Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play
Page 2
I drew in a heady breath as his finger was soon joined by another and the combination of the two almost had me climaxing right then and there. This guy was unbelievable! If this was a sign of things to come, my only coherent thought was, bring it on!
For the rest of the journey he would remove his hand, presumably to change gears and turn corners, but it would return to once again wreak havoc over my senses, pushing me close the edge and back. The first time he pulled away I closed my legs, thinking he was done. He had quickly informed me that he wasn’t, with the order, “Keep them apart.”
By the time I heard a metallic grating noise which sounded like a gate opening, I was a mess. A minute later I heard another similar sound and then he had switched off the engine.
“We’re here. Don’t move.”
His door banged and a few seconds later his hands were holding mine.
He untied the scarf and I glanced around. We were in his garage. After unclipping my seatbelt, he helped me out of the car and guided me to a side door. He swiped a card and motioned for me to enter before him.
I noticed a laundry and toilet off to the right, before we entered into a spacious open-plan room. Everything was either red or white with clean lines. Even the two pictures on the walls were understated, large white frames with black and white prints. The only other decorative items were two huge red vases standing on either side of the wall-mounted large screen TV.
My heels made a clicking sound on the white slate tiles as he steered me towards the plush cherry red L-shaped leather lounge.
“Have a seat. Would you like a drink?” He headed towards a large glass door fridge in the kitchen area of the room.
“No thanks.” With his back to me as he opened a bottle of wine, I eagerly admired his body. Ohh, those biceps bursting out of that shirt, the jeans… tight, nice arse and the shoulders… yes PLEASE!
He turned around and caught me staring at him. He smiled as he ambled towards me, carrying two glasses of white wine. Ignoring my refusal, he handed me a glass. “Here, it’ll help you relax.” Relax was the last thing on my mind thanks to his skilful fingers.
He sat down next to me and took a sip of his drink and I followed suit. It was a light fruity flavoured white wine, not too dry. Perhaps one drink wouldn’t hurt.
“I like your place.”
He smiled at the compliment. “Thanks.”
I had another sip. I still found it hard to believe I was here with this AFL footballer. Mandy would freak when I told her. Oh shit, Mandy!
I placed my drink on a low glass coffee table and reached into my bag for my phone. He raised his eyebrows with a questioning look.
“I’m sorry. I told a friend I was going on a blind date. She was going to text me if I didn’t contact her within an hour.”
“And if you don’t call her?”
When I didn’t reply, he demanded, “Tell me.”
“She will come looking for me at the park.”
“Great!” Getting to his feet, he ran his fingers through his hair in obvious frustration. “When she sees your car, she’ll think the worst.”
Silence reigned for a moment or two. “Can you send a Facebook message?”
I shook my head. “No, I need to call her so she knows it’s me.”
“Ah I see; she may think the worst, that I have you at my mercy. Hmm, an interesting scenario.”
I blushed at his words, feeling guilty at my cautiousness.
“How will she know you’re not under duress during the call?”
“We have a plan but I need to speak with her.”
“What about Skype? I have a webcam.”
“Yes, that could work. So I can’t even turn on my phone to check if she has texted me?”
“No, I’m sorry. Come on, let’s fire up the computer.”
He took a seat at the side of the computer desk out of line of vision of the camera.
We were soon online face to face. “Suzes, are you okay? I was getting worried.”
“No I’m not okay; it’s not going well at all.”
I glanced at Brendon to see his reaction to my words. As expected he appeared confused, but also concern showed in his expression.
“Great, but why didn’t you use your phone?”
“It’s switched off.” My eyes again darted towards him.
“Really? Not a good time to forget to charge it. Obviously you are still with him, so where are you? It doesn’t look like you’re at the park.”
“I’m at his place.” I smiled and glanced at him briefly to reassure him I was happy to be there.
“So, where’s Brendon?”
“He’s here, he’s a little shy.”
She rolled her eyes at this comment. “So, what’s his address?”
My smile diminished as I recalled I had no idea where I was.
“Um, I’m not sure.”
“Didn’t you drive there, you must have some idea?”
“No, we came in his car.”
“Oh my god, didn’t we talk about this?”
“It’s okay Mandy, really I....”
“Well, did you at least look where you were going?”
He grinned at this and I couldn’t help but smile myself, at how apt her question was.
“No, I didn’t see a thing.”
“Suzie, just get him to tell you the address or you’re out of there!”
I glanced over and saw he was shaking his head, with a determined look on his face. How could I tell her he wasn’t about to give me those details? Plus at this point, I definitely didn’t want to leave.
I refocused on the screen. “Look, why don’t we reconnect in an hour’s time and I will let you know what the situation is?”
“So, do you trust him?”
“Yes.” I did trust him, up to a point.
“Fine, have it your way. You know I’m just looking out for you.”
“Of course sweetie, you’re a true friend. Thanks for being there.”
Brendon had switched off the computer and was staring at me. I could feel myself blushing under his piercing gaze.
