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Furbidden Mate

Page 22

by Jessica Snow

  She took her down a long hallway to a lavishly furnished room lit by candlelight. Classical music played in the background and there was the smell of some spicy incense on the air. "Wait here," the woman ordered. She gave McKenzie a stern glare to make sure she knew she meant business, and then she shut the door and was gone.

  McKenzie stared at the door, in a daze. Now it was her time to escape. She was just afraid the woman with incredible strength was waiting directly outside, hoping McKenzie would do just that so she could tear her apart, piece by piece, for daring to defy her.

  "Well I’ll be damned," said a haughty voice. "If it isn’t the ugly duckling herself."

  McKenzie spun around and then her jaw dropped. Standing in the middle of the floor with a wine bottle in her hand, was Daisy and McKenzie’s ex-best friend Annabelle. Both girls were dressed up as if they were going out to the club.

  "What the hell are you two doing here?" McKenzie gasped with astonishment. It made her mad to see Annabelle palling around with Daisy, but then again McKenzie and Anna weren’t on best of terms after her boyfriend had tried to rape McKenzie.

  "I could ask you the same thing, knock-knees," Daisy sneered at her bruised legs.

  As traumatized as she was, McKenzie wanted nothing more than to walk over and claw Daisy’s face.

  "Be nice, Daisy," Annabelle scolded, though she eyed McKenzie nervously.

  Daisy scowled as she eyed McKenzie with contempt. "Why should I be nice? She practically tried to get it on with your boyfriend at my party."

  "I tried to get it on with her boyfriend?" McKenzie demanded incredulously. "Erick drugged my drink and tried to rape me you stupid, drunken cunt! Another guy had to drag him off me and beat him before he would stop!" She looked over at Annabelle—who shocked her when she paled suddenly and looked away.

  She knows, McKenzie realized suddenly. She knows I am telling the truth. What changed?

  Daisy let out a high-pitched laugh. "Yeah, blame your slutbag behavior on him, why don’t you? More like you guilt-tripped Erick into a pity fuck, but he stopped after he realized that the paper bag wouldn’t fit on your big head."

  Rage burned through McKenzie at Daisy’s callous words and she rushed forward. "I’ll fucking kill you—"

  Annabelle quickly jumped between the two. "Guys stop it!"

  "No!" McKenzie yelled, pushing Annabelle aside. "I’ve had it! Your boyfriend tries to Rohypnol-rape me, you betray me and then this fucking whore—"

  Do not do it, McKenzie! Don’t stoop to her level.

  Her fists raised, McKenzie froze two steps away from Daisy, who had her hands up in a defensive position. There that voice was again. This time she was sure she had heard it. What shocked her most was that it seemed very familiar.

  Who’s there? she demanded as she looked around the room. Reveal yourself.

  As before in the alley, there was no response.

  "McKenzie?" asked Annabelle curiously. "What’s wrong? You look like you saw a ghost."

  McKenzie shivered and brought her gaze on Annabelle. Was she going crazy? Why was she hearing voices? "Never mind, this teen-alkie piece of trash isn’t worth a prison sentence," McKenzie said finally when she had regained her composure. "Why are you two here anyway?" It seemed an awful coincidence that she would run into the two girls here of all places.

  Annabelle glanced over at Daisy as if unsure of herself. "We were hanging out downtown, trying to find a club that would let us get in with our shitty fake IDs. Then this chick approached us and—"

  "Wait a minute. I thought you did not like going out clubbing without Erick?" interrupted McKenzie.

  Annabelle’s gaze dropped to the floor and she sniffed. "Erick dumped me."

  Serves you right. "I’m sorry," McKenzie said without meaning it.

  Daisy let out a cruel laugh. "Yeah, she’s sorry alright. She’s practically salivating with joy that she fucked up your relationship, Anna."

  "Cut it out, Daisy," Anna snapped. Then she looked over at McKenzie. "I realize I treated you badly after I heard what happened. I blamed you for a while. But then I overheard Erick bragging about what he’d done to you over the phone with one of his asshole friends." She lowered her head. “I confronted him, and he called me a controlling bitch and dumped me.”

