival mode kick in. "I have to go away for awhile," Genesis said, coming in the living room where Talisa was sitting. "Where are you going, and when are you coming back?" "I don't know yet." Talisa put down her magazine and stood up. "Wait, you're leaving and you don't know when you're coming back?" "Pretty much." "Then I'm coming with you." "You can't, not right now." "Genesis, what' going on? Don't shut me out like this. I thought you said we were in this together." The nonstop emotional beating Talisa had been enduring was taking an overwhelming toll on her. The rock she wanted to be for Genesis was cracking and she could no longer keep it in check as the tears flowed. "Baby, please don't cry." Genesis held Talisa close as she cried on his shoulder. "Things are too fucked up right now. I have to go." "Then let me go with you." "I can't. CoCo told me that we've been indicted by the feds. They can come arrest me at any time." Genesis sat down on the couch, reflecting on the chain of events that had him on top of the world yesterday, but now had him perplexed as to what his future would hold. "Genesis, let's first find out what the charges are before you go on the run." "Fuck, them charges! Them motherfuckers ain't gonna care what the charges are or if I'm guilty or innocent. All they know is that I'ma nigga who ain't had a legitimate job in years and is living good. They gon' take my shit, throw my black ass in jail, and say we got another one off the streets." "Let me help you," Talisa pleaded. "Baby, I know you want to help me, but I can't get locked up again. I virtually lost my whole childhood being caged up. I can't go through that again." "Listen to me. My father can get you the best lawyers in the country. We will beat this." "Talisa, I don't know if I want to take that chance. You don't know if your father can help me or if he would even want to. I'ma drug dealer for fuckin' sake!" "Trust me, it won't matter. I promise my father will help you. Baby, let's try. I need you. Please, don't leave me. I know we can get through this-together." Genesis could see the pleading in Talisa's eyes. It was that of desperation and he didn't want to let her down. "Okay, we'll leave for New York tomorrow and see what your father can do. But Talisa, I ain't making no promises. If your father can't help, then I have to do what's best for me, and that's to keep my freedom."


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