“So the plan was to say the opposite? And you think it’s going well so far?”
All I could do was nod like a fool. I had no words to add. He continued to assess me with his searing regard and I got the impression he was disappointed in me; my looks, my whole persona.
He broke into my self-conscious doubts, “I think I prefer Suzanna to Suzie.”
Surprised, I blurted out, “How do you know my name, I didn’t....”
He smiled with a guilty look. “I have a friend at Fone Corp. It comes in handy sometimes.”
“So let me get this straight, you know my phone number and I suppose you also know where I live and other personal details, yet I am not even allowed to know where I am?”
“I’m sorry, not until you sign the paperwork. If you can’t get past this, I can take you back to your car.”
I looked away; his comment really scared me. I didn’t want to leave and I did want to explore the possibilities. Maybe this was his way of saying he didn’t want to go any further with me?
He stood up and pulled me to my feet. “Suzanna, look at me.”
Once our eyes met, he continued, “You know who I am. My reputation is on the line. Can I trust you or not?”
And here I was wondering if I could trust him, even though I had told Mandy that I did. But that was before I knew he had checked up on me. In retrospect, it was really no different from my wanting to look him up. I couldn’t very well blame him for beating me to the punch.
“Yes, you can trust me.”
Smiling, he led me back to the lounge and motioned for me to sit.
“Great, how about another drink?” He returned to the kitchen with our glasses.
“Maybe I shouldn’t, I have to drive home.”
“What if you didn’t have to?” His question hung in the air, its significance not lost on either of us.
After handing me my drin
k, he asked, “Will you agree to sign the NDA (non-disclosure agreement)?”
“So I can’t tell anyone about, anything?”
“Yes it’s like a prenup, except it protects your secrets.”
I couldn’t help thinking that his secrets could soon become our secrets.
“If I sign it, what happens next?”
“Didn’t I ask you to think about that in the car?”
I smiled timidly and knew I was blushing. How could I possibly tell him about the erotic scenarios I had fantasised about?
Ignoring my non-response he asked, “Suzanna, what are you going to tell Mandy?”
I thought about this for a moment, before answering, “I will tell her I will call her tonight, from home.”
He grinned broadly at my response. “So you’ll give me until say, five o’clock then?” I nodded my head in agreement.
After I had updated Mandy, he took my hand and guided me towards the stairs.
“My bag?”
“Leave it.”
Well, I suppose it was safe enough where it was, but I wouldn’t have my phone if I needed it. Of course this was probably the reason he wanted it left on the lounge, so I couldn’t turn it on.
The top floor comprised of a hallway with many doors leading off it. Stopping at the second one, he opened it to reveal a bedroom. I was starting to panic, but I wasn’t going to let it show.
He guided me to a desk to the right of the doorway. On the desk were a laptop and a small printer. He pulled out the swivel office chair and directed me to sit. Once seated, he opened a drawer and placed a form in front of me.
“This is the NDA. Read through it carefully before you sign it. I’m going downstairs. Wait here for me, understood?” His tone had changed from warm to almost stern.
“Yes, I understand.” Where had the easy-going, likeable guy gone? He could certainly be serious at times. I filed that away for future reference.
Left alone in the room, I glanced around and noticed how sterile it was. Done in a pale lemon colour, it was clean and neat but with no personal touches, like it was straight out of a display home. This was definitely not his room.
I got about a third of the way through the form and stopped reading. What was the point? Understanding what the form entailed wasn’t going to affect my decision to sign it. He had made it perfectly clear; if I wanted to stay, I had to sign. It was that simple.
Once I had added my signature, time seemed to drag. I tried not to fidget as I sat staring at the closed door, waiting for him to return. Was this some kind of challenge to see if I could follow instructions? I began to wonder if certain rooms were out of bounds, or if this was the only one I was allowed access to. Glancing around again, I concluded that it didn’t seem to fit with the role I was here to play.
Unless...? Filling one entire wall were built-in wardrobes with mirror doors. Perhaps what lay behind them would reveal more about the room and its secretive owner?
I was about to slide back one of the panels when the door opened and Brendon came in.
“What do you think you’re doing? Did I say you could look in there?”
Bravely, I countered, “You didn’t say I couldn’t look.”
He shook his head slowly as he advanced further into the room, stopping mere inches from me.
“Really? This is how it’s going to be?”
I tipped my head back to stare up at him. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“Precisely my point.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me forcefully towards the chair.
He checked to see if I had signed the form, before sternly addressing me, “All right, just so we’re clear, you’re not allowed to look in any cupboards or drawers except for the desk, unless I give you permission.
“From your actions, it’s clear you don’t know the meaning of the word submissive. So right now, I want you to write down ten words to describe submissive and ten for control. You are not allowed to use the internet to get the answers.”
He reopened the drawer and withdrew some loose blank sheets of paper, along with what looked like another form, with several pages stapled together.
“Then you need to fill out these forms, truthfully. I am going to leave you alone now. Will you do as I’ve asked?”