  McKenzie fumbled with her shirt in an awkward manner, not knowing how to accept Annabelle’s apology. Anna had treated her like total crap, even accused her of trying to seduce Erick and went as far as helping him spread rumors about her around the school. And now she expected to just say sorry and that was it?

  "Besides," said Annabelle, "I found out he had cheated on me with five different girls."

  "Who can blame him?" asked Daisy casually. "He’s hot as all hell."

  "God, just shut up already," Annabelle growled with irritation. "I don’t even know why I came out with you. All you ever do is put people down and talk shit. You’re probably one of the sluts who he used as side pieces." She stared at Daisy, whose smirk faded, replaced by an uncertain look. Then she turned back to McKenzie. "Anyway, that woman with the purple eyes approached us and asked if we wanted to make some quick money by hanging out with some rich guy friend of hers and showing him a good time."

  McKenzie grimaced. "Please don’t tell me. She asked you to like have a threesome with this dude?"

  Rearing back, Annabelle looked appalled. "Hell no! You know neither of us is that hard up for money...but...." She frowned.

  "But what?"

  "Normally, I would tell someone asking something like that to fuck off, but for some reason, her offer seemed like the most tempting thing in the world and we both agreed." Annabelle bit her lower lip thoughtfully. "I can’t explain it."

  "Well who is this guy?" asked McKenzie. "And why is he trying to pay teenage girls to spend time with him?"

  Annabelle shrugged. "Beats me. And as weird as it sounds, I have an overwhelming curiosity to stay and meet him whether I get paid or not."

  Well, I don’t, McKenzie thought.

  Daisy stepped away from Annabelle and laughed. "Maybe now that McKenzie’s here she can show whoever it is how she steals other girls’ boyfriends...with her legs spread open wide and ready."

  Sorry, mysterious voice, McKenzie thought briefly. Then she turned around and punched Daisy straight in the face.

  Daisy went over with an outraged squeak and landed on her butt on the floor. She huffed angrily, her lipstick smeared and blood rimming one nostril and jumped up. “You absolute bitch, I’ll—!”

  "Ladies, ladies," said a low voice, "I know you can’t help but to fight over me, considering my ravishing good looks and all, but at least let me get my feet through the door first.”

  McKenzie whirled around but froze immediately when she saw the handsome thing standing in front of the doorway. He was tall and blond-haired, dressed in black slacks and a tank top, with an elegant rose tattoo etched into the pale skin of his forearm. The most remarkable thing about the man was his eyes. They looked very old, though he appeared to be young, and just like the violet-eyed woman, they seemed to be mesmerizing.

  He grinned at the girls. Like a predator.

  McKenzie was spooked by his sudden appearance. She had not heard him enter the room. Not a single sound. She glanced at Annabelle and Daisy. Like her, they both were frozen and appeared to be mesmerized by the man.

  Don’t look into his eyes, the voice commanded. This time, McKenzie did not bother with trying to contact the mysterious speaker. It never answered anyway. But she avoided eye contact with their strange host.

  The pale man chuckled as he eyed the girls. "Why so quiet now ladies? You can continue your...conversation." His grin grew wider. "I don’t bite."

  Daisy and Annabelle stared at the handsome man, still frozen like statues.

  Disturbed, McKenzie licked her lips. "Who are you?"

  The man’s eyes found McKenzie’s, but she quickly looked away. He let out a low, amused chuckle. "My name is Cole."

eeping her eyes on the floor, McKenzie carefully asked, "Well, Cole, can you please let me go? I have a sister and father who are probably worried sick about me. I don’t know what you and that purple-eyed lady have going on here and I’m not sure I want to know, but whatever it is, it most certainly doesn’t involve me."

  "Oh, but it does."

  A cold finger of panic touched McKenzie’s spine. This did not sound good.

  "So young," Cole said softly as if he didn’t notice McKenzie’s terror. "So full of life." He walked over to Daisy, who stood still frozen, and brought his hand to her neck and caressed it tenderly. Then he moved on to Anna, leaving Daisy blinking dully at the ceiling.

