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Furbidden Mate

Page 2

by Jessica Snow

  She quickly grabbed her purse off the bed and opened her window, climbing out on the side of the house. After she had gently closed it behind her, she made her way to the sidewalk while pulling her cell out of her purse and began dialing one of her best friends. Pressing the phone against her ear and listening to the dial tone ring, she stood waiting, a defiant smile spread across her face.

  McKenzie was going to The Den whether Kat liked it or not.

  Chapter 2

  The sound of heavy panting and rustling leaves filled the air as the pack raced through the forest, a full moon hanging over their heads. The air was filled with excitement. It was always this way when there was a hunt.

  But there was one who did not share in the thrill that crackled through the group. Not anymore; not for a long time, in fact. Not since his free will had been ignored, and his fate decided for him.

  A golden wolf whose coat was streaked with platinum highlights suddenly veered off from the pack, bounding away toward the edge of the forest. The smothering feeling that settled over him every time he was with the pack these days slowly fell away as he distanced himself. He finally stopped on a cliff overlooking Bone City. There, he settled on his powerful haunches right on the edge, his golden eyes looking longingly down into the twinkling lights.

  Moments later, the golden wolf heard the patter of paws against the earth as a second wolf, this one lean, gray, and female, scampered up beside him. She sat down and cocked her head questioningly as she eyed him.

  The sound of popping bones bounced off the nearby trees as the golden wolf swiftly transformed, and seconds later, a golden-haired man sat naked on the cliff’s edge, his groin resting against the dirt. With well-muscled arms and legs and ripped abs stretching across a flat stomach, the man was the perfect male specimen. He was the scion of a line bred for strength and endurance, and he looked the part.

  A lighter sound of popping bones whispered on the wind. He didn’t look over, knowing that his unwanted companion had shifted as well.

  “What is the matter with you Liam?” demanded a harsh female voice.

  Liam turned his head and looked into his mate’s gold-specked gray eyes, trying to hide his distaste for her sunken face and cold, predatory expression.

  You are the matter, he wanted to say. Scrawny, vicious little man flesh-eater.

  He was careful not to speak these things aloud, however. While Crystal may have been scrawny, she had a vile temper that was larger than her frail figure would indicate. A temper that Liam had put up with back when he had believed her to be worth it, before discovering her true nature and... appetites. Once that had happened, his joy in their arranged betrothal had vanished; he was tired of it and tired of her.

  Even now, he could hardly stand to look at her. Crystal’s long blonde hair lay down the front of her shoulders, covering her small breasts, but not covering the ribs that jutted out from beneath her flesh or her lean, angular limbs. Her spindly fingers looked like some alien creature’s claws to him now. He had seen them dipped in human blood; seen her lick them clean with a relish that had disgusted him. Seen madness in her eyes when she had finished.

  Once, she had even told him that she liked man flesh better than any meat the forest had to offer. Liam had come to realize then that the mating arrangement between their two lineages was a terrible idea. Too bad that his father, thinking only of what he would gain personally from linking the two families, still insisted on his going through with it.

  “Nothing’s the matter,” Liam replied, as he climbed to his feet and turned to stare back down into the city. “I just don’t feel well.”

  A warm breeze swept the area, scattering leaves about, prickling his naked flesh.

  Crystal’s face was twisted with suspicion as she stood and placed a hand on his broad shoulders. “How come? On a night such as this, you should be overjoyed.”

  “I can’t explain it,” replied Liam evasively. I can explain it. If you try to get me to eat human meat again, I may kill you.

  A wolf’s howl sang in the distance, signaling the pack had found a victim. Not prey—not something honest and clean like a deer or feral pig. Rather some poor human who had strayed too far into the woods. They weren’t supposed to hunt humans; weren’t supposed to harm humans at all. But Crystal’s family was powerful and had always looked the other way about this distasteful habit of hers. It seemed that everyone expected him to do the same...but he couldn’t.

  Crystal scowled. “Is it because I am not enough for you? Is there someone else you wish to mate with?”