“If you really think it’s necessary.”
“Yes I do!”
I gazed into his eyes and sighed deeply. “All right.”
He broke eye contact first, nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. Holy shit! What was this crap? The expression on his face showed he was serious. But he didn’t appear angry, it was more like determined.
Once more I was left with the dilemma of choosing to do as he wanted, or leave. Taking a peek at the form, I saw it was a list requiring a yes, no, maybe or a don’t know answer. At a glance, the first few items were various sexual activities. I acknowledged this was indeed necessary and definitely less embarrassing than having to speak about them directly with him.
Even so, this was not playing out as I had imagined. I presumed the role-playing would be on a more physical than mental level. The physical side excited me; my arm still tingled from his touch. So I guess I had my answer. I would complete his silly English assignment before filling out his sex questionnaire.
Okay, submissive and control, I replayed his words from earlier. He wanted someone who is submissive, clearly not me at the moment. He wanted to be in control, obviously he meant in all things, to have someone who is at his disposal and to chastise someone to comply with his wishes.
Chastise didn’t seem like too harsh a word. I made up my mind to have a look at synonyms for chastise as well, if I had time. I knew comply meant to obey and yes, submit. So compliant and obedient were my first submissive words.
I was not able to go on the net, but I could use the thesaurus on the word processing program, right? Let’s face it, there was no way I was going to complete my task without help.
On opening the drawer I saw pens, pencils, even an eraser. Should I use a pen or type them on the computer and print it out? I opted for a pencil. He did specifically say to write, not type and with a pencil I could easily rub out and change my answers if I needed to.
While waiting for the laptop to start up, I began my homework. So, under the word submissive, I had compliant and obedient. Opening a new Word document I typed submissive and then checked the thesaurus for similar words. I was surprised at how many synonyms there were and I only needed eight more.
I quickly finished my list, before typing control. The first word to come up was, of course, dominate. I neatly copied it down, along with nine others.
On a separate sheet I wrote chastise, just because I was curious. I envisaged chastise meant telling someone off if they did the wrong thing, like a parent would chastise a child. I was not prepared for the words – punish, castigate, restrain, correct, penalise, repress, flog, whip, lash and beat. In my opinion, those last four seemed too harsh to mean chastise. Nevertheless, I copied them down and then put that sheet of paper underneath the other one. After shutting down the system, I glanced at the small alarm clock on the table next to the bed; 10.20 a m.
Okay, now to tackle the form. On closer inspection, I noticed in addition to sexual acts, there were listings for different types of bondage and discipline equipment and use thereof. Under each section there were blank lines for Comments/Questions. While a bit dazed at seeing everything listed before me, it was more or less what I had been expecting.
As I proceeded down the list I noticed I had too many maybe, don’t know and no answers. Well, he wanted the truth and honestly, I wasn’t sure about some of the things listed. I assumed ‘maybe’ equated to try it and see and ‘don’t know’ meant not sure if I want to try it.
This was harder than I imagined it would be. After completing the pages, I went back over my answers, erasing and making changes, proud to see my answers now had hardly any nos and fewer don’t knows.
The forms done, I realised I wa
s thirsty – two much wine and not enough water. As a result of the wine, I also needed to use the bathroom.
He had been gone longer this time. Was he even in the house? Of course he was, right? I recalled last time he said he was going downstairs. What did he say this time? “I will leave you alone now.” Did he mean alone in the room or alone in the house?
I panicked and tried the door; it wasn’t locked. Relieved, I quietly closed it again. At least I wasn’t a prisoner here; I just didn’t know where here was.
This was surely another test to see how patient I could be. Well, I knew one thing for certain, on his return he would not find me looking in the cupboards.
To stretch my legs, I ambled around the generous sized room. Apart from the desk and the wardrobes, there were two bedside cabinets and an arm chair; it did not look as comfortable as my bedroom chair at home. Of course, the queen-sized bed dominated most of the space. The bed furnishings were neutral in colour with a small floral pattern, making the room appear quite feminine. Perhaps if I stayed overnight this would be my room, my bed. I sat on the bed, bouncing on it to test the softness of the mattress.
Of course this would be the moment he chose to return. Instead of bursting into the room like before, he was so quiet I didn’t initially notice him. I had my head down and was facing away from the door, yet some feeling alerted me to his presence.
I glanced up and saw him lounging against the doorway, an unreadable expression on his face.
Quickly I rose from the bed and went to stand before him. “I’m sorry.”
He reached over and tilted my chin up, like he had done at the park. “Beds are for fucking or sleeping, got it?”
“Yes, I’ve got it.” I then asked softly, “May I use the bathroom, please?”
His demeanour became less serious as he answered, “Of course.”
Once again, he held my hand and guided me further down the hallway. The door at the end stood open, another bedroom. I noticed it was decorated in tones of black and red, including a massive bed with a shiny black headboard. This, undoubtedly, was his room. He steered me to the right towards a bathroom; stark white complete with bath, shower and thankfully a toilet.