  McKenzie glanced at the door. Every instinct in her body told her to make a run for it, but for some reason, she knew she would never get within a foot of it. "Please let me go," she pleaded.

  The handsome man looked up from Anna’s neck. "Don’t worry, you’ll be able to leave...when I’m through with you three."

  The room began spinning around McKenzie as anxiety spread throughout her body and sweat began beading her palms. "Through with us?"

  Cole nodded as he walked back over to Daisy. "When I’ve have had my fill." Gently, he moved Daisy’s hair aside, exposing her tender flesh. The girl stood staring ahead as if she was in a trance. Her eyes were blank, completely empty.

  McKenzie felt like fainting. What was wrong with those two? "Your fill?"

  " fill."

  McKenzie wasn’t sure what Cole meant by that, but she found out a second later. His eyes turned a dark color, almost a blood red. There was an audible click and McKenzie let out a surprised gasp as long, sharp fangs suddenly extended from his lips. Then without warning, he bit into Daisy’s flesh, squirting blood all over Annabelle’s face and clothing.

  McKenzie screamed.

  Chapter 25

  The scraggly gray wolf waited in the bushes, watching the deer graze on the grass while the stars twinkled overhead. It would be dawn in a few hours, but the wolf did not care. It had gotten its revenge and now it was time for the next part of its plan.

  The deer paused in its grazing and looked around as if sensing something. The wolf tensed, waiting silently, still as a statue. The deer’s ears twitched several times, straining to listen. After a while, the deer returned to its meal. Big mistake. Stealthily, the malnourished-looking wolf moved in. At the last possible second, the deer looked up, its body preparing to bound away. Too late. The wolf sprang from its hiding place and buried its fangs into the neck of the frightened beast.

  Fresh blood squirted into the wolf’s mouth as the deer writhed in its powerful grip. The wolf savored the taste of its victim as it clamped down hard, not allowing the animal to move. A moment later, the deer gave several last twitches before lying still. The wolf lifted its head and let out a victorious howl.

  It’s nothing next to human meat. But at least it died afraid.

  After it was done with its meal, it left the half-eaten carcass and bounded off across the land until it came upon a large mansion sitting on several acres of green grass. Slowly, the wolf transformed into a naked, blonde woman whose bones jutted out against her ribcage, and made her way into the house.

  "By the blood of the pack, where have you been Crystal?" her mother demanded as soon as she saw her naked daughter enter the lavish living room. Evelyn Lilly was a shifter of distinguished looks, blonde hair without a gray strand in sight and a body to die for, lush and shapely. Too bad Crystal did not take after her mother in the looks department. "Your father sent out several packs to look for you."

  Wiping the deer’s blood from her mouth, Crystal grabbed a nearby towel and covered her nakedness. “I was out settling scores, Mother."

  "Settling scores?" asked a deep voice. "More like kidnapping poor human girls who had nothing to do with your mate’s abandonment of you."

  Crystal turned to see her father, Jason, walking into the room, garbed in just jeans, his hairy chest proudly on display. Jason Lilly was a tall man, blonde and blue eyed, muscular and strapping. He was one of the strongest wolves Crystal had ever seen and a ferocious pack leader. Right now, he was glaring at her suspiciously.

  "What are you talking about?" asked Crystal innocently.

  "Do not play games with me, girl," Jason growled. "Zack told me what you did, kidnapping his new girlfriend. And this on top of your other...questionable actions of late. Did you eat her, like you ate the others?”

  Crystal glanced around, noting the damage she had done earlier when she had thrown her brother against the wall. Where was Zack anyway? Probably out looking for McKenzie, she thought.

  It galled her to think that Liam had betrayed her, only for her to come home and find her brother making out with the sister of the enemy.

  "He did, did he? Did he also tell you what Liam did after he left the mating ceremony?" Crystal quickly outlined what Liam had done and the revelation that his new girlfriend was a werebear.

  Jason and his wife glanced at each other with troubled expressions. "A werebear," her father muttered. "They are thought to have been extinct for hundreds of years."

  Crystal crossed her arms. "Yeah, and now we should make sure they stay extinct by killing this big heifer."