  Liam held back a groan. “No...and I’ve told you before not to think that.”

  “Then what is it?” Frustration laced her words.

  “If I could tell you, I would,” Liam lied.

  “I think it is exactly that,” Crystal said firmly. “You’re straying from my side. Someone else must be distracting you from your duties to me and to the pack.”

  Liam could not hold back his groan this time. “Crystal, please...”

  Crystal was suddenly down on her knees, staring up at her mate, her gold-specked eyes filled with lascivious eagerness. Once, that look in her eye had instantly made his mating hunger rise, along with his cock. Now, knowing the madness and cruelty behind it, he felt only nausea. “Mate with me,” she demanded.

  Ugh. “You’re missing out on your...hunt,” he reminded her in a cold voice, but she would not be deterred. As she moved forward, crawling on hands and knees, he froze in place, repulsed but feeling shackled by his obligations. If he rejected her outright, both sets of their parents would be after him. But I don’t want her touching me!

  Before he could stop her, Crystal had placed his limp cock into her mouth. She greedily went down to the end of his shaft, her tongue lapping out against his large balls. Nerve endings fired, despite his total disgust. Liam felt his cock twitch against inside her warm mouth as blood began to flow.

  “Stop it,” he snapped but didn’t move. Not just because of the trouble he would be in; Crystal’s behavior had gotten so erratic in the last few months that he didn’t trust her not to bite down if he pissed her off.

  She began massaging his balls with her right hand as her mouth went back and forth along his pulsating shaft. He could take only so much of this before he stiffened out to his full length. Crystal’s mouth strokes became shallower as she struggled to take down the now massive cock. She failed, of course.

  Liam suddenly felt anger - anger at her for forcing this on him when all he wanted was to be left alone. Embarrassment for his body’s reflexive betrayal. And most of all disgust—with her, and with himself.

  He suddenly wanted to grab her head and force his cock into her throat, choking her, giving back some of the discomfort and humiliation brewing inside of him. His hands flexed with the urge to do her violence. But he restrained himself, knowing he would loathe himself even more if he went through with it.

  He finally gave up and closed his eyes, trying to ignore her scent, trying to convince himself that another woman entirely was busily sucking and tonguing his cock. Get it over with, he thought with a shudder. His mind ran through memories of the lovers he had taken before her—lovers human and otherwise. How he had felt with them before he turned twenty and his father had arranged this ridiculously mismatched mating. He remembered tender embraces, and nights filled with real heat—and after a minute or so, it worked. Liam gave out a strangled gasp as a fire swept through his stomach, his seed blasting down Crystal’s throat like a creamy river.

  He held still and kept his eyes closed until her greedy, dangerous mouth slid off his shaft. Then he pulled away with a heavy sigh.

  Crystal climbed to her feet with a triumphant smile on her gaunt face as she dusted the dirt off her knees. “Did I please you?” There was something mocking in her tone.

  Liam’s stomach curdled slightly at the sight of a drop of his seed crusting her upper lip. “Greatly,” he lied.

  Crystal’s smile grew broader as she to
ok him by the arm. “Good. Now let’s rejoin the pack and enjoy the rest of the hunt,” she ordered firmly. “The prey is very energetic tonight.” She grinned crazily, sickening him. “I can hear her cries of terror from here!”

  Suddenly, Liam shook off her arm and turned away from the cliff, walking in the opposite direction of the pack.

  “Where are you going?” demanded Crystal as she stalked after him.

  “To town.” Away from you.

  She paused, shocked. “What the hell for?”

  Liam stopped mid-stride and slowly turned to face his pestering mate. “Look, Crystal. Do not follow me. There are some things that I must do and I can’t have you around while I do them.” He elaborated on the lie. “It’ business.”

  “It’s because you won’t hunt humans, isn’t it? You’re so weak and sentimental. It’s disgusting.” Anger flared in her eyes, and for a moment, Liam was sure he was about to have to fend off one of her rages. But she surprised him when she took a deep, calming breath and asked, “Will you at least tell me what it is that you are going to do down in that warren of humans and dead things?”