  Jason stroked his chin as he eyed his daughter thoughtfully. "We will gather the packs to discuss this issue, but in the meantime, I need you to return the girl at once. I know what Liam did was wrong, but you must stop this."

  Crystal’s jaw dropped. Was her father serious? Liam had betrayed her and had humiliated her in front of the entire pack on what was supposed to be her special night. How dare her father question her actions? "Why? You yourself called for his head and now you’re backing down? What kind of a decision is this? Have you lost your nerve?"

  A look of indignation crossed her father’s face at being insulted by his daughter. "I gave it much thought after I calmed down and realized it would not be good for our clans to make an example out of Liam. It is a male’s right to choose who he wants to mate with, especially an Alpha like Liam. Now that you tell me he mated with a werebear, it complicates matters, but that is another issue altogether. What is important is that you return the girl." Her father gave her a stern glare. "We have rules involving humans, Crystal, and however stupid you may think they are, you must abide by them."

  "The hell with rules!" Crystal snapped, angry that her father was showing what she thought was weakness. "I prey on humans, and I’m proud of it! You never said a thing about it before—what makes this human more important than the ones I have taken as my prey? Besides, the bitch might be a bear like her sister. If that’s the case, she deserves to die anyway."

  "If there is even the smallest doubt that she isn’t, it will be a final straw for many local Alphas," her father said calmly. "Rumors of your behavior have reached past the state line by this point, and threaten to shame our entire family. You will return the girl to where you found her."

  Crystal clenched her towel in anger, her claw-like nails piercing the material and digging into her flesh. "I can’t believe you’re saying this. Liam humiliates me in front of everyone and you just want me to roll over and play dead?"

  Her father shook his head. "I did not say that. Only that retribution be done with involved parties. Not innocents." He glared at her. "I demand to know where you have taken this girl."

  Crystal paused. If she told her father where McKenzie was she was sure he would go retrieve the girl himself...or what was left of her. Not only that, the vampires would not take kindly to being accused of holding a human hostage, even it was true. Whatever Crystal did next, she could not tell her father where the girl was being held. "Okay, but first tell me what retribution you will exact on Liam for what he did to me when he is found."

  Golden specks swirled around in her father’s azure eyes as he stared at her. "I talked long and hard with several elders before I made my decision. I will be calling off the packs that are searching for Liam. Though I am very angry a
bout Liam violating his pact, and want nothing more than to rip his throat out, what he did does not warrant his death. As I told you before, he is an Alpha, and choosing his mate is his birthright.

  “I have already spoken to his father about this issue and we have come to an agreement. The Greyson family no longer will have access to our vast acres of land or cattle. This will be a major blow to their meat packing company and will put a large dent in their profits. Considering that Lance wants his son dead more than I do, I don’t think you should worry about Liam getting away with his crime. I think that dying at his father’s hands is more than enough punishment."

  "Are you fucking kidding me? Crystal yelled. "I want his whole fucking family annihilated for what he did to me!"

  Evelyn’s eyes blazed with rage at her daughter’s impertinence. "How dare you talk to your father that way! He is our pack leader and you will respect him—"

  Jason raised his hand to stave off his wife’s anger, annoyed that she would try to defend him when he clearly did not need her help. "We can’t afford to engage with the Greyson clan, Crystal. The outcome of such a skirmish would see little benefit to either side. In times such as these, we wolves are known to be practical, and the safety of the pack must come first. Besides, the vampires would dance in their coffins to see our clans at war. They would see it as a sign of vulnerability. They would attack, and you would be responsible for our losses."

  Crystal gaped in disbelief. She could not believe these words were coming out of her father’s mouth, one of the most fearless wolves she had ever known. Liam had made a pact. Now he had dishonored it and needed to pay. Surely her father understood this. "I will not stand here and listen to this shit! Shame on you father. You are not half the wolf you used to be!"

  "Crystal!" her mother shouted sharply. "That is enough!’

  "Shut up, mother!" Crystal growled, snatching the towel from her body and throwing it on the floor, revealing her gaunt body to her parents. "Father is no longer my pack leader!"


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