  Satisfied she was not going to attempt to follow him and gouge his eyes out, Liam turned away and began making his way on a path that led out of the forest, tossing over his shoulder, “I’m going to get something to eat that doesn’t break our laws.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she screeched thinly, but he simply shifted again and started racing down the path, this time pushing himself faster than she could follow.

  Not one drink.

  When Kat had gone out clubbing now and again in the past, she usually had at least a handful of men buy her a drink. But for some reason, not even one had coughed up a dime for her.

  This confused her because she thought she looked extra hot and curvy in her body-hugging dress. The fact that no one had come up and offered to buy her a drink or at least asked to dance took the wind right out of her confidence. Moreover, the looks a few men and women had shot her as they passed her spot at the bar had confused her further. They had almost looked...afraid.

  Maybe that was just my imagination. But what the hell is with the lack of action tonight?

  The bass of the loud music reverberating throughout The Den threatened to send her strawberry daiquiri tumbling off the counter. Before it could topple into her lap, she grabbed a hold of it and took a sip as she glanced around the packed club.

  Blue, red and green lights pulsated in the darkened room as a throng of bodies undulated against each other. Envious, she watched their excited faces while the booming beat of the music thrummed against her body, stoking her anger at being left out of the fun. She wanted to get out there and dance, work off some of her anger and show herself off. But she did not want to look like a fool by dancing by herself.

  “What’s your deal, Kat?” yelled a high-pitch voice over the loud dance music. “Why aren’t you out there dancing?”

  Whipping her head around, Kat took in the sight of her best friend Elizabeth. Dressed in a blue sequined number that clung to her slim frame, the brown-eyed girl was panting and grinning and looked ready to start sweating off her makeup. Her light blonde hair was pulled up into an elegant bun on the top of her head, while thin wisps of it framed her delicate face. She had had no problem getting drinks or dances out of the guys in here...but then again, she looked about as harmless as a girl could.

  Kat scowled. “I guess because the men in this place are too pussy to ask me.”

  Elizabeth’s face scrunched into a concerned frown. “You’re supposed to be having fun and forgetting all about Kevin.” She turned and pointed into the crowd. “I mean look at Ashley twerking her ass off over there. No guys asked her to dance, and there she is dropping it like it’s hot with a sexy guy. She started asking them. They like that. It takes the pressure off.”

  Kat turned her eyes to the swelling crowd and quickly spotted Ashley. Dressed in a purple cut off top and hoochie shorts, she was grinding her small bottom up against a bald black dude who looked like he had one too many drinks in him. With the way he was grinding his pelvis into Ashley’s butt while playfully smacking it, Kat would have been surprised if the girl did not wake up the next morning pregnant. But she had to admit, it did look like she was having fun.

  “Sometimes if it’s not coming to you, you must go and get it,” encouraged Elizabeth.

  “That’s easy for you to say, Liz,” grumbled Kat. “Guys practically fall over themselves to dance with you.”

  Liz stuck her tongue out at her. “Do not.”

  “Girl, you are smoking!” a deep voice hollered over the booming music behind them. “Would you like to dance?”

  A strapping blond-haired stud in a leather vest stood there smiling at Liz as if she were a sparkling diamond.

  “See? What did I tell ya?” grumped Kat with a roll of her eyes. “He practically materialized behind our backs.”

  The stud’s eyes flicked over to take in Kat’s enormous cleavage before focusing back on Liz’s face. For a moment, Kat thought the guy looked as if he wanted to bury his face between her breasts...but then came that strange, nervous look again. Her brows drew together. Am I scaring people off somehow?

  “Sure,” Liz chirped, grabbing the stud by the hand and leading him away, leaving her frustrated friend behind.

  “Lucky,” Kat muttered as she watched them disappear off into the moving crowd. I don’t know why I thought coming to a club to party would be a good idea. She continued to drink her fruity beverage alone, her mood growing darker by the minute. And the more it did, the wider the berth the people who passed by seemed to give her.

  That’s when he stepped in.

  Kat’s jaw practically needed to be picked up from the bar countertop as the perfect male specimen strolled into the club all by his lonesome. Holy shit. Yum! How is he here alone?

  He was absolutely gorgeous—tall, golden-haired and handsome. He was dressed in tight jeans and a breezy royal blue shirt that was open at the chest, showcasing his impressive physique. But the thing that intrigued Kat most about this newcomer was his pale, gleaming eyes. Even from across the darkened room, she could see the inner strength that shone through them. They radiated power...and sexiness.

  She wasn’t normally one to go crazy over a guy’s looks. But this time, Kat could not help but continue to stare at the tasty-looking hunk.

  A second later, the man turned his head towards the bar and their eyes met. Kat felt an odd jolt run through her limbs. His eyes seemed to be speaking to her as they roamed over the curves of her body.

  They were so inviting.

  Sometimes if it’s not coming to you, you must go and get it.

  Emboldened by the way he was looking at her, Kat jumped up from the bar and began making her ways towards him, her heart pounding in her chest. Any shyness she might have felt was quickly overcome; her body almost seemed to move on its own. He watched her approach, a faint smile widening on his lips.

  She was halfway to him when three half-dressed club girls from the crowd jumped out in front of him and began all talking at him at once. The man continued to stare Kat’s way for a moment before his attention was drawn away by the fluttering cluster of attention-starved girls. He almost looked exasperated.

  Kat stopped in her tracks as bodies shimmied to the music all around her, watching the girls touch the man all over his chest. They chattered at him, openly admiring his body and showering him with compliments. The hunk seemed to be enjoying the attention too, because his face brightened, and he was soon laughing along with them. He had already forgotten all about Kat.

  Kat continued to watch jealously as one of the drunken girls placed her hand on the stud’s crotch and laughed. The other two girls were on either side of the guy, whispering in his ear, probably offering to take him to bed.

  That was enough for Kat. Fuck this. I’m going to have some fun in this shithole if it kills me.

  Apparently, the club guys at The
Den were cowards, and she would have to get aggressive if she wanted any attention. Fine. Eyes narrowing, she looked around the dance floor for an unaccompanied guy who looked worth her time.

  “My goodness. You look almost as annoyed with this place as I am.”

  She looked up, startled at the blackly amused male voice beside her. A tall, dark-haired man stood a few feet away from her, dressed in all black. His hair was slicked back with gel, his pale skin stretched across cheekbones like scimitars, and an amused smile curved his full, pale lips. Frost blue eyes peered at her, sending an unnerving chill through her body.

  “Jesus,” gasped Kat. “Where the hell did you come from?”

  The dark stranger nodded nondescriptly off to the side, toward a table where a club girl with blue-dyed hair slumped unconscious, probably from too much booze. “From over there.” Then he focused back on her. “Would you like to dance?”

  Well, it’s about fucking time! She opened her mouth to agree...but then hesitated. While the man was definitely a handsome creature, with his lean body, silky voice and piercing eyes, there was something about the way he stared at Kat that made her feel uneasy. But one glance back at the big blond hunk and his entourage of attention-thieves galvanized her. She was going to have a good time tonight, damn it. She tilted her head and stared back at Tall, Dark and Slightly Creepy. “Fine. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  His eyebrows went up. “Oooh! Spirited. I like that. I bet you’re quite hot-blooded, too.”

  “You bet I am.” She smiled back at him narrow-eyed. “And if you’re very lucky, you might find out how much.”

  He turned out to be a very good dancer. Lithe, sensual, with a good sense of rhythm and cool, silky hands. His eyes intrigued her; he stared at her with naked hunger even as he spoke, and touched her, like a cultured gentleman. The combination left her wondering what on Earth he would be like in the sack. It wasn’t enough to take her mind off the Blond That Got Away, but a few dances in and she’d achieved at least part of the night’s objective. Kevin who